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How to grow "safely" without buying a house..?


Trying to have a good day
Man, how many threads have you made about this already?

It's a nice dream but it's obvious you don't have a clue, I don't recommend spending your 10 grand on a grow house with only a few lights in it.. you only have one grow under your belt. If your planning on moving up to Canada I want to make a few things clear .. you don't have any connections to construct and wire your room(s), you don't have any connections to get babies or sell the finished product, even if you do have the connections the market here is so flooded you won't be able to move anything unless it is AAA, also up here weed isn't worth $4000 a pound ... try $2000 or maybe $2500 if your growing kush.

If you are growing for profit and not living at your grow that means high overhead and you better have 6-8 lights going and a proven method/efficient set up to cover bills and actually make money. Most people here don't grow in houses they own .. ever heard of asset forfeiture? .. they find someone who is having a hard time paying their lease and make a offer to grow in the house.

You should start small maybe get an apartment and a 1000w tent set up and do a few cycles with that.. learn to grow first .. smoke some people up/make some friends .. who knows where it will lead to in the future .. I can almost guarantee you will fuckup and lose your investment if you don't have a solid gameplan which you clearly do not.

Yeah what he said...All accept the making friends part..Im not to keen on too many friends.


Man, how many threads have you made about this already?

It's a nice dream but it's obvious you don't have a clue, I don't recommend spending your 10 grand on a grow house with only a few lights in it.. you only have one grow under your belt. If your planning on moving up to Canada I want to make a few things clear .. you don't have any connections to construct and wire your room(s), you don't have any connections to get babies or sell the finished product, even if you do have the connections the market here is so flooded you won't be able to move anything unless it is AAA, also up here weed isn't worth $4000 a pound ... try $2000 or maybe $2500 if your growing kush.

If you are growing for profit and not living at your grow that means high overhead and you better have 6-8 lights going and a proven method/efficient set up to cover bills and actually make money. Most people here don't grow in houses they own .. ever heard of asset forfeiture? .. they find someone who is having a hard time paying their lease and make a offer to grow in the house.

You should start small maybe get an apartment and a 1000w tent set up and do a few cycles with that.. learn to grow first .. smoke some people up/make some friends .. who knows where it will lead to in the future ..

I realize that I have made alot of threads on this general topic.. There is nothing wrong with that is there? Each one is unique and has unique responses.. I've seen NO other threads on any other forums relating to this topic. I am in the baby stages of doing this.. Probably won't happen for a couple years but I might as well start looking/learning..

I am not looking to buy a house/spend ALOT of money on this. Well at least not yet.. Maybe in 10-15 years when life is more sorted out. I want to grow as safe as possible while keeping my spending to somewhat of a minimum.

An apartment is what I don't want.. I don't want landlords coming in all the time, having to worry about neighbors etc.

What I am looking for is a small/semi-cheap location that I can put 1-5kw up in.

In my mind renting is dumb.. I don't want to shit where I eat and after a year or two of renting I could have used that money to just buy some property.

I realize that I don't have the connections in Canada. I'm not planning on jumping into this at all. I just want to start researching early so when I do feel that the time is right I won't messup and I'll have a good plan.

I can almost guarantee you will fuckup and lose your investment if you don't have a solid gameplan which you clearly do not.

What do you think this thread is for...? :moon:

Guest 150314

He's moving to a new country, he will undoubtably need to make some friends that are in this business. Use good judgement..


He's moving to a new country, he will undoubtably need to make some friends that are in this business. Use good judgement..

I don't think this will be a problem.. I'm pretty excited to meet people and herb friendly people are quite common in Canada :dance013:

Guest 150314

All I was trying to say is that you should learn to crawl before you run, how do you think I learned these things? ... from living them and experience not from posting/reading on some grow forums. The majority of the people on this site are growing for personal or a few friends and really have no idea of how to make a living off this. I don't think many people posting answers to your questions really know from experience.

Renting might be dumb but you are not tied to the property, rent under a fake ID. A year or two worth of rent would not be enough to buy a property you need a down payment and you have a mortgage to pay, you can't do this as a student unless you have a good job as well. How are you going to prove to the bank that you will be able to pay for your property? The bank won't give you a mortgage on a piece of land unless it is rentable because if you default on the payment they would be fucked... 10K might seem like a lot of money but it won't last long when you have power bills/mortgage/set up costs.

"herb friendly people are common in Canada" - Yet another problem this isn't ganja paradise especially not the east coast... have you ever been here? It really isn't much different than down south except we all wear parkas and live in igloos.

A smarter investment would be to buy a big sack when you get here with the 10K you have saved and a vac sealer and start sending packages to your friends back home.


Trying to have a good day
He will have to make buisiness contacts.No doubt.Does he have to smoke up Canada (or wherever he desides to land) and let everybody know his business.Up to him.I wouldnt do it though.And to me that is good judgement.

Good luck though.

Guest 150314

So you would suggest making business contacts but smoking people up somehow crosses the line? How are you gonna know they aren't police? I don't do ganja business with people who don't smoke not because I am paranoid but because they usually have inflated ego's and only care about money. Not saying you should walk around handing out free samples but sharing a joint at a festival etc. isn't going to land you in jail here.


All I was trying to say is that you should learn to crawl before you run, how do you think I learned these things? ... from living them and experience not from posting/reading on some grow forums. The majority of the people on this site are growing for personal or a few friends and really have no idea of how to make a living off this. I don't think many people posting answers to your questions really know from experience.

Renting might be dumb but you are not tied to the property, rent under a fake ID. A year or two worth of rent would not be enough to buy a property you need a down payment and you have a mortgage to pay, you can't do this as a student unless you have a good job as well. How are you going to prove to the bank that you will be able to pay for your property? The bank won't give you a mortgage on a piece of land unless it is rentable because if you default on the payment they would be fucked... 10K might seem like a lot of money but it won't last long when you have power bills/mortgage/set up costs.

"herb friendly people are common in Canada" - Yet another problem this isn't ganja paradise especially not the east coast... have you ever been here? It really isn't much different than down south except we all wear parkas and live in igloos.

A smarter investment would be to buy a big sack when you get here with the 10K you have saved and a vac sealer and start sending packages to your friends back home.

Once again this is all an idea.. All planning for down the road :)
with that said I still don't think renting is a great idea. The ENTIRE point of this thread was to figure out a "cheap" way to have the rights and benefits of owning (IE NO Landlords, less neighbors, more security ETC) without buying a house.
Maybe I still haven't found that way.. but I think I'm heading in the right direction.

Land can definetly be found cheaper than buying land + a house..

As of now maybe you're right.. I don't have enough resources or experience. That's fine.. Later on I intend to have those resources and experience - I can then have somewhat of a plan to follow through my research and questions that you think are a "dream".

You are right.. There are alot of people who talk out there ass and actually don't have knowledge/first hand experience. What I'm looking for are the people with it! There are a handful of great members on this site who have the knowledge and experience. I am looking and have recieved that feedback. Sure you have to sort through the crap replies also but those replies are invaluable..

and yes.. I have been to Canada. Actually lived there for three months already :tiphat: Canada is DEFINITELY more herb friendly than the states.. Just the publics general view of cannabis is WAY different.
I also can't wait to live in an igloo :moon:

It may be a dream now but it'll come true one day :tiphat:

He will have to make buisiness contacts.No doubt.Does he have to smoke up Canada (or wherever he desides to land) and let everybody know his business.Up to him.I wouldnt do it though.And to me that is good judgement.

Good luck though.

Absolutely no one will know I grow. All business contacts will only know me as a connection to a grower/another middle man.

So you would suggest making business contacts but smoking people up somehow crosses the line? How are you gonna know they aren't police? I don't do ganja business with people who don't smoke not because I am paranoid but because they usually have inflated ego's and only care about money. Not saying you should walk around handing out free samples but sharing a joint at a festival etc. isn't going to land you in jail here.

This is a no brainer for me.. I'm definetly going to get closer to a person through smoking and figure out what they're really like before doing any big business..

Guest 150314

Cool, try and find a person who is having trouble paying their mortgage. Maybe pay their mortgage and have a place to grow where the landlord doesn't mind that you grow.. and if he changes his mind in the middle of it he will risk losing his house to the bank. Help each other!


if your buying land in a rural area, why not grow outside until one makes enough money to build a home on said land.


Cool, try and find a person who is having trouble paying their mortgage. Maybe pay their mortgage and have a place to grow where the landlord doesn't mind that you grow.. and if he changes his mind in the middle of it he will risk losing his house to the bank. Help each other!

Honestly.. This sounds like terrible advice. I don't want ANYONE to know that I grow. One person = leaks all over the place. I know he may have his mortgage at stake but still.. Theres no way I'd trust that with someone. I've done something similar and it doesn't work out well/is quite stressful


New member
Man, i wouldn't even worry about this. Like they were saying above- just do a few smaller grows before you worry about getting bigger. If you've never sold weight before why worry about growing weight? Just grow for yourself for a little bit- get real good at it- and you're bound to figure things out without this message board. If you get into the business you're gonna find out a lot of things from people you know about going bigger- you won't need to rely on a message board. This message board isn't going to tell you a whole lot...people aren't going to give up all the secrets of how they play the game here for your enjoyment. You've said it yourself, you're not even planning on doing this for years. I don't think you're a cop, but- you're asking some pretty coplike questions on how to set up grows.

Its like you're trying to write a book on how to set up an illegal grow op on a public forum. Come on...


Man, i wouldn't even worry about this. Like they were saying above- just do a few smaller grows before you worry about getting bigger. If you've never sold weight before why worry about growing weight? Just grow for yourself for a little bit- get real good at it- and you're bound to figure things out without this message board. If you get into the business you're gonna find out a lot of things from people you know about going bigger- you won't need to rely on a message board. This message board isn't going to tell you a whole lot...people aren't going to give up all the secrets of how they play the game here for your enjoyment. You've said it yourself, you're not even planning on doing this for years. I don't think you're a cop, but- you're asking some pretty coplike questions on how to set up grows.

Its like you're trying to write a book on how to set up an illegal grow op on a public forum. Come on...

I don't know about you but I've learned a rediculous amount from this forum. There is NO way I could learn this information from any single person unless I had a full time mentor. Doing that would break rule #1 of not telling anyone though.. Getting into the "game" means you're telling people you grow. I'm not going to do this.

How the hell are these coplike questions? Most likely this grow will be medical and legal anyways.. All I'm trying to do is figure out the most secure way to grow without going all out and buying a house. There has to be a cheaper secure option. I've already learned ALOT from this thread, and I'm sure others who stumble on it later will too.

For the last time, I'm NOT going to rush into this. This is all hypothetical.


You can find an older model mobile home for under $10 for sure, but finding a piece of land to rent and the cost of getting water, sewer and electricity will be more difficult.

In your case I would just look for a landlord to rent from that just wants his money. Ask for references to other renters of his, call them and ask about how he respects privacy.

My family owns rental houses, as long as they get their money on time, they are happy, never done home inspections, ever.

I own a rental and this is my exact attitude. Just get me my rent $ a day or 2 ahead of time and keep the outside of the place looking ok and you'll never hear from me unless you call me. Just screen places on craigslist.


New member
I don't know about you but I've learned a rediculous amount from this forum. There is NO way I could learn this information from any single person unless I had a full time mentor. Doing that would break rule #1 of not telling anyone though.. Getting into the "game" means you're telling people you grow. I'm not going to do this.

How the hell are these coplike questions? Most likely this grow will be medical and legal anyways.. All I'm trying to do is figure out the most secure way to grow without going all out and buying a house. There has to be a cheaper secure option. I've already learned ALOT from this thread, and I'm sure others who stumble on it later will too.

For the last time, I'm NOT going to rush into this. This is all hypothetical.

Alright dude, sorry I came off as a dick in my earlier post...had a bad day, won't take it out on someone else. Let me reword what I'm trying to say the right way...:)

Basically: People really aren't going to post all of their secrets on a public forum. If they did post all their secrets, they wouldn't be secret anymore....its not like people wouldn't tell you in person basically, but they wouldn't spout things out over a forum. Some things you don't want to tell LEO basically? That is what I meant by that....they're not gonna break down the different ways to get property NOT in your name...stuff like that, the real practical stuff that is really pertinent in this conversation.

And as far as getting into the 'game'...ya kinda have to. I don't know how you're gonna get rid of all this herb bro. People I know will basically broker lbs for other people, then throw theirs in at some point, no one really knows whose pot it is. If I hadn't sold lbs at one time I'd probably have a hard time getting rid of them if I wasn't in Cali...and I'm not. There are no dispensaries in my part of the country, not a lot of people have the money to buy 5-10 lbs at a time, nor do they have clientele, if you can't get rid of all that pot whatcha gonna do with it? You're talking about a decent sized grow n all, 5k isn't a personal setup.

If you're doing a LEGAL MEDICAL grow why not grow on your own property? Either take a bedroom or 2, the basement if you have one....or you can build a small steel building with a poured cement floor and drainage etc if you wanna do some sweet stuff...:)

SO thats what I meant to say, I hope you see my points. Sorry if I came off the wrong way earlier.


if your buying land in a rural area, why not grow outside until one makes enough money to build a home on said land.

This is the best advice for you. Wait until next outdor season, rent small house near forest/mountains and grow guerilla style. 10 k will be enough for paying 6 months bill, and outdor grow costs :) Sell first crop, and buy house. Here is something you will need.


Good luck.,


Man, how many threads have you made about this already?

It's a nice dream but it's obvious you don't have a clue, I don't recommend spending your 10 grand on a grow house with only a few lights in it.. you only have one grow under your belt. If your planning on moving up to Canada I want to make a few things clear .. you don't have any connections to construct and wire your room(s), you don't have any connections to get babies or sell the finished product, even if you do have the connections the market here is so flooded you won't be able to move anything unless it is AAA, also up here weed isn't worth $4000 a pound ... try $2000 or maybe $2500 if your growing kush.

If you are growing for profit and not living at your grow that means high overhead and you better have 6-8 lights going and a proven method/efficient set up to cover bills and actually make money. Most people here don't grow in houses they own .. ever heard of asset forfeiture? .. they find someone who is having a hard time paying their lease and make a offer to grow in the house.

You should start small maybe get an apartment and a 1000w tent set up and do a few cycles with that.. learn to grow first .. smoke some people up/make some friends .. who knows where it will lead to in the future .. I can almost guarantee you will fuckup and lose your investment if you don't have a solid gameplan which you clearly do not.

cruel shoe d0OD. :laughing:

But spot on. :tiphat:


gets some
I think what you're looking for is generally a fantasy that can't be attained. You gotta live in the real world bro, and ESPECIALLY if you're involved in this hobby. Keeping realistic goals that you can attain is very important.

You're a new grower right? I remember when I started I had dreams of 10 pound harvests (under a couple thousand watts lol) and all manner of unrealistic goals. Then I started to grow as a hobby and a profession and was brought back down to earth in a hurry.

If you can't buy a house then dreams of no landlords, owner's rights and all that are just dreams. RVs and hunting lodges for 1200w? Lol come on. Your better move is to be very picky about the spot you grow in. Find where you want to grow first. An ideal set up like a smaller house with a big utility room or a basement. Find out about the landlord. Ask current tenants or even ask the landlord him/herself what she expects from a tenant as far as inspections and availability go. Avoid property management companies, stick with landlords that own the property. Do your homework. Once you find the right spot with the right landlord you can invest the cash you have into the op itself (start up costs, monthly rent, POWER BILLS) and have enough to start thinking about buying a house eventually.

I know my response isnt what your thread was about but your thread is a fantasy scenario and in my world I live in reality. If you're going to grow you better start too! Ive rented for years while growing and Ive found that the best security and "rights" comes from being a damn good tenant to your landlord! Pay on time every month. Don't cause problems. Fix little house problems yourself (or ignore them). When it comes to landlords, out of sight is out of mind. However, treat your landlord like police and require adherence to your lease (notice for visits, etc). A landlord that RESPECTS you is worth way more than some hunting lodge. Make nice with neighbors but not so nice they want to visit you. Start a small outdoor veggie garden and give away the produce to your neighbors. They'll love you! This is how you get your op rolling. RVs, hunting lodges and whatever else you can dream up won't happen and would ultimately be much more expense and trouble (and maybe even risk) than it's worth.


gets some
what would be a realistic grow number for a noob. u think as long as the noob puts thought into a grow (plan out everything including electricity, rent, and the grow itself) could he realistically do 5-6lbs with 3-4k lighting?

Hard question to answer. Is it realistic? With 4k and a decent yielding strain, sure it could be realistic. Do I think it's likely? No. The thing is that I wouldnt expect a noob to have everything planned out correctly like your scenario suggests. That takes time, trial and error and money.

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