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Hobby Growing with Friends


Active member
mmm ~O~ that gs looks yummy...howsit taste? I put a heavy duty fruityxgreenspirit into flower a couple days ago...so couple months on her...just waiting now...got another ip comin' down in a couple days...the others are hanging now...man #3 put out some pretty clubs, we did a nice close trim this time for some good iso oil, usually we just leave all that stuff on...:p

So Hie, I transplanted the dabney today in hopes it will pick up, gave her light nutes like you said. I really hope she pulls through, its kinda not growing nething new which worries me, and the stem is a deep purple except for the very top growth, which makes me think it is something with the nutes

lets see some BS babies!


Cannabis Creeper
AInt got them started yet... gave my grow buddy 4 seeds to plant last night at his op... i get some planted this weekend and hopefully have some pics of them by next weekend... been so long since i even started some seeds, should be fun....
i took some pics last night but didnt get them uploaded... so some new pics tonight... i also took down 2 Nice,Pg-13,Ag-13, and a TW...
i think i saw some mites on a few of them... that ok i gonna wipe them out today with some spray ,leave the lights off for a cycle but the fans on should freeze then out if teh spray doesnt wipe them all out...... them evil little bastards... Keep It Green and Stay Safe.. HE


Active member
hey hie, when I make the iso oil do I just use the good leaves or throw the fan leaves, stems all that shit in when I grind it up? I have it seperated now, also how many cans do I use per run? I'm gonna order the triple refined stuff today and get that tube thing built, can you go over the specs again since it was lost over at og? what size drill bit do I need? and what kind of cap do I buy for it? i cant wait to try this oil, should be fun.

it looks like you got your hands full alright, how do you find the time? good luck with the bs's i hope you find an even better one than the one we had


Cannabis Creeper
Killa--- damn i loved that shit... yeah i cant wait..
i think you got the oils confused BHO (aka Honey Oil) is Butane extract, ISO is Alcohol extract... LOL ..
you are doing the Butane. just grind up the best trim and little budlets you have and no fan leaves or stems.. i Usually just run one 300mL can of Butane through it, if it is really covered in trich you can wait until you scrape up the first run and do a second..
ok for the drill bit it is a 7/64. better get 2 cause they will break easy if too much pressure is place on them... if you already got the tube then you just need a END CAP for that size tubing... dont forget your screen wire and hose clamp.. i would get some paper coffee filters and cut one and put it over the tube and under the screen wire to catch the little leaf matter that can come through the screen.. DONT FORGET DO THIS OUTSIDE ONLY AND NO SMOKING OF ANYKIND WHILE DOING IT.. :bat: i know you wouldnt do some dumb shit but i had to put that in there. Keep It Green and Stay Safe... HE
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Well guy's...I'm pretty settled in,got the grow going,and learning still.The woman is stoned,and all is well.Everything works now,and it is time to play.

Seed plants in hydro need no nutes,just time.Plants that take a licking keep on ticking,the ogre is rooted in water now.The 1000 is on,give us time...that is all we have.



Active member
Hey ~O~ I found a pretty special pheno from the 3 plants, really heady stuff man, big thumbs up buddy. Do you have a veg area set up for once you start flowering? For mom's and such? I want to get this cut out to ya, I really think you could grow some monster clubs with this one, hie you holla too when you have some space, i got tons of root plugs and have 100% success with them so just holla! I'm about to take a shitload once I get the 400 cabby setup, were going to be doubling our current space pretty soon and start cycling the plants in. Its awesome seeing a good plan put into action. Heres my little grow cycle I have lined up for the next several months:
I have a ipbb pheno#3 and the hdfxgreenspirit mom 2 wks into 12/12 under the 150. They will move into the 400 in about a week or two depending on how soon we can finish the cab. Then I have another ipbb pheno #3 and the really really dank ipbb pheno #1 ready to start 12/12, about 2 weeks behind the first crop. And after that I have plants to cycle in almost weekly once I start harvesting the later plants. Next in line would be the mr nice which is going to be a huge bush when I'm done with her, then the dabney blue, another round of dank ipbb pheno#1...it goes on and on :) I'm letting the g13 veg out for a while and get huge in veg so I can stick it right under that 400 and let it blow up. I have the 150 as a go between, it will be under 12/12 most of the time, under normal circumstances, but can be used to extend veg space if needed.

Gosh this is such a neat hobby! can you tell I'm a bit baked off that ipbb special pheno #1 :moon:


Cannabis Creeper
Killa-- I nominated your second pic for pic of the month.. it looks great.. bet it will make some great Honey Oil.. Keep It Green and Stay Safe..


Active member
Hey HIE, how packed should the tube be when you do the butane extraction, I got a 8in tube, and we had more trim than could fit, but we packed it pretty light, and the trim was very fine and ground up. I ran the butane through it and after a minute or two it was used up, and all the liquid had rushed out through the filter. We hardly got any oil, and I think it because it wasn't packed enough, but I'm not sure. The trim looks like it still has some resin on it so we're gonna try again, but that oil is such a pain in the ass to smoke, it got everywhere and was hard to scrape off the pie dish.

Wait till you guys see my new 400 watt cabby, shit is about to be PIMP!


Cannabis Creeper
Killa-- yeah you gonna have to figure out how tight to pack it.. my tubes about the same lenght... i can get about 1/2-3/4o in my tube.. it the butane ran through really fast adn came out clear it wasnt packed tight enough.. i would put some more in the tube and do another run.. i let it sit out for at least and hour then scrape it up... it sticky as hell.. i put the oil i scrape up on my metal grinder or on the lid to a pack of papers.. your gonna need a screen to smoke it on our put it on your papers and roll joints.. i get a pic of mine pipe and screen for ya... i usually get about 2-3 grams of oil maybe less if it less quailty trim... im gonna head up that way to stay at teh beach in a couple of months.. and i bring everthing to do a run and show ya, if you havnt figured it out by then.. i get the pics and be right back.. .got hit the oil myself.. LOL


Active member
Yeah it was probably too loose, the majority of the stuff was clear, so it prolly didn't mingle with the trim enough to extract the resin...i'll get another can soon and give it another go...but the stuff that we did get was GOOD! omg, nice mellow hash high like crazy, different than bud for sure, kinda like eating a brownie and feeling the effects instantly.

Oh yeah, remember me mentioning this 400 watt cab that I've been trying to build....well its closer to reality finally! I got the mylar and black poly to wrap it up, and the hood is built, tested and ready to go. The plants should be in there any day now, once we get her finished.

We got soooo baked and went to lowes, spent close to 3 HOURS walking around, back and forth, pretty much designing the cabinet as we went. All the looks we got from the people working there :p They knew what was up, we had a huge bag of soil, perlite, verm, wood, metal stuff for the hood, black poly, and a bunch of wood for the frame...

Total cost so far with this cabinet comes to right around 200 dollars w/ mylar and all that stuff. We did everything right this time, didn't cut any corners, so we spent a bit more than we were hoping :bat:



Active member
Add a little mylar, wrap with black poly, crank up the blower and 400 for a little test run...hmm how many of those little pots could I fit in there? muahahaha!

props to john64, whose design we pretty much stole. His "true cost of a grow" thread over on deceased OG was basically what I studied from the past month or so that we've been planning on doing this.

Can't wait to finish this sucka up, got a couple girls just waiting to bask under the 400 :)


killa that box is looking very sweet can't wate to see it 100 percent.