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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏


Kiss My Ring
as for the scientists...
"The eco-clique are lobbying for a huge injection of public funds into geoengineering research. They dominate virtually every inquiry into geoengineering. They are present in almost all of the expert deliberations. They have been the leading advisers to parliamentary and congressional inquiries and their views will, in all likelihood, dominate the deliberations of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as it grapples for the first time with the scientific and ethical tangle that is climate engineering," said Clive Hamilton, professor of Public Ethics at the Australian National University, in a Guardian blog.

and for the doubters:

The Oxford Principles

Brief History of the Principles*

The Oxford Principles of geoengineering governance were originally authored in 2009 by Steve Rayner, Tim Kruger and Julian Savulescu of the Oxford Geoengineering Programme, together with Catherine Redgwell (University College London) and Nick Pidgeon (University of Cardiff).

In December 2009 these principles were submitted to UK House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee enquiry on “The Regulation of Geoengineering”. The Committee endorsed the principles and recommended that they be developed further. In its official response to the Committee’s report, the UK government likewise endorsed the principles. This endorsement is the only official national-level policy statement on geoengineering in the world to date and represents an important step forward in ensuring that research into geoengineering is carried out in a responsible manner.

They also formed the basis of principles agreed to at a gathering of geoengineering researchers in Asilomar, California in March 2010. The Asilomar Conference on Climate Intervention Technologies was modelled after a conference held in the same location in 1975 which brought together a new scientific community in the emerging field of recombinant DNA to discuss the potential dangers and implications of their research and to draw up voluntary guidelines to ensure safety.

The Principles

Principle 1: Geoengineering to be regulated as a public good

While the involvement of the private sector in the delivery of a geoengineering technique should not be prohibited, and may indeed be encouraged to ensure that deployment of a suitable technique can be effected in a timely and efficient manner, regulation of such techniques should be undertaken in the public interest by the appropriate bodies at the state and/or international levels.

Principle 2: Public participation in geoengineering decision-making

Wherever possible, those conducting geoengineering research should be required to notify, consult, and ideally obtain the prior informed consent of, those affected by the research activities. The identity of affected parties will be dependent on the specific technique which is being researched - for example, a technique which captures carbon dioxide from the air and geologically sequesters it within the territory of a single state will likely require consultation and agreement only at the national or local level, while a technique which involves changing the albedo of the planet by injecting aerosols into the stratosphere will likely require global agreement.

Principle 3: Disclosure of geoengineering research and open publication of results

There should be complete disclosure of research plans and open publication of results in order to facilitate better understanding of the risks and to reassure the public as to the integrity of the process. It is essential that the results of all research, including negative results, be made publicly available.

Principle 4: Independent assessment of impacts

An assessment of the impacts of geoengineering research should be conducted by a body independent of those undertaking the research; where techniques are likely to have transboundary impact, such assessment should be carried out through the appropriate regional and/or international bodies. Assessments should address both the environmental and socio-economic impacts of research, including mitigating the risks of lock-in to particular technologies or vested interests.

Principle 5: Governance before deployment

Any decisions with respect to deployment should only be taken with robust governance structures already in place, using existing rules and institutions wherever possible.

please tell me you aren't doubting chemtrails...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I have no doubt the 9/11 attacks had inside help from americans that had motive to start war. I don't like conspiracy. Like there is no illuminati, there is just a global banking industry, and "he controls the spice controls the universe." Also the moon landing was real. There is ample evidence and logic though that 9/11 was not as simple as they said it was in the final report, and it is because they are still puzzled. our government is just middle management. They play us while they get played by the banking elite.

Also HAARP is real. there is no denying it. that is unclassified stuff. you can apply for a job in the field. however it is not as strong as people think and it is not causing hurricanes. Climate change is causing that and we wont know for sure if it is man caused for at least two more years of results when a certain sun cycle ends this year. Most likely it is caused by cow farts and cars.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
yes. the new world order ppl call those that don't sheeple.

and here's the issue I have with the term 'sheeple' especially when insinuated into a conversation where I'm quoted (see above ;) ).

it's NEVER someone from the NWO referring to me as sheeple.

it's ALWAYS someone in a thread claiming that the NWO has a name for people like me.

so it NEVER feels like the NWO is calling me names, it FEELS like the conspiracy theorist that has no valid ammunition left and has to start name calling is calling me sheeple.

yes I called the videos you posted 'fucking bullshit' but as their content can't be proven I feel that's an accurate description. However! feel free to feel extremely pissed off and insulted if you're also the same clown that produced that crap.......



Kiss My Ring

Research & Technology
Act Of 2005

(Introduced in Senate)

S 517 IS


1st Session

S. 517

To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.


March 3, 2005

Mrs. HUTCHISON introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation


To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

This Act may be cited as the `Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005'.

It is the purpose of this Act to develop and implement a comprehensive and coordinated national weather modification policy and a national cooperative Federal and State program of weather modification research and development.

In this Act:
(1) BOARD- The term `Board' means the Weather Modification Advisory and Research Board.
(2) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR- The term `Executive Director' means the Executive Director of the Weather Modification Advisory and Research Board.
(3) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT- The term `research and development' means theoretical analysis, exploration, experimentation, and the extension of investigative findings and theories of scientific or technical nature into practical application for experimental and demonstration purposes, including the experimental production and testing of models, devices, equipment, materials, and processes.
(4) WEATHER MODIFICATION- The term `weather modification' means changing or controlling, or attempting to change or control, by artificial methods the natural development of atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the troposphere.

(a) IN GENERAL- There is established in the Department of Commerce the Weather Modification Advisory and Research Board.
(1) IN GENERAL- The Board shall consist of 11 members appointed by the Secretary of Commerce, of whom--
(A) at least 1 shall be a representative of the American Meteorological Society;
(B) at least 1 shall be a representative of the American Society of Civil Engineers;
(C) at least 1 shall be a representative of the National Academy of Sciences;
(D) at least 1 shall be a representative of the National Center for Atmospheric Research of the National Science Foundation;
(E) at least 2 shall be representatives of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the Department of Commerce;
(F) at least 1 shall be a representative of institutions of higher education or research institutes; and
(G) at least 1 shall be a representative of a State that is currently supporting operational weather modification projects.
(2) TENURE- A member of the Board serves at the pleasure of the Secretary of Commerce.
(3) VACANCIES- Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
(b) ADVISORY COMMITTEES- The Board may establish advisory committees to advise the Board and to make recommendations to the Board concerning legislation, policies, administration, research, and other matters.
(c) INITIAL MEETING- Not later than 30 days after the date on which all members of the Board have been appointed, the Board shall hold its first meeting.
(d) MEETINGS- The Board shall meet at the call of the Chair.
(e) QUORUM- A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number of members may hold hearings.
(f) CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR- The Board shall select a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members.

(a) PROMOTION OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT- In order to assist in expanding the theoretical and practical knowledge of weather modification, the Board shall promote and fund research and development, studies, and investigations with respect to--
(1) improved forecast and decision-making technologies for weather modification operations, including tailored computer workstations and software and new observation systems with remote sensors; and
(2) assessments and evaluations of the efficacy of weather modification, both purposeful (including cloud-seeding operations) and inadvertent (including downwind effects and anthropogenic effects).
(b) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE- Unless the use of the money is restricted or subject to any limitations provided by law, the Board shall use amounts in the Weather Modification Research and Development Fund--
(1) to pay its expenses in the administration of this Act, and
(2) to provide for research and development with respect to weather modifications by grants to, or contracts or cooperative arrangements, with public or private agencies.
(c) REPORT- The Board shall submit to the Secretary biennially a report on its findings and research results.

(a) STUDIES, INVESTIGATIONS, AND HEARINGS- The Board may make any studies or investigations, obtain any information, and hold any hearings necessary or proper to administer or enforce this Act or any rules or orders issued under this Act.
(b) PERSONNEL- The Board may employ, as provided for in appropriations Acts, an Executive Director and other support staff necessary to perform duties and functions under this Act.
(c) COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES- The Board may cooperate with public or private agencies to promote the purposes of this Act.
(d) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS- The Board may enter into cooperative agreements with the head of any department or agency of the United States, an appropriate official of any State or political subdivision of a State, or an appropriate official of any private or public agency or organization for conducting weather modification activities or cloud-seeding operations.
(e) CONDUCT AND CONTRACTS FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT- The Executive Director, with the approval of the Board, may conduct and may contract for research and development activities relating to the purposes of this section.

The heads of the departments and agencies of the United States and the heads of any other public or private agencies and institutions that receive research funds from the United States shall, to the extent possible, give full support and cooperation to the Board and to initiate independent research and development programs that address weather modifications.

(a) IN GENERAL- There is established within the Treasury of the United States the Weather Modification Research and Development Fund, which shall consist of amounts appropriated pursuant to subsection (b) or received by the Board under subsection (c).
(b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There is authorized to be appropriated to the Board for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Act $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2014. Any sums appropriated under this subsection shall remain available, without fiscal year limitation, until expended.
(c) GIFTS- The Board may accept, use, and dispose of gifts or donations of services or property.

This Act shall take effect on October 1, 2005.

...and for the truly uninformed these are chemtrails...shit, the Gates Foundation has their own interests involved. it doesn't have to be something sinister, but it is...
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Does anyone else want to see if we can use HAARP to blow the hot atmosphere of venus and go terraform there? *puff*


Active member
great thread!

i call ppl that are not yet aware of a global elite "wanna be our rulers" cabal asleeples.

this thread is very positive for the awakening.


Active member
Really? "They" punch a perfect circle through a cloud so you can be warned? The one I saw wasn't on any 'chart' it was in the sky. I personally observed what I'd seen on the weather charts. A perfect circle punched through a cloud and then a weather system reversing direction to head to that location.

So... you're saying that the weather folks put those perfect cutouts of circles and squares in the clouds ON the maps?? Obviously we're not talking about the same thing here because you can't see these unless you're really watching for them. They last seconds, just a blip... like the hole in the cloud I saw. The faster the wind, the faster the hole closes. These are in no way 'indicator' squares or circles.

Yeah... new jet fuel formulations, eh? Nice trick making the 'condensation' trail stay up there in the cold and wind... yeah. 'Natural'. LOL Go watch some of those documentaries... not the video clip stuff. You have the background to understand it so it should be really fun for you. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Yeah, right! Seconds! We call those hallucinations. Highly scientific there.

Please read what I said about arguing again. YOU WIN (just like a kid in the special olympics). I suggest you find a mirror and argue with that.

Do you have any input to the discussion or just want another stupid argument?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I guess I don't think like a lot of ppl on this board..
1. it was asked why they would create such a storm ??
I would look at what exactly was lost in this storm .. I believe they are saying they lost bonds worth TRILLIONS not Millions TRILLIONS!!! This would be the first thing I looked at. The second thing I would look at is who stands to gain by this storm?
3rd thing I would look at is timing.. what exactly are they trying to hide in this storm whether this be info, ppl, events!
I now look at the US and Canadain Gov as slimmy fuckers that will stop at nothing to gain the upperhand.
I also believe that 9/11 was set up by the USA aswell. When anyone can explain to me about how 7 building went down that day and the way they went down then by all means do so ??
stay safe headband 707

this is a quote from the article I posted:

Concern is now growing that the small but influential group of scientists, and their backers, may have a disproportionate effect on major decisions about geoengineering research and policy.

"We will need to protect ourselves from vested interests [and] be sure that choices are not influenced by parties who might make significant amounts of money through a choice to modify climate, especially using proprietary intellectual property," said Jane Long, director at large for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US, in a paper delivered to a recent geoengineering conference on ethics.

"The stakes are very high and scientists are not the best people to deal with the social, ethical or political issues that geoengineering raises," said Doug Parr, chief scientist at Greenpeace. "The idea that a self-selected group should have so much influence is bizarre."
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Active member
Yeah, right! Seconds! We call those hallucinations. Highly scientific there.
Last time I checked... you couldn't video a hallucination.

Denial is a false security for many people...

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Edit: The perfect circle I saw lasted for just a few seconds... it took another half minute for the hole to close up, fairly good wind speed that day.
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Can any conspiracy theorist explain to me why if haarp operates only in the IONOSPEHERE at an altitude of 70 to 100 km, and nexrad reads at a max altitude of about 20km in the troposphere (where weather occurs), How your nexrad images are showing "haarp rings?" Also, if haarp transmits frequencies of between 1 kHz and 6.25 kHz., how is a weather radar which reads only at 3 GHz reading all of this? Their altitudes and frequencies are not compatible. I think the most simple fact of all of this is that haarp is just not powerful enough to do any of the stuff you guys are claiming. It only reaches the ionosphere above alaska, can only be used at night, can only be read with highly sensitive equipment, and is completely over powered by nature the next morning. Oh I get it, that's just what the illuminati would like me to believe, and you have indisputable proof that none of that is true. Please. Enlighten me. Also, you have to love how dutchsinse disables comments on his videos. Wouldn't want anyone disagreeing with him, would we?


as for the scientists...
"The eco-clique are lobbying for a huge injection of public funds into geoengineering research. They dominate virtually every inquiry into geoengineering. They are present in almost all of the expert deliberations. They have been the leading advisers to parliamentary and congressional inquiries and their views will, in all likelihood, dominate the deliberations of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as it grapples for the first time with the scientific and ethical tangle that is climate engineering," said Clive Hamilton, professor of Public Ethics at the Australian National University, in a Guardian blog.

and for the doubters:

The Oxford Principles

Brief History of the Principles*

The Oxford Principles of geoengineering governance were originally authored in 2009 by Steve Rayner, Tim Kruger and Julian Savulescu of the Oxford Geoengineering Programme, together with Catherine Redgwell (University College London) and Nick Pidgeon (University of Cardiff).

In December 2009 these principles were submitted to UK House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee enquiry on “The Regulation of Geoengineering”. The Committee endorsed the principles and recommended that they be developed further. In its official response to the Committee’s report, the UK government likewise endorsed the principles. This endorsement is the only official national-level policy statement on geoengineering in the world to date and represents an important step forward in ensuring that research into geoengineering is carried out in a responsible manner.

They also formed the basis of principles agreed to at a gathering of geoengineering researchers in Asilomar, California in March 2010. The Asilomar Conference on Climate Intervention Technologies was modelled after a conference held in the same location in 1975 which brought together a new scientific community in the emerging field of recombinant DNA to discuss the potential dangers and implications of their research and to draw up voluntary guidelines to ensure safety.

The Principles

Principle 1: Geoengineering to be regulated as a public good

While the involvement of the private sector in the delivery of a geoengineering technique should not be prohibited, and may indeed be encouraged to ensure that deployment of a suitable technique can be effected in a timely and efficient manner, regulation of such techniques should be undertaken in the public interest by the appropriate bodies at the state and/or international levels.

Principle 2: Public participation in geoengineering decision-making

Wherever possible, those conducting geoengineering research should be required to notify, consult, and ideally obtain the prior informed consent of, those affected by the research activities. The identity of affected parties will be dependent on the specific technique which is being researched - for example, a technique which captures carbon dioxide from the air and geologically sequesters it within the territory of a single state will likely require consultation and agreement only at the national or local level, while a technique which involves changing the albedo of the planet by injecting aerosols into the stratosphere will likely require global agreement.

Principle 3: Disclosure of geoengineering research and open publication of results

There should be complete disclosure of research plans and open publication of results in order to facilitate better understanding of the risks and to reassure the public as to the integrity of the process. It is essential that the results of all research, including negative results, be made publicly available.

Principle 4: Independent assessment of impacts

An assessment of the impacts of geoengineering research should be conducted by a body independent of those undertaking the research; where techniques are likely to have transboundary impact, such assessment should be carried out through the appropriate regional and/or international bodies. Assessments should address both the environmental and socio-economic impacts of research, including mitigating the risks of lock-in to particular technologies or vested interests.

Principle 5: Governance before deployment

Any decisions with respect to deployment should only be taken with robust governance structures already in place, using existing rules and institutions wherever possible.

please tell me you aren't doubting chemtrails...

Please tell me you don't think chemtrails and cloud seeding are the same thing. There is no conspiracy that we modify weather. There are private companies that advertise their services for seeding clouds. What exactly do you think you found there? What do you think that proves?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

anyone believing that dutchsinse ought to have their heads examined, CHEAP AMATEURISH video manipulation at best.......

and the comments being hidden is the only proof I need that he's nothing more that a fucking snake oil salesman.



Andinismo Hierbatero
if i were in a position to present a bullshit "scientific" research project to a bunch if uneducated politicians that can approve me a juicy budget, i would, but i never joined the ranks of that class of scam artists with diplomas.

the dea's bullshit "science" still gets them budgets approved, just like the "we can control the weather crew"

and that's how things actually work; there's no super scientist crew manipulating anything at will; at best they can aim to the good old trial and error.

my pc broke, took me ages to write this on a shitty phone

peace all


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
This is military project.

You saying we can land on the moon, split the atom and create nanotechnology (all in the 20th century) but in the 21st this isnt at least plausible?

Denial indeed.

Tesla developed this technology.

It works because the chemtrails are aerosol pieces of metal (aluminum and barium) which conduct the energy being sent from HAARP. Thats very basic laymans terms...

This is from the patent


1. A method for altering at least one region normally existing above the earth's surface with electromagnetic radiation using naturally-occurring and diverging magnetic field lines of the earth comprising transmitting first electromagnetic radiation at a frequency between 20 and 7200 kHz from the earth's surface, said transmitting being conducted essentially at the outset of transmission substantially parallel to and along at least one of said field lines, adjusting the frequency of said first radiation to a value which will excite electron cyclotron resonance at an initial elevation at least 50 km above the earth's surface, whereby in the region in which said electron cyclotron resonance takes place heating, further ionization, and movement of both charged and neutral particles is effected, said cyclotron resonance excitation of said region is continued until the electron concentration of said region reaches a value of at least 10.sup.6 per cubic centimeter and has an ion energy of at least 2 ev.


No, that's not a patent of haarp. That's Dr. Eastlund's patent, which was for a speculative and unproven device approximately one million times as powerful as HAARP. The patent does not mention HAARP, and none of its drawings remotely resemble anything built at HAARP. For perspective, HAARP's antenna array measures about 1000 feet on a side. A device such as that imagined by Dr. Eastlund would have been 14 miles on a side, with one million antenna elements, compared to HAARP's 180. Also, Dr. Eastlund left APTI to found his own company before the HAARP program began, and was never associated with the program. Do you understand why this is a military project?


Active member
Can any conspiracy theorist explain to me why if haarp operates only in the IONOSPEHERE at an altitude of 70 to 100 km, and nexrad reads at a max altitude of about 20km in the troposphere (where weather occurs), How your nexrad images are showing "haarp rings?" Also, if haarp transmits frequencies of between 1 kHz and 6.25 kHz., how is a weather radar which reads only at 3 GHz reading all of this? Their altitudes and frequencies are not compatible. I think the most simple fact of all of this is that haarp is just not powerful enough to do any of the stuff you guys are claiming. It only reaches the ionosphere above alaska, can only be used at night, can only be read with highly sensitive equipment, and is completely over powered by nature the next morning. Oh I get it, that's just what the illuminati would like me to believe, and you have indisputable proof that none of that is true. Please. Enlighten me. Also, you have to love how dutchsinse disables comments on his videos. Wouldn't want anyone disagreeing with him, would we?
I see perfect squares and circles showing up in the images of the condensation over sections of the earth... followed by storm systems in the area changing course to pass through those very same areas.

Over and over and over and over and over.

I don't care what anyone calls it... or what they attribute it to. I'm only pointing out that whatever it is or isn't... it definitely:

A: Is not being created by nature


B: Is definitely screwing with weather systems

It could be ants with highly developed technology... just now emerging from their colonies. I don't know. It's there though.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
No, that's not a patent of haarp. That's Dr. Eastlund's patent, which was for a speculative and unproven device approximately one million times as powerful as HAARP. The patent does not mention HAARP, and none of its drawings remotely resemble anything built at HAARP. For perspective, HAARP's antenna array measures about 1000 feet on a side. A device such as that imagined by Dr. Eastlund would have been 14 miles on a side, with one million antenna elements, compared to HAARP's 180. Also, Dr. Eastlund left APTI to found his own company before the HAARP program began, and was never associated with the program. Do you understand why this is a military project?

Wow do you really think they are not fucking with the weather? The fact that we try and control the weather at all is imvho going to bring on the "Butterfly Effect" Why would it not.. I think we already seen through the China Olympics how powerful they are when they decide to clear up their skies,, The fact that they are releasing nanotech into the air should tell you enough. They just don't know enough about the effects of nanoparticles yet! This alone should have stopped this project,, yet here we are. Seeing patterns we have never seen before. Don't get me wrong I understand the ice capes are melting at an alarming rate but perhaps this is part of the reason .. Lets face it when does the Gov ever really care about what happens to the world? Headband 707:)