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Gettin down with a 600 hps. Khaleel-style.



EatShitake said:
Niiiice! Good to hear you're back in business with the 600, bro! Time to rock and/or roll!


thanks mate! :D

caligreen said:
Very healthy set of (lets hope) ladies you've got there! Can't wait to see those Gov mules, sounds interesting I might go check the seeds out so I can see what your working with here. Peace dude!

here ya go brother!

Government Mule

and coming soon... (the beans are in my drawer, just waiting for their turn :yes:)

Moon Shadow

things are looking great, i've spotted hairs on three lovely ladies, potential ballsatchels on one :nono: , and still hoping on the other two! :canabis:

got some company coming over, we'll see if i can get more pics. i'm also about to plant six b-52 clones. they've been in a rapid rooter tray for a couple weeks - i threw out the float and grow tray, it was over a year old and getting pretty nasty. we'll be going into 4.5" square pots, then to 2 gal round pots, then finishing in 3 gal black soil bags. mmmm, can't wait. :dueling:


What up T! well, here we go...

lady 1

lady 2

lady 3

lady 4

ok i lost the other pic lol but i have 5 girls!!! :woohoo:

here's the lone boy

and his roots, not bad for a week in the new container :pimp3:

after seeing that, i decided on a size progression. starting out in 4 or 4.5 inch containers, then to 1 gal bags, then to 3 gal bags to finish. gonna take these girls into 5 gal bags for shits and giggles, and cuz i still have a few 5 gal bags hanging around. :yes:

the bloom room

and my veg cab, b-52's going from rapid rooters to dirt

i put 3 little clones into a 2 gal pot, 4 clones into a 2 gal pot, and 1 clone into a 4.5" pot. i'm going to see which transplant takes off the fastest, and decide from there if i'll skip the 4" step or not. i did discover something sort of useful... i needed the girls to be at the same level, so i took one of the 4.5" pots, and stacked it on the 4" pot, then put them both into the 2 gal pot so as not to easily tip over :D

good stuff.

and here's the Government Mule, looking good.

and the girl i was telling you about that died... or so i thought. jury is still out, i'm keeping her soil moist just in case she pulls through

take care :wave:

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
:yes: looking good in here broham :friends:
you'll have that bloom room filled up in no time flat !!
then look out LOL :rasta:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
jeeesh things are blowin up in here leel.
not gonne be long like bb said,the way them roots look you may have to add a second story to the cab LOL...and the roots on that little one look healthy as a mf too bro.peace -T-


khaleel-dec05 said:
here we go, day 23 from seed and the girls are ready for their first transplant (not bad looking roots eh? :D)

oops, guess its more like two weeks with the transplant. still, i like what i'm seeing. think i'm gonna keep the new mix around for a bit. i also picked up some bloom nutes. high phosphates ancient age (?) oh wait that's a whiskey ahahahaa ok, i'll post a pic in a bit. :yes:

thanks t and brothabear, much obliged! :wave: :respect: :smoke:


5 girls and counting...congrats papa! LOL

Wait...Someone say whisky?...:biglaugh:

Take care man!


Smoking Gun

Active member
Heya K, those plants are all looking good.

Did you toss the lone Viper male? Those roots were looking incredible. The roots on the B-52 clone were looking nice too. Definitely excited to see this thread and your plants start to take off.
Hey Daddy K :D
Was wondering what the origins of that B-52 was?
Had some B-52 to smoke on last week, made quiete an impression Now i'm wanting to know everything there is to know about B-52 :smile:
Damn those roots sure looked good, kinda reminds me of half-cooked spaghetti LOL
:wave: Low


highlowlander: lol yup the roots sure are pretty :canabis: i'm not sure where the b-52 came from. my buddy is a patient also, but we've never really talked about where his genetics come from. (even patient can be a little cautious - and rightly so, with thieves out there) i'd google it and see what comes up. :confused: thanks for the post!

smokingun: thanks bro, good to see ya! :wave: yeah i threw the male, no room or need for it so he had a proper plastic bag burial. :badday: sorry mate, ladies only

eatshitake: lol mmmmm, whiskey. :yummy: hey pizzle, have fun this weekend! :pimp3: wish i was there with you guys

ok everyone, time for some picture updates

remember this little one?

well, i kept dirt around her and kept it moist. i can hardly believe it, and with all the stress it might end up male (knock on wood), but either way she's alive

the other gov mule's, looking great!

and here 's the new food, age old, not ancient age haha

power to the dutch! :rasta:

alright, i'll try to get some pics of the b-52 up - she's actually starting to sprout some decent hairs alreadyy. gonna get a nice set of flowers on her, i have a feelin...

take care, hope all is well! feel free to post some bud pics if ya got anything goin on folks :kewlpics:

Smoking Gun

Active member
Heya K, no worries about the male. Trust me I understand what it is to not have a lot of space. I was just curious, I have always been interested in breeding, and would have loved to see what you came up with if you crossed out that male. Anyway, all is looking good. And that runt is definitely interesting, but you could be right about it being male. Well, only time shall tell what it is, and I will certainly be here watching what happens.


Holy cows!!! Now I see what can happen over here in no time flat! Leel I haven't
been by in a min. damn looking good sir! Whats this the 600 is having problems already? T5 to ol faithful!lol Ok remembered to tag this go-a-round!
Hope the best for you and the fam this holiday! First one!!! Good vibes,great health,and
happy holidays brother:wave:


Young Giver said:
very nice i like these hidden grows it just shows you can grow just about anywhere.

well, i couldnt nor wouldnt pull this off if i wasnt a patient. both my bldg manager and landlord know and have discovered my grow, and thus verified my paperwork. it would be pretty ballsy, dare i say quite stupid, to try and pull this off in a normal apartment tenant type situation. :chin: but thanks for the post, i hope things are safe on your end :wave:

krushonkush: hahaha yeah i've been busy. i'm feeling it too. getting too old to be doin all this building and shit. this box is staying up for a while, i have a feeling. :yes: knock on wood lol happy holidays to you too brother, thanks for stoppin in hope to see you around :smoke:

smokingun: word up. i've smoked the b-52, it is nice weed. can't remember too much more than that, but i do remember i liked it. a bit on the indica side i think. ? we'll see... :canabis:


hey guys, just a post this morning before work! :wave:

vipers are doing well hehe :yes:

my labeling system - i can't believe i didn't do this from the beginning lol (please ignore the lack of a space between "8" and "weeks" - i did not spell check the document hahaha)

the gov mule are doing fine, i can't wait til there as big as the vipers :canabis:

hope the holidays treat you well!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Happy Holidays Leel

Plants are looking great bro.

Feb 5 one day before my birthday


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
merry christmas homeboy!!!!!
best wishes to you and you family...take many pics of the first christmas for the baby bro!!!!!!
have a blast my brotha.-T-


dr.d, smoking, and t: thanks guys, happy christmas-holidays-whatever to you! :yes: lol

ok, some updates. the vipers had to go to bigger containers. they were needing water every two days. here, check it out

not bad eh? i think they like what's goin on. here's a before shot of the room

and after

you can kind of see the new fan. it is 11 inches across, it doesn't oscilate but it is a high velocity fan and can be pointed straight up. blowing the cool air from outside up and into the rest of the cab evenly, so the cool air doesn't just sit at the bottom, and each plants gets disturbed by the circulation a little, but never anything strong enough to damage the girls. i'm hoping it will work nicely.

:wave: hope everyone's holidays are great