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I remember when,.......


Active member
....there used to be no prescription medication commercials on television.

Don't mean to be a Debbie Downer here, but the US and New Zealand are the only two countries in the western hemisphere that allow the drug companies to advertise on TV. So whoever said that money can't talk wasn't talking about the US. It certainly did there. Isn't that a great thing we as a country did? All of humanity benefited by that...yuh, right :- P


I remember naming different spots we would meet up at to get high before we could drive. Living in the pacific NW most were named "bake woods #". Bake woods#5 at Sammish Beach was the best. Oh yeah and buying weed at the bowling alley. Totem Bowl or as we called it scrotum bowl.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I remember growing up in the '50's. TV was just getting it's shit together!

Cartoons & Wrasting (Dick the Bruiser 0:44 was my farorite)



I remember the belts, short with holes in them ,long strappy bastards the teachers had ,to give us six of the best , would not happen now. lots of teachers getting hidings from the kids I hear .


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
i remember having to get up & turn down or change the channel on our big floor model black &white TV . not that i ever watched it , i was either out in the woods hangin , or in my room with the head phones on :biggrin:


ICMag Donor
i remember having to get up & turn down or change the channel on our big floor model black &white TV . not that i ever watched it , i was either out in the woods hangin , or in my room with the head phones on :biggrin:

Ahhhh, those were the days, a dial or punch button channel changer, using aluminum foil on rabbit ears to create better recption. Fun!!!!

The Revolution

Active member
I remember when a can of coke was .40 I just paid $1.50 for a can of coke today. Im still baffled. Granted I got it from a chinese kid.

Im not nearly as old as some of you fellas, but when I was growing up we had to step out the kitchen door and dial in the tv by turning the antennae.
When we were kids we used to play in the apple orchard sun up to sun down. Climbing the trees and tasting the difference in the apples from each tree..Cruising up an down the hills on my red rider wagon. Now my kid wont get off her apple ipad and go outside.

I remember my first pager, and find myself wishing we werent all tethered to a phone all day everyday. There's times you just dont wanna talk to ppl, but they know you have your phone on you.

Lowest gas price I remember was $1.25/gallon.


a mile long piece of string tied to front doors of house's was good for a bit of fun, bang! bang! FUK Off.


Active member
It's not the age, it's the experiences we don't encounter now.

tu shay you couldn't say it better airbud.. I forgot about dans bud as above.. remember the alumimum foil or coat hanger on the antenna.. and remote control.. I am the remote control.. get up there boy and change that channel...lol


Active member
My question is how old do ya have to be to be considered an old stoner?

A few years ago it had a explanation that if you lived through the 60s but couldn't remember it, check in here. But shit, you could be 45 now and be born AFTER the 60s. Time flies when you are having fun I guess. :biggrin: I wanted to turn on my LCD today but I can't find my damn remote, oh well, off is good :biggrin:

Remember snow tires on cars? When cars had no seat-belts? You never even heard of unleaded gas either. Pay for air? What a concept.

Did anyones Dad ever have to take down the storm windows and put up the screens in the spring? I think he stopped doing that in the 60s. They were these big, heavy, wooden framed beasts. Now I just open my windows and push some buttons and lift the aluminum frames up to their catches. That was just up north though. Where I live now are mostly just these single pane pieces of crap. Like insulation is only needed for the colder climates? :ying:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
30 cents for a gallon of gas in the minibike that would run for what seemed like hours , & don't even get me started on the drinking laws !!! we used to roll a half keg into a center spot in the park , have a bonfire going , the van with the side doors open & the music cranked , had to be 50 60 people there & no one ever got hurt or arrested , just good fun .


was the same here in Australia, now the streets are bare at xmas , no kids outside playing and swapping toys like we used to, we used to drive around to fishing spots with a barrel of beer tapped in the back of boat, pull up for gas ,pull a beer hop back in ,lol now they would arrest us, you older guys would know what's missing , maybe it's our youth haha


Well-known member
cokes were a dime out of a machine, gas was 12 or 13 cents a gallon on the interstate going to Florida, and a pack of chewing gum was 5 cents. when I was 16, my dad would give me 5 dollars. I could fill my car up (1963 TR-4A Triumph)with gas and still have enough money to get a hamburger at the bowling alley...dad gave $200 for the car. when I cleaned it out the day he brought it home, I found a roach clip under the drivers seat...:tiphat:


I remember my first registered car was a 52 ford pilot, big English body , Canadian flat head v8, learnt to drive it over in paddock opposite the car yard, lol was about 16 working on farms, we drove that big bitch into three states and left her outside a cop shop. I remember you could leave school them days at 14, I got kicked out two weeks before I turned 14, I think that was illegal on there behalf lol, fuk school hated the waste of hours. life has been good = most of the time.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I remember when I thought my 5 gallon smarties were big...
Someday I hope I remember when these were "big"



Stems Analyst
I remember when...

I remember when...

Lee Marvin had a "singing" career...

I believe this song went to #1 in the UK, and did pretty well in AUS.

Most of the external shots of Paint Your Wagon were filmed in NE Oregon-
standing in for California's Sierras.
"Hippies" migrated to the shooting location near Baker City,
and were cast as extras. The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band also took part.


cheers old-timers

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