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GS Cookie Grow Along○○


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
will since it was all bad news....

ill post a pic or two of some oil i made today...

its made from the bottoms of like 8 bags of different kinds of weed. from sour d to chem 4 to romulan to sweet shiva....

feels like really dry brown sugar, kinda looks like it too. smokes fucking great, delicious!!

yielded exactly 1 ounce.....:tiphat:



Active member
ICMag Donor
Sorry about the bad news!
I'll take a marble size chunk of that... looks killer bro.

avant gardener

is that Ridomil Gold Sl? can only find one place that will send to Cali..

yeah. subdue maxx is an identical product, but it's not labeled for ag use. go figure.

you can pick up ridomil from romeo packing in half moon bay. that's where family hydro gets a lot of their chemicals. or you can order it from www.sunshinegardensfl.com. old girl will ship anything anywhere and she's dirt cheap. or you could just check your mailbox fool.

anyway sorry about your bad luck. fuck organics in hydro. seriously.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Not talking to Krunch here



Keep It Simple Stoner

Quit changing what works!!! And don't suffer from L.G.S (Lazy grower syndrome).
Ya, FUCK NR (nutrient field) nutrient.....

First time ive ever used a veg nutrient that had some organic additives to it...

Fucking veg tent now had root rot!!!!! never once in 18 years have i got root rot in veg....

On repair mode, the GSC dont seem affected, but many of my other veg plants are and most likely will throw away 50+ plants...

hoping the GCS dont have it, they have not rooted out the 4" cubes yet.....

ill know within a few days im sure, have bleach and DM zone doing there thing now...


Damn sorry to hear krunch, I have a sample box of their lineup I was gonna use on one of my next grows but now I'll just stick with what I'm usin( kiss). Anyone want a sample nutrient pack? Lol


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad

grabbed some Ridomil on Saturday....

ALREADY see fresh white roots, that stuff is the shit!!!!

most likely lost everything in my veg tent, EXCEPT the Cookies! pics later...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
the damage the root rot did to my veg tent, usually its perfection in here, just about everything on the left will be killed because there grow tips are fucked....

the G$C's, looks like only one is affected, maybe two...

Healthy White root coming out of a G$C.....



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
doing there thang!

had to throw away only one, one other one that is affected may get tossed(middle of pic, yellow leaves)....

may get rid of 5 runts, other then that, the root rot is completely gone! :woohoo:

topping in a few days, few more days of veg, then flower.....



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Any new updates Krunch? Good friend just offered me a genuine GSC cut so I am totally stoked, has anyone every grown this outside? I may do one for shit's and giggles but will run a whole room of it as soon as I can get it into rotation.

Anxiously waiting to see your magic bro!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
they were topped yesterday....

thinking this weekend, i will start flowering them....:woohoo:

the plant with yellow in the middle was the only infected plant with the root rot, she will be dead in a day or so...

the plants at the bottom right, is the next batch that will be going into flower....

im actually going to KILL two complete trays, 4 weeks into flowering, JUST to get these girls into flower!

i will be doing two trays flood and drain @ a huge 3 ft mom with a blumat...



Active member
ICMag Donor
Looking good bro... so you only had to shit can 2 GSC plants after all that.. sweet!


Active member
Sux about the root rot Krunch but things seem to be looking better now. So on with the show I guess. Peace


In a couple weeks you won't even be able to tell anything was wrong...

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