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How To Clone In Straight Coco?


Active member
How do you clone in straight coco? Do you have to water the coir daily.. need runoff? Domes? I'm used to rapid rooters; do i treat it just like that or what?


Active member
I do but I would like to try straight coco.

I'm wondering if the rapid rooters acts more like soil and holds too much water?

stoned teacher

Make sure your coco is flushed...I use red/blue party cups or even translucent ones so you can see the roots when they pop out.....prewater it w/ water ....or I use RO water w/ super super light feed like 0.4-0.5 EC ....use pencil to make stem hole....take cutting, dip in water then clone gel or dip stuff....

Put on heat mat, NOT under a humidity dome....just in the cup under light...
I water every 3 days or so with the same solution.....the coco is still plenty moist in 2 or 3 days....when i water i do so lightly till i get runoff.....I use a turkey baster to water it real nice and light....

I get roots in anywhere from 4 days to 3 weeks depending on strain, health of cutting, and temps, but even the ones that take awhile keep their leaves in pretty sturdy shape for all that time! Average would be 1-2 weeks....

Then I move em under bigger light in that cup, and usually don't transplant until it's time to go in it's big container....

Personally I prefer straight coco to rapid rooters....my rapid rooters would dry out (n kill cuttings if i didn't catch it....), but yet you could overwater them.....exactly what i don't want to mess with...

then I switched to bubbler method and upped percent to 85% or so....

Now I clone in coco or coco w/ a lil perlite (I used to be a soil grower so for some reason I still have this leaning towards having perlite in there) and I'm doing way better than the bubbler.....almost 100%.....w/ minimal fuss!
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High Jinks

I dont know if you've checked out this thread:
But the author, INREPLYAVALON said
...I had about 80% success rate using the DIY aero cloner for the first time. I also put some cuttings directly into coco, having never tried either method, and trying to ensure i would not lose any genetics, and i got 100% SUCCESS in the COCO! Considering it does not use electricity, and i got better results, my cloner is destined for a dark corner...
Ive never done it, but apparently, it can be done.
Edit: Stoned Teacher beat me to it! I no longer trust heating mats after a hydrofarm mat melted itself...I will say that temps for me are a major contributor to my success rate. I shoot for 80F AND a medium that is not quite wet or dry. Good luck
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Active member
good advice from teacher! i do almost exactly the same and love my turkey baster for light watering chores, the great thing about the coco is the gheto nature of process, it couldn't be any simpler, once the beer cups of coco, i use the bagged variety, are well soaked, and i use a drill to cut a hole in each cups bottom, i like dip n gro, follow directions for hardwood cuttings, pencil the holes in the wet coco, dip 'em and set em water lightly with warm water, i use well water and mix in some house and garden roots excelerator, i love that stuff, i have a rubbermaid container with a 24" 2 lamp fixture mounted to the lid, set on a heating pad if the room temps are cool, wintertime, left alone for up to a week, roots will be a poppin' in short order. i also have a aero cloner that works well but the simplicity of the coco cloning is beutiful, when my power was off due to storms, all i had to do was keep the rubbermaid near the woodstove and the light wasn't much extra drain on my small emergency generator, the clones still rooted on schedule, just another piece of evidence to the effectiveness of this method, gro on! jc

stoned teacher

It doesn't need a humidity dome.....just like when cloning in hydroponic bubbler (coco is hydroponic...)

My humidity has been around 30% and I have a cutting that stood up 2.5 weeks without humidity dome....supported the trimmed leaves fine till roots popped

I've heard people say that no humidity dome forces the plant to move water up to the leaves and helps it put out roots quicker...I have no idea of this but can tell you that in wet coco, no dome is needed


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Humidity domes do work, it just depends on your needs. Some places are drier than others, some methods require it more than others. My bubble cloner never liked 30 or less RH. Soil cloning definitely takes more moisture.


good advice from teacher! i do almost exactly the same and love my turkey baster for light watering chores, the great thing about the coco is the gheto nature of process, it couldn't be any simpler, once the beer cups of coco, i use the bagged variety, are well soaked, and i use a drill to cut a hole in each cups bottom, i like dip n gro, follow directions for hardwood cuttings, pencil the holes in the wet coco, dip 'em and set em water lightly with warm water, i use well water and mix in some house and garden roots excelerator, i love that stuff, i have a rubbermaid container with a 24" 2 lamp fixture mounted to the lid, set on a heating pad if the room temps are cool, wintertime, left alone for up to a week, roots will be a poppin' in short order. i also have a aero cloner that works well but the simplicity of the coco cloning is beutiful, when my power was off due to storms, all i had to do was keep the rubbermaid near the woodstove and the light wasn't much extra drain on my small emergency generator, the clones still rooted on schedule, just another piece of evidence to the effectiveness of this method, gro on! jc

>"follow directions for hardwood cuttings"<

Hey Joecat,

Did you really mean to say Dip N Grow at HARDWOOD dilution???
I use it at softwood dilation in coco cups.
I guess I should try hardwood next time to see for myself.

BTW, I have tried a hell of a lot of ways to clone, and coco cups are by far the easiest overall (no slimey full crop failures) for me.
Temp is the key to getting those roots fast. (well, DipNGrow is pretty awsome too) I run clear beer cups set inside colored ones. soak them good the first time and scrunch the coco around the clone. A little below or around 80F and with clear beer cups as an adjustable dome I never water them again unless they get light feeling.

To my great supprise the chunky sunleaves piece coir works the best in my experience. Mine have exploaded in that with big air pockets around the bottom a week or more early compaired to my more even sunleaves coir. Both were well rinsed and from compressed blocke not bags. If DNG can be used at hardwood strength then that is the final key to super cloning for me!


Well this is what i do.....Cut,Clonex,16oz beer cup,flushed coco with 2ml per gallon of pbp. 5 days or so and done. Leave in beer cup for 5more days and transplant. Works to the tune of 100% unless i fuck something up. Clones faster then the bubbler for me. Hope i have been of some help.


Well this is what i do.....Cut,Clonex,16oz beer cup,flushed coco with 2ml per gallon of pbp. 5 days or so and done. Leave in beer cup for 5more days and transplant. Works to the tune of 100% unless i fuck something up. Clones faster then the bubbler for me. Hope i have been of some help.

Good advice BamBam!

So many ways to clone, it's just finding the way that works best for the individual and the STRAIN!!! I run mostly sative leaning phenos...but my indica leaning phenos blow them away on ease of cloning.


Active member
excellent information and very detailed.. thanks a lot all.

I like Dip N Grow and having warm temps is the key.. i agree.


breathe deep
When i did the side by side with my bubbler, i watered the coco when i put the cuttings in, put a dome on top and put the tray on a heat mat and did not touch anything for at least a week. The coco stayed moist, and i got 100% after about 2 weeks. I sprayed the dome when i put it on, and watered once after about 7-10 days. I also used clonex rooting gel. It was the easiest most hassle free cloning experience i have ever had. The aero cloner worked a bit sooner but only got about 80% and then the plants had to be transplanted into coco(stressful for those little roots), which my other ones were already in.
When my Afghans and Mazars get big enough, i'm going to take some cuttings to have one mother of each, and i'll do some (if not most) in straight coco. I'll update with my results with pics if anyone would be intrested... :joint:

EDIT: Mabey a side-by-side comparison of straight coco/rapid rooters/peat pellets?


Active member
When my Afghans and Mazars get big enough, i'm going to take some cuttings to have one mother of each, and i'll do some (if not most) in straight coco. I'll update with my results with pics if anyone would be intrested... :joint:

EDIT: Mabey a side-by-side comparison of straight coco/rapid rooters/peat pellets?

Hi Capo,
i'm very interested about watching your pix man as i clone in the same way since early (my last clone batch was in plug'n grow from clonex) and i plan to run a BGS clone batch in straight coco too ..

this thread is more than helpfull for begginers in Coco like me.

Thanx all' and keep this sharing attitude !!!



Active member
yep, hardwood dilution recipe seems to get the quickest rooting. jc

Hi Jocat,

sorry if i look like a silly grower but , what is the "hardwood dilution" recipe ?

thanx for answering my stupid question but....:gaga:




Active member
rasputan wanted to be sure i wasn't just stoned or something, because the dip n gro bottle calls for softwood strength, i overdid it by accident, i think i was stoned then..., and was happy with the results, so...i always mix it on the stronger side and get the little stems in there and swirl 'em around for 20 seconds or so, and into the the coco cups they go. jc

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