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High THC strains 20% and up.

That is true they are present outside the plant on resin which is all over but found only in small quantities on leaves and stems on THE TRICHOMES. The midwest is the new cali if you cant find green bud you need to find friends or come to mich and get a card.

lol, that was a joke. i grew up in the midwest smoking amazing, but chemy, indoor with real names and all that. oh yeah, MI has MMj, need it for all the unemployment. great way to work from home, and the extra light fights seasonal depression


Green Mujaheed
seriously, many people do smoke leaves, and stems sometimes too, they are called midwesterners, lol. its gross, but it gets people high. im not suggesting smoking leaves, because the thc is too low for a real affect. but thc is present in most of the plant.

For my very first grow in mid 90s, I ended up with some Thai & Durban poison males, which I eventually dried and kept the leaves from tips for smoke. Nothing gross in there as they had a nice fruity flavour and produced a very nice high, rather strong actually, very giggly and quite stimulating. The stuff was actually so nice that friend begged for me to sell them some.

Irie !


Not by volume but by dry weight.
This means first you desiccate the sample down to almost zero moisture. Then you weigh it, regardless if it is .1 gram or 10 grams, regardless if it is manicured or not. Each lab has its own protocol, some are measuring manicured, (what people really smoke) some are measuring un-manicured, the whole plant leaves and all. It is just a matter of what you want to test. Normally no one tests including stems, but you could.
Second sonicate the sample in your choice of solvents.
Third measure a small amount to be injected into the GC.
Fourth, the results. I have seen up-to over 29% THC by dry weight for manicured buds. Over 70 % THC for dry sift resin, Over 50% THC is easy for any real good bubble hash. Solvent extractions can top 90% THC.


A graph of a reading will show little spikes at different frequencies. Each substance of the total sample will provide a spike of a certain frequency and can be identified.
The spike that accounts for the THC would be 20% of the total sample, and the only way this can be done is by sample volume. They are not extracting the resin from the veg material for analysis. They whole sample is used. The percentage is of the total sample.
Basically, depending on method, the sample is turned into gas and that is where the readings come from.
Same with a piece of hash. The sample is turned to gas and readings of the spikes are taken then identified.
I really don't know this shit, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night...

*Cal, I agree with you for the most part...but if a grower does not have the genes to work with, and specifically the proper pheno, then I don't care how good he grows, he can only achieve so much. Genetics has a greater value than we sometimes give credit.



Geez, some people really need to read more books on the plant! THC is a hereditary trait. You cannot change a plant's genetic makeup, by use of nutrients, or growing methods. If a plant has 12.5% THC; then, that's what your'e stuck with, despite how how much you spend on light, nutrients.:scripture::bashhead:


You are right, you are not a scientist.

Well established scientific methods??? I am not a scientist but I do spend allday everyday around weed in the grow room and well just smoking it. No way 20 percent of a buds mass is resin. Even the dankest. And even if 20 percent of a bud was resin not 100% of that resin is THC. Because I have a different opinion than you Im bringing down the level of intelligent discourse WTF!!! You know 500 some years ago they thought the world was flat they probly all thought ol Columbus was doing the same thing when he said the world was round. 20 years ago growers used to cut plants whole and hang them upside down so the "thc could flow back down into the plant". Then we found out that plant material didnt contain thc it was all in the resin glands. Now If anybody can get 20 grams of oil out of 100 grams of weed I would be alright with the notion that maybe the plant is 10 to 12 percent THC . I have never seen that before so im not thinking so Im sure if it has been done somebody will correct me.


Have you used better solvents or sonication? Unless you have you are throwing away THC with the spent plant materials.
The only true test is smoking? How does that reveal the Cannabinoid %'s?

I am again calling bullshit on THC percentages. THC is only found in the resin glands. Some of my strains are 100% covered in trichomes. If I was to disolve a 100grams of 20% THC weed in Iso and extract oil, I wouldn't come near 20 grams, maybe 8-9 grams on a good run. This tells me there is NO WAY 20% of the bud is THC. Now, if we are counting the amount of THC in a trichome how does that weigh in on the fluxuation of different strains and there trichome saturation? Either way I disagree with THC percentages and think they are just a tool for marketing hype with breeders/dispensaries. The only true test is the smoke test!


Do you have lab training at sample preparation? Is the lab reliable?
I can run 10 samples of the identical bud and all are within .5% of each other. I have done it many times even with unlabeled samples that were unknown by me until after the lab work.


There was a cannabis cup a few months back that had all the entries "tested" by one of the local thc testing facilities. Out of the 30+ entries the one that won "most potent" by a huge vote was 17%. There were 5 that were above it and 2 that went over 20%.

Im first and foremost to agree calling BS on testing. THC % dont matter, its overall effect and body chemistry, plain and simple.

One of the local testing facilities tests my stuff for free and Ive given them 2 nuglets from the same bud and labled the samples 2 different strains. When the tests came back the results were 7% different.

Hmmmmm. Strange.

With that they have tested about 20 diff things for me and Ive had "Ghost's Og" come back @ 21.7% and ECSD come back 19.9% most other stuff is in the 15-18% range, if ya want to believe.

Im a skeptic...


Wrong it is correct that manicured dry weight can be over 20% THC. I have extract similar amounts of pure THC from dry plants.

In the testing I've seen, the sample is heated and the resulting gas is what is analyzed.

As far as whether the % is of the entire sample by weight, it doesn't seem possible. A solvent extraction of THC, even if you assume it is inefficient at 50%, would yield about 91 grams of 50% THC hash oil from 20% THC weed. That's really conservative because solvent extractions are often over 90% efficient. I've seen some weed test near 30%, which would mean there's 136.2 grams of PURE THC in a lb? Put the bong down for longer than 5 minutes if you think that's anywhere near reasonable.


If concerned then use 10 grams and then inject for analysis just a small measured amount of the sample, it will reduce errors to almost zero.


Modern analysis is done on a very small scale and I'd be surprised if any lab extracts more than a 200 mg sample. 50 mg is enough (extracted with only a ml or two of solvent), so if you give them a gram of material, they will choose which 50 mg of that gram to extract. You'd expect different 50 mg portions, of that same gram even, to give variations. I know if I was running a lab whose entire income came from growers, I'd be using the most crystalline bit there. The whole gram could be homogenized to give an accurate representation, but I don't see any advantage in not giving the highest number possible.

In chemistry (and elsewhere), percentage is always by weight unless stated otherwise.
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Wrong, 20% THC weed does contain 20% THC by dry weight.
Also you forget that manicured bud is not the whole plant.
I measure dry manicured bud as that is what most people smoke not seeds, stems, leaves.

My oh my... obviously there still are lots of people who don't know what they are smoking...

a 20% weed does NOT contain 20% of thc by volume (wtf???) or total weight of the sample, that's just impossible.

the extraction ratio for resin is between 10% & 15% of total bud weight. Means that for 100gr of buds you'll get 10gr to 15gr of resin. If from a 20% THC mj, that will make only 2 to 3gr of thc FOR 100gr OF BUDS.

There are two ways of measuring THC %. One is by DRY WEIGHT of total plant material and it's generally more or less 5% (well, a 5% weed is strong one). The other way is by measuring the THC ratio among all other cannabinoids, and that is when those 20-something % appear. There is simply NO WAY that a sample of MJ can contains 20% of THC by dry weight ("by volume" doesn't means anything, at all, period).
It's simple mathematics (and I was an ass in math at school...).

By the way, not all THC is in the resin gland, but also in flowers, leaves & twigs.

Irie !
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I'd correct you but you have corrected yourself in a later post. The answer is of course that most Cannabis in the USA is pretty much THC only, like up-to 99% and over. So there are no other Cannabinoids, or very very little of just a few others. It is a common myth that all Cannabis has all 90+ Cannabinoids, but it just is not true.

It's the percentage of THC against all cannabinoids.
You guys really believe that a fifth of a bud's weight is pure THC!?LOL.Then if you add the other 70+ cannabinoids to the equation you'd probably get that 80% of the bud's weight is cannabinoids?lol
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Read my posts above. In the past I confirmed with a one kilo sample the yield of pure THC, the yield conformed with my GC analysis using 1-10 grams sized samples. You don't have to shoot the whole extract into the GC just a tiny measured amount of the extract will do. You do need dry samples and accurately weighed samples to begin with.


these tests are skewed based on the sample size vs the plant as a whole. yes these test are based on weight but sampling the best 1g part of one nug of a grow the produced 1kg isnt a large enough testing pool. would be way more accurate to test a top cola but doubt the machine would hold it or if any one would want to test that much.
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Wrong if done correctly. I sent the same set of samples I tested with my GC to two well known labs that have done decades of Cannabis analysis, and got the same results from all three. One in Switzerland one in the USA. they differed by less then .4%.

im not arguing the validity of the test, ive taken chemistry and understand the basics of the test. my point is the test is bias because the sample size is too small and the fact that we know we are testing the best piece and not an average one. basicly you are influencing the outcome of the test. increase the sample size or randomize the sample being tested and i bet you will get a different result.
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Just over 90 Cannabinoids.

Smoking leaves and stems can indeed get you high, and very high in some instances.
Some of us have been smoking leaves for longer than some of you have been shitting solid.

You know, I love it when a controversial issue arises and the shit starts to sling due to some of the debaters have their heads up their asses and have nothing to bring to the table but their own take on things. They think about how thing are or should be in their own little logical world, and then proceed to champion their ideas as if they had some sort of merit. Almost as if they had a fucking clue.
Then to top it off, some of these losers want to send out nasty rep and PM's telling other members how fucking stupid they are...dipshits and the like...you know the drill with these foul mouthed assholes.....

Thomkal Vwalaa seems to have some exposure to labs and actually is telling it pretty straight here. He and myself have had some pretty heated exchanges on other issues, but on this one he is fairly much spot on.

As far as detectable cannabinoids are concerned, I think you will find through some research that there are now over 700 different cannabinoids in a typical cannabis plant.
Ask SamSk about that one.....


Well-known member
I figured your words comes after long hours spent in a lab...
not on the internet like most folks do.


No problem, I was asked to post what I thought was correct, so I did.
But to be honest what does it all mean?
For example, Skunk #1 is about 8% THC for a whole plant, 16%+ THC for manicured buds but many smokers report it seems stronger then other varieties with over 20% THC for manicured buds. And as I have reported many times 100% pure THC does not get you as high as 50-60% THC dry sift resin. So while important, THC is just part of the picture, for sure.
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Rare Dankness
Do you have lab training at sample preparation? Is the lab reliable?
I can run 10 samples of the identical bud and all are within .5% of each other. I have done it many times even with unlabeled samples that were unknown by me until after the lab work.


How would you know if a lab was reliable? Word of Mouth, Reputation amongst industry, Biggest comp with most money, or because they say so? FSL is the most reputable in the state, how reliable? Who knows.

Toyota and Chevy used to be reliable but depends on who you talk to nowadays on how reliable they are.

I can say Ive used 3 of the testing cos here and FSL "seems" to be the most consistent. Except for the 7% difference on a piece of Abusive OG.

Ive been given lab training on sample prep from the lab that does the testing.

Thanks for your experience on the matter Sam!


The only way is by direct experience, and knowing their protocol's give results that is identical to yours and others you believe in.
I am talking Labs that have been doing this much longer the a few decades like me. Cannabis analysis is not as straight forward as some believe, it is very necessary to check and recheck every single variable aspect, to get a dependable reliable analysis before you really start analysis for real. Took us well more then a year.


How would you know if a lab was reliable? Word of Mouth, Reputation amongst industry, Biggest comp with most money, or because they say so? FSL is the most reputable in the state, how reliable? Who knows.

Toyota and Chevy used to be reliable but depends on who you talk to nowadays on how reliable they are.

I can say Ive used 3 of the testing cos here and FSL "seems" to be the most consistent. Except for the 7% difference on a piece of Abusive OG.

Ive been given lab training on sample prep from the lab that does the testing.

Thanks for your experience on the matter Sam!