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Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

  • id vote no also, it would decrease price.

    Votes: 154 28.3%
  • id vote yes, the increased market will still keep prices up.

    Votes: 391 71.7%

  • Total voters
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And of course that the price would plummet, making it much harder for mom and pop farmers to support themselves....

Falling prices would only take drugs gangs out of the picture, making space for experienced farmers to pick up the slack and sick people to afford their medicine.

There is no arguement that can justify inflated black market prices.

Gert Lush

Active member
And of course that the price would plummet, making it much harder for mom and pop farmers to support themselves....
The price might plummet for the easy-to-grow bulk glitterweed that is stuffing the dispenasaries at the moment, but so it should, too, it's way overpriced.

However there will be a market for the quality, boutique and difficult to grow stuff - about time Cali got some decent weed. Look at the wine industry for a parallel. A good bottle of a fine vintage can fetch astronomical prices - legally.

clark420 said:
They will make tons of money off that and only a few in the circle will make tons of money rather than a bunch of small growers doing it
Nonsense! Anything that is legal and mainstream will have the cheap low-quality side that targets the mass market ... the MacWeedies of this world. And yes, they may even have some corporate activity some time in the far future. (No corporate will risk taking the Feds on, they got better things to do with their lawyers)

What do you care, though? If you are a real cannabis fan, the game will be all about growing and providing real high-quality stuff. You know, the stuff that you just can't get at the moment because of illegality.

Stop your imaginary paranoid scenarios for a minute, take off your tin-foil hat and vote for the Freedom that is supposed to be America.

I stress the supposed, you just don't know any more these days.


Maybe Mom and Pop should learn to run a legit business instead of running around in the black market. Mom and Pop don't want prison, do they? Mom and Pop can ALWAYS learn to hone their craft, can't they? If mom and pops are in it for the money.....they can always move the product elsewhere if prop 19 passes. If they love the danger and the drama. There will always be a black market, if that's your business then fine, pick another product to market. It's time to FREE THE WEED!

Gert Lush

Active member
My biggest fear is the industialized take over of MJ... Once big brother gets control over our beloved plant we will see a commercialized, government regulated cluster fuck...

Big companies will dominate...

People want legalization so bad that they havent considered the repercussions have they?...
As so many people have already pointed out, you are punching at shadows.
We live in an industrial, capitalist society, if you don't like that, then get into politics or something.

First off, your fear about corporate takeover is unfounded while canna is still a Federal offence. But even if it wasn't, who cares if some corporate brand supplied bland mid-grade to clueless consumers, it happens in every other area, why should this be any different?

The corporates will be completely unable to compete in the area of good high-quality weed; too much love, care, attention and expertise are required.

At the moment illegality is keeping good pot away from Cali.
If you really care about improving quality and availablity, then YES is the only way to go.

Now, if you're just trying to protect crappy unjustified profits at the expense of regular folks lives' - well - you might have a problem... But don't expect too much sympathy here.


Only 5' x 5'? Are there vertical restrictions? How about a 5' x 5' x 25' high colosseum grow? :D

NOTE: I'm being sarcastic with the "Only 5' x 5'? " part :)


Active member
Tucshay I see your point is valid.. It just concerns me that a Bio Pharma company is already getting ready for there 7 acre facilty in oakland.. I what they will put in it??

hahaha 7 acres in oakland? where? they better hire the national gaurd because theres gonna be a thousand gangbangers just dying to break into that place!

Gert Lush

Active member
Only 5' x 5'? Are there vertical restrictions? How about a 5' x 5' x 25' high colosseum grow? :D
Hahah! Good question!
I doubt that the lawmakers think that far (or have even heard of verts) so you're probably fine.

Seriously though, 5'x5' is what? - about 1.5 kW, you could get 5 kilos a year off that, just how much do you smoke?
Also, if you have a partner that space doubles, a pooled co-op could do a lot. What's more, that's a minimum start, it could be upped quite easily.

Never mind the fact that if it's legal, who's going to bother to measure if you have 25 square feet or 30 or 40?


Hahah! Good question!
I doubt that the lawmakers think that far (or have even heard of verts) so you're probably fine.

Seriously though, 5'x5' is what? - about 1.5 kW, you could get 5 kilos a year off that, just how much do you smoke?
Also, if you have a partner that space doubles, a pooled co-op could do a lot. What's more, that's a minimum start, it could be upped quite easily.

Never mind the fact that if it's legal, who's going to bother to measure if you have 25 square feet or 30 or 40?

I would be fine with a 2' x 2', just a little sarcasm to those who need so much space. Guess it doesn't come out so well on message boards.

If I could actually vote on this bill, I'd vote HELL YES!!!


"It's just a flesh wound"
Government doesn't give you anything, it always takes. For years it put you in prison for growing but the People spoke and made it legal under certain circumstances. Someone mentioned a 7 acre grow by someone in the agribusiness, when that happens and the numbers are run by the bureaucracy the permitting will start. Since government is now broke look for permits eventually costing in the thousands and fines and jail sentences if you don't have one. It will be like the liquor business, how many people do you know with their own distillery in the kitchen? By getting the permit you'll have to give permission for the state functionary to come in for crop evaluation and you'll have to set aside the taxes up front or be bonded. You sell something with out paying the tax and they'll hand you your ass in a sling. Politicians have completely broke California and your asking the same bunch that gave us a $40 billion dollar deficit to come in and regulate, the California EPA will tell you what you can use and not use, the tax agent will take your money and you'll be going to jail for tax evasion. What is the upside on this, why anyone want the government involved in anything you do, it is the most incompetent and criminal bunch in California and your asking them to come in and suck your blood; not to smart.

Well said! Government doesn't create anything except bigger government, it's a self-sustaining entity. It's all about control and power, how to get it and keep it. Big government isn't interested in helping you, just helping themselves to your money and freedoms. Wake up America!


Its ONLY a matter of time. Like Buzzards on a Shit wagon, they have been lurking and waiting. "Marlboro 420s" also available in Menthol, and 100s. I can see it now. Actually I seen It In A Vision About 35 years ago.


I'll make no secret of it, I really think the growers who plan to vote 'no' are as bad as the people putting our fellow heads in prison. You guys know exactly what is at stake but you can't get your selfish heads around your loss of black market dollars.

We're talking cheaper meds for the sick, vastly increased research prospects, freedom for all to grow not just someone with a card, freedom from prosecution, freedom to talk openly about something we are so passionate about and hopefully freedom from contaminated produce.

Plus it is one more step to ending the farcical 'war on drugs' that claims lives daily all around the world.

And from there things can only get better....

K Double O

People are mad!

Completely Legalize It!!!!

More accessible....

Blah blah blah....

More Schwag!!!

We want Schwag!!! (lmfao)

Here is some education for those who need it...

Decriminalization is the abolition of criminal penalties in relation to certain acts, perhaps retroactively, though perhaps regulated permits or fines might still apply (for contrast, see: Legalization). The reverse process is criminalization.

Legalization is the process of removing a legal prohibition against something which is currently not legal.

See the difference???????

Or Is it me??

Legalization will make extremely harder for Uncle Sam to tax and penalize appropriately...

Anyway, the advocation of MJ's Medicinal qualities... Will lead to the decriminalization state-wide eventually...

Thats as far as it will go.... imho....

But whats sad is when I said I was for decriminalizing MJ... against complete legalization... The yahoos started to quote me like I want people to face the criminal aspects MJ...

Come on people...

I grow too...


Active member
Well said! Government doesn't create anything except bigger government, it's a self-sustaining entity. It's all about control and power, how to get it and keep it. Big government isn't interested in helping you, just helping themselves to your money and freedoms. Wake up America!

didn't government have something to do with the medicinal laws you love so much? what makes you think medicinal cannabis is such a success but legalization will be such a failure?

is there something that happened in the strawberry, avocado, grape, or other agricultural business that I don't know about that government fucked up?


Any schmuck can get a med card and start peddling semi-legal bud for £3000+ a #. Hence the reason people like K Double are stuck on repeat with their fabricated wild theories about all cannabis suddenly turning to shit once its legalized...

What is everyone gonna suddenly forget how to grow? No one has to watch out for cops so they stop trying? I'm really intrested to know your reasoning behind your theory.

K Double O

didn't government have something to do with the medicinal laws you love so much? what makes you think medicinal cannabis is such a success but legalization will be such a failure?

is there something that happened in the strawberry, avocado, grape, or other agricultural business that I don't know about that government fucked up?



Comparing agricultural products to MJ is questionable...

What agriculturally accepted product in the US produces psycho-active qualities comparable to MJ?


Nutmeg, sugar cane (rum), potatoe (vodka).... and guess what wine is made from grapes... how 'bout that! Many pharmaceuticals are derived from farmed crops. You're gonna have to find someone a lil' smarter than yourself to help if you wanna compete in this discussion.

K Double O

Any schmuck can get a med card and start peddling semi-legal bud for £3000+ a #. Hence the reason people like K Double are stuck on repeat with their fabricated wild theories about all cannabis suddenly turning to shit once its legalized...


I said MJ would turn to shit...

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