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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


yeah , they wer rly heavy and nice ... Was shocked about it, one of best yieldrs I had in my box.
Check this plant out and THINK IT HAD ONLY 150W OF HPS :D .
Verry heavy , lots of pot . Since month or more Im not going to talk about weight since Im annoyed by "jealous haters" , I do it for myself ...and let the pictures tell for me....
great job first off
hand of to u thy look nice..........i thought u had to wait for them to show sex b4 u can start 12/12-stresses em out cuz not mature enough................so just to be clear you strt from seed and how long do u veg for ?5-15 days then straight into flowering?no female seeds right?hope so cuz tht saves alot of time but i always waited for pre flowers-r u cloneing 4 sex?whtever it is ur doing a great fkn job bro keep it up


Active member
I have grown this way since i started indoor.

I was chatting to some guys on the truestoners chat forum one day and they were like - screw autoflowering plants ! if you want short plants with more potency than autoflowering plants, just start em off 12/12 from seed. I was like - ok, lets give it a try.

I have been using this method for about a year now, the sativa dom plants grow like columns straight up. the hybrids grow like christmas trees mostly, the indica's grow like small bushes of christmas tree shape, or sometimes one main cola coming out the top of a small bush. i have about 20-25 inches of usable height and some strains have reached way higher than that from seed. for example, a swazi red seed (land race sativa) i started looked like it was going to get to about 40-50 inches if i hadn't LST'd it and tied it onto a coat hanger.

for potency - if the plant would normally finish in 8 weeks exactly from a long veg period then put into flower - the same plant under 12/12 might go for about a week or two longer in my experience. Bear in mind that i love a stoney high.

There are some exceptions that i have seen. Many land race sativas just dont stop growing new hairs / branches / leaves / bud - they just dont know when to stop?
And when harvesting these plants it is best to wait for 2nd or 3rd window period for harvest. What i like to do is wait for the first bud that the plant grew to start getting slight necrosis at the part where the bud touches the stem. Then i know that it cant grow any longer and i cut em down.


New member
Hey everybody!

New to the forum and I can't explain how happy I was to find this thread on 12/12 grows. Like Oldbootz, I have been growing 12/12 indoors for some time. For some time now I have been considering the difficulties in using nutrients during a 12/12 grow. Due to an almost non-existent vegetative phase I have always wondered when to use vegetative fertilizers versus flowering fertilizers. Has anybody else had similar difficulties and or solutions?


Active member
You'll probably need to add some at different times throughout the grow unless your bloom ferts have SOME nitrogen in them. Maybe every 4th feeding just to keep it green.
POTential, YES definitely. At first I just didn't nute until they started to preflower then used bloom nutes. I noticed that they were almost always nitrogen deficient at when they first started to preflower. Now I give them small amounts of veg nutes and root stimulator while they are seedlings and give them a fifty fifty mix of bloom and veg when they start to preflower and once they stop the nitrogen deficiency I start them on just bloom. I also give them liquid seaweed and foliar feed if they look really deprived.


You must start with veg nutes and keep feeding them until you see the first signs of pistils, then swap over to bloom nutes. Don't feed veg nutes randomly, you don't want to be giving nitrogen in bloom (stimulates foliage as apposed to buds, big no no).


I just saw this thread and said thats somthing im already trying this....I only have a 150 hps light though

Blaze from seed day one

:drum: thats all i can do now


New member
^ I'm rocking a 150HPS as well. Your first and only major problem without a veg stage or a metal halide is going to be stretching within the initial and short vegetative stage. If you have a cool tube and heat isn't an issue, minimize the gap between the lights and the plants.

On average, how long does everybody for their plants to sex themselves under this light schedule?
For me it is one to three weeks. Sometimes very fast, sometimes not fast at all.

gonzo', If a Flowering plant is showing nitrogen deficiencies do you not give it nitrogen? I'm pretty new at this.


12/12 from seed with regular stock could set you up an auto prepitual flowering routine, remove males then pop more seeds to replace those males, so on and so on..


New member
yes I have been thinking about that for some time. It is ideal if you only have one room/cab/space to grow in.

I only veg for 2 weeks anyway how much difference is that 2 weeks making??


rost you can awnswer that by vegging a seed for 2 weeks, flipping to 12/12 then popping another directly in 12/12


For me it is one to three weeks. Sometimes very fast, sometimes not fast at all.

gonzo', If a Flowering plant is showing nitrogen deficiencies do you not give it nitrogen? I'm pretty new at this.

Okay look, from the day you flip to 12/12 (if you're growing normally) you give veg feed for two weeks or when you start seeing pistils form (whatever happens first). Then you switch over to flower feed for the rest of the grow. The flower feed will have Nitrogen in it but at a lesser amount that the grow feed. Ya digg? Don't be adding no veg feed or heavy nitrogen in flower, that is a bad bad bad bad bad bad idea. Note that it is normal to see the lower fan leaves begining to yellow throughout flowering and deficienices are usually pH related rather than nutrient related.

Please make sure you pH is in check, don't ever go adding MORE nutrients because you think a plant is deficient of something. I see so many n00bs adding cal/mag for no reason other than they see a mag deficiency.. The real problem is an OVERBALANCE in the media so dont feed MORE, feed LESS at the correct pH.

Last tip is that if you're a n00b make sure you get runoff when you water, aim for 10-20%... So if you water 10L make sure 1L comes out. This will ensure you are flushing out previous nutrients that weren;t used, stale gasses and other crap you dont need in there. Do this and you will get bumper yields and wont worry about nute levels. less is more.


i will have to try this out ,with the space i have to work with at this moment this could work pretty damn good.i got through about 5 pages so i will have to scan through the rest.take it easy


i will have to try this out ,with the space i have to work with at this moment this could work pretty damn good.i got through about 5 pages so i will have to scan through the rest.take it easy

The main source of information is from Hal, l33t, Russian Grower and of course Atmosphere... filter this thread by those posts. Also go to "My IC" and under options change the number of posts per page to 40 instead of the default minimum... Makes it easier to navigate these big ass threads.


bengie187 , here also 150watter , "only 150W" hmmmm , maybe for commercial use its only but for micro its really nice wattage.
I saw discussions about ferting them - if there is anyone still interested in this I can share my verry small experiences , since I have some more time for ICmag (love it).

Wish ya`ll biiiigggggg buds

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