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Gettin down with a 600 hps. Khaleel-style.



moses: thanks my friend, but its a digital ballast (Lumitek). :badday:

dj: the og is looking very kush indeed, nice work! :wave:

eatshitake: the fooking ballast is pissing me off. going to find out what is up today. :confused: but yes, on a good note, the beans are here :D

so now to sort out the ballast, then pop some beans! i also got a couple of the Purple Urkle 1 clones, the strain NZJay sent me that actually turned out pretty fat, but the poor girls have a good deal of spider mites so i'm thinking they are going in the trash instead of my room. i knew when i brought them home, but had some idea of eradicating the borg before putting them in my room. not exactly sure what i thought i was going to do in one night to ensure they didn't infect my other girls. :bashhead: so either to the trash or to someone who wants to deal with em. :dueling: too bad, i really wanted to bring that strain back... eh such is life.

take care!


well the ballast is going in the mail today, should have a replacement next week. in the meantime, T5's to the rescue!!!

the vipers are looking good

and finally, its bath time for gov mule :D



freeradical said:
Is that after clones were taken?

she was a mama gifted from a medical friend of mine. good dude. this pic was nov 30th. what's that, a week? more i think. :yes: thanks for the post free :wave:

lipass: thanks my friend, hope you stick around for the show :smoke:

sent the ballast off today at lunch. should be there by thursday, hopefully have it fri or saturday back up and running. :D

hey any of you guys seen cannabeard in a while? :confused:


gov mule and moon shadow

gov mule and moon shadow

wassup khaleel sorry about misspelling your name earlier....was wanting to know are the gov mule and moonshadow indicas or sativas or what the story on these strains? thanks..peace..djxx


Active member
sup my man! hope ya got the ballest working ....

missing ya man... hope you doing good..
like the new thread ;)

when you coming over this way for a vacation? :D


nz! what up brother, hope all is well with you! ballast is broken, but on its way back to get replaced. should have the 600 back up and running by end of next week. hey we need to get the im thing going again... pm me next time your on and lets set it up :yes:

dj: no sweat my friend, khaleel's not my real name anyway. :smoke: the gov mule is a cannacopia seed, G-13 x Deep Chunk, and the Moon Shadow is from Joey Weed, Cinderella 99 x Chemo. :canabis:

here we go, day 23 from seed and the girls are ready for their first transplant (not bad looking roots eh? :D)

the new mix - what a wonderful texture, i really like the adding coco bit

the girls in their new homes

and look at this, the government mule sure didn't waste any time!

tails on each seed after one day soaking. :joint:

they went into the mix tonight, here we go! oh here's another pic, i think it turned out kinda cool

ok hope all is well, more posts to come :kitty:


/\/\/\ thx dr,dog! i sent the ballast back, should have replacement in a week. this time around ill put a two-leg break timer on her and a surge protector so nothing happens again. :yes:


Active member
that govt mule has got to be some good stuff. keep it up bud, it's looking great around here.


highlowlander: hahaha amen :canabis:

hazy said:
that govt mule has got to be some good stuff. keep it up bud, it's looking great around here.

hi hazy! :wave: thanks for stopping by and for the kudos...

and here is contestant number one! :D

ahhh i can't wait.

hey, i heard an interesting anecdote from a grower friend... he said that in his 15 years of experience, the one thing he swears by that most people will say he's crazy is that plants talk to each other. and that if you have more than 2 or 3 strains in any one grow area, the plants will develop similar traits and visual characteristics regardless of genetics. kind of like women that live together get on the same cycle. i guess. anyway, i did a mental inventory of my grows, and i think my own experience actually supports what he said. :confused:

any of you ever notice this? lol


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice pics bro...
i definetly agree with what you just said.i was growin the same three strains for the longest.when i first started with them they were all really distinctly different bro,i swear as time went by i can tell they have taken on eachothers charescteristics in certain ways.i can still tell them apart and everything but they definetly have had subtle changes towards eachother ...i always just thought it was me,because i had the same gear for so long... till you just said that man.thanks for backin that up and tell ur homie thanks too.


:yes: yeah my grapefruit x trainwreck and willijuana x trainwreck started to look and even smell kinda similar after six or seven months... eh, i think i'm just gonna run these vipers and the gov mule. i may forget about the clones i took from the b-52. not doing too hot. i didn't add any grow fert like usual, and algae developed quick. still need to go to the hydro store and get the shit i used to use. :bashhead:

i'll let my homIE (*note - i had to come back and edit this because originally i wrote "my homo" hahaha nice) know you said thanks... it is kinda crazy lol but just another example of what an amazing gal she really is :respect:
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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
i know bro thats crazy right.
speakin of the hydro store i need to go there and get some sweet...i ran out of molasses and the store i get it at has been out for a week...i had them order me a case i cant be runnin out of the good ole molasses..
maybe just try to salvage one of them b-52's you dont wanna be tossin somethin that you havnt seen the final product of...assuming you havnt grown her out???i forget bro. :joint: ...


this is my first time, but i've actually smoked weed from this very same mama before. its good, no doubt, but not anything i'm wanting to keep around. i'm after the beauties, now. searching for that perfect high... :smoke:



gov mule girls are doing fine, we have 7 out of 10 up and visible!

here's a couple shots of a baby, less than a day above ground

looking good. :yes: and the rest of my cab is doing well too

the B-52 on the left, and her clones on the right.

the vipers are looking nice i think... gotta be day 27

mmm :canabis:

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