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George Soros’ real crusade: Legalizing marijuana in the U.S.


Active member
If Soros is any of those things, you should be able to quote him on the subject, or at least provide links to sources not from Glenbeckistan. Have at it.

As I offered earlier, it's important not to let others' interpretations become our own w/o critical analysis on our part, without going to the source. In this case, that would be Soros himself & the organizations he funds. Clearly, you haven't done that.

Your a troll. I posted up info from Soros book that he wrote himself. Sorry you can't follow facts, and remain subjective. Instead you like to insult people with no facts to back up any of your bigoted views.

TheGnome - Trying to convince a bunch of socialist progressives that Soros is bad news is futile. You have one person in your corner however.
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Active member
Ill post this again

By: Human Events
4/2/2011 03:01 AM

1. Gives billions to left-wing causes: Soros started the Open Society Institute in 1993 as a way to spread his wealth to progressive causes. Using Open Society as a conduit, Soros has given more than $7 billion to a who’s who of left-wing groups. This partial list of recipients of Soros’ money says it all: ACORN, Apollo Alliance, National Council of La Raza, Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Southern Poverty Law Center, Soujourners, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization for Women.

2. Influence on U.S. elections: Soros once said that removing President George W. Bush from office in 2004 was the “central focus of my life.” He put his money where his mouth is, giving $23.58 million to various 527 groups dedicated to defeating Bush. His early financial support helped jump-start Barack Obama’s political career. Soros hosted a 2004 fund-raiser for Obama when he was running for the Illinois Senate and gave the maximum-allowed contribution within hours of Obama’s announcement that he was running for President.

3. Wants to curtail American sovereignty: Soros would like nothing better than for America to become subservient to international bodies. He wants more power for groups such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, even while saying the U.S. role in the IMF should be “downsized.” In 1998, he wrote: “Insofar as there are collective interests that transcend state boundaries, the sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.”

4. Media Matters: Soros is a financial backer of Media Matters for America, a progressive media watchdog group that hyperventilates over any conservative view that makes it into the mainstream media. Now its founder, David Brock, has openly declared war on Fox News, telling Politico that the group was mounting “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” against the cable news channel, and would try to disrupt the commercial interests of owner Rupert Murdoch—an odd mission for a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational foundation that is barred from participating in partisan political activity.

5. MoveOn.org: Soros has been a major funder of MoveOn.org, a progressive advocacy group and political action committee that raises millions for liberal candidates. This is the group that had on its website an ad comparing President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler and ran the infamous “General Betray Us” ad in the New York Times, disparaging the integrity of Gen. David Petraeus.

6. Center for American Progress: Headed by John Podesta, White House chief of staff under President Clinton, the Center for American Progress has been instrumental in providing progressive talking points and policy positions for the Obama administration. There has also been a revolving door between the White House and the Soros-funded think tank, with Obama staffing his administration with many CAP officials.

7. Environmental extremism: Former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones and his leftist environmental ideas have been funded by Soros’ money at these groups: the Ella Baker Center, Green For All, the Center for American Progress, and the Apollo Alliance, which was instrumental in getting $110 billion in green initiatives included in Obama’s stimulus package. Soros also funds the Climate Policy Initiative to address global warming and gave Friends of the Earth money to “integrate a climate equity perspective in the presidential transition.”

8. America Coming Together: Soros gave nearly $20 million to this 527 group with the express purpose of defeating President Bush. A massive get-out-the-vote effort, ACT’s door-to-door canvassing teams included numerous felons, its voter registration drives were riddled with fraud, and it handed out incendiary fliers and made misleading taped phone calls to voters. ACT was fined $775,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violations of various federal campaign finance laws.

9. Currency manipulation: A large part of Soros’ multibillion-dollar fortune has come from manipulating currencies. During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad accused him of bringing down the nation’s currency through his trading activities, and in Thailand he was called an “economic war criminal.” Known as “The Man who Broke the Bank of England,” Soros initiated a British financial crisis by dumping 10 billion sterling, forcing the devaluation of the currency and gaining a billion-dollar profit.

10. Delusions: Soros has repeatedly said that he sees himself as a messianic figure. Who but a megalomaniac would make these comments? “I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance—to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god” or “I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin.” If only the loony bin were an option. As it is, one of the wealthiest men in the world is using his billions to impose a radical agenda on America.


Active member
Like I offered earlier, Bulldog420, give me sources not from Glenbeckistan.

Human Events panders to America's most paranoid fringe-whacks. Only the victims of their propaganda claim them to be a reliable source.

the gnome

Active member
the facts on soros are out there if one only cares to look,

Like I offered earlier, Bulldog420, give me sources not from Glenbeckistan.
Human Events panders to America's most paranoid fringe-whacks. Only the victims of their propaganda claim them to be a reliable source.

and btw when a fact is proven as fact and is truth, why does it matter who its from?
answer: because it would lend credibility to the source that has been vigorously marginalized with extreme prejudice and those that denounce can NOT have it viewed as factual and truthful.
facts and the truth are the Biggest danger to those who are the real propagandist, right... yes :smoke:

I'm not here to convince anyone, was never my intentions.
so find the facts for yourself and do your own homework if your really interested about what i said and prove me wrong.
but an ideologue or followers are not interested in fact or truth of an issue that goes against their ideology.

when no real dialogue follows and delusional and beckistan is the reply you get you know there is no real interest in truth or facts. lets you know who/what your dealing with pretty quick
Bulldog, your exactly right,
its an utter waste of time to put any facts forward as said and done above when dealing followers of far left prog. ideology.
facts muck up their world and beliefs faster than the truth does,
hence when you confront them with fact/truth
you have to be marginalized and quickly discredited by being labeled as-----> Delusional
extreme(ist), terrorist, dangerous, paranoid, fringe, whacks/o, propoganda/ist, conspiracy theorist.... etc etc

what i said on is soros based on fact
nothing can be poured into a glass that's already full :smoke:


the gnome

Active member
btw i didn't plan for this discussion to go where its been taken but it does have some relevance
considering soros is 1/2 of the main topic.

Ive had my say here and callin it a day :)


but an ideologue or followers are not interested in fact or truth of an issue that goes against their ideology.

Bulldog, your exactly right,
its an utter waste of time to put any facts forward as said and done above when dealing followers of far left prog. ideology.
facts muck up their world and beliefs faster than the truth does,
hence when you confront them with fact/truth
you have to be marginalized and quickly discredited by being -----> Delusional
extreme(ist), terrorist, dangerous, paranoid, fringe, whacks/o, propoganda/ist, conspiracy theorist.... etc etc

what i said on is soros based on fact
nothing can be poured into a glass that's already full :smoke:
For sure your glass is full on the subject of Sorros, so full you can't even see how nothing more fits in it. You are guilty of the same things you accuse others of. To paraphrase you: "You lefties have to be marginalized and quickly discredited by being labeled as followers of far left prog. ideology or left wing extreme(ist), left wing terrorist, dangerous left wings, paranoid left wings, Left wing fringe, Left wing whacks/o, Left wing propoganda/ist, Left wing conspiracy theorist.... etc etc"
But at least Bulldog is on your team....
People that spend to much time thinking about Politics just seem to be unhappy people, they always have something to say about their perceived enemy on the other side of the political spectrum. One thing is for sure, if you call me a socialist you are really mistaken, I am a freemarket capitalist all the way, I know that it has plenty of problems but it sure is better then socialism, communism, even though the right wing assholes that destroy the planet in their search for wealth, are pretty much as bad as the bad guys on the left. So to me all politics is just mental masterbation, over and over, nothing accomplished, and really, all pretty evil. And politicians are just all no good, wake up you sleeping idiots. All any politician cares about is greed.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
People that spend to much time thinking about Politics just seem to be unhappy people, they always have something to say about their perceived enemy on the other side of the political spectrum. One thing is for sure, if you call me a socialist you are really mistaken, I am a freemarket capitalist all the way, I know that it has plenty of problems but it sure is better then socialism, communism, even though the right wing assholes that destroy the planet in their search for wealth, are pretty much as bad as the bad guys on the left. So to me all politics is just mental masterbation, over and over, nothing accomplished, and really, all pretty evil. And politicians are just all no good, wake up you sleeping idiots. All any politician cares about is greed.

Seems to me like you are a bit conflicted here, Sam. I understand your point, though, but the simple fact is that people have to become aware and educate themselves as to what is going on. There is no point in history where information has been so readily available, and unfortunately there is a dismally small number of people making use of it.

Regarding Soros, with his history of manipulation, it is foolish to think that he doesn't have some other agenda than "freeing the weed". He is the Democrat equivalent of the Koch brothers, and they are both advancing an agenda that will ultimately be beneficial to themselves.

the gnome

Active member
People that spend to much time thinking about Politics just seem to be unhappy people, they always have something to say about their perceived enemy on the other side of the political spectrum

since this thread is on soros, and he is far extremely left wing I am addressing it as such,
tho you seem to assume he is my enemy only because of that.
so I must be on the other end in your eyes?

years ago I came to the conclusion they are the same.
the far right is no damn better than the far left!
they are merely a slower poison imo.
but this discussion hasn't been about the right with me, at least until you bring it in.
but feel free to put me whatever corner you want and with whom ever may be in it.
it may matter to someone it seems, but not me.

so Ive addressed it as such on the topic of soros who is not the type i see benefiting anyone but himself in this legalization effort.
there's a lot, i mean A LOT riding on legalization and the big monies are already slicing up the pie trying to get the biggest share and control, not to mention the federal govt. will have their hand in it and that's not going to be a pretty site in the end.
my biggest worry is having a negative impacts on the movement on it by getting into bed with soros on the deal.
just look at his history and there is nothing there that suggests his heart is warmed by the thought of giving the poor down trodden persecuted pot users of med patients a helping hand.
because he is an extreme far left socialist that manipulates everything he can to advance his ideology regardless of bad repercussions.... makes getting onto this type of deal even more risky.
if anyone doesn't like it too bad.
he's made his own bed, he has to sleep in.
and because some are so wanting the legalization movement success they will drop they're guard and take help from any
hand that seems mildly sympathetic to their cause and strike a deal with bad entities regardless.

if anything Ive spent too much time studying human behavior.
politicians are just a very public extension human behavior to observe, the big difference to me is they have a direct effect on my life with very negative consequences possible.
everything Ive seen politicians do is an extension of human behavior, only they elected to positions of power over us these days, not serve us as was the intention,
and that's the best recipe for very bad things to happen.

i have no doubt who the ideologue is here
its you gnome

I'll go as far to say you, me, all of us are in some ways with some things ideologues to a degree.
as you tell me
"look in the mirro, its you that's the ideologue"

if so then it's about my passion as a person to live life free without the yoke on my back manufactured by the type of ideolgues I am currently seeing coming out of
the woodwork, Again, that know better than me and want to save me from myself
to live and conduct my life,
my way of thinking,
what's good for me to eat, even my goddamn speech into a politically fucking correct manner that fits into their concept of the world and how I should live in it.
If I'm ideologue that's the kind I am.
soros's is the opposite,
the type that has the the money, means and following of useful and determined idiots to have a good chance at putting it on peoples backs in one way or another.


Active member
TheGnome - Now you have done it, too much truth might make some heads explode.

years ago I came to the conclusion they are the same.
the far right is no damn better than the far left!

I couldn't agree more. I would go further and say that our founders warned us of a two party system. If you study George Washington he spoke volumes on this.


Active member
I've seen some of these ads put out by the Koch brothers....the Supreme court has now given them "Pac Man" powers, theyre just gobbling up everything for the top. I havent seen them mentioned here I dont think. My Reagan republican father said he cant watch Fox news because it is such blatant propaganda and lies. Duck Dynasty and Fox News....Ya the whole world laughs at us getting dumber and dumber.......I'll just sit back and smoke my weed and enjoy it before they get power again.....I think they have to f#$k it up just one more time before everyone gets it....


Seems to me like you are a bit conflicted here, Sam. I understand your point, though, but the simple fact is that people have to become aware and educate themselves as to what is going on. There is no point in history where information has been so readily available, and unfortunately there is a dismally small number of people making use of it.

Regarding Soros, with his history of manipulation, it is foolish to think that he doesn't have some other agenda than "freeing the weed". He is the Democrat equivalent of the Koch brothers, and they are both advancing an agenda that will ultimately be beneficial to themselves.

I guess the difference is educating your self vs Propaganda that you believe in, and you try and spread to the whole world, the world does not need more hate and conspiracy theories, no more politics in my book.
Yes you are right that many in the Left and Right are the same.
But I truly believe that everyone is spending their time doing what will be ultimately be beneficial to them selves, aren't you doing that? I am certainly most of the time, even if occasionally I may put the needs of others first it is because I want to do so. It is again for me, because I believe in whatever it is I am helping and it makes me feel good...
All politics are manipulation, all.
I do not care about hidden agendas by Soros, all the rich and powerfull have hidden agendas, so what? So do you and I, i'll bet.
If SOROS helps to legalize Cannabis, it is what I have wanted and worked for, for the last 40 years, I do not mind it being taxed and regulated like everything consumers buy from stores in this world today, taxed and regulated is what I wanted. I do not mind if SOROS opens McBud with 5,000 stores across America, if that is what people want let them have it. I do not care who profits from Cannabis in the future, as long as it is legal, regulated, taxed. I do not have to buy it. As long as I can grown my own for non-commercial purposes I really do not care if others make poor choices, the world is too full of people making poor choices for me to do much about it.
People think SOROS has some evil agenda, what about his buddy Peter Lewis? Did he have an evil agenda also? If the answer is yes, WTF, I knew Peter, he visited me several times in Amsterdam and helped with funding my work. He did make money with investments with Medical Cannabis, so what? He did it to help us with the hope he might profit, nothing wrong with this.
When he visited he was on his ship the Lone Ranger, a 255-foot motor yacht originally built in Germany in 1973 as an oceangoing tug. At the time it was in the top 10 biggest private yachts.
The boat, which he bought in 1997 for $16.5 million, and then converted, sports a luxurious master suite, four guest cabins, a swimming pool and other accouterments. It symbolizes Lewis' love of freedom and his belief that it would be idiotic not to enjoy his wealth. It had a crew of 18 who's main job was to keep Peter happy. They made him great food, I can say that.
I liked Peter, he liked me. He did say my dry sift was to strong....
RIP Peter.


I don't know much about Soros, but I agree with Sam, anything that furthers the legalization movement is good. You may disagree with Soros about politics, business,etc, but at least agree that Cannabis should be free! Soros is furthering the movement, be happy.
Also Sam, if possible, it would be awesome to see pictures of those old marijuana tax stamps you have! What an interesting part of Cannabis history to possess!


Active member
I don't know much about Soros, but I agree with Sam, anything that furthers the legalization movement is good. You may disagree with Soros about politics, business,etc, but at least agree that Cannabis should be free! Soros is furthering the movement, be happy.
Also Sam, if possible, it would be awesome to see pictures of those old marijuana tax stamps you have! What an interesting part of Cannabis history to possess!

So if Monsanto donated money to the cause you would accept that no problem? What if literally the devil donated money, all good also? Personally I find this is what's wrong with the country, no moral compass anymore. Don't worry SeedsOfFreedom, my opinion is the minority here.

Sam - Did I really just read a thread on how you like to drench your roots in ice water to increase resin production? I guess you do believe anything....... but then again, people tell you your bubble is "to strong." (should be "too strong") BTW, nobody has ever told me my BHO is too strong, when it's been tested at over 70%. Your comment sounds pretentious.


I don't know much about Soros, but I agree with Sam, anything that furthers the legalization movement is good. You may disagree with Soros about politics, business,etc, but at least agree that Cannabis should be free! Soros is furthering the movement, be happy.
Also Sam, if possible, it would be awesome to see pictures of those old marijuana tax stamps you have! What an interesting part of Cannabis history to possess!

They are in my Old Gallery, but they are not open or working ask SKIP when you can see them?



So if Monsanto donated money to the cause you would accept that no problem? What if literally the devil donated money, all good also? Personally I find this is what's wrong with the country, no moral compass anymore. Don't worry SeedsOfFreedom, my opinion is the minority here.

Sam - Did I really just read a thread on how you like to drench your roots in ice water to increase resin production?

Read the thread again, your literary prowess match your political acuity. I have never done it.

I guess you do believe anything.......
but then again, people tell you your bubble is "to strong." (should be "too strong")

Sad dude, how poor you comprehend simple english, try reading it real slow.

BTW, nobody has ever told me my BHO is too strong, when it's been tested at over 70%.

Gee, I wonder why? My "dry sift" is over 70% THC and it is terpene rich, I do not really like BHO as they are all terpene poor.
I only said that Peter thought it was too strong, not me.
Terpenes are the real secret of all the different effects found in Cannabis.
When you have BHO with low terpenes and you end up with high as hell THC, but little terpenes when you smoke, sort of like a connoisseur wine drinker chugging on a bottle of ethyl alcohol because it is way stronger, sad really.

Your comment sounds pretentious.

No problem, we all sound different to others then we think we are, you included. That and you can make and smoke your BHO, and you can imagine it is the super duper best, but I have been there done that and I know better.
No problem, everyone has different ideas of what is the best, I will bet you that I could make dry sift out of the same clones you grow and used to make your BHO and that you would prefer the dry sift that is 99.9% resin heads and easily over 70% THC and terpene rich.
You may not like the yield but I know you would prefer the dry sift, to the BHO from the same clone, everyone does.
I am surprised that so many people like BHO, I will admit the THC levels are fricking high. But if THC was all that mattered everyone would like 100% pure THC, and no one I know that has tried it liked it better then 50% THC dry sift that was naturally terpene rich. Wonder why? If you don't know ny now you will in a few more years.

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Active member
No problem, we all sound different to others then we think we are, you included. That and you can make and smoke your BHO, and you can imagine it is the super duper best, but I have been there done that and I know better.
No problem, everyone has different ideas of what is the best, I will bet you that I could make dry sift out of the same clones you grow and used to make your BHO and that you would prefer the dry sift that is 99.9% resin heads and easily over 70% THC and terpene rich.
You may not like the yield but I know you would prefer the dry sift, to the BHO from the same clone, everyone does.
I am surprised that so many people like BHO, I will admit the THC levels are fricking high. But if THC was all that mattered everyone would like 100% pure THC, and no one I know that has tried it liked it better then 50% THC dry sift that was naturally terpene rich. Wonder why? If you don't know ny now you will in a few more years.


Agreed. Perhaps the answer to low yield w/ dry sift is to then use the remainder for bho. Well, that's for people who want to get the last little bit out of their crop.

I just smoke ganja. I don't even trim it very well, not minding a bit of sugar leaf along with the flowers. I doubt that traditional producers of hash do close trimming, either, or that their crops are anywhere near seedless. All of that changes the terpenes, I'm sure.

I've heard the differing effects of different batches/ strains described as being an "entourage effect". THC is the celebrity, but it travels with a whole army of other players/ agents/ assistants/ managers & you name it that have an effect on the celebrity, the overall performance, and thus the audience.


Agreed. Perhaps the answer to low yield w/ dry sift is to then use the remainder for bho. Well, that's for people who want to get the last little bit out of their crop.

I just smoke ganja. I don't even trim it very well, not minding a bit of sugar leaf along with the flowers. I doubt that traditional producers of hash do close trimming, either, or that their crops are anywhere near seedless. All of that changes the terpenes, I'm sure.

For sure people are doing this, dry sift and BHO.
Traditional hash farmers do not manicure, maybe, they might tray and remove big shade leaves.
Traditional sifted Hash farmers all use seeded plants, and that will reduce the terpene yield by half and reduce THC by 10-20% of the total THC.


Active member
For sure people are doing this, dry sift and BHO.
Traditional hash farmers do not manicure, maybe, they might tray and remove big shade leaves.
Traditional sifted Hash farmers all use seeded plants, and that will reduce the terpene yield by half and reduce THC by 10-20% of the total THC.

I'd think that being seeded would change the terpene profile as well, as would relative maturity & the weather in a particular year.

One of the more interesting things about cannabis is that it's never quite the same year on year when grown outdoors or even indoors in something less than a totally controlled environment.

There are an enormous number of factors that play into the production of truly gourmet cannabis and lesser grades as well. It's like wine, but even more so because of the range of effect as well as the range of taste & aroma.

Legalization lets us delve into that much deeper, into the effects of cannabis grown strictly for the enjoyment rather than any medical effect at all.

I thank Mr Soros for his help in achieving that and all of the other social benefits of legalization.


The potential terpene profile is controlled by genetics, It does not change, that said terpene expression is altered by environmental factors like way to hot, way to cold, etc, etc.
Seeded is just the same as unseeded, with seeded having half as many terpenes.
I have tested the same clone fresh sinsi, fresh seeded, dry sinsi, dry seeded, as extracted dry sift resin from it also, the terpne profiles were basicly the same the amounts changed, like with the resin it was much lower in the more volitile terpenes, but still had the same terpenes just in different amounts then fresh.

I'd think that being seeded would change the terpene profile as well, as would relative maturity & the weather in a particular year.

One of the more interesting things about cannabis is that it's never quite the same year on year when grown outdoors or even indoors in something less than a totally controlled environment.

There are an enormous number of factors that play into the production of truly gourmet cannabis and lesser grades as well. It's like wine, but even more so because of the range of effect as well as the range of taste & aroma.

Legalization lets us delve into that much deeper, into the effects of cannabis grown strictly for the enjoyment rather than any medical effect at all.

I thank Mr Soros for his help in achieving that and all of the other social benefits of legalization.
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