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Help building a grow room


I have the space of 210x60x47 cm and I think to buy 400W MH lamp , 400w HPS lamp and 4x long flourescent lamps (on each wall) for 2x CHIESEL and 1x SLH and 1x Fruity juice. Is that a good start :watchplant:
so its 6 and a half feet by 2 feet by 2 feet? is this correct? who measures their room in centimeters?!?!
Sounds to me like a little closet? Why dont you describe the room in more detail. If those measurements are correct 2 400's is over kill. You can light up a 2x2 area with a single 250 no problem. Ditch the floros you wont need them either.
I feel like im throwing out tips without the proper info to go on but, whatever...
If you room is that small your going to have to find a way to keep it cool.
What are your thoughts on the following...
A. hood, cool tube, bare bulb?
B. Ventilation
C. soil or hydro

people arent responding to your post bc your not giving enough detail on what you want to do...Id suggest you come up with a concrete plan before you get ahead of yourself by popping seeds...


I measure in cm or meters cuz im not from usa and the standart is different :) Everything you wrote is correct , sorry for the little info , but i needed to know is the 400w lamp enought for that space :) Would it better to get 400w cuz i've heard "more light - more bud " . It's a small closet , but i think that it would be ok for 4-6 plants in 30-40 Liter buckets. I'll grow `em into SOIL which is made from wormcastings + perlite and so on ... Would it be good to place 4x flouriscent lamps on each wall of the closet , and to turn them on when the other HID (which i think it would be better to be HPS) is running (all the time) :? About the ventilation i think to place on the top of the closet one fan which will blow away the air (about the odor - the cheapest way - think to place 2-3 self timer sprays) , and on the bottom to place 1 which will do the oposite. Inside - a fan to blow into the plants, mylar 100% on the walls and i think thats it. Thank you! Hope everything is ok , if you dont think like that drop some lines :dance013:Cheers


I measure in cm or meters cuz im not from usa and the standart is different :) Everything you wrote is correct , sorry for the little info , but i needed to know is the 400w lamp enought for that space :) Would it better to get 400w cuz i've heard "more light - more bud " . It's a small closet , but i think that it would be ok for 4-6 plants in 30-40 Liter buckets. I'll grow `em into SOIL which is made from wormcastings + perlite and so on ... Would it be good to place 4x flouriscent lamps on each wall of the closet , and to turn them on when the other HID (which i think it would be better to be HPS) is running (all the time) :? About the ventilation i think to place on the top of the closet one fan which will blow away the air (about the odor - the cheapest way - think to place 2-3 self timer sprays) , and on the bottom to place 1 which will do the oposite. Inside - a fan to blow into the plants, mylar 100% on the walls and i think thats it. Thank you! Hope everything is ok , if you dont think like that drop some lines :dance013:Cheers

Just my :2cents:, but, it can be done. I just think a 400w HPS or MH is going to create a lot of heat and the size fan you would need to use is going to be loud. A 250w or even 150w may be a better choice. You can air cool the lights so you can lower them to make up for some of the loss of penetration of the lesser wattages, but, you have plenty of head room for lights, fans and scrubbers. Still, it is the small footprint that limits what you can do.

I would also suggest, for a small footprint, you consider a one plant scrog/lst grow in a 12-20 liter bucket for soil or for Hempy Buckets. However, if plant count is not a concern, you might want to consider a SOG grow, as well.

As for the fans, all you really need is three equal size holes. One for an active (scrubbed) exhaust port and two holes for passive intake ports. A small oscillating fan inside cab should be enough to stir up the internal air.

“150w HPS and Resource Guide” by Pipedream

“250W HPS Users,” by creeptic

“400W Club,”

“Ventilation 101,” by redgreenry

“Links to SCROG Grows,” by Underground Man

LST Pic’s

“The Official Hempy Bucket Thread,” by Southern Seeds

The footprint here is about the same as yours and should serve as a good reference point for you.
“Destroyer on Ice – 250CMH Freezer Grow,” by FreezerBoy

Hope this helps some.

Namaste, mess


4-6 plants in 30-40 Liter buckets.

Who measures their buckets in Liters?:laughing:

lmao , so funny :trampoline:

messn'n'gommin' thank you very much for your post, soon will start posting of what am i doing :)

need answer 2 my question : "Would it be good to place 4x flouriscent lamps on each wall of the closet , and to turn them on when the other HID (which i think it would be better to be HPS) is running (all the time) :?"

Now i've putted the seeds into the soil and they are under a flouriscent lamp , i hope soon they will pop up!



Yes, you can. But there again, heat comes into play. Although fluoro's pruduce less heat than HID's, they will still put out the heat. If your fan can handle it, it should be no problem. After that, I would think about how much space they would take up and in a small cab space is precious. I suggest you go with the HID alone for now and for later grows (as you gain more experience) you can add the fluoro's if you still want to.

Namaste, mess


bengie187 Im not Canadian , but its good that u've understood me :groupwave:

Yes, you can. But there again, heat comes into play. Although fluoro's pruduce less heat than HID's, they will still put out the heat. If your fan can handle it, it should be no problem. After that, I would think about how much space they would take up and in a small cab space is precious. I suggest you go with the HID alone for now and for later grows (as you gain more experience) you can add the fluoro's if you still want to.

Namaste, mess

I think heat wouldn't be such a problem, cuz the closet is cold at night cuz and it is placed next to a cold (north) wall. Now the seeds are under one flouro bulb which is less than 20W and I have to buy more powerfull lamp for the vegetative stage. I think that the biggest problem will be the ventilation and the odor smell, but i still have time to figure out these problems.

messn'n'gommin' ,write me a msg if you have skype or icq to ask you some questions in future :hide:



messn'n'gommin' ,write me a msg if you have skype or icq to ask you some questions in future :hide:


My apologies, but I do neither. Just know that if you post your question in the appropriate forum most here are more than willing to help. Still, you are more than welcome to PM me at any time.

Namaste, mess


About the ventilation : My room is 20 cuft and on my calculations (which are based on http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=112862 Ventilation 101 Simple Growbox) I need 0.2 ACpM "where 5 Minutes between Air Changes is all that is needed" and I have 2x80mm CPU fans which I think are about 20-30 CFM (for intake) and will buy one - the same for exhaust (which I think to place on top of the room - over the lamp) On other hand I will make DIY fan, using 12V motor for blowing into the plants or if necessary will buy one bigger fan.

plants stink up the place"
I don't need odor smell, over the grow room is another closet which is 2x4x3ft (where the exhaust fan will blow up the stinky air) and i think to place inside couple of selftimer sprays to eliminate the odors. Is that OK ??? If not correct me :tumbleweed:


About the ventilation : My room is 20 cuft and on my calculations (which are based on http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=112862 Ventilation 101 Simple Growbox) I need 0.2 ACpM "where 5 Minutes between Air Changes is all that is needed" and I have 2x80mm CPU fans which I think are about 20-30 CFM (for intake) and will buy one - the same for exhaust (which I think to place on top of the room - over the lamp) On other hand I will make DIY fan, using 12V motor for blowing into the plants or if necessary will buy one bigger fan.

You can use them if you want, but, I don't think you really need the two intake fans. Just two holes equal in size to the exhaust port. You can stack the fans on the exhaust port for more CFM.

plants stink up the place"
I don't need odor smell, over the grow room is another closet which is 2x4x3ft (where the exhaust fan will blow up the stinky air) and i think to place inside couple of selftimer sprays to eliminate the odors. Is that OK ??? If not correct me :tumbleweed:

Where is the cab going to draw fresh air from? If from the same room it is exhausting into, you might get even higher temps because you are, basically, re-circulating the warm air.

Masking will work, but, if odor is a major concern, I strongly suggest some sort of scrubber, if possible.

On RedGreenery's thread, you might want to consider the "2) Simple Cab with Scrubber" design.

Namaste, mess


I'm not going to re-cerculate the air. Here's a pic of my room
http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8267/66414232.jpg Basicly there are 3 equal closets like the one in the middle which im gonna use as grow room, the air comes from bottom (left and right) from the other closet. Above them another closet where the filter is gonna be. So first of all I have to find the proper filter and than make the holes. Just placing the filter and a fan inside for blowing air into the plants will "trap" the odors and there wont be odors outside right ?


The odors will be trapped in the filter. The exhaust air will have to go somewhere. If you are exhausting into the top closet, the top closet will have to have an escape for all the air you are pushing into it to go.

Namaste, mess


I have very good results vegging under hps man, very dense bushlike growth. I think mh puts out less lumens than hps, id just get and hps for veg and an hps for flower


I have very good results vegging under hps man, very dense bushlike growth. I think mh puts out less lumens than hps, id just get and hps for veg and an hps for flower

HPS has more working hours than MH and on my opinion I think HPS is better, during the veg the plants are under CFL lamp, and when i buy one HPS - they will be under it too. But onfly Fruity Juice came up ... which is not so good cuz i spent 60$ for 5 seeds and only 1 is up ... hope it will be healthy plant and i'll try to make clones of it :)