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Guerilla Underground Thread


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I was in Wal-Mart earlier today and came up with a pretty good idea.. If we don't want our plants to start flowering early, what about the little solar light stakes that you sit along walkways, porches, around the yard etc...? I know they aren't too bright but I could see them being bright enough to keep the plant in "awake" mode. The good thing is, no batteries required, very very cheap up front investment and if your like me out in the middle of BFE and know your land inside and out, you don't have to worry about anyone seeing these in the night time, at least I don't. Its really making me scratch my chin and I am thinking about experimenting with this. :chin:

Edit: also, you could place them right directly at the base of the plant or even hang them upside down over top of the plant so the light is shining directly onto the top.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Well, I found a little something that might help on two other forum searches. I seen one report of a guy that got a clone from his neighbor and it was in full flower in September, however his was still in veg and he had took pictures of the plant and right beside it was a solar landscaping light. The same ones I am talking about that you can buy from Wal-Mart or Lowe's for just a little over a dollar. This was keeping his plant in veg, of course not enough light to help out with any growth, but enough to suppress the urge for flowering.

On another report, on a different forum, I seen a report from a well known member that she actually uses these solar LED lights as well for the same purpose and claims they work perfectly.

Looks like imma be making a trip back to wally world and picking me up a box of solar lights. Once I place them close to the plants, I will do a distance test to see just how viable they are from astray. If everything works like I suppose it will, then I will use these lights whenever I am in doubt about a plant triggering early.



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I have 10 holes that needs to be planted in tonight. I will update on the plant that I said went limp and lifeless, I watered it in yesterday with 4 gallons of water about a foot around the base of the plant. One of two things will happen with that beautiful Skunk #18 gal... One, it will be standing back up in awe and happy to be rehydrated, or two, it will be done for and quiet possibly due to some sort of root problem or pest that has injured the root system. We got strong storms and rain a couple days after I transplanted so I just can't seem to figure out a reason why it went limp over night... It was growing so good and vigorous... If she is gone I will pull her up and inspect the roots closely and decide if I wanna replant in that same hole or not. She was a beautiful pheno and had the straight skunk stank on a stem rub but oh well.... If she is a goner she is a goner, I'm not sweating it... I have tons to go around!


Boreal Curing
How and why sometimes can be hard to pin down. On the other hand, I have a GG4 that is outgrowing everything. It's twice the size as the rest and it's only been in the ground a week. I've flagged it for pollination as an early starter. Now I'll see how quick it finishes.


Masochist Educator
Thats funny Tycho i was telling Wvkindbud the other day about how Last year i had a GG4 pass up everything in my veg room.


Active member
I know the pain Hoypare, I do this strictly for a living and I have no second job. I work Monday thru Sunday, alone, no partners, no team, only I and me and my dog. I love it when I hear people comment about how us weed growers are lazy and don't do shit for a living. Makes me say, do you even know what work is? Lol. Labor intensive yes, but not only that, it is very dangerous to not only our health as I have contracted Lyme disease by doing this, encountered countless rattler's and copper heads but also LEO poses a huge danger.

We risk our lives for this shit. But I would not give it up for nothing and I know it is a very honest living.


You're damn right it is labor intensive. I'm just grateful to be able to get in a decent grow every so many years at this point since I'm too injured to do what you're pulling off. The grows I have keep me in high quality bud on the cheap for a while and then I have to cope with the bad tendons to try to pull off another grow. I went 6 years between grows a while back because of how messed up I am. Thank god the freezer trick works for keeping bud quality up.

And yeh it is honest living. I had an ex years ago who got busted using a school credit card to buy her books for a course and made up some excuse about accidentally using it. I gave her hell for thieving and she tried to pretend as if me growing was somehow just as bad. I couldn't believe she pulled that shit and made me have to point out that I worked for it and that there was no thieving involved.

Ridiculous how some people think.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Thats funny Tycho i was telling Wvkindbud the other day about how Last year i had a GG4 pass up everything in my veg room.

GG4 is extremely vigorous... I got the real deal, Joseys cut. I plan on taking cuttings in a day or two and get them rooted for the season. I have 2 GG4 momma plants and I bet you could get over a hundred cuts a piece of them, they are huge.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Well fellars, wish ole Mountain Budz luck... Tonight is planting night... I have 10 holes I need to sit, no more than 2 per plot and only one per plot in most cases. I am hoping to beat those choppers this year, if they fly like had been year before last, and on... Last year was the least I have EVER seen them fly. If they fly any less than last year we are in biz for sure! I plan to be out till daylight at least, gonna be a long night. But this year I have forced myself to be constantly productive on a daily basis. Last year I waited till after July to put most of my plants out and some I didn't even sit out till mid late August. This year I am on a roll and the harder I bust my ass, the better I feel!



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I would also like to note that I have had no issues this year with opposums, coons, coyotes, bears, skunks, etc digging up my holes and I have actually been using the hell out of Espoma Tomato Tone and it is packed full of feather meal, bone meal, blood meal, etc... I'm not sure why because usually something comes along and digs around in it. My dog goes with me everywhere I go, he runs along side my 4 wheeler. Of a night he is a totally different dog, he goes into guard mode automatically and he literally will not leave my side and lays basically on the hole while I'm prepping, amending and planting. Lol I always reach over and take a pinch of his hair and sprinkle around the base of the holes, every little thing helps and I never done this prior to this year, so I wonder if that is helping keep the animals away... Lmao poor fellar gonna be bald by time the season is up!


I also wanna drop another bit of good info for y'all. I usually order Gro More bulk bags of water soluble fertilizer online. They have a huge assortment and you will find what you need to fit your needs... This year I just didn't feel like ordering any, and grabbed a big box of Miracle Grow Tomato fertilizer instead. The NPK ratio is perfect for cannabis and it is packed with calcium and I am thinking it contains plenty of mag as well, not sure but I will check, however regardless I still throw down top dressings of Epsom salts religiously.. Anything formulated for tomatoes will kick ass on cannabis as well. Now regular miracle grow is a different story. Imo the nitrogen is way too high and the NPK formulation is way off balance for marijuana. This tomato fertilizer kicks ass though you should definitely give it a shot and it is so convenient and easy to grab from most markets and stores. I also use lots of organic ferts in the ground as well, I have an amazing book that is a MUST HAVE for all guerilla growers... It isn't like the cannabis bible or any of that marketing bullshit. This book is the best book I have ever read and is written by various guerilla growers and even info in there from the old Over Grow days... I will try and post up the table of contents later, you would be shocked with this book. I am a hands on type person and go by what I feel, never been much on books but you wouldn't regret this one. Its called Guerilla Growing Trade Secrets and is a thick book with hardly any photos and just straight crucial information. Anyway, what I am getting at is these folks claim the best results they have ever gotten from feeding, now this is pertaining to "in ground crops" is a mixture of organics and chemicals. And since I have started combining them, I have never looked back. Pretty much you amend your holes with tons of organic fertilizers and goodies. Then you feed with chemical based fertilizers. I also throw seaweed extract juice in the mix as well, marijuana LOVES kelp extracts... I use GrowMore seaweed juice in gallon jugs and also real growers recharge. Another product that I cannot say enough good about is the recharge...

Come flowering time, I am a little more picky about which products I use. I will stop the MG tomato food and start using grow more flowering ferts and then I always buy bags of Jacks Classic Bloom Booster... Its some really good stuff and loaded with micro nutrients. Then I top dress with guano, started buying the new guano from sun leaves called "Madagascan Bat Guano" and its the highest guano they have in phosphorus and zero nitrogen.

Just thought I would throw that info out there. Off to work I go! :tiphat:


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽


10th high pressure front now passing i think there will be more lmao

Sometimes I wish that I had that dry weather. It is 90 to 100% humidity here, all day everyday. There is a time early in the season that humidity is appreciated by the plants around here... Then there is a time in the season when the plants don't need it (flowering period) and they don't care to show you that they don't like it! Aka botrytis, powdery mildew and black spot.


lol this happens once in 100 years, but whole september and start of october if not snow yet is 80-100% humidity

offthehook said he need to start breed camels soon


Well-known member
I took my soil from the 60 gallon pots and dug it into the ground this year, let's see if that and a good amount of mulch helps reduce watering. I will be adding a handful of red wigglers to my soil this year, I started vermicomposting last year and have a ton of worm castings too.

I will be growing Durban Poison, Bangi Haze, durban poison × bangi haze, and a fire blue widow clone. Pictures soon good luck this year everybody.


Boreal Curing
I took my soil from the 60 gallon pots and dug it into the ground this year, let's see if that and a good amount of mulch helps reduce watering. I will be adding a handful of red wigglers to my soil this year, I started vermicomposting last year and have a ton of worm castings too.

I will be growing Durban Poison, Bangi Haze, durban poison × bangi haze, and a fire blue widow clone. Pictures soon good luck this year everybody.

Nice stable. Good luck to you too!

I'm all done and everything's in the ground. I have a dozen in a spot that is high risk and visibility, but I couldn't resist. It's such a sweet spot.

I had some fun with the local nursery. I snuck a couple NL autos into their greenhouse and stuck them in with the Tomatoes while they were busy as fuck. lol


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I took my soil from the 60 gallon pots and dug it into the ground this year, let's see if that and a good amount of mulch helps reduce watering. I will be adding a handful of red wigglers to my soil this year, I started vermicomposting last year and have a ton of worm castings too.

I will be growing Durban Poison, Bangi Haze, durban poison × bangi haze, and a fire blue widow clone. Pictures soon good luck this year everybody.

Oh if you buried the pots, its definitely gonna reduce watering drastically.

When I am digging guerilla plots in the wild, I dig all the native soil and pile it beside the hole. Then I pick through all of the dirt, removing rocks, leaving some small ones (pebble/gravel) size in the native mix that I am later gonna blend in 40 to 60, these small rocks and pebbles are great for drainage and to keep the soil from compacting so much. I also leave chunks of that good ole Ky red clay in the mix because it is full of nutrients and retains moisture excellent, all while improving aeration and drainage.

My point I am getting to, is I keep the larger rocks I sit aside out of the soil I dig up and use to mulch around the base of the plant and even build barries around the plant as well, a foot to a couple feet out from the base of the plant, depending on hole size, and this helps retain moisture in the soil as well and reduces supplemental watering. If you leave enough native soil behind and in the mix, depending on your climate, that alone will reduce watering significantly and you can actually go an entire season without watering them at all as long as mother nature is being nice, and running the course as she should... I love it when she cries...



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Nice stable. Good luck to you too!

I'm all done and everything's in the ground. I have a dozen in a spot that is high risk and visibility, but I couldn't resist. It's such a sweet spot.

I had some fun with the local nursery. I snuck a couple NL autos into their greenhouse and stuck them in with the Tomatoes while they were busy as fuck. lol

Lucky dog... I am still digging. Around 5 to 10 per day. I will be done by July I suppose :biggrin:


Elite Growers Club
Helluva thread MountainBudz. Do you order your perlite??? I can't find shit at Lowes or walmart except them lil $5 bags. As you know there not much choice at those 2 stores for Mary growing supplies. I'd like to be near a hydro store to get some heavy stuff like soil and bigger bags of stuff like perlite. I'm doing a few container grows kinda close and guerillin the rest. Just wish I didn't have to order everything especially perlite....I can live with the walmart and lowes soil.