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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏


Andinismo Hierbatero
who ever gives prisionplanet any exclusive interviews except for people who have zero credibility? a fact that has been proven over and over due to any of their predictions becoming true.

prisionplanet is like the daily show, not real news, pure entertainment.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Basic understanding of butterfly effect:

Basic understanding of butterfly effect:

For other uses, see Butterfly effect (disambiguation).

Point attractors in 2D phase spaceIn chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions, where a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state. The name of the effect, coined by Edward Lorenz, is derived from the theoretical example of a hurricane's formation being contingent on whether or not a distant butterfly had flapped its wings several weeks before.

Although the butterfly effect may appear to be an esoteric and unlikely behavior, it is exhibited by very simple systems: for example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill may roll into any of several valleys depending on, among other things, slight differences in initial position.

The butterfly effect is a common trope in fiction when presenting scenarios involving time travel and with hypotheses where one storyline diverges at the moment of a seemingly minor event resulting in two significantly different outcomes.

How you would not apply this principal to manipulating the weather ?
headband 707:tiphat:


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
If you guys want to actually see with your eyes the shit they are spraying just watch an infrared camera any night after they have sprayed and it will look like ash falling outside or snow but when you go outside you cant see it with your naked eye... i am beginning to think that the "ash" or "snow" is the aluminum in the nano particle being picked up by the infrared camera... i am going to take pictures of what i see so there rest of you can compare.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
who ever gives prisionplanet any exclusive interviews except for people who have zero credibility? a fact that has been proven over and over due to any of their predictions becoming true.

prisionplanet is like the daily show, not real news, pure entertainment.

Surely you must mean Fox news?

Cos last time i looked Alex Jones will cover things most people wont touch with a bargepole.

ps. Alex Jones predicted 9/11 accurately. Of course he just got lucky... :smoke:


Originally Posted by Alex Jones, October 2001
"Within 2 years I'm predicting...that you're going to see a suitcase nuke in this country. You're probably going to see a release in a few years of something communicable. & I am predicting that you will see a lot of conventional bombings...in the next year or so."

Originally Posted by Alex Jones, September 2002
"They're really setting us up for a smallpox attack." Chemical attacks are "almost a guarantee in the next six months or so."

Originally Posted by Alex Jones, August 2006
"bone-shattering mega attacks in the United States, Canada, England or Israel. [by October 2006]

If you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it is going to stick eventually. Do you believe in psychics and mediums too?

lost in a sea

i just think there is a difference between a con-trail, ie condensation trail which ive always seen come from planes that disappear after a relatively short while depending on altitude and weather conditions, which is natural,, and what has become known as chem-trails which ive only noticed significantly in the last 20-30 years..

the reason i draw a distinction is that i see this happen below far too much

i took this picture earlier this year where i live and unlike con-trails these vapour trails spread out to cover the sky which i never remember seeing happen as a child,, sure you would see a vapour trail way up high in the sky but not low altitude.. not in these horrible repeating grids..

anyway i actually think it is meant to seem like it is weather manipulation because ive noticed its often worst in the spring and late summer months when the sun has been out for a while and it is about to start getting colder to keep the ground warmer for longer or get it going.. but i think that really behind that blind assumption they leave you with (in the dark) just like this repeating theme we are seeing with GMO hormone HGF gene manipulation, and western medicines rotting your liver, or roundup and monsanto corn causing tumours skillfully after four months which is a month after lab rats are always culled, or corn syrup destroying peoples health, coca cola aspartame, retarded approach to microorganisms etc etc i think it is entirely feasible considering the amount of impunity allowed to certain organizations that dangerous health deteriorating chemicals are being used to alter the condition of soil as well as help the spread of certain pathogens,, supposedly large amounts (health wise) of aluminium and barium and iodide isotopes, amongst various other compounds, are found in the soil where what are claimed to be chem-trails form..

that geometric grid structure of the chemtrails is disastrous for bees as well,, they communicate to each other all based on the position of the sun relative to the hive and these dispersing vapour trails specifically in grids confuse the fuck out of them, they get lost dont know where they are and die of hunger essentially..

also it cant be cloud seeding because that isnt done by jet liners for one thing and also you wouldnt see it happen because it would be cloudy and not happening on a nice sunny clear day either..


I've not denied the us govt has been seeding clouds for years, they've been doing it for decades. I am however denying 1000% that they had ANYTHING to do with engineering hurricane Sandy which was the op here.

if it will make you all feel warm n' fuzzy inside I'll tell ya your govt is lying to you, I'm done with this shit.......

No offense, but no one needs you to tell them the US government is lying to them.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
So. Here is what I reckon.

Does the US govbermint try to control weather patterns? Of course.

I don't think they have the technology to do so effectively? IMO no.

Hurricane Sandies have been hitting the east coast for thousands of years.

This isn't some government created storm. It isn't Al Gore's baby global warming causing it although he's racking in the donations for his pseudo cause by blaming any violent weather phenomenon today on AGW.

Can we imagine if we had had CNN and the internet back in the "Great Storm" of 1938n that hit Long Island? Extrapolate the damages from that storm to the population density and electricity grid damage of today. This was before people were helpless wards of the state and could put on their boots and take care of themselves.

It would have been exponentially worse because we are exponentially more populated in that area and everyone gets to live through the storm these days thanks to TV and the internet.

Now, do I believe the US government is an evil entity? Yes. Western governments are front agencies for the global banking cartels that control them. These type of hyped up events present crisis for them to capitalize on.

"Big Storms Need Big Government" NY Times 2012

"Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste" Machiavelli

As far as Alex Jones goes I think he is a profiteer. Misleading the people who have their eyes open to the inevitable collapse of the status quo down a million roads of paranoia. Some justified, many not.

The world is no doubt fucked, but Goldman Sachs and their ilk cannot control mother nature just as it cannot control the inevitable consequences (nor the free market, which is mother nature) of the social rot that its global fascistic policies have produced.

Stay Frosty..... :joint:
Last edited:


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Originally Posted by Alex Jones, October 2001
"Within 2 years I'm predicting...that you're going to see a suitcase nuke in this country. You're probably going to see a release in a few years of something communicable. & I am predicting that you will see a lot of conventional bombings...in the next year or so."

Originally Posted by Alex Jones, September 2002
"They're really setting us up for a smallpox attack." Chemical attacks are "almost a guarantee in the next six months or so."

Originally Posted by Alex Jones, August 2006
"bone-shattering mega attacks in the United States, Canada, England or Israel. [by October 2006]

If you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it is going to stick eventually. Do you believe in psychics and mediums too?

I know that Alex is a sensationalist and likes to imagine the worst case scenario. He is on air for hours every day and gets into crazy rants. Does this mean we should disregard all his information?

Does he lie? Everyone lies.

Who else is covering NDAA, TSA abuse, DNA destroying full body-scanners, occult abuse of children.

Yes he needs to focus more on solutions. He is sounding the alarm. His guests are intelligent, articulate, experts in their fields and quite often Alex disagrees and they debate/argue. ITS REAL unlike the bullshit news at 5.

Have you ever considered that without people like Alex Jones screaming from the rooftops we would already be under full tyranny like the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians etc etc in the 20th century? Whats the death toll from governments killing their own people in the loving and caring 20th century?

Now could you please address the subject of Dr Livingstone.



Active member
^ I agree.... Alex Jones does put out some good stuff even though some of it is pretty much quackery...


Now could you please address the subject of Dr Livingstone.


Ok, for Dr. Livingstone, I just watched the whole interview. I hadn't seen it because I try to stay away from "news" sources that spew textbook propaganda techniques.

1. All he talks about is cloud seeding. I have never once in this thread denied that cloud seeding is common technique of weather modification, and in fact I have acknowledged it multiple times.

2. I quote Dr. Livingstone himself, "The material that we, uh, put in the atmosphere are not toxic, and by volume, by volume they're nothing."

3. "The other governments are using weather control for many purposes. In, Indonesia for instance, Canada, Turkey, Greece, Russia, They're all using weather control to their benefit, and we aren't."

4. He gives an example of cloud seeding in Russia to protect their parade. I read an article about that a few years ago. I can't find it right now, though I'll look when I get more time, I've already spent 40 mins watching the video. Basically part of the article was talking about the extra snow that got dumped on the suburbs around Moscow, and how residents of the suburbs were pissed about it.

5. He explains why we don't modify weather as government policy. So we aren't liable for any unintended consequences. (Like being sued by the suburbs when they clear downtown for a parade), or when we flood the caribbean, parts of mexico, or texas while trying to prevent a flood in louisiana.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the considerate response.

Sure the regular above the radar government would be very worried about litigation. We are talking weaponry here and obviously its classified. Dr Livingstone cannot talk freely about any black projects.

Cloud seeding is the technology from the early 20th century and chemtrails the modern evolution. Technologies advance, we are in the nano-tech age now.

The real question should be why aint the military sharing their toys...


So why bring him up in the first place and act like you were proving something that needed to be addressed?
Why would the military be sharing their toys? You mean like the open house you can go to at haarp?


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Why would the military share their toys?

Because they took an oath to protect their country.

Its relevent because we are discussing weather weaponry. Jeez you guys are so 20th century! :smoke:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
If you guys want to actually see with your eyes the shit they are spraying just watch an infrared camera any night after they have sprayed and it will look like ash falling outside or snow but when you go outside you cant see it with your naked eye... i am beginning to think that the "ash" or "snow" is the aluminum in the nano particle being picked up by the infrared camera... i am going to take pictures of what i see so there rest of you can compare.

Agreed ,,,all you need to do is think about this for one second ! All these so-called nanoparticals are landing on the earth .. What does this mean? What about the plants/animals injesting these particles and we are eating the animals and plants???!!! What exactly does this mean to us as a race? How long before someone says yeah we shouldn't be putting this shit into our atmosphere? Since when has microscopic robot released into the air sounded okay?
Like the GMO products we have been played yet again headband 707:)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Thanks for the considerate response.

Sure the regular above the radar government would be very worried about litigation. We are talking weaponry here and obviously its classified. Dr Livingstone cannot talk freely about any black projects.

Cloud seeding is the technology from the early 20th century and chemtrails the modern evolution. Technologies advance, we are in the nano-tech age now.

The real question should be why aint the military sharing their toys...

Wow, okay so it's all hush hush because it's top secret military black ops stuff and that's why Dr. Livingstone can't and doesn't talk about it and yet you, someone who likely has zero credentials and likely does not have access to top secret black ops info is talking about it on a pot site. :rolleyes:

I love how you conspiracists run these mind games on yourself. Mainstream media is fine as long as it supports your theory but as soon as it doesn't or someone punches a hole in it then the mainstream media is propaganda controlled by the evil "below the radar" government. Either that or experts like Dr. Livingstone obviously doesn't discuss it openly because it's all top secret black ops stuff. Which begs the question of if it's all such hush hush top secret black ops stuff how did the tin foil hat brigade ever find out? Oh wait, I know, you saw that show with Jessie "The Body" Ventura saying it's all true because when he was a governor he had access to all that top secret black ops stuff. :rolleyes:


Active member
very often conspiracy theorist lack fundamental scientific knowledge

if they knew anything about meteorology they wouldn't be so confused about why the storm moved the way it did.

instead of jumping to outlandish conclusions they should spend 10-20 minutes doing some research


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
very often conspiracy theorist lack fundamental scientific knowledge

if they knew anything about meteorology they wouldn't be so confused about why the storm moved the way it did.

instead of jumping to outlandish conclusions they should spend 10-20 minutes doing some research

They'd also know that it would be virtually impossible to steer a storm like that once it was made because the direction of weather is controlled by many things, including other weather. If such a storm machine were real the closest one could come to steering it would be to wait until conditions were perfect for the direction you want it to go in and then hope for the best.


Active member
These conspiracy theories are interesting to me because they give us insight into trends in our culture.

Why are people even looking for these conspiracies in the first place? What is driving them to do that?

It all comes from the overwhelming sense we have, coming from our intuition as skeptical people, that tells us we are being lied to and that there are things going on behind the scenes that are evil and no good.

The most inquisitive sort of humans start trying to investigate these things. Inevitably their investigation leads them away further and further from the mainstream school of thought.....necessarily having to detach away entirely in a society like today's, since most of the "normal folks" are so misinformed and their heads so full of lies that a fully informed person simply cannot occupy that same mindset or society comfortably anymore.

Naturally, those who are "awakened", now being detached from the mainstream due to necessity, could easily lose their bearings to some degree and maybe drift a little too far "out there", and while finding some truth, maybe see some things that aren't really there and sometimes give a little too much weight to the unlikely. It's easy to understand why, when you see that most of these folks are more or less normal folks of normal mental capabilities, not geniuses, just people who are smart enough to understand things aren't really as they seem. So they're having to not only search for the truth but also fight against the system's overwhelming propaganda which is working against them at every turn, and sometimes gets them going off on wild tangents.

Given all that it's no surprise that "conspiracy theorists" will sometimes jump to crazy conclusions. I happen to think the weather control stuff is probably one of those things where there's some truth, while also some wild fantasizing, and maybe a little seeing of connections that aren't actually there.

The whole process of trying to reconstruct the truth from behind the web of lies , to put the broken pieces of the mirror back together, is a difficult one and prone to error. So I don't fault folks for thinking the government might be doing some shit like this or at least researching it. But I DO wish stupid asses would NOT post Youtube videos about "hypersonic undulations" (LOL) and other dumb shit based on nothing more than conjecture and wild fantasies and send it everywhere around the Internet, cause this is the type of BS that gives conspiracy theorists a bad name...


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
I would consider believing what the mainstream media tells us about science, the world economy, war and our place in the universe etc also some kind of mental disease. Most people for instance know that politicians are corrupt and professional liars but once election day rolls around or theres some kind of crisis we look to them for leadership.

I believe its called a normalcy bias aka sticking your head in the sand. Throw in a dash of cognitive dissonance and a wee bit of doublethink. Whatya got? The mainstream.

So you guys looking forward to TSA agents at all your transport hubs with their dirty fingers in your stuff? Yeah its all a bad dream, go back to sle.... zzzz :smoke:


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