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peanut butter recipe?

i was wondering about a recipe for medical peanut butter i was thinking of just adding ganja butter to peanut butter in a double boiler on the stove. any ideas recipes would be great. thanks everyone :rasta:


stone fool
Is there enough fat in BP to extract the thc directly, or in a blend with butter? Sounds real nasty to get the herb out on second thought, but I like the idea of happy butter sandwiches.
well i am going to do a small test soon try to mix enough for a sandwich i'll just mix about a tablespoon or two into a PBJ sandwich. :>

i have seen alot great ganja foods at co-ops but i have noticed some people are kinda nazis with their recipes,used to know a couple that worked with tainted they were ganja CHEFS thats for sure wish i could get ahold of them again.
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Registered Cannabis User
I'd say if you already have the cannabutter made...why recook it? just mix it in with a jar of pb!

after doing that I think it would go real with raspberry jam. I think the flavors mix really well together. just my thoughts



New member
if you are using just peanut butter.. i heard that all natural stuff without the hydrogenated oil works the best.. you know the cans with the layer of oil on top pf the pb.
thanks guys

i did mix some butter with peanut butter and it seems to do the trick!!
in response to
"I'd say if you already have the cannabutter made...why recook it? just mix it in with a jar of pb!"

the only reason i need to heat up the butter/peanutbutter mix is so i dont have chunky peanutbutter (ie. chunks of cold butter from the fridge dont seem to mix well with room temp. peanutbutter) i used skippy peanut butter i think ill make some more with natural peanut butter and ill see about taking a few pics and showing you guys too.



how about do an ISO wash and then just add that hash to the PB? This seems to be the easiest way to dose too. It may take a while longer, but once you have the oil/hash, you can add it to as little or as much PB or what ever that you want. Jelly? Marshmellow Fluff, make some FlufferNutter Sandwiches... IMO Hash it first, then go crazy.