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How do these look?



I know the pics are kind of bad, maybe I can take some more when lights go out.

Do you see any signs of hermies or anything that would cause seeds? I have to say, my whole way of life as I know it, hinges on this having no seeds.



Impossible for me to tell with those pics. I know you got a big gig going right now so hope all is OK. I'd recommend you pick up a 6x or so scope like you find at a book store...the ones with the little light. They are great for general inspection work. If you're enviro is dialed in with temp and humidity control lights on and off, there are no light leaks, you've covered up any LEDs on equipment in the flower room itself and the nute program is fairly close not much you can do.

There is a thread floating around here about Dutch Master's Reverse in combo with their Penetrator and someone chimed in that best way to use is as a preventative and not when bananas actually show...it might be a good investment if your ass is on the line. A buddy used Reverse twice after bananas showed and it did nothing both times.

You just gotta weed out the weak genetics.

Delta Force

And sensi at that. You got males bro or something...............? Hermie strain that cost too much? whats the worry for?


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High 1fan! Well, first you need male pollen for a seed to develope. Have you ever flowered a male in this room? Else, have you seen any yellow bananna shape flowers mixed in with your buds? those are about the only ways you're gonna' end up with seeds at this point.
Besides....would a whole new way of life be all that bad? ...lol
Peace and they look great, bugout:Bolt:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!

this pic left side bottom just above lowest fan leaf is a suspect, hard to tell from this angle but them look thick for white hairs. get a magnifing glass or something and inspect every nug a hermi nanner is un mistakable ya know what female and male looks like, a envroment hermi will have banana pod instead of cylx with white hair or stick and balls. a true hermi will show female apon flowering and throw male balls not nanners i've had both


TBug said:
High 1fan! Well, first you need male pollen for a seed to develope. Have you ever flowered a male in this room? Else, have you seen any yellow bananna shape flowers mixed in with your buds? those are about the only ways you're gonna' end up with seeds at this point.
Besides....would a whole new way of life be all that bad? ...lol
Peace and they look great, bugout:Bolt:

yeah, a new way would suck

Yes I have had some males pollinate in here a few weeks ago. But I removed all the males, and hosed the walls down and plants that were in the room. I hosed the plants twice a few days aprt. I dont mean a spray bottle but a full down spray with a hose. The plants in the pics were not in the room when this happened.

I dont think they would hermie. The room is pitch black when lights go out. You cant even see your hand in front of your face. But I do have LED's on the A/C, dehumidifier, and fan. I used some black tape and covered them all today. Even with those, the room is black.

I just dont really know what nanners look like so its hard to tell. I know someone posted a pic in another post but it seems to hard to tell between a legit flower with white hair and a nanner

The last few batches I believe all got pollinated by the males I let slip through. I have been getting full price but the last batch was it. This time around no full price. I am tired of parking my truck under my bedroom window. I need to get paid!!!
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I just dont really know what nanners look like so its hard to tell.
They literally look like a small banana most of the time and are very easy to spot. Most of the time they'll show up later in flower except if the plants go through some strong stress or the genetics are just plain crap.

Sounds like you took reasonable precautions with the male episode you had and that wouldn't typically create nanners cause if the plants got pollinated their tendency to hermie is decreased...but I gotta ask...with all this at stake why would you want to mess with pollen floating around and why make beans and not just keep clones of your best fem?


Nondual said:
They literally look like a small banana most of the time and are very easy to spot. Most of the time they'll show up later in flower except if the plants go through some strong stress or the genetics are just plain crap.

Sounds like you took reasonable precautions with the male episode you had and that wouldn't typically create nanners cause if the plants got pollinated their tendency to hermie is decreased...but I gotta ask...with all this at stake why would you want to mess with pollen floating around and why make beans and not just keep clones of your best fem?

LOL I started from seeds, 3 strains, then vegged them out for a couple months. I made a ton of clones. but mixed them up in the cloning trays and didnt know what was what. But I flowered them anyway, tossing the males out as they showed males. Well I guess 5 days went by and no more males showed so I thought I was in the clear (biggest mistake I have made so far). Then 2 more batches went in after that, weeks aprt. SO it was like a vicious cycle, one batch fucking up the next.

I wasnt trying to make seeds. I have a mom/veg room just for cloning.

In short I fucked up and allowed the males in and didnt catch them.

All the plants have been sexed now and its all female moms. all the daddys got kicked out.

This is probably why commercial growers should get one or two SMALL grows down before going big. Oh well on the job training :D


Active member
I've used Dutch Matster's Reverse (gotta use their "Penetrator" with it too) and stopped hermies dead in their tracks. Not quite sure what it will do to plants that are polinated by males but, if you've got a lot on the line, you might want to give it a try.

PC :smoker:


This is probably why commercial growers should get one or two SMALL grows down before going big. Oh well on the job training
LOL...even if you read up a bunch it all basically comes down to OJT. Even with some small grows under your belt stepping it up big time can be a challenge.

In regards to all the clone mix ups and accidental pollination...shit happens.

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