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How old is Trainwreck


Active member
ICMAG, :woohoo:
I'm looking for information on the Clone of Trainwreck from Arcata, California. How old is it? I hear often different types of trainwreck alongside this clone, E-32 would be an example of this. Are their other types of trainwreck and if so which is the oldest.

Thank you in advance for you knowledge.


Emil Muzz

I am interested to hear the answer also.

Trainwreck seed was available from WoodHorse so that leads me to think there are various clones of various ages around.


just don't molest my colas..
I heard it dates back some ridiculously long time. I believe the parents were sourced in the mid-late 60's or something crazy. The clone is supposedly like 35-40 years old or something. Strange there isn't a ton of info around about it. I've grown her a bunch of times. Special plant, real tough to grow though.


Professor Organic Psychology
I love Trainwreck myself. I would have to assume any seed form of it would be like any of the other classics that are in seed form, just somebody trying to make money using a proven name. You would be surprised how many fools there are out there. They would even sell the weed with the classic name and in doing so discredit the original.


I love trainwreck... stick your nose in the bag and it recoils out from the stink. But then you stick your nose right back in!


Old School Cottonmouth
I'm pretty sure train wreck was found during the mid 80s, but I could be wrong.
I heard it dates back some ridiculously long time. I believe the parents were sourced in the mid-late 60's or something crazy. The clone is supposedly like 35-40 years old or something. Strange there isn't a ton of info around about it. I've grown her a bunch of times. Special plant, real tough to grow though.

She's actually pretty easy to grow. Have you considered you might have been overwatering her this whole time, considering she puts out vigorous roots at a fraction of most others?

Widow Maker

Active member
ive got some "arcata trainwreck" growing right now. Just got the cut and this is my first run with it. from a pretty reputable source, he said this cut has been passed around for a long time.. maybe 20 years. no idea which cut it is but im currently about 25 days into 12/12 and it smells awesomeee


Active member
All you old timers out in california, when was the first time you saw this weed pop up? I appreciate the input it's looking so far like the early 90's was when the Trainwreck came into being, if anyone has an account of smoking it earlier than that please share it so we can lock down an age on this cutting.


Professor Organic Psychology
I got an Arcata cut from Arcata last winter but my girl got busted for something unrelated and I had to toss it. I was just really paranoid traveling out of state after a bust.


Well-known member
Not an old timer. But the son of one. I don't remember being around personally until 95. That's not saying it wasnt around earlier. It obviously was. I would guess its late 80s early 90s work man.

Tom Hill

Active member
I think even '95 is pushing it some. It damn sure wasn't around in the 60's (lmao) and I'm thinking more like the turn of the century. Like the bubba drama and so many more.. Before there was arcata, or e32, there was just plain trainwreck and that was different to those that came after. It got bigger, stretched more, wasn't so prone to intersex expression, had the weakest of all root structure (literally one root haha). Other things differentiated it, it wasn't quite as prone to the P lock-up/purpling, had a longer internodal length and took a little more to get into flowering. This from the looks/sound of it is likely what H3ad works with, and what the friend of our community Just1Blunt was rocking along with the broader bubba that predated all this pre-98 etc, different plants, all of them. But meh, they don't go back as far as all that, enrique good for a chuckle though, and I know some of these guys' camps some of these grandiose stories come out of.

Lost that older version, and running the arcata now, it's a good plant, maybe a lil greasier even, but doesn't grow as well, much easier gets locked into an ubertight node structure, constantly flirting with flowering, yeah, kind of a pain in the ass, but a good plant none the less. -T
i remember seeing it around alot in 96-98ish was hard to get anything else besides tw or catpiss in my area. since then havent seen much around and what is around is def not the same. helped a buddy do some trimming in the late 90s and remember her being just a weird ass looking plant. viney super stretchy deep serations on leaves. a buddy grew a cut that was suppose to be the arcata cut and to be honest. looked and tasted way diff then was i remember as tw from back in the day. someone def added more indy to her since the late 90s imho but who knows.


Active member
Ticklemyballs, the link you posted says "was supposedly 1st grown in Arcada (sic) , Calif. in the ’60′s" and "Train Wreck is an old hybrid (1970′s) from Humboldt" also "TW is basically a Thai low land sativa that got into the mix up here back in the early 80’s"

This was all quoted pretty much one right after another in this link:

So they don't know the true age of the clone either? Ticklemyballs.. they spell ARCATA incorrectly throughout that article as well.. are you sure this is a reputable article to be learning actual information on Trainwreck?

It seems like they had just copied and pasted off of ICMAG to create that page.. Pulled from the same post as their age information:

"There are a few true TW seeds around but don't expect to find them. If you did you'd be real surprised that this 42 flower strain from clone is 9 months when grown from seed. This is because in Train Wreck the gene that controls flowering is time from germination."

I stopped reading this post after this comment of a 9 month flowering time.. I'm going to read the rest of this post to see if anyone came to a conclusion about the AGE of trainwreck but if anyone has any more trainwreck stories I'd love to hear them

Edit: Yep I read all 8 pages of that thread and not a scrap of information I was asking for. Some good information about the plant in that thread though if you can read through the bullshit.

Autosfordummies & Jetlife175 - Thank you for your accounts of seeing this strain around 1995 you are helping track down this strains history I appreciate your posts!

Tom Hill - Again with the 1995 huh? It seems like we are zeroing in on a believable time period that this came about. Thank you for your very informational post about the different Trainwrecks. You say there is an older version that you found BEFORE the Arcata Trainwreck? Was this just called trainwreck? I wasn't even aware there was one before the Arcata cut!


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
4 sure was around in 99, as DrJay had passed it out back on OG. the arcata cut im talkin.

i believe Hillbilly Dreams did his TW work before that time, maybe a year or two. the TW at meds site began with those seed, and been a few generations since with a few different seedmakers involved in his offerin.

i know i did a batch for med usin the arcata cut and pollens from him. tininest seed ive ever seen.



Professor Organic Psychology
The thing that distinguishes TW from all of the other classics (Matanuska fuck, Maui Waui, Colombian Gold, Panama Red, Lambsbread, etc etc etc) is that it still does exist. The only reason that it does exist is because it is the shit and it lives in clone form. Any one of us can go to Humboldt county California and get the buds and cuts any time they want. Nobody did that with any of the other classics. It is the only classic that I know about that is not just a myth and is still in existence. The age of the original clone would have to come from one of the original players, and in 40 years none of them has stood up. They/he is probably dead or in jail. I do not know what value this adds to anything, knowing it's age, outside of just normal trivia. I do know that any one of us can go to Arcata today and get all we want, and that is a good thing. I got some for Christmas last year and it stood tall among all the Cherry Pies and Bubbas that everyone was slinging.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Trainwreck is probably my all time favorite strain....

We were pushing it hard in '96. That good ol, looks like a fat lady sat in the middle of your plant strain, IMPOSSIBLE to keep all the branches vertical....


makes sense krunch, that was when it was flooding my area of the bay lol around 97-2000 it was real popular

good info Tom thanks