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Prices in Japan?


How much is good smoke going for in Japan roughly? It's got to be much more than it is here in Thailand.

The reason I am asking is because I am working on a fiction story about a couple of crazy dudes who think they can sail a sailboat full of Thai weed to Japan and get away with it. Of course they don't know what they are doing or even who to sell it to. Actually, they don't even know how to sail really, but they really know how to smoke. Don't worry, I am not thinking about doing this, ha ha.. :bashhead: Its just a story.

Or would they get more money for hash? I guess takes up less space in your sailboat, heheh..

Actually my father knew a Vietnam vet who tried this years ago. From where to where, not sure, but apparently he lost his rudder in a storm and washed up in Australia, where he had to torch the boat and cargo on the beach and disappear. Well, so the story goes. I've heard a lot of those stories about the 70's.
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Wow, intense prices. Thanks for the info, Japanfreakier.

A lot more than here, where it goes from 1 to 10 dollars a gram, depending on what tourists area.


sawadee... interesting story you got...

here, 1g = $10 - $50 depend on quality.... just in our circle though...
SSH, Kali Mist, AK47, BD etc...
to me Yakuza is the ancients.... not cool to hang around with anyway...

the great smoke you get in thai... but not in bangkok...
i can't forget the dayz with yaba and diving....


Just to confirm:

In that situation, selling bulk (as in a boatload) to a middle man, JapanFreak is right on the money. I`ve researched it, I`m uh, writing a story too.

I don`t know if you can get $50-$80/gm on the street tho? maybe. $50-$60 seems more likely, but then again I don`t buy on the street, or anywhere else actually.
I do know one idiot here who actually paid $100 for a gram of weed, may years ago. Even the other Japanese were shaking their heads.

As for hash, you`d have to ask the Iranian dudes. I haven`t heard of prices, but I know someone who got gifted a little once. I`m sceptical that it would even be worth trying to sell good hash, I don`t know if the average punter here would appreciate it enough to pay the premium. They`d prob. be happier with buds. Maybe I`m underestimating the smoking public tho.

You can get away with selling just about any shit here, some people will gladly even buy leaf.
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Active member
Believe it or not, good hash sells for less than schwag in Japan. I used to have a source about 6 years ago who got me really good hash for about $15 a gram (under 20 grams) at a time when shitty grass was going for $30. Go figure.


back in da dayz... I went Shibuya looking for weed etc...
what I got from Iranian? dude was very low quality hash for 1g = $25

gangsta wanabee hiphop guys working under yakuza, they sell you
low quality buds 1g = $50 call mobile number and you get it at rail station,
where police usually don't come.
it's amazing that they sell black slimy thing for 1g = $25
They call it hash but actually it's leftover from cleaning pipe............

the crystal is 1g $100 - $500, a ritalin is $4 in Japan
1 yaba is $2 in Thai 2 weeks ago...


Well-known member
Resin for 25 a gram?!?! We need to organize an aid campaign to send huge wooden crates of chronic parachuting down onto the island. It's a humanitarian crisis!


green-genes77 said:
Resin for 25 a gram?!?! We need to organize an aid campaign to send huge wooden crates of chronic parachuting down onto the island. It's a humanitarian crisis!

Sure, by all means. :jump:


Active member
kaminotane said:
the crystal is 1g $100 - $500, a ritalin is $4 in Japan
1 yaba is $2 in Thai 2 weeks ago...

They don't even sell it by the gram now. You're lucky to get 0.3g per baggy for ¥15,000 and it's mixed with horse tranq. Ever since they cracked down on that North Korean boat, "long-dong something or rather" that came into Niigata the quality and price has been shits.

Yaba was so cheap like 15 years ago here everybody used to pass them out like breath mints (the little red ballz)


New member
hey guys, i just had to say that i feel for you all in japan.. i lived in there for three years and only smoked near the end when i lived in tokyo and met some other heads.
now i live in southern mexico, and i dont even know what a gram means any more.
10bucks for a handful.
good luck getting the word out, i think it will take some time, but a lot of younger japanese kids were not quite so hung up on the "marijuana is the same as opium and cocaine, right?" kick.


green-genes77 said:
Resin for 25 a gram?!?! We need to organize an aid campaign to send huge wooden crates of chronic parachuting down onto the island. It's a humanitarian crisis!

rofl !!!
I know a cat in guam who sold for 55 a gram, grew too and afaik never sold in bulk. His grow probably wasn't huge because apartments are usually on the small side and electricity isn't cheap.


Active member
You could live well over there from just the earnings on a closet size grow it sounds like.
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So you would last a few days out of the Street selling to Strangers who all look the same. You would be able to tell a Cop from a Punter looking for some fun. See you in about 15-20 years Dude.
You teach English and make an honest living and the nightlife oh you would be like a movie star due to your unique western Self.

Do right and you will be respected.
The Japanese are not going to be impressed by a street dealing foreigner.


Active member
So you would last a few days out of the Street selling to Strangers who all look the same. You would be able to tell a Cop from a Punter looking for some fun. See you in about 15-20 years Dude.
You teach English and make an honest living and the nightlife oh you would be like a movie star due to your unique western Self.

Do right and you will be respected.
The Japanese are not going to be impressed by a street dealing foreigner.

WTF are you talking about Rog?
Who said I was going?
Someone who has lived there their whole life, and knows the scene, could do pretty good for themselves off just a little closet grow is what I'm saying.