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HL45.PPK.1.0 17lightsx2 Sealed with Co2


Fuck Entropy.
I wish I had more titanium things.

Wouldn't a titanium rabbit be the coolest?

Or two.

Then they could reproduce (quickly) and then I'd have lots of titanium things.


Your flipityflopity thing makes the villain in Spider Man 2 look like an underachiever.


Was wonderin where yas went HL....Gladta see yas ok.....New setups always have a learnin curve before dialed and hoonin , so keep up the good work cuz you`ll get there....



Fuck Entropy.
first time ever I havent spent a few hours very day in my room
Common man... boredom is no excuse to get lazy. Not to say you are, but keep on it...

s I'm getting more familiar with the system I am thinking about growing 4 1/2# plants under each 1k instead of 1 2# plant under each 1k. This would cut veg time way down.
If you can keep within your plant count and increase numbers, the additional plants will buffer you from a dud, and you will have an easier time getting the canopy right where you want it, rather than bending a lateral from twenty four inches away.

EDIT: Nice to see you posting in this thread again...


Since Heath talked me into flip rooms well over a decade ago I`ve convinced soooo many "Med" Growbro/Caregiver`s to run smaller flip rooms where the plants are a month or so and even 2 weeks apart in age for perpetual harveys so med patients are never without for more crops per yr....period...

Good luck HL....and...



Im with ya DHF the idea here to harvest one room a month.we are probably goin to have to veg at another location to make that possible.
I would love to be able to chop a room, and plop new girls in same day or two wih this flip flop.

I have spent 20 hours in the past two days dialing this place in. Wiring. Cleaning. Mounting. Drilling.

Plants are looking so healthy I honestly have though about putting the leaves on my salad. If you haven't already check out "juicing raw cannabis" on you tube. I'm already a health nut so throwing some fan leaves into my juicer sounds good to me.

I`m all about juicin my buddy....Been smokin da shit fer 40 yrs....why not eat it.....in a smoothie....



Fuck Entropy.
I could veg longer but my patients need meds.

The difference between a full 3x3 foot canopy on the flip (strain dependent, obviously), and something weaker can be the difference between six ounces and one-and-a-half pounds. The two weeks of added veg can quad up your harvest. If you include it in your harvest time, running an eight weeker, 400% yield for 125% 'flower time' is a good bargain.

I know DHF's posted right above me--and I know it's all about g/year--but when you're just starting a room and getting your veg cycle in a nice routine, rushing the flip can kill you at harvest time.

Getting a nice perpetual tree room up and running will take some dialing in. You need to know when to cut 2x clones to select x clones to preveg for y days under t5s to veg for z days under HID to get them to a full canopy in the room.

But this is the same thing DHF is always preaching about for his flip rooms.

That is, getting to understand your rooms.

The biggest challenge is, in my opinion, selection of clones. If you have a dud or three in a 64 plant stack, your end result is not heavily influenced. More than likely, the plant beside it will take up some extra space. If you are pushing trees, and pick the wrong clone to pre-veg, you might finish with a 3x3x3 spread when you really needed a 4x4x4. The difference in that canopy is monsterous. And the impact on final yield can be terrifying.

If you can dodge those bullets, and get if you can get your veg room to have a full set of replacement plants, your g/year can be kept up with trees.

Ultimately, in my view, it is canopy management that dictates yield--that is the more perfectly placed your flower sites are to get maximum exposure and capture of all available lumens, the more perfect your final yield.

It is much simpler to control multiple smaller plants (monocropped) to achieve this end result. Few plants are naturally predisposed to fill a vertical screen (or cage, or whatever training program you employ).

Your over-the-top-lights will help this out immensely, as a only-vert tree grow need plants to grow as (concave edged) squares (and that requires a lot of training and planning to achieve). Horizontal bulbs between the tops of plants make good use of most trees natural structure.

This, I think, should be obvious from your previous results growing with a 'hybrid' light style.