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High THC strains 20% and up.

I am again calling bullshit on THC percentages. THC is only found in the resin glands. Some of my strains are 100% covered in trichomes. If I was to disolve a 100grams of 20% THC weed in Iso and extract oil, I wouldn't come near 20 grams, maybe 8-9 grams on a good run. This tells me there is NO WAY 20% of the bud is THC. Now, if we are counting the amount of THC in a trichome how does that weigh in on the fluxuation of different strains and there trichome saturation? Either way I disagree with THC percentages and think they are just a tool for marketing hype with breeders/dispensaries. The only true test is the smoke test!

Ummmm, not true. I used to use shake to make oils with butane. Shake, one pound of shake, ie trim, sugar leaves to blenderized stems = 50-600 grams of oil tested at 90% pure when you use the appropriate amount of butane to trim ratios. You're doing it wrong bro. Anyways, I don't make oil anymore, and since I'm on probation, the judge said no cultivation until I'm done... So I'm just going on my past experience, which is significant. :wave:


Active member
in this thread: lots of conjecture, not enough evidence

I've learned to take the pseudo-science so prevalent in this community with a whole shaker full of salt. Everybody likes to know more than the next guy, even if what they "know" has not been proven...

Baba Ku

Active member
Not by volume but by dry weight.
Hmmm...maybe we can respectfully disagree on terminology, but I think we will find that the results of a sample at the detector can only provide results in terms of comparing the known Volume of the sample with the Volume of the individual analytes.

Percentage of the sample is percentage of the sample, no matter how it is expressed in the end...but the results of a G-LC are going to be from calculations comparing the single axis peak measurements.
Known volume in, with a comparative of individual peak volume detected.
Smoking leaves and stems can indeed get you high, and very high in some instances.
Some of us have been smoking leaves for longer than some of you have been shitting solid.
That just seems not needed, no one cares how old you are.

You know, I love it when a controversial issue arises and the shit starts to sling due to some of the debaters have their heads up their asses and have nothing to bring to the table but their own take on things. They think about how thing are or should be in their own little logical world, and then proceed to champion their ideas as if they had some sort of merit. Almost as if they had a fucking clue.
Then to top it off, some of these losers want to send out nasty rep and PM's telling other members how fucking stupid they are...dipshits and the like...you know the drill with these foul mouthed assholes.....
Speaking of foul mouth... you are taking the cake.

Thomkal Vwalaa seems to have some exposure to labs and actually is telling it pretty straight here. He and myself have had some pretty heated exchanges on other issues, but on this one he is fairly much spot on.
Thanks mang, we may both be rude at times, but the truth is the truth.

As far as detectable cannabinoids are concerned, I think you will find through some research that there are now over 700 different cannabinoids in a typical cannabis plant.
Ask SamSk about that one.....
700!!!! Lawd a mercy!

Post edit: oh, typo, 70 makes more sense. still the number is 90+
Not by volume but by dry weight.
This means first you desiccate the sample down to almost zero moisture. Then you weigh it, regardless if it is .1 gram or 10 grams, regardless if it is manicured or not. Each lab has its own protocol, some are measuring manicured, (what people really smoke) some are measuring un-manicured, the whole plant leaves and all. It is just a matter of what you want to test. Normally no one tests including stems, but you could.
Second sonicate the sample in your choice of solvents.
Third measure a small amount to be injected into the GC.
Fourth, the results. I have seen up-to over 29% THC by dry weight for manicured buds. Over 70 % THC for dry sift resin, Over 50% THC is easy for any real good bubble hash. Solvent extractions can top 90% THC.


Thanks senior skunkmang. As I've been saying, the lab dehydrates (dessicate actually, thanks SS) the samples, otherwise there would be a huge variable.

Sonicate: word of the day.
Sonication is the act of applying sound (usually ultrasound) energy to agitate particles in a sample, for various purposes. In the laboratory, it is usually applied using an ultrasonic bath or an ultrasonic probe, colloquially known as a sonicator. In a paper machine, an ultrasonic foil can distribute cellulose fibres more uniformly and strengthen the paper.

The numbers that senior skunkmang lists are common knowledge among labs, and anyone who visits harborside.
lol, that's what i said.
You are right, you are not a scientist.
cracking me up here. :laughing:
Have you used better solvents or sonication? Unless you have you are throwing away THC with the spent plant materials.
The only true test is smoking? How does that reveal the Cannabinoid %'s?
exactly why CO is considering these tests to be mandatory for all MMJ.
Do you have lab training at sample preparation? Is the lab reliable?
I can run 10 samples of the identical bud and all are within .5% of each other. I have done it many times even with unlabeled samples that were unknown by me until after the lab work.
SS confirms the accuracy reported by steep hill labs, as i mentioned earlier.

Wrong it is correct that manicured dry weight can be over 20% THC. I have extract similar amounts of pure THC from dry plants.
Yeah, over 20% by weight is common for certain varieties, which is 100% thanks to the breeders such as mr skunkman.
No problem, I was asked to post what I thought was correct, so I did.
But to be honest what does it all mean?
For example, Skunk #1 is about 8% THC for a whole plant, 16%+ THC for manicured buds but many smokers report it seems stronger then other varieties with over 20% THC for manicured buds. And as I have reported many times 100% pure THC does not get you as high as 50-60% THC dry sift resin. So while important, THC is just part of the picture, for sure.

mr skunkman, thanks for setting the folks straight as per my request. im sure you get sick of folks who think lab test are BS, but gc/ms analysis is a big part of the future of MMj.


Active member
You are right, you are not a scientist.
You breed some killer strains in the 80's and early 90's but with all do respect your not a scientist either. Further more I dont really even think the scientist know much about this matter. They didnt even know why marijuana got you high untill 20 years ago. How does the smoke test tell you about cbd and cbn ratios? Well if the high is all in the head strain probly high in thc. If the high is in the body strain is probly high in cbd or cbn.

Donald Mallard

el duck
You breed some killer strains in the 80's and early 90's but with all do respect your not a scientist either. Further more I dont really even think the scientist know much about this matter. They didnt even know why marijuana got you high untill 20 years ago. How does the smoke test tell you about cbd and cbn ratios? Well if the high is all in the head strain probly high in thc. If the high is in the body strain is probly high in cbd or cbn.

sounds fairly technical ,, but i think ill stick with the scientific ..
How does the smoke test tell you about cbd and cbn ratios? Well if the high is all in the head strain probly high in thc. If the high is in the body strain is probly high in cbd or cbn.

This is not taking into account the terpenes, which work with THC to modulate the overall affects.

Body affects can be up or down, and same with head. This is different than body vs. head.


Active member
Hey Now,

After I smoked my first joint, I must have hit the water fountain 5-6 times. The man that rolled it said:"when their throat is dry you know their high."
It's all good- when they start telling you the THC content on the label you will know the 'good old days are gone for good."
Hey Now,

After I smoked my first joint, I must have hit the water fountain 5-6 times. The man that rolled it said:"when their throat is dry you know their high."
It's all good- when they start telling you the THC content on the label you will know the 'good old days are gone for good."

Those days are slipping away fast. Why not know content? The labs also screen for molds/mildew and toxic -icide sprays commonly used by whack growers. What I want to see analyzed and reported are terpene levels. Not that we can't smell them ourselves :D

Remember the good old days when we were all illegal growers, and got to profit off of complete prohibition, and sick people had to buy weed from street dealers... give me a break bredren. Lab testing is part of the western world accepting that cannabis has medicinal properties. Now we must figure out what is really important, and that means separating recreational use and medicinal use.
Mr. Skunkman would so kindly enlighten us more...
SS wrote:
Have you actually done terpenoid analysis using just TLC? I never have. Terpenoid standards are easy to get and not controlled, and they are cheap to buy.
You mentioned Cannabinoids that get you high, like THC, CBN almost gets you high, but you can forget CBD, CBC, CBG, THCV and the rest of the propyls (3 carbon] They do not get you high, although they do have medical applications. I have tried them all as pure single Cannabinoids.
CBD, CBN, THCV are THC antagonists and they do modify THC's effects, like in the case of CBD which delays THC onset, reduces peak effects and lengthens the reduced effects time of activity.
CBD is also funny in that if you smoke 100mg of pure CBD before any Cannabis smoking, you can't get high from THC for several hours, even if you smoke the strongest hash.
While if you smoke a THC/CBD mixture first thing, you do get high, like almost all imported hash, that has considerable CBD with the THC.
But the high is different then THC only varieties. I prefer high THC only, but to each their own....
It is the terpenes with high THC that makes the subjective effects.

From this I assume:
1) high THC is not that important compared to 2) & 3)
2) low CBD is very important for the powerful affect
3) high amounts of the proper terpenes also very important for powerful affect

You can always take another toke, but won't get higher (the ceiling we all know about) if CBD is getting in the way of the THC binding your CB receptors... correct?

And if the 'right' terpenes are not present to modulate the THC affects your "ceiling" is also limited... correct?

So 9% THC bud with almost zero CBD but has the right terpenes, will get me higher than 15% THC bud with some CBD and low terpene levels? Assuming I smoke to receptor saturation :)
1st i would like to thank sam for taking the time to chime in on this thread and being very respectable. your work in the cannabis community is invaluable. although i do still believe that the test are bias, i dont want ppl to think that they are fraudsters trying to take our money. i wasnt suggesting that ppl needed to test the entire grow or even an entire plant, just the method used now doesnt follow the best scientific method. however if you have had the change to test samples at different labs and have gotten simmilar results then that is enough for me to agree on the method used. i think what ppl need to get out of this thread is that these test are just one more tool for us to use. as someone else stated having high THC/weight content is just one part of the high, the other cannabinoids play a big roll in the affect recieved.