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Best month to start seeds outdoor in FL



I would say april as the moon phases into the perfect time. If you grow with the moon, you will be well off in the end. Might want to change your name or start over since you only have 5 posts

LEO= Law enforcement officer

not saying your one, just giving you a heads up


New member
where in Florida? Anywhere south of lake Okeechobee shouldn't be started before June. If you plant in April your plants will start to go into flowering and depending on the strain will ether finish as midgets or go back into vegging. The ones that go back into vegging will get huge and the Most likely hermaphrodite from stress when they go back into flowering. Which will RUIN your crop.

Some sativas in south Florida can ruin u into late November even December, so be prepared for looong flowering times.


TheBluntedone- Ive had so many names here im running out of ideas...haha

Anyone else have anything to say about the "going into flowering and then going hermi when they switch back"? I was wondering that as well.

thanks for the answers guys


Active member
In South Florida you can harvest indoor indica and indica dom varieties year round. The only time they won't flower is the middle of summer. If you are putting out clones you can even harvest during the peak of summer if they were grown under 24/0 as mother/clone before being put out. Just about every variety I have seen goes into flowering almost immediately down there.

My Northern lights would finish by the end of august if I put it out in June.

If you place indica dominant plants outdoors in the southern half of Florida they will stay very short +/- 1 M. If you want any kind of size you really do have to go with more sativa dominant strains. As an example Neville's Haze which is a 14+ weeker indoors is finished by the end of November.

Sativas are the only way to go really, indicas just don' put on enough size when you get near the tropics; <23.5 deg lat.

If done properly you can do 3 (sativa) crops a year, a summer/fall crop, a winter crop, and a spring crop.

Sorry I don't have any information on the northern half of Florida but I only lived in the extreme southern half; for a very long time.

Good Luck.


THANKS Scaramanga!! Thats what i was looking for....

best of luck this year bro.......


i guees i should have said, start them indoors in april, veg until june then put outside...sorry bout that...good luck

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