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Mofo SWC/TRON Master
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besides the usual suspects...

besides the usual suspects...

hieagle420 said:
Phil-- what you runnning this time around??

:spank: Black Domina,Flo,Blueberry and my crosses White Domina & Northern Whites. I also gots a new strain of shrooms "Cambodians" i guess its from Cambodia....Hope this helps. :redface:

Ps, Im waiting for a new grow bud to send me some cuttings of this sour d strain that you guys on this thread are talking about. I sure would like to grow it in and out of my trons...... :asskick:

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Thanks to all for answers..

Thanks to all for answers..

hieagle- how many can u fit under 400 watt using a sea of green? I am thinking of addind two 65 cfl to the veg room...any problems do u think?

to anyone...I m a new grower with a great ear for suggestionss......actually I thought of using space blankets from walmart in replacement for mylar....they're cheper and fire retardant..what do you guys think?


400 hps

400 hps

Cali...anyone? I can't seem to figure out why none of y plants have any color?? will my afgani and blueberry flower wih more??


Active member
pthway4 said:
hieagle- how many can u fit under 400 watt using a sea of green? I am thinking of addind two 65 cfl to the veg room...any problems do u think?

to anyone...I m a new grower with a great ear for suggestionss......actually I thought of using space blankets from walmart in replacement for mylar....they're cheper and fire retardant..what do you guys think?
YA I was looking at them too. a lot of guys use them :joint:
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Cali...anyone? I can't seem to figure out why none of y plants have any color?? will my afgani and blueberry flower wih more??

Color as in, different colors like purple reds yellows??? Or just more green growth? I would say if you want them more green then you need more nitrogen at the right PH levels or course. I just hooked a friend up hes got a 600 and hes running 6 dif strains from me. They are all lacking nitrogen, not sure what it is so far, but it took them like a week and a half to come around and start to pump bomb green growth. I don't even know what space blankets are lol sorry dude.


Thanks man, got some TT's rooted and will be flowered shortly ;) The BR is a hairy bitch, I am afraid I will get mold as I keep getting some deep inside the colas on my big girls..... Kind sucks, but she smells bomb fruit and skunk that's it. She did throw out some nanners this week though, I know some of it can create seeds because I have seen BR with a seed once or twice before. No big thang, i think she is gonna have major bag appeal, great round nugs and serious amount of hair!

Ps, Im waiting for a new grow bud to send me some cuttings of this sour d strain that you guys on this thread are talking about. I sure would like to grow it in and out of my trons......

Yea phil you have to try some of this D, it's so bomb I just harvested what I believe is the ECSD and it isn't as sour as the IBL bean I sprouted from killa, but I could see where it is the mom of the IBL. Pretty cool having both to compare. But I swear the IBL is more dense, and more sour. It is a keeper for sure, thanks once again KILLA!

outame 2

Active member
Space blankets are emergency blankets for camping when the temp gets real cold.Cheap mylar,but it works.It was developed by the space industry for astronauts,it reflects about 80% of your body heat.It is like sleeping in real crunchy aluminum foil.

But it does reflect light quite well...
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Cali- It doesn't seem to a lack of color, They are all nicely green...I guess I am wondering more about the color of the bud and hairs etc...mine only seem to grow from white to brown with nothing special in between...could I be just harvesting too early?


ahh, now I see your looking for "colors" ;)

My cab stays around 80 degrees during the daytime, and at night drops usually to 65 sometimes lower...This is what brings me my colors mostly.

Some strains bring more color in cold, some bring none, my C99 didn't get any color the whole time, well slightly purple around the edges but nothing like the kush or sour D.

Another thing is, they really start to change color when you start to flush them, when they are full of nitrogen and they are almost done how long do you flush meaning give them clear water only? I usually go about a week of flushing, this will make your leaves yellow but if its a little cold and your strain is a color sensitive plant(which most are) then you will see amazing colors.

PTHWAY, do you run the same strain only? Or how many plants have you actually flowered all the way through? My colors usually pop up around day 50 when I start flushing most of the time. I ran a purple urkle one time and had purple from the second week of flowering, it was quite nice.

If you are wondering about hairs turning red/orange, then that's just all in time and all my plants usually have 80% orange hairs when I harvest. PEACE




My room yemp is 88-93 daytime and 70 nighttime....As I am learning from you all I don't believe I am waiting long enough for full flowers...I have brought two crop to harvest with decent yeilds...right now I am working with the same mystery seed as I clone it since gaurenteed females are hard to find..I don't trust mail order and clones are impossible for me...I really am kinda a hermit these days....I have a blueberry and some afgani strain that ere given to me via Humbolt Co. They are sprouting well....and I plan on raising them until I can find other strains...the more the merrier



pthway4-Yea man a lot of people have to find their own seeds and make moms out of them to clone off of, sometimes people just can't get lucky enough to get a hold of good genetics, but that doesn't mean you can't make dank genetics yourself! Do you have any dried bud shots of your old harvests? How many does do you usually let your girls flower? I like to at least try to go to 60 days most of the time.

Went to my big grow buddies house today, and smoked some bomb AK, bubblegum, Great white shark, and picked myself up a Green Ice clone. Green Ice is a female green crack clone X Male ice queen and it = bomb as fuck. ;)

GWS (done in coco!!!!!) this was this growers first coco try and I helped him out a little, he said his coco buds were the best out of all his buds!

Same as above^^^^^but growing!

an empty room

Green Ice flowering in the mean time, in coco ;)

God these roots were insane

What he uses for protection

Peace everyone, hope you liked that! :jump:
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Cali..roooms are awesome

Cali..roooms are awesome

They all look so yummy...I am waiting with this crop until at least 90 days and I will definitely get pics this time..last time my wife and i SMOKED all of it before we remembered to get batteries for the camera...


Sick pthway you got pictures, we can help you now! First off what size light are you using, is it maybe a 250watt??? One thing you need to do, and it will help soo much, is cut all that lower growth off before you start to flower or even during the first three weeks I trim all lower buds that won't be up to my standards. I only go for tops colas.

I train my girls like bitches, they don't get any room to stretch, grow into other plants, no nothing like that. I train them so much during the first few weeks of flower, making all the tops even on any one plant. You see all that lanky stalk/stem you got there under all those buds??? Well why do you need it?? You dont, you should be able to bring your light closer to the ground, and start trying to train your girls, when one starts to stretch out of control then tie it down with some string or I personally love dental floss and duct tape.

Training will strengthen those stalks, making your buds yield more as well. Your plants do look healthy though that's for sure, what type of nutrients are you using and do you PH, if you don't PH your water then you will always have problems. Trust me PH'ing is number one thing to do even before you think about nutrients, buy a PH tester, even one from a pet store for aquarium use I think works. I hand test my PH with color sticks every time I mix a new gallon of food, even if it's just plain tap water I still PH.

It looks like you have a good system going there though, babies, plants in flower, plants in veg, good shit. Your yield is killing me though bro, could it be the strains you are working with????? In a few months if you take all the advice everyone gives you I bet you can turn that sharpee sized bud into a coke can. Even if it is a 250 watt, you should be able to get you light close if it is 250 watts. Oh and now that I see it, I don't think you'll have to many problems with that space blanket shit, although I have read that foil type reflectors create hot spots and can burn plants so keep an eye on them. One more thing I see, are those clear pots you have them in???? If roots see light, they will burn and the plant will suffer. It might look cool but cover those clear pots up bro.

Some pictures could help

This girl was very indica dominant, I trained her and she stayed put. The whole flowering period every cola was exactly the same height/ size

this girl was one of the stretchiest plants I have ever encountered, you can see where I trained her, but the spears just kept growing up, so at least all the spears are centered around the pot they are in, this is my goal so I can cram more plants right next to each other. see how the buds form low near the pot, never really let them stretch out there stalks, bend the fuck out of them instead! lol

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Hey cali

Hey cali

i dont ph my watr although i ill start..i have a ph kit..I use fox farm guana...bassic azajea potting soil and a helgamite mixed in.. the clear was the best i cound find for the room i had,,i wikk up grade,,,

we think these are about 3 and a half weeks...i just trimmd the front three o see what i will do even before you mentioned it...weird...I am unning a 400 hps..the small yeidl maybe the strain, i grew some good bag seed i hade ended up keeping a mother to avoid headaches of sexing later and was encouraged because i ended up with 24 clones and 100 percent success,

why do you think it may be the low yield,,,last harvest two plants netted 17.4 grams - four main colas and smaller minor buds




when remove substandard buds will thay cause the hormone to concentrate in the tips and doen't it low photosynthsis all? I am assumeing the litle performers are those little fuzzys that arent amopunting that an wad of nose hair,,,is his dut to lck of light???


when remove substandard buds will thay cause the hormone to concentrate in the tips and doen't it low photosynthsis all? I am assumeing the litle performers are those little fuzzys that arent amopunting that an wad of nose hair,,,is his dut to lck of light???

Damn bro you got me here I'm not sue what your trying to say lol.

Ok ok, so three weeks in well then they shouldnt be that fat anyways yet! 400 watt is great thats what I use, perfect for personal. The clear pots, you don't have to get new ones just cover up the sides with duct tape or something. Then you trimmed some off?? good job bro, what this does is reduces the amount of popcorn buds of course but also all the energy and nutrients that were going to that one little bud all goes straight to the higher buds once you remove it. I think that's what you were trying to say. Trimming and training for the first three weeks into flower is all I usually do, and I don't a lot of lower buds off at once, maybe every few days I'll trim a little, because if you trim and train a lot it will stress them, and if your strain is sensitive you might see some hermie bananas popping out which isn't that bad honestly anyway. sounds like you got cloning down, that's always a bitch.

DUDE, PH bro I cannot say it enough, your buds wont get as frosty as the should, as big as the should, and sometimes they can receive deficiencies from not PH'ing making them burn!

The noots you are using are fine, you probably don't need much more, I like to stick to my base nutrients and then add a couple of additives over the top like sugars which you might think about getting, like grandmas blackstrap molasses , it will not only give your buds more sugars to fatten up with, but it has many other good food sources in the molasses. I think its like 1 tbl per gallon but look it up before you do it.

Low yield, nah never mind that's what I usually get, on my last two plants I harvested I got 17 and 20 grams from which is what we like. Maybe you can start to think about going perpetual, meaning constantly cloning, vegging, flowering, all at different rates so you can harvest a plant or two every two weeks instead of one big harvest and you run out of smoke waiting for the next one. If you have a veg room, and a separate flower room, then all you need to do is keep that mom(also sprout some new beans and find a good pheno!) keep cloning off her, like once a week, you can throw a lot of babies out but just make sure to keep the best clones train them, and get them ready for when you harvest then place those in right away so you never have an empty flwoer room, make sense?? A lot of people do perpetual, it's the way to go man.


Active member
Perpetual also means constant work and tending to keep temps and humidity levels on point. Back when I grew mono crops with the 400 my yield was much, much, much higher...and the buds were all tight and perfect. When you grow one crop at a time you can control the humidity and encourage lots of growth early by keeping the humidity up during the first part of flowering, and then slowly decrease it as the buds fill in...you get much denser and heavier buds doing it this way.

The ideal perpetual setup is something like Ticks SOG setup, using multiple 400´s and seperate cabs. But for personal I don´t think perpetual is necessarily the best way to go. Unless your like me and can´t stop smoking when you have several jars full...lol then you better have more clones going in constantly to keep up with the supply. Also I can never seem to let my buds dry and cure like when I did mono crops...I just fly through it like it´s sand running through my hands.



Hey killabrown, when are you getting back to the usa again? How loud is a 250 - 400 cfm fan, like as loud as the one in your bathroom so that neighbors can hear if the window is open?


The ideal perpetual setup is something like Ticks SOG setup, using multiple 400´s and seperate cabs. But for personal I don´t think perpetual is necessarily the best way to go. Unless your like me and can´t stop smoking when you have several jars full...lol then you better have more clones going in constantly to keep up with the supply. Also I can never seem to let my buds dry and cure like when I did mono crops...I just fly through it like it´s sand running through my hands.

KILLA!!!! Good to see you still poppin in! Hows costa riiicaaaa??? And I quoted you cuz, bro you and me are the same way barley gettin any cure in always smoking 24/7. i mean I know its a lot of work but once you get into the habit then it becomes easy simple tasks you gotta take care of. Of course I got a higher yield in total with my total grow all at once in my cab, but then I was done smoking and had no more weed! Now a days it seems like theres always a few grams around and then a plant gets harvested. Works for me, but like killa said its time consuming. I tend to my girls for 30 minutes to an hour in the morning and then sometimes at night too.