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Guerilla Underground Thread


Boreal Curing
I keep re-reading the stuff because there's just so much good info in there. Once I get my plants out, I'll try to categorise all that great information into a FAQ.


Elite Growers Club
The other thread that is required reading is Julian's MASSIVE OUTDOOR GROW thread. 300 pages of polished gems. Life is soooo much easier now that I know how to properly use Peat Pots. lol

Yea the last 2-3 weeks since I've got back on the forums I've read this entire growing outdoor stuff that's needed to refresh and learn more about outdoor growing. I haven't ran a big outdoor crop In prolly 15 yrs. I've been up north doing indoor grows mainly. One thing about me no matter how old I get I still like to learn and evolve as a grower. I think were all lucky to have the forums.:tiphat:


Active member
Looking good bud green sr! What strain are those? I had a bad experience with a deer this season dang near wiped me out twice

I know it's a late reply but for others who have to plan for deer this worked best for me when I was in the lower new england area. Save your piss in jugs. Collect pet hair and collect people hair from a barber shop (used to use my own hair after hair cuts but LEO is crazy and I could see them getting DNA profiles these days, sooo random stranger hair from a barber should work well.) I think pet dog hair especially would trigger deer. I never had any deer mess up my plants even if they came in the area. They seemed to steer clear. I also drank a lot of electrolytes before the walk out to my spot so I had some fresh piss ready to go. And watch those piss jugs. They're nasty as hell and you don't want them splitting or spilling on a damn thing. They'll make you gag if they're even a week old.


Active member
When you do a post, go to advanced. Then click the little paper clip symbol (attachments) and you should be able to figure it out from there. If you are uploading from your phone, make sure your locations are turned off especially if you have large numbers or a spot with large number in your photo.

This is how I used to do it but i'd use my digital camera which had no GPS or way to compromise my location. Someone else might direct you better on it than I can, been a long time since I posted any pics and have never posted them from my smart phone (yet). I promise I will, eventually though :).

Get some more posts out there bro do I can PM you. Sounds like we share about the same latitude!


There's software for linux, should be windows versions too, call "exif" and "exiftool". They let you see the file "meta data" that can include the picture date, location, time, etc. They also let you blank all of that info out. Just google for "exif" your operating system and find a tool that will work for you. What I do is have a directory that's completely separate for original pictures (I like having dates to remember grows by), and then far away from that directory I have another with the label "REDACTED" and I run that stripping software on the pictures so it strips out that header info. Then those pictures are safe for posting without giving up more info to LEO to use against you. Who knows if they can use time etc. but why give them the details? Maybe they figure out where your plot is some other way and notice you only go to the plot on tuesdays around 7pm and they set up a sting to hit you then. Strip all that meta data. Take a few hours to learn about it so you guys can stay safe while sharing the joy of a grow with others.


Active member
PDX I have heard of using hair before but I've never tried it myself. There has always been an abundance of deer in my area and I have always used mothballs and never have I had an issue. This year I had someone telling me about some deer repellent and was saying how good it worked so I tried it, didn't phase the deer they ate almost all of them. Well I replaced all of the eat'n ones with a second wave of plants THIS TIME put out my tried and true moth balls. Well, once again the deer had a field day with my plants. The strange part is while being out there, one two occasions a deer let me get extremely close to it didn't even care that I was walking right behind it. It looked healthy, didn't seem to be starving.. so I don't know. Also I'll add in that all the plants it kept eating, were single plants with a lot of distance between plants.. defiantly a bummer

Sorry to hear about that. They can quickly wreck a grow. Maybe consider trapping the area with things that will cause sudden loud noises close to the thing they trigger. Making them skiddish of the area by causing a startle response could get them avoiding the area in general.


Active member
Kygiacoma I have some of the pots in a guerilla grow on top of the ground. I just made a heavier soil mixture with a heavy amount of humus and manure it holds moisture great plants are doing great. I've also dug big holes and put the pots in the ground.. filled with promix.. soil stays a lot cooler that way. A lot more stealthy. I haven't had to water anything

Do you have ratios and recipes that I could see? I have had great success with the basic soilless formula from the jungle side of the Big Island of Hawaii, with 5 parts peat moss, 4 parts perlite (keeps the roots from rotting due to extreme moisture), 2 parts worm castings.

But this year I'll be doing out door on the drier side and I'm very concerned about keeping the roots moist. The heavy part of your description is the only difficulty I see since I'm medical and have bad tendons. Hauling heavy stuff out to a plot will suck but I might be able to do several trips with smaller amounts. You using horse manure? Aged?


Active member
I'm on page 142 of the massive outdoor.. man so far it's been pine of the best reads I've done. My favorites are julian and silverback two really smart people that shared everything a person could need getting into this, whether your growing 1 or 10,000 the lessons they shared can and will help you if you utilize them the right way. So glad I found them and had the patience to read through them all. I actually found out about julian from reading a silverback post, i forget which place it was but if he had good things to say I knew it would be worth my time.

Links please? Anyone? Thanks!


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
One of the best things I have ever figured out for deer is a quiet simple technique.

Place a perimeter around your plants with a good strong fishing line, such as spider wire (this is always my choice). One strand should be at 1ft, second at 3ft, 3rd at 5 or 6ft. Make it tight, sturdy and firm. The deer will bump into it and it spooks them everytime, seriously, they don't like it. Even better, if you wanna invest a little more time just make a strand run per ft all the way up to 5 or 6 ft.

Honestly, we have TONS of white tails here. They don't really eat on the plants once the stems and stalk become hardy and the plant gets up to around 2ft tall. So my best advice is to just put chicken wire around the plant, cut up the top pieces of wire were it will prick there noses if they happen to try and sniff it or stick there face down in there. You can pull (I do personally) the wire up once the plants get up to about a foot tall.

Another very very effective technique is to use coyote urine or bobcat urine. Even bear urine will work. But always try and match the urine to the predators you have in your area to the deer. If you dont have bears, don't use bear urine. If you have bears but don't have coyote, don't use coyote urine... you get the point ;)...

Another big tip for you guys that I have not seen mentioned, is never place close to a ground hog den, or anywhere there is evidence of ground hogs. Those little bastards are just straight up assholes. They will not eat the plant, they just chew straight through the damn stalk and now your plants down and leave them laying. They are nature's natural law enforcement eradicators!

They will usually be located around shaded brush thickets, old brush piles, gullies, dried creek beds, etc... do your research.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Human urine will keep most deer away..

I have discovered though, that it has to be a man's urine.. I Guess they're not as afraid of a woman..

Also, the best way to do it is put it in a pie pan, or some other wide, shallow container..
And be sure to replace it with new every 4 days or so...

Best I can figure is animals not only realize it's a male human smell,
when it gets a few day old they figure the human is not there anymore...


Elite Growers Club
I was in the woods and prolly could've just walked up and pet this button buck a few hrs ago. He was eating on a hillside and saw me and snort a lil and kept eating. Just wasn't a bit scared and never ran away. I was talking to my friend and we just watched him easy around the hillside. It was auctually in his back yard so the deer are very used to humans. I don't have plants in that area....good thing this deer was a rack or bones. When there thin in the spring/summer hungry they are very unafraid, probably another reason they eat our plants


and if yer happens to be growing in the Land of Oz ... Dog Shit keeps Kangaroos, Possums

away. Dingo shit too! but as you might imagine it's harder to find. cheers ...


Well-known member
Going to be putting my plants outside soon, durban poison and bangi haze this year.
Hey there Boogie have you ran the Bangi outdoors before? I have these Bangi three weeks from seed hoping to put out on the 15th. This is my second attempt and I have some twisted leaves and one looks a little yellow I plan to give them some fish hydro this weekend and I hope that helps.


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Well-known member
Hey Rodehazrd I think B6 is a male because it has a testicles. LOL!

Boogieman I haven't grown Durban Poison since 1980s when I ordered seeds from SSSC. It finished early October. It was a nice smoke. Heady and an enjoyable buzz.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Y'all talking about Durban Poison, you should see this Full Moon Fever pheno I have going from Greenpoint Seeds... Durban poison clone x Stardawg... I have what looks, smells and seems to be a nearly pure Durban pheno and the buds are freaking huge! Would be a killer outdoors, that one I am actually running indoor atm but I have several FMF going outside this season. Hopefully this pheno pops up again. I plan to reveg the plant once harvested. I will try and get pics late tonight.


Elite Growers Club
Y'all talking about Durban Poison, you should see this Full Moon Fever pheno I have going from Greenpoint Seeds... Durban poison clone x Stardawg... I have what looks, smells and seems to be a nearly pure Durban pheno and the buds are freaking huge! Would be a killer outdoors, that one I am actually running indoor atm but I have several FMF going outside this season. Hopefully this pheno pops up again. I plan to reveg the plant once harvested. I will try and get pics late tonight.

Sounds like these guys at Greenpoint have some of the old school Durban or maybe worked something into it to up the potency.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Well one of the first plants I sit out, that are correlated to the experiment isn't looking like its gonna make it. I checked up on them today and noticed the Skunk was almost lifeless, like it had not got any water. I have them do this in pots all the time, water them in and within 30mins or so they are erect again. However this one doesn't seem to be wanting to come back. There is no way its underwatered and the drainage is excellent. The atw x ssh is doing great though and its not even 8 foot away from the Skunk. Not quiet sure what's happened, I am going to inspect the roots when I pull it up and plan on replacing it with another plant if it doesn't spring back up by tomorrow.

One thing has crossed my mind, is the old composted stuff beneath the hay bales possibly could have contained weed killer. But I know the farmer and I know his hay fields and he doesn't spray at all, that I am aware of anyway... There are thistle bushes and poke stalks growing all in the composted hay, so my mind is kinda in a fuzz over it.

On another, much more positive note... I did manage to get 6 more big ole holes dug out today and will be heading out soon to amend them so I can plant in them. I think I will skip the composted hay for now till I figure out exactly what's up with the limp skunk plant.
