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heath inspired test prototype (aero)



Hey Bro....I knew they`d do fine with the leaf removal once atretch was fully over so do it again cuz they need it bigtime if they`re gonna use all their energy into swellin more during lights off till end of cycle in the next 2 weeks ?..........

Looks like yas needta drop ppm`s some ta get the plants to start cannibalizin themselves by eatin up stored juice cuz all those remaining fans that need gone are still bigtime green with only 2 weeks ta go ......don`t get me wrong....

The plants look killer , but I think next run yas might wanna drop all nitrogen sources down slowly after end of stretch till gone or negligible couple weeks before harvey cuz it`s been shown time and again that excess nitrogen inhibits nug swellage in late flower......

There`s another scientific name for it but I`m a grower ......Probably something to do with limiting phosphorous uptake for max swellage but don`t quote me on that.....where`s Bobbles.....anyways.....

Kick ass setup my buddy...congrats on gettin 4th wall ready ..Keep dialin.....

Hey Bro....I knew they`d do fine with the leaf removal once atretch was fully over so do it again cuz they need it bigtime if they`re gonna use all their energy into swellin more during lights off till end of cycle in the next 2 weeks ?..........

Looks like yas needta drop ppm`s some ta get the plants to start cannibalizin themselves by eatin up stored juice cuz all those remaining fans that need gone are still bigtime green with only 2 weeks ta go ......don`t get me wrong....

The plants look killer , but I think next run yas might wanna drop all nitrogen sources down slowly after end of stretch till gone or negligible couple weeks before harvey cuz it`s been shown time and again that excess nitrogen inhibits nug swellage in late flower......

There`s another scientific name for it but I`m a grower ......Probably something to do with limiting phosphorous uptake for max swellage but don`t quote me on that.....where`s Bobbles.....anyways.....

Kick ass setup my buddy...congrats on gettin 4th wall ready ..Keep dialin.....


Thx DHF.. I just did my last reservoir change 5 days ago. from here on out i will just be adding RO water till harvest. although i did add a 1/4 strength bloom maximizer yesterday (hydroplex) its NPK is 0-10-6. to boost the phosphate for swellage. Is that right?

really ya think another trim is in order?

Thanks man:tiphat:


Yeah Bro.....Pluck everything right now that you`d be takin out when yas harvied last time as not part of the buds/nugs .....all the fans with their own stems they`re growin out of IOW.....

The only leaf that needs left on the plants till chop are the lil sugar leaves comin directly outta the colas/nugs and makes trimmin a whole lot easier when the time comes......

The hydroplex 0-10-6 sounds good but your plants are holdin onto nitrogen like a mofo for some odd reason..........They look way healthy for bein ready ta harvey in 2 weeks......I`m just sayin...looksta me like they need more time IME...

Time will tell my buddy...just wanted ta respond with respect for as far as you`ve come......shows character...

Yeah Bro.....Pluck everything right now that you`d be takin out when yas harvied last time as not part of the buds/nugs .....all the fans with their own stems they`re growin out of IOW.....

The only leaf that needs left on the plants till chop are the lil sugar leaves comin directly outta the colas/nugs and makes trimmin a whole lot easier when the time comes......

The hydroplex 0-10-6 sounds good but your plants are holdin onto nitrogen like a mofo for some odd reason..........They look way healthy for bein ready ta harvey in 2 weeks......I`m just sayin...looksta me like they need more time IME...

Time will tell my buddy...just wanted ta respond with respect for as far as you`ve come......shows character...


I appreciate that DHF... Yea its crazy! I swear i think ive only had one or two yellowing fan leaves this whole run. I always run veg nutes the first 10-14 days of flower, per heaths advice.

I wonder why they are holding the nitro.. Ive never gone above 700 ppms, and change reservoirs every 10 days. Could it be the hydroton in the root zone? Maybe i need ta flush / oh well if thats my biggest problem ..then i guess i cant complain.

Oh i almost forgot... weve had a cold snap for the last week and my reservoir has been down in the low 60s most of the time. ( chiller was turned off several days ago ,,,not needed). I wonder how that cold of a res will affect growth?
Although temps in the room are lookin good for frosting up the nugz. 70 day/ 62 night. humidity had been between 35%- 45%.


A lil known fact is that plants pump resin/frost as a defense mechanism from UV light/ heat damage , and suck juice during lights on , and then use/convert juice for swellage during lights off , so lower temps won`t cause frostiness but rather help color up the plants by killin chlorophyll in late flower Bro.......

Cold rootzones stop growth/swellage in their tracks and cause imbalances and deficiencies bar none but you`re all but done now so I`m fairly sure you`ll be aight .....anyways....

The little things....get ta know em....



Active member
I've been pretty busy lately with my own projects, but I still have time for this thread... :D

You really should get your night time temps up fhc. Add a heater if you have to. Cannabis is a tropical plants, and it needs warmer temps than 60F at night. Like Freds told ya, it'll slow down the plants metabolism, which means slower growth... And plants stretch during lights off. Get the temp up to 70F lights off, and as close to 70F as possible during lights on.

That seems like a common misconception, plants growing during lights on, cause you see the leaves reaching for the light.... But really the plants are just eating, sucking up juice and light, for their nightly growth cycle.
Update time again.





And next round!


here ya go DHF?

I finished the 4th wall. Its gonna be crazy when the cube is full, and with the top row...

these veg plants grew a little bigger then i had hoped...but this will make for some interesting trimming.


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OMG! Some very serious ass kicking in there! Once again ICMAG shows it's true potential. From there to here - awesome thread.

Good work Farmhouse.


Yeah Bro.....See em now and thanks fer accomodatin my old ass.....now......

Do me AND you a big favor and snatch all them leaves and I mean ALL them leaves that ain`t directly comin outta colas , and by that I mean the small sugar leaves fillin up with resin/trichomes.....

IOW......all them fan leaves that ain`t sugar coated and lil bitty...just tryinta help yas Bro....not tryinta tell yas what ta do.........I mean .....

Harvey`s next weekend so let em swell as much as they can till chop and get rid of the leaves the juice is bein used ta keep their uneeded ass alive....to the fukin compost pile or wherever.....and for the record.....

That`s the tightest monocropped , most well managed sideways canopy version of Heath`s racks that I`ve seen ..... ever.....except mine.....lol.....

Here`s the thing......When the tops of the plants finish perfectly right at the lowest point on the racks above that still have well defined limbs that`re keepers till harvey by end of stretch.......well.....

There is no better possibility for swellage and canopy development till end of cycle for max gpw`s ......and it`s as close to perfect without those dead corners as I`ve seen Bro.....can only get better.....so......

Respect...especially with fast hydro......now.....next run stagger the corners as yas said and you`ll be golden without compromising yield while keepin plants from chokin each other out and competin for light and environment........bet on it.....not to mention the 4th wall and even more increased plant numbers.....and.....

Get rid of them leaves .......You can thank me later after yer trim job goes way easier when the time comes......

Handle it my buddy.......You can dooooo it.....
