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Heavy rains coming..Chop now?

Hello everyone..I have a few Farah Kush females that are days away from ready..I planned to let them go till this friday..

Its been 90's for last 2 months everyday, no rain..not a drop

However 2-4 inches of rain is inforcast for next 2 days..

Radar has my whole state covered, so its not gunna miss us

These females havnt seen any rain, at all since they started flower

I saw them 3 days ago(watered), trich's are cloudy, but white hair's are not all brown yet.. maybe 1/3 have died off..

Rain is suppost to start today, winds 10-15 mph.. Then heaviset rain and wind tomorrow

Shud i go chop them today or ride it out?

I really have noway to cover them..Most are7-8' now..

Pic here, but not very good ..



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tough call. maybe wait and see how they deal with it the first day? tie em up and spray em for mold before the wind and rain hits


I'd probably just watch them. I've had plants make it through tropical storms OK, and it looks like your plants have some pretty good cover which will hopefully take the brunt of the wind. But, after all of the rain I'd start checking them pretty carefully.

Good luck!


If the top 1/3 of the plants are ready , chop em and open up the canopy of the middle and bottom 1/3`s to receive more sunlight and improve resin production till they`re ready.............but........seems early for harvey here in the south , although I guess it could easily be strain dependent for early finishers.....

That front passed by us last night and today with not much rain at all........some places got an inch and some folks got none........tomorrow`s a better chance , but still scattered.....Hang in there and leave em be if at all possible.......You`ll be happy........

edit: after lookin at the pic blown up , you need ta let em go if possible........sativa dominant to the max........my 2 cents from all them yrs.......

Good luck Bro.......DHF.......:ying:.......


Active member
If it's gunna rain for 3 days or more you should probably take em down, if not you should be able to wait a couple more weeks. In my experience with outdoors, an extra week or two can make all the difference in final yield and quality and it is usually worth the risk of losing a small percentage to mold because you will be rewarded with a denser, more potent final product. These are the things that dictate price for outdoor.

southern smoke

New member
growing in the south can be crazy. Last year we had tons of rain and lots of overcast days in the fall. This year I haven't seen a drop of rain in the month of September until this AM, and the temperature has been in the 90's every day

Indian Culture

I'd let them go unless the weather is going to be rainy and cold for a few days straight. If you just getting some rain and then it's going to be warm again you shouldn't have any problems. If you decide to chop you can always just take the main dense tops and leave the rest an extra week or two so they can also fill in and get dense.


Toker, how're they lookin' after the rains? You're probably getting this nice cooler weather too with the pretty heavy morning dew? Hope all's well, hombre - be good out there!
How did they do? I'm at 36 degrees N and chopped early Sunday. Been raining here constantly since noon that day and temps are 64F-68F. The drought was terrible this year, lots of corn and tobacco still haven't been harvested here and their yields will be greatly decreased.

hash head

I saw lightning in the distance I should've known...

this morning I tried shaking the rain off and I broke a branch on one of the biggest colas!! NOOOOOO! :(

I tried tying it up but its probably fucked.. I was worried about the smallest amounts of water getting on this GDP and now its completely soaked.

this plant has the biggest densest buds, and I didnt cover it.. all I can do now is pray.. before i was praying for no rain even though it had been 100+ the past two days.. and what happens a freak storm.. great.

anyone know if gdp is a mold resistant/prone to failure strain and if the health of the plant or what other factors or things effect or can be done about mold..

for me the rain only started late last night and all through today.. i hope for a sunny tomorrow..


Dude, you need to get out there & harvest that broken branch. You also really need to pry apart & look inside those cola's, like where 2 nugs are touching and have almost become 1- the sugar leaves will be light colored & mashed togethor inside there, that's where they rot & you won't see it until it's to late.

hash head

Dude, you need to get out there & harvest that broken branch. You also really need to pry apart & look inside those cola's, like where 2 nugs are touching and have almost become 1- the sugar leaves will be light colored & mashed togethor inside there, that's where they rot & you won't see it until it's to late.
the branch broke away at a Y and i ended up tying it to the other branch right away.. when I checked it seemed like it was held together still so i ended up taping it back together..

It may not work but i will find out in a day or two or so..

Ive shaken as much as I can of the water off.. and its dry now thank goodness..

I pray for no rot.. I think I was so worried from an experience with a reveg reflower plant that had a lot of problems (from old flowers left on it being inside the new flowers that grew).

I will keep an eye out but its hard to see the rot before its brown n crispy or mushy for me :(

hash head

I ended up chopping it.. (that one branch) the string had slid down and left the split exposed for a while so i decided to take it off.. trimmed it up and its 70g wet..

smells great and is frosty but the trichs are all mostly clear and some cloudy.. definetely coulda used the few extra weeks...

Ill report back or start a new thread with a smoke report of the early harvest and ill post the dry weight as well