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Hempy Buckets - DP Durban Poison | G13 PowerSkunk | G13 Gigabud | Afghani

Is still like GH. Floranova is actually made by GH.

Floranova is a 2 part mix which seems easier to mix (heard its a bit thick though)and is supposed to contain addition nutrients.

I'm almost out of the 3 part which is why I am considering trying their other products. I'll probably switch my system to an aeroponics system for experimentation purposes.

Interesting. I have been looking at pirates aeroponic tables lately, they seem pretty damn cool. Not sure if I want to go in that direction though ... these hempys are easy as hell. Put a link up here if you end up doing that. Peace man.

nice grow man, they look good! question for everyone though, my g13xnycd has leaves that look the same as yours; meaning, the leaves curl inward and up towards the ceiling a little bit, and the darker green tips kind of bend down towards the ground.

Now i notice no one said anything about this, but what is the cause? what is the solution?

my guess is that heat stress/low humidity is causing the leaves to curl inwards and then nitrogen excess is causing the tips to curl downward, anyone know what im talking about or am i speaking nonsense?

Not quite sure what you mean bro? All my new growth is headin towards the lights and the older fan leaves are a little heavier, but are still standin up good. Curling inwards can sometimes mean overwatering (when it looks droopy more I suppose) or def a heat stress prob. Throw some pics up that would help us understand more.

secret-that's really odd that we are experiencing similar issues....is this my partner that I am growing with??
My damage may be an issue of low humidity too. The older leaves have the spots and the new growth is looking nice. I need to get a little more humidity in there some way.
I'm using GH series as well, been fine so far. I also add Karma and Sugar daddy. At my other grow (veggies) I'm using the BC series w/ sugar daddy.
Both sites are under 250w t-5 for veg, then 1000w hps for flower. Both are doing real well so far.

hahaha, i wish dubwise, we could compare notes! All my new growth looks good too, I never thought about the humidity issue. I think things have stopped getting worse but some of the fan leaves got hurt up for sure.

Sounds like GH series is pretty popular, I will debating trying that out at some point (just got a bunch of FF, so it may be a bit). What kinda veggies you growin?

I been busy everyone, but I'll put up some pics this weekend. Stay safe everyone,

3.7 Update - Big day

3.7 Update - Big day

Hey everyone,

Today is a big day. A beautiful Saturday to be workin' in the garden. The plan is:

1) Put a bunch of the rooted clones into gato-hempys. I believe there are something like 8 or so that are good and ready to go in? They will be in veg for a week or 2. I will attempt to take some pics of the roots before I do so.

2) Take more clones from the Mom who are good and ready.

3) Give the Moms a big haircut since I don't plan on really taking many more clones for a while and I need the space. The PS is hurting right now due to be held back and just being way too big. I'm abusive to them all and they love it, what can i say?

4) Feed everyone.

5) I am debating building another bubble cloner also.

I still have to prep all the gato-hempys. I actually have a lot of work to do when it comes to that since I basically have just a bunch of empty gatorade bottles at the moment. It's just a lot of cutting and taping ... good to do in front of the college basketball :D

The reason I want to build a new bubble cloner is because of the rate at which each strain is rooting. The GB is crazy fast at everything it does, while the DP and PS are quite slow. So, with the number of clones available before the haircut, I wish I could fill more spaces. Gah, I'll have to think about it some more, because honestly, I don't really have space for 36 potential clones.

Anyways, I snapped some pictures last night. One right after lights went on and one after I used Liquid Light for the first time. In the first one, you can really see how things are blowing up and actually the AG big mom is taking over the box. Oh and things are starting to get hairy in there, yum.

I will post again after all the work is done today.

Stay safe everyone,





If i were you, i would scrap the bubble cloner - too finicky for my bones. Im using wick cloners that cost about 5$ to make and can easily hold over 50 clones with no moving parts (air pumps, etc). Roots in 7 days too. Looking great though, those girls are gonna be a hell of a lot to handle with 60 days veg, good luck though! looking very healthy so far. Have fun skiing.


in the thick of it
secret-those babies are looking terrific! I was really interested in building a bubble cloner, just have not had the time or money to drop on that now. I took about 10 cuttings yesterday and am waiting for roots....before you used the bubble cloner, about how long did it take your cuttings to root?
Keep up the good work!
If i were you, i would scrap the bubble cloner - too finicky for my bones. Im using wick cloners that cost about 5$ to make and can easily hold over 50 clones with no moving parts (air pumps, etc). Roots in 7 days too. Looking great though, those girls are gonna be a hell of a lot to handle with 60 days veg, good luck though! looking very healthy so far. Have fun skiing.

Hey McNugget, thanks for stopping by. I have debated scrapping the bubble cloner, but jiffy pellets take too long for me. The wick cloner is a great idea too, and I may just do that next run.

Not sure what you mean about 60 days veg? The AG mom in there I guess is technically 60 days veg, so ya, she is going to be huge and unruley. Hopefully I can control her alright, I am hoping for only another week and a half of stretch before she starts packing on weight. It might take some tricky LSTing, not gunna lie lol.

I have a bunch of pictures from today, I'm going to post them in a couple minutes. Naturally I forgot to take a picture of the roots as I said I would. Classic stoner I suppose.

Back in a bit, one more thing to do.
secret-those babies are looking terrific! I was really interested in building a bubble cloner, just have not had the time or money to drop on that now. I took about 10 cuttings yesterday and am waiting for roots....before you used the bubble cloner, about how long did it take your cuttings to root?
Keep up the good work!

hey dubwise, didn't even see you there! snuck in while I was posting :). The bubble cloner was a piece of cake to build, and the main expense was the air pump. I'd say I probably spent $35 total on it, so it wasn't too bad, and that is when I was REALLY struggling for money, so I suppose at that time it was a lot.

Actually, I have always used the bubble cloner. It's been through maybe 4 or 5 runs with a pretty high success. In all honesty, some strains are just a bitch when it comes to cloning and some are practically begging to pop out roots. I have also used jiffy pellets with cloning powder and had relatively decent success, it just seemed to take much longer. I'd say with the bubble cloner, for great root structure, 10 days. Jiffy pellets, 14 days to just be popping out of the little things.


Well-known member
Looking real good secret....I've wanted to try Durban but haven't yet..There's so much out there these days, it's hard...I'll be watching.
Looking real good secret....I've wanted to try Durban but haven't yet..There's so much out there these days, it's hard...I'll be watching.

Thanks for the compliments my man, I know what you mean. I have been making my shopping list for seeds and it is getting ridiculous. I know that Durban Poison doesn't have the highest THC, but it is definitely something I wanted to try, so hey, why not?

My current list is long, but the ones I am ordering in a few days are:

White Label Double Gum
CH9 Jack 33
Mandala Satori
Wallyduck C99

and possibly DP Blueberry.

I don't know when I will run all these, but some of them I want to grab before they are gone forever (C99, Jack33)

Take care man,

some pics

some pics

So, the work is done today. I can totally see how some people call this a full time job ... I am quite tired.

I trimmed the shit out of the moms. I may still have to do more the PS and DP because I don't plan on cloning them again for a while. Anyways, since I was cutting them all up anyways, I decided to put a bunch of clones into jiffy pellets since the bubble cloner is full. So, I took 31 new clones, refilled the bubble cloner to replace the 7 I took out, and put the other 24 into jiffy pellets. They will take a little longer, but oh well, I don't really need them, nor do I have the room for them.

All the mom's got fed, the new clones in buckets got fed, the vegging clones got fed, the whole flower room got fed. Damn that was a lot of feeding.

I started putting dates on all my buckets so I know when veg started and when flower started. It's starting to get a little crazy! I never really thought about it, but once all these clones root, I'll have 50-60 plants ... that's a lot for my little spot.

But hey, go big or go home.

Here are the pics, enjoy and thanks for stopping by everyone!


new buckets - recycling / DIY is key for this garden

perlite/vermiculite mix all ready to go. I highly suggest wetting it down before dealing with it, otherwise the dust will be an awful time.

all the gear for transplanting the rooted clones

the mom's during the haircutting

rooted clones ready for vegging

a ton of clones from the big trim

some of the new clones in jiffy pellets

PS on the left, DP on the right, a few clones in the middle that have been vegging for a little while

some of the new clones in my little jiffy box. the top squished them, but was just on there until I could spray them all down with the wilt pruf

the whole veg room. she is full, to say the least.

all the flowering clones out for dinner. They are getting huge and hairy, very quickly. I LOVE IT


in the thick of it
secret-the grow looks great! Glad to hear how well it is all filling out. I took a few clones the other day and about 25% are doing well....the others...not so much. Everything I've read said to expect some ugly things within the first week, so I'm still optamistic.
The three girls that I've got are starting to really develop...in 3 gal. Hempy buckets and they're probably 24" tall. This process is so easy, I'm loving it!


Man I see you found out that cloning is a REAL JOB, but from hard work always comes a bountiful harvest. I am tagged just like football on this I predict more than successful grow. Holler at you another time and the best of luck to you my man.
secret-the grow looks great! Glad to hear how well it is all filling out. I took a few clones the other day and about 25% are doing well....the others...not so much. Everything I've read said to expect some ugly things within the first week, so I'm still optamistic.
The three girls that I've got are starting to really develop...in 3 gal. Hempy buckets and they're probably 24" tall. This process is so easy, I'm loving it!

hey dubwise, thanks! Ya, my last clone run has not gone so well. First too little humidity, now too much ... real pain in my ass. I have like 5 or 6 randoms showing roots in the bubble cloner, so those will probably make it, and hopefully the rest in the bubbler will too. The jiffy pellets ... I have to admit the GB took a big shit on that one and have basically almost all "died". The PS and DP are lookin alright. Either way, it's GB clones the next few openings for sure.

EDIT: The jiffy pellets are just bonus from the big haircut. If 4 of the 24 make it, i'm cool with that.

Man I see you found out that cloning is a REAL JOB, but from hard work always comes a bountiful harvest. I am tagged just like football on this I predict more than successful grow. Holler at you another time and the best of luck to you my man.

Ya, I have trouble imagining taking 60,80,100 clones, ya know? If I had the space and security, I would love to do it. Taking 31 was a lot though. So many variables too ... gah.
Good to have you on board Kusherman
quick pics

quick pics

was in there doin some work tonight, wanted to snap some pics. A couple cool things:

1) Built an odor neutralizer. Basically a computer fan on top of a 10L(?) bucket. Holes cut in the side. Filled with water/any odor neutralizer. Works so amazingly well. Not a damn smell in the whole room, I love it.

2) Apparently my DP mom is a trifloiate (not sure if that is the right word). I never realized it because I topped her early and LST'd, so it never really occured to me. But with these flowering girls it is suddenly obvious. I am just going to roll with it ... she might eat more than usual, but I imagine there will be more nuggets too? Kind of a cool feature I think.

Anyways, I snapped some pics, fed em all, the flowering girls got L.L. Everyone is looking happy. Oh ya and the mom's and newest bucketed clones are lovin' life.

Stay safe everyone,

whole clone group, prob let them stretch too much, hopefully i'll catch that better next run

all the clones


more DP

check the tri stem below the top node

AG mom on left, clones on right

all the flowering ladies

some AG nugs

all clones

odor neutralizer. works so fucking well.


Active member
hey osgo, great idea with that odor neutralizer. What kind of stuff do you put in it? smelly cover-up stuff?
Looks like you could end up a little overgrown. Hopefully you'll end up with too much bud.:joint:
hey osgo, great idea with that odor neutralizer. What kind of stuff do you put in it? smelly cover-up stuff?
Looks like you could end up a little overgrown. Hopefully you'll end up with too much bud.:joint:

hey hazy, thanks! you can put whatever you want in it. I just use some regular "no scent" odor killer, supposed to be for pets and such. You can use Ona if you have it or even febreeze if you can find the squirt bottles.

Haha, I think I will survive if i am a little "overgrown" ... i'll consider that a good thing.

thanks for stopping by,



in the thick of it
what ratio of water to deodorizer are you using? I checked the cuttings earlier in the day and three look pretty good and like eight look nearly dead...one of them (that looks good) has got a little tiny flower on it. Should I pluck it off and let it continue to grow or leave the flower and veg as normal?
what ratio of water to deodorizer are you using? I checked the cuttings earlier in the day and three look pretty good and like eight look nearly dead...one of them (that looks good) has got a little tiny flower on it. Should I pluck it off and let it continue to grow or leave the flower and veg as normal?

9 :1 (water : deodorizer), although lately I have been using these concentrated drops ... 10 drops to the 2.5 gallons. Seems to work great.

did you take the cuttings during flower? By flower you mean bud ? If it's a bud, you might as well leave it. I'm not exactly sure, so post a pic if you get a chance?

hope some of the clones make it. cloning is definitely a learning experience, I have wrecked quite a few. I tell ya though, the bubble cloner makes shit really easy if you can dial it in. Pretty much anything I put in there will root pretty quickly (6-10 days). I am thinking about making an entire new one out of bigger bin and bigger lid. Right now I have 18 sites, The new one will have probably 40 I hope. Should be pretty fly. :rant:

Take care dude,



in the thick of it
9 :1 (water : deodorizer), although lately I have been using these concentrated drops ... 10 drops to the 2.5 gallons. Seems to work great.

did you take the cuttings during flower? By flower you mean bud ? If it's a bud, you might as well leave it. I'm not exactly sure, so post a pic if you get a chance?


The cutting I took that ended up having a flower on it...I must not have seen the tiny flower when I cut. I did not think it would have been possible for the cutting to flower if under 24hrs of light. I think I just did not see it when I cut.
My camera stinks or I would post a picture. I want to build an aero cloner (the DIY) here at ICmag. That seems pretty easy and seems to have proven terrific results. Thanks again for the information.
The cutting I took that ended up having a flower on it...I must not have seen the tiny flower when I cut. I did not think it would have been possible for the cutting to flower if under 24hrs of light. I think I just did not see it when I cut.
My camera stinks or I would post a picture. I want to build an aero cloner (the DIY) here at ICmag. That seems pretty easy and seems to have proven terrific results. Thanks again for the information.

it is quite possible it had a tiny flower on it when you cut it, then, even when you put it back under 24 hr light, it takes a couple of weeks to "switch back" to straight veg growth, so the flower may have had time to develop. just my :2cents:.

The aero cloner seems really popular, and it seems that people have a lot of success. Goodluck man!


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