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Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

  • id vote no also, it would decrease price.

    Votes: 154 28.3%
  • id vote yes, the increased market will still keep prices up.

    Votes: 391 71.7%

  • Total voters
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K Double O

Nutmeg, sugar cane (rum), potatoe (vodka).... and guess what wine is made from grapes... how 'bout that! Many pharmaceuticals are derived from farmed crops. You're gonna have to find someone a lil' smarter than yourself to help if you wanna compete in this discussion.

At first I thought... How stupid...

But then... I figured y not respond to this...

First of all...

My question was what agriculturally accpeted product produces psychoactives comparable to MJ....

Some More education.... (kinda off topic tho)

All Alcohol requires a chemical process to take place... Fermentation... Distillation...

Everyone should know that...

Neither grapes, nutmeg and what ever else u said, naturally produce pyshoactives... Let alone comparable to MJ...

There is no chemical process needed to manufacture MJ Psychoactive quality...



Please don't respond to comments with type of ignorance displayed by Trillion...

Also, Im NOT swaying in my opinion... Cannabis will not be completely legalized...

At best there will be MMJ acceptance & decriminalization... State Wide... Along side federal taxes and regulation...

Now... Is that enough to satisfy people? Probably not...

Sorry if my views upset many of u...

Nu opinions are like assholes... you know the rest...



I'm going to vote NO because it will destroy prop 215 and put the small timers out of business. If you don't believe me check out this article. Since other cities seem to be emulating Oaklands lead you can be assured that this will be statewide if prop 19 passes. Which is NOT LEGALIZATION is the destruction of prop 215 which was truely Legalization.

http://www.baycitizen.org/marijuana/story/oakland-city-council-considers-new-rules/ said:
Growing marijuana can be lucrative, but the city’s proposed new rules would eliminate small-timers. It would cost $5,000 just to apply for a cultivation permit, and a regulatory fee of $211,000 for the lucky winners. If one has the cash...


Seriously people Prop 215 said we can grow anywhere without regulation or restriction. Prop 19 is going to make a bunch of us criminals again when we can't afford the permits.


Of course there is nothing else which is like cannabis, but there are plenty of crops grown for the purpose of being drugs. You asked what was comparable to mj.

You did make the far-fetched claim that everything big companies sold would be schwag ( and in your words) "And that will push the cost of "High grade" "homegrown" "medicinal" bud thru the roof... "

I see your point though, that no other legally farmed crops are instantly psychoactive like cannbis (apart from nutmeg, maybe others I'm not aware of). I think this is part of the reason it is illegal in the first place, government/big pharma can make much more money selling drugs they make in a lab than ones anyone can grow at home.


i'm confused. i would vote no so prices don't get lowered.

Yes the poll the OP created is from a very skewed standpoint. Putting the amount of money to be made from a grower's perspective as the primary motivation to choose between a yes or no vote for legalization


@ trillion The US federal government is making money off of Cannabis now as we speak. So that arguement is now moot.

Here is the proof..



@ trillion The US federal government is making money off of Cannabis now as we speak. So that arguement is now moot.

Here is the proof..


Yes I believe that for sure.

But they're doing it out of the public eye just as they have many things the public would not have agreed with. By selling cannabis based drugs like marinol they make money from it without the public being able to re-create it and profit from their patented meds.

ie if we make an extraction out of this thing and sell it, then its okay, but if you grow it yourself then its not.


The point is if I can do it as a felon (and I certainly didn't ask anyone's permission to do so) then anyone can do it. It's already legal.


Yes the poll the OP created is from a very skewed standpoint. Putting the amount of money to be made from a grower's perspective as the primary motivation to choose between a yes or no vote for legalization

I was just confused on the wording..
I'd vote no for legalization, because i think i would end up having to sell my ganja for less.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
All the people whining about how you can't possibly keep multiple strains in a 5x5....

I'm keeping three moms of different strains and 25 clones vegging in one 2 sq ft veg chamber and 30+ clones flowering in a perp chamber that is 2 sq ft. This is more than capable of keeping me in personal. If you smoke more than I do, your name must be Calvin Broadus.


Anybody who doesn't think so has the option of GOING BIGGER ILLEGALLY, same as they "need" to do now.

Not voting for this is re-fucking-tarded.

Every argument AGAINST THIS BILL has been completely destroyed by the facts in this very thread.

Go read the whole thing.

Or better yet, read the bill and have a friend near-by to answer your questions when you don't understand a section.

Name one substance that can be sold in the united states that is not being regulated.

Wake up, Grow up, Vote YES. Go and Grow in Peace.


Anybody who doesn't think so has the option of GOING BIGGER ILLEGALLY, same as they "need" to do now.

Actually according to the California state supreme court case People V Kelly we can grow as much as we want without limitation as stated in the ballot arguements of prop 215. So going bigger isn't illegal. Infact prop 19 could make some peoples gardens illegal that are currently legal.

Go read the whole thing.

Or better yet, read the bill and have a friend near-by to answer your questions when you don't understand a section.

I have read the whole thing, with a friend the author of prop 215.

Name one substance that can be sold in the united states that is not being regulated.

Cannabis currently is subject to state of California Dept. of Agriculture regulations. All this does is add MORE regulations and restrictions above and beyond other produce such as Tomato's, Peaches, Avocado's ect.

I take it you have never been inside of a court room past the bar. Because if you have you would understand the nature of how this can be ammendatory in terms of possession and plant count limits.

Really what they are doing is saying "fuck we can't bust people for growing because of 215 so we need something to change that. Hey let's make it so people have to pay a quarter million bucks for permission to grow, and when people can pony up the cash we can send them to prison."

Prop 19 is a fucking shell game. Just new ways to bust growers.


I am amazed by those who do not see the very most basic positive thing about this bill...it is a form of legalization which we have been striving for...especially in the MM community. Every foothold we gain assists in propelling our cause onwards and upwards. I am also amazed how so many canadians have been blindsided by a bill that essentially takes us backwards in the cause by implimenting mandatory minimums for marijuana like their "daddy" USA is telling them ...even when the USA themselves are rethinking the pot issue and leaning towards lighter reform....read up on Bill C-15 now covertly changed and pushed through senate first as S-10....acceptance in any and every form in regards to marijuana production, processing and consumption should be hailed as a triumph...enjoy the little wins 'cause enough can end a war...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
All you naysayers must be commercial no other resone to vote no if you cant some up with the cash to go commercial that's not our fault. I have spoken to the author of this bill and we must have spoken to differant people. Prop 215 wont be effected by this bill Period. But people still whine about this that it's already been explained if you guys dont want to listen we cant make you. You are just agreeing that it's oh to incarcerate people for growing. I feel sorry for your greedy asses. Mom and Pop small grows are going to flourish this is where the best bud is going to be produced not the commercial growers.


hammerhead said:
All you naysayers must be commercial no other resone to vote no if you cant some up with the cash to go commercial that's not our fault.

But it will be your guys fault when everyone is put out of business by the initiative. Thanks for pointing out the truth that commercial peeps would be the ones against it because its about making Richard Lee money, not truely freedom for the herb.

Hammerhead I will change my stance on prop 19 if Richard Lee includes one simple sentence in the ballot arguements. "This initiative will not affect prop 215, SB420, or any currently published caselaw pertaining to prop 215 and SB420".

That would ensure this is a step forward not one step forward two back,...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you have access to get in contact with him yourself im not doing the leg work for ya I have my answers and I have relayed those answers. I cant make you believe me or anyone you need to do the research yourself.. There is no way we can have the bill amended at this late stage for any reason. I wont be put out of business im not going commercial im going to be the best mom and pop shop around and everyone should have the same attitude. Prop 19 was written for rec users only it has nothing to do with MMJ/215/420.

Im not saying this bill does not have issues bit I will be working very hard to fix those issues. True Legalization on cannabis will never happen so that point is moot

Power Tech

New member
If it does become legal I wonder if Monsanto will make a GE (Genetically Engineered) RoundUp ready Hemp and patent the seeds like corn, soybeans, alfalfa.

How is it grown in Canada? Are the farmers small or is it all corporate owned?

jump /injack

didn't government have something to do with the medicinal laws you love so much? what makes you think medicinal cannabis is such a success but legalization will be such a failure?

is there something that happened in the strawberry, avocado, grape, or other agricultural business that I don't know about that government fucked up?

The State of California stopped water from flowing into the Central Valley of California. The agribusiness there was a $31 Billion Dollar business but now its ruined. That was the progressives in Sacrament that did that, the business has moved mostly Mexico. With the laws we have now, medical use is legal and the State has little to say about cannabis, this new law will drastically change that. The State hated 215 because it excluded them from taxing, this new law opens that up and the People's law is not protected, you want the Government into something that it took 20 fucking years to get on the books. 215 is a very simple law that has already been taken to the State Supreme Court, this new proposed law was written by lawyers, open to interpretation by the courts and nullifies 215, this supersedes apparently and lets bureaucracy into everyone life. I have a prescription because of need, I'm not a dealer or commercial grower, you are letting the assholes that have ruined California into this and that is something to consider while not smoking.
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