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Gas is gonna go through the roof.....


Active member
Shabah, Saudi Arabia - 2008...

This (and more) is why green "isn't practical."

Didn't want this to get deleted so add www. and paste in your browser.


If I worked in the oil business, ^^this^^ would give me an erection.
they are not phu*kin around out there in the desert, 60 billion over 6 years, cash money....his last words in the first part pretty much sum it up....i think the black halo is ;)....if a halo meant anything to me i would think his is symbolic for "the devil":biglaugh:....


Active member
peak oil: believe in it, because it believes in you.

its not about HOW we're going to power our cars and factories and powerstations and xboxes.....there's tonnes of "green" alternative energiesout there.....the question is if any of these alternatives can be produced en masse before the inevitable oil shock....that is anywhere from 0-5 years away.

first off, let's look at the cornucopian fixers;

abiotic oil- great theory, uh...really? no.

hydrogen - like riding on a bomb?

ethanol - do you wanna eat?

electric - elctricity is an energy medium not power, all those funky metals that you need to make uber$$ batteries comes from places that dont like us very much......and i mean places OUTSIDE the u.s., not within the u.s. HAR!

***now, it takes the current system(fossil fuel)to manufacter everything that you need to make all those earth-saving green energy-izers work. you cant make a wind turbine without oil, cant produce a nuc-uler plant without oil(...and 14=yrs)

so. if you read/watch the news you know we're not running out of oil. all the easy stuff is gone, now we get nasty stuff that requires much more refining= hence, it's more$$. there's alot more to it than just that, but you'll need to go to the oil drum/energybulletin/LATOC if you want the bottom line.

oil reserves have been inflated globally for 10-20 years...all the major oil fields are in serious decline; gwahar/saudi - cantrell/mexico - venezuala's giant- russia's giant - all of them need SERIOUS hydraulic injection to get the oil out..................so, when it takes a barrel of oil to extract and refine into 1.5 barrels of oil........you get the picture. thats the picture you see in 2011. it aint gonna get 'better'

me, i cant wait. see, there's another side to all this. do you really want more of the same? humans are like a virus on the planet, the global ecosystem is a magnitude worse than what you think it is, pretty soon yer gonna be having children that have been genetically 'cleansed' and the .gov will know by it's genetics if it's gonna be a killer working for them or a sheep to fatten and eat.

my side is do with less. evolve, new paradigm. let the crash of 'modern civilization' come and wipe it all away. i say 'let', but it's gotta mind of its own and within 10-15 years, this will be a different planet. vastly different. it aint all about oil; peak water, peak phosphorus, peak gas, peak heavy metals, honey bees, weather warfare/modification, haarp........im of the mind nowadays that if we have any love and respect for our children and the human specie, the current paradigm of western civilization needs to break. i would consider that 'progress' for us virus-types.

yea, there could be a magic bullet/battery/zero-point energy that'll save the day so we can drive to walmart and stare at the other virus in our cars at the stop light and continue our accruement of idildos and pads and watch our telly.......its all fake. modern society is steeped in cognitive dissonance and is quite pathologically insane...(if you go by the textbook definition, that is)........but im the nutjob for wanting to HAVE to use candles, horses, pumps, manual tools, and feet.

good luck on your trip down the spectacle chute, your mileage may vary. namaste'


Active member
ill vote for the water powered car, i live in the pacific northwest so half the year all wed have to do is have a rain gutter on the car and its free fuel! check out the link this guys a genius, too bad the atomotive industry bought his patents so they could put them in a vault and continue to sell their gas guzzlers.



not pertaining to that^ however it reminded me of a something i had heard about some monkeys;)....apparently they put several monkeys in a cage that had a tree with bananas at the top of it and when the monkeys would try to go up the tree to get the bananas they would shoot them down with a fire hose (or something of the sort)....once the monkeys stopped going up the tree they replaced one of the monkeys with a monkey that hadnt been hit with water.... when the new monkey got in the cage it would attempt to get the bananas but the other monkeys would stop it....eventually they had replaced all the monkeys with monkeys that had not been hit with water and they were still keeping each other from going up the tree without knowing why....

I think it pertains. Psychological conditioning applies to humans as much as it does to animals, perhaps more. Interesting stuff, thank you.

Even Woodrow Wilson knew he fucked up by ceding our sovereignty to a quasi-private bank.

He must have been smoking sativa too.

Lol, too true. People are quick to forget. Especially when they never read the quotes in the first place. They don't teach that in history classes.

numbers not so much a 'set in stone' value, just a quick post for discussion
but when you look at gallons per acre and total needs, it gives some perspective of the problem

Of course, always good to have numbers to discuss. Thanks for posting them.

All the naysayers telling us green can't be done is an overnight sensation. Capital expenditures are often spread over years or decades. I'll recon we'll always have needs for petroleum transportation in large scale transport of goods, etc. But we could shift toward individual and family transportation over several years and up to 1 decade. The peeps that tell us it won't happen will have to diversify as well.

We landed on the moon with less than a 286 processor and an aluminum foil cabin. We can do most whatever we want when we're all behind it.

Right, and it's not even a matter of replacing every drop of foreign oil with "solution x" from day one. The problem with corn for biomass, i read (popular science or popular mechanics maybe?), was that it took more than 1 gallon of fossil fuels to make one gallon of corn ethanol. We could start by growing enough biomass to run the tractors and equipment needed to grow the biomass, and making that process efficient.

Next, we could put a dent in our dependence on fossil fuels. I was buying gas a few weeks ago and there was a sticker that said "10% corn ethanol added". Something to that effect. So either they found a way to make it doable realistically, or they are still using 1.2 gallons of fossil fuel to make 1 gal of corn ethanol. Corn has its own pest and disease problems as well, but yields are said by some to be similar per acre. I don't know how many corn crops you can grow a year.

Take baby steps and try to improve a little every year.

Plant Latin Name Gal Oil/Acre
Oil Palm Elaeis guineensis 610
Rapeseed Brassica napus 122
Opium Poppy Papaver somniferum 119
Hemp Cannabis sativa 37

I forgot to mention,

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_palm#Social_and_environmental_impacts said:
The social and environmental impacts of oil palm cultivation is a highly controversial topic.

Further, they are genetically modifying rapeseed to make it more resistant to pests and disease. Don't get me started on genetic modification for agriculture.

Are we really going to consider growing vast fields of Opium Poppy before we consider Hemp? lol wow. May we live in interesting times.

No matter what alternatives we consider, they should not further pollute the planet, and instead of just looking for diesel and unleaded alternatives, we should look for alternatives for plastics and all the other materials for which we are currently dependent on fossil fuels. Hemp can help us in all these areas if we can get past the ignorant prohibition laws.


Well-known member
Of course, always good to have numbers to discuss. Thanks for posting them.

Right, and it's not even a matter of replacing every drop of foreign oil with "solution x" from day one. The problem with corn for biomass, i read (popular science or popular mechanics maybe?), was that it took more than 1 gallon of fossil fuels to make one gallon of corn ethanol. We could start by growing enough biomass to run the tractors and equipment needed to grow the biomass, and making that process efficient.

Next, we could put a dent in our dependence on fossil fuels. I was buying gas a few weeks ago and there was a sticker that said "10% corn ethanol added". Something to that effect. So either they found a way to make it doable realistically, or they are still using 1.2 gallons of fossil fuel to make 1 gal of corn ethanol. Corn has its own pest and disease problems as well, but yields are said by some to be similar per acre. I don't know how many corn crops you can grow a year.

Take baby steps and try to improve a little every year.

I forgot to mention,

Further, they are genetically modifying rapeseed to make it more resistant to pests and disease. Don't get me started on genetic modification for agriculture.

Are we really going to consider growing vast fields of Opium Poppy before we consider Hemp? lol wow. May we live in interesting times.

No matter what alternatives we consider, they should not further pollute the planet, and instead of just looking for diesel and unleaded alternatives, we should look for alternatives for plastics and all the other materials for which we are currently dependent on fossil fuels. Hemp can help us in all these areas if we can get past the ignorant prohibition laws.

yeah, it is interesting times, the opium poppy oil output really shocked me
there is a crowd in this country that hates MJ so badly, i wonder if they would choose opium poppy over MJ
i think the corn output depends on whose numbers you believe, some say we do get some value from corn ethanol, some others calculate it differently
i think hemp is a very good crop, more of a combination of cellulose and oil
but you got to wonder what could be done with a good breeding program for increased seed/oil production


the global ecosystem is a magnitude worse than what you think it is, pretty soon yer gonna be having children that have been genetically 'cleansed' and the .gov will know by it's genetics if it's gonna be a killer working for them or a sheep to fatten and eat.

my side is do with less. evolve, new paradigm. let the crash of 'modern civilization' come and wipe it all away. i say 'let', but it's gotta mind of its own and within 10-15 years, this will be a different planet. vastly different. it aint all about oil; im of the mind nowadays that if we have any love and respect for our children and the human specie, the current paradigm of western civilization needs to break. i would consider that 'progress' for us virus-types.

yea, there could be a magic bullet/battery/zero-point energy that'll save the day so we can drive to walmart and stare at the other virus in our cars at the stop light and continue our accruement of idildos and pads and watch our telly.......its all fake. modern society is steeped in cognitive dissonance and is quite pathologically insane...(if you go by the textbook definition, that is)........but im the nutjob for wanting to HAVE to use candles, horses, pumps, manual tools, and feet.

its all fake. modern society is steeped in cognitive dissonance and is quite pathologically insane

To a certain extent, I agree. Why wait? There's no peak candles and horses now, so put the wheels in motion. I can't wait to buy a farm and some non-gmo heirloom seeds and live a simpler life. People vote with their money more than they do in elections. Reject all the BS. Cognitive dissonance most definitely. We need to learn to fend for ourselves again and not depend on a bunch of spammers to tell us what we "need" We need to separate the real from the fake.

You're right, it's not all about oil, but a good percentage of people's pay checks go towards things made with fossil fuels, so it's one more weak link that we need to focus on.

humans are like a virus on the planet.

it aint all about oil; peak water, peak phosphorus, peak gas, peak heavy metals, honey bees, weather warfare/modification, haarp

No, the rich and powerful are like a virus on the planet and the guilt is absorbed by us because they prefer it that way.

What do journalists say about investigating politics? "Follow the money trail"?

Herer said:
In the mid-1930s, when the new mechanical hemp fiber stripping machines and machines to conserve hemp’s high-cellulose pulp finally became state-of-the art, available and affordable, the enormous timber acreage and businesses of the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division, Kimberly Clark (USA), St. Regis – and virtually all other timber, paper and large newspaper holding companies, stood to lose billions of dollars and perhaps go bankrupt.

Herer said:
In the 1920s and ‘30s, Hearst’s newspapers deliberately manufactured a new threat to America and a new yellow journalism campaign to have hemp outlawed. For example, a story of a car accident in which a “marijuana cigarette” was found would dominate the headlines for weeks, while alcohol-related car accidents (which outnumbered marijuana-connected accidents by more than 10,000 to 1) made only the back pages.

Herer said:
Hearst’s and other sensationalistic tabloids ran hysterical headlines atop stories portraying “negroes” and Mexicans as frenzied beasts who, under the influence of marijuana, would play anti-white “voodoo-satanic” music (jazz) and heap disrespect and “viciousness” upon the predominantly white readership. Other such offenses resulting from this drug-induced “crime wave” included: stepping on white men’s shadows, looking white people directly in the eye for three seconds or more, looking at a white woman twice, laughing at a white person, etc. For such “crimes,” hundreds of thousands of Mexicans and blacks spent, in aggregate, millions of years in jails, prisons and on chain gangs, under brutal segregation laws that remained in effect throughout the U.S. until the 1950s and ‘60s. Hearst, through pervasive and repetitive use, pounded the obscure Mexican slang word “marijuana” into the English-speaking American consciousness. Meanwhile, the word “hemp” was discarded and “cannabis,” the scientific term, was ignored and buried.

Herer said:
If hemp had not been made illegal, 80% of DuPont’s business would never have materialized and the great majority of the pollution which has poisoned our Northwestern and Southeastern rivers would not have occurred.

Herer said:
NORML, High Times and Omni (September 1982) indicate that Eli Lilly, Abbott Labs, Pfizer, Smith, Kline & French, and others would lose hundreds of millions, to billions of dollars annually, and lose even more billions in Third World countries, if marijuana were legal in the U.S.

Herer said:
Why did the drug companies conspire to take over marijuana research? Because U.S. government research (1966-1976) had indicated or confirmed through hundreds of studies that even “natural” crude cannabis was the “best and safest medicine of choice” for many serious health problems.

Herer said:
The DEA’s own conservative administrative law judge, Francis Young, after taking medical testimony for 15 days and reviewing hundreds of DEA/NIDA documents positioned against the evidence introduced by marijuana reform activists, concluded in September 1988 that “marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.”
But despite this preponderance of evidence, then DEA Director John Lawn ordered on December 30, 1989 that cannabis remain listed as a Schedule I narcotic – having no known medical use.

Herer said:
The exceptionally high edestin content of hempseed combined with albumin, another globular protein contained in all seeds, means the readily available protein in hempseed contains all the essential amino acids in ideal proportions to assure your body has the necessary building blocks to create proteins like disease-fighting immunoglobulins -antibodies whose job is to ward off infections before the symptoms of sickness set in.

So why should I feel guilty about anything other than not knowing about this sooner and not standing on a soap box in Times Square reading Emperor Wears No Clothes through a megaphone? It's been used for food, clothing, medicine, spiritual healing, and more for thousands of years before we learned how to pollute the planet, and the day prohibition ends, I will grow and use as much of it as I can until the day I die, and I will be buried in a coffin made of Hemp.

http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/12/epa-clothianidin-controversy/ said:
Over the concerns of its own scientists, the Environmental Protection Agency continues to approve a controversial pesticide introduced to U.S. markets shortly before the honeybee collapse, according to documents leaked to a Colorado beekeeper.

Perhaps that's why 30 - 90% of beekeeper's bees are dying. I would also look in the direction of genetically modified crops.


Active member
Not for too much longer IMO.

Hu calls currency system 'product of the past'

All this printing is increasing oil and food costs around the world. Unrest is growing in third world countries as the FED is in essence taking food off people's table by exporting inflation. The FED is in a real catch 22. If they do not continue to print money the markets will tank because they are the only ones buying equities and bonds. If they don't stop printing money inflation and social unrest will continue to get worse.

Americans, in our seemingly infinite hubris, do not believe that any of this is going to effect us. That is until the illusion of prosperity rolls off the cliff.

Here's a much better article from the WSJ that's much more complete in it's reporting of what he said and what the arguments are.


Once again... a recurring theme I seem to keep posting about... If china is worried about it's inflation it should let it's currency appreciate to what it should be.

On the economic front, Mr. Hu played down one of the main U.S. arguments for why China should appreciate its currency—that it will help China tame inflation. That is likely to disappoint Washington, which accuses China of unfairly boosting its exports by undervaluing the yuan, making its products cheaper overseas. The topic is expected to be high on U.S. President Barack Obama's agenda when he meets Mr. Hu at the White House on Wednesday.
Mr. Hu's veiled criticism of the Fed reflects widespread feelings among developing nations that U.S. interest-rate policy is devaluing the dollar, prompting flows of capital overseas and creating inflation elsewhere. China and other developing countries would like the Fed to factor in those consequences when it makes decisions. Fed officials counter that their mandate is to bolster the U.S. economy and that a stronger U.S. economy is in the interests of China and other countries, which depend heavily on trade and investment from the U.S.
This could be a major issue of contention between Messrs. Hu and Obama. The U.S. blames Chinese currency undervaluation—not Fed policy making—for worsening competitive and inflation problems overseas.
Last week, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner reiterated the U.S. position that a stronger yuan is in China's own best interests, because it would help tame rising inflation that has become a key risk to China's rapid growth, which is underpinning the global economic recovery. A stronger yuan would reduce the price of imports in local-currency terms.
But Mr. Hu shrugged off the U.S. argument, saying that China is fighting inflation with a whole package of policies, including interest-rate increases, and "inflation can hardly be the main factor in determining the exchange rate policy."
Further, Mr. Hu suggested that inflation was not a big worry, saying prices were "on the whole moderate and controllable." He added: "We have the confidence, conditions and ability to stabilize the overall price level."
The U.S. argues that the yuan's real exchange rate—that is, the exchange rate as adjusted for the higher inflation level in China than the U.S.—is rising at a 10% annual rate. Treasury officials have argued to China that its policy options are limited—either it can boost the exchange rate to fight inflation, or inflation will effectively boost the value of China's currency.
While the U.S. says some Chinese economic officials buy that argument, it hasn't been widely adopted within China, as Mr. Hu's comments illustrate. But the U.S. feels that economics and time are on its side. Even so, the administration and Congress will continue to press China to boost the pace of its currency appreciation.
There's a lot more in there... way better than that Breitbart article (Breitbart always sucks dick... he always edits out important parts of a story) IMO. I'll always take anything on that site with a mountain of salt.

Gramps we were talking about this a week or so ago... what did you think of those arguments in answer to those video's you posted.

I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this overall... there are so many facets and details to what we're discussing. I don't necessarily disagree with you... but I'm not ready to actually agree with you... I'd just like to understand better. There's a lot more to this argument than we're really addressing here.

I couldn't find the talking bear video you posted... but here's a few different ones. I couldn't find the one I posted earlier that went into the explanation of trading short term notes (dollars) that the fed holds Vs holding the same amount in long-term notes (Bonds)... thus we're just changing the types of notes the fed is holding not printing money. I posted it before though. You never responded.




and finally just for fun...




Active member
ill vote for the water powered car, i live in the pacific northwest so half the year all wed have to do is have a rain gutter on the car and its free fuel! check out the link this guys a genius, too bad the atomotive industry bought his patents so they could put them in a vault and continue to sell their gas guzzlers.


Thank you, someone agrees with me !

Yeah those fuckers killed his ass and bought the patents, but you can't kill an idea :ying:

I Think some crazy technology will surface to solve our energy problem, you know our government has some dope ass shit goon on underground somewhere ! They'll bring it out to prevent a revolution I would speculate.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Here's a much better article from the WSJ that's much more complete in it's reporting of what he said and what the arguments are.


Once again... a recurring theme I seem to keep posting about... If china is worried about it's inflation it should let it's currency appreciate to what it should be.

There's a lot more in there... way better than that Breitbart article (Breitbart always sucks dick... he always edits out important parts of a story) IMO. I'll always take anything on that site with a mountain of salt.

Gramps we were talking about this a week or so ago... what did you think of those arguments in answer to those video's you posted.

I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this overall... there are so many facets and details to what we're discussing. I don't necessarily disagree with you... but I'm not ready to actually agree with you... I'd just like to understand better. There's a lot more to this argument than we're really addressing here.

I couldn't find the talking bear video you posted... but here's a few different ones. I couldn't find the one I posted earlier that went into the explanation of trading short term notes (dollars) that the fed holds Vs holding the same amount in long-term notes (Bonds)... thus we're just changing the types of notes the fed is holding not printing money. I posted it before though. You never responded.




and finally just for fun...


I like the last one. A right wing corporate conspiracy against the FED. The history books are going to be interesting.

You can't increase liquidity forever without addressing the structural problems. When everyone is doing it it doesn't work.

Ferguson explains it better HERE FORA.tv.

It's an issue of fiscal credibility.


ill vote for the water powered car, i live in the pacific northwest so half the year all wed have to do is have a rain gutter on the car and its free fuel! check out the link this guys a genius, too bad the atomotive industry bought his patents so they could put them in a vault and continue to sell their gas guzzlers.


Yea it really works. When i was in H.S we modified remote controlled cars to run off H20. Well.. until they lit on fire from leaking hydrogen. In a perfect world these type of engines should recycle the water becuase combusting hydrogen with oxygen converts back to h20.


we sigh...a friend just bought a GMC Envoy ....they gave her a "good deal" on it:biglaugh:....imagine that!
14 miles to the gallon city....20 highway....

Thats not bad. Wish i didn't love my 4X4 suburban so much. She has a suped-up 7.4L 454 w/ a 700 trans. mpg is 10-12.


Active member
I like the last one. A right wing corporate conspiracy against the FED. The history books are going to be interesting.

You can't increase liquidity forever without addressing the structural problems. When everyone is doing it it doesn't work.

Ferguson explains it better HERE FORA.tv.

It's an issue of fiscal credibility.

I found the link a little confusing... so I watched the whole thing.


Very interesting program I liked it... I'm not entirely sure what point you were trying to make with it though. It didn't answer my questions about quantitative easing. Interesting nonetheless.

You could start a new thread on that actually.

Are you arguing to get rid of the fed... or just that policy needs to change, after watching the whole thing... I'm not sure what we're discussing anymore.

I liked his explanation of why we have this deficit now...



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I found the link a little confusing... so I watched the whole thing.


Very interesting program I liked it... I'm not entirely sure what point you were trying to make with it though. It didn't answer my questions about quantitative easing. Interesting nonetheless.

You could start a new thread on that actually.

Are you arguing to get rid of the fed... or just that policy needs to change, after watching the whole thing... I'm not sure what we're discussing anymore.

I liked his explanation of why we have this deficit now...


I'm arguing that the FED, at a minimum, be subject to oversight by the Congress or better yet dismantled. It's funny that the anger generated at the FED is being spun as a right wing corporate conspiracy driven by propaganda. Why would large corporations want to drive anger at the FED? The FED is what drives their power. When companies such as GE and McDonalds got into trouble into '08 they were bailed out by the FED. "Biting the hand that feeds you" comes to mind. Corporate power and the FED and synonymous IMO. FED supporters are the real corporatist and cheerleaders for the status quo.

Like you said that is a whole other topic though.

The argument for QE increasing inflation may make more sense and be more clear once QE2 dries up and QE3 has to be injected by mid this year. Devaluing a currency drives inflation. You can only have so much QE until you loose fiscal and monetary credibility. Eventually through devaluation, value reaches 0. That's part of the point Ferguson is making.

To answer your question about China. They will eventually have to depeg from the dollar. No one wants to be tied to a sinking ship.

The incredible shrinking dollar MarketWatch
PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. (MarketWatch) — Guess what? Your pocket has been picked.
I don’t mean your wallet, or even its contents. What I am referring to is the buying power of the money it contains.
The consumer price index (CPI) tells the story. As you know, it measures the change in prices of a fixed basket of goods and services that the typical household supposedly purchases every month.
The recent trend of the CPI does not reveal much to worry about. In 2010, consumer prices rose a relatively benign 1.5%.
However, there is more to this story. For one thing, prices in the month of December alone rose a whopping 0.5%. That was the biggest monthly rise since June 2009.

And the fact that most of the rise was traceable to an 8.5% jump in energy should not ameliorate our concerns, since we all use energy just like we all consume food.
Last edited:


there is a crowd in this country that hates MJ so badly, i wonder if they would choose opium poppy over MJ

I think the key is to get Medical Marijuana legalized on a federal level, then the excuses go out the window. Take it off the DEA's schedule 1.

Either we are a government of the people, by the people or not. The people in 15 states plus DC have spoken and they want Med MJ. Plus polls show support for legalizing it medicinally. We need a national ballot initiative system so people can vote on issues like these. A sort of "veto" power for the people. We need to demand that the mainstream media makes Med MJ an issue in the next presidential election. It will get ugly with lies and rumors, but what else is new? At least we can see how many Americans fall for that crap.

If we are not a government of the people by the people, they need to just say so and stop with the charades. They have the nerve to call for a global gov't when our national system of checks and balances is highly flawed.


Active member
I'm arguing that the FED, at a minimum, be subject to oversight by the Congress or better yet dismantled.

I've never been against oversight... That didn't lead me in any way to think it needs to be dismantled... Niall Ferguson says as much...


Whoops... not sure that links to the right place... it's at the very end of the whole program... last question.

It's funny that the anger generated at the FED is being spun as a right wing corporate conspiracy driven by propaganda. Why would large corporations want to drive anger at the FED? The FED is what drives their power. When companies such as GE and McDonalds got into trouble into '08 they were bailed out by the FED. "Biting the hand that feeds you" comes to mind. Corporate power and the FED and synonymous IMO. FED supporters are the real corporatist and cheerleaders for the status quo.

Personally... I don't believe dismantling the fed is the goal of the corporations in their support for the right (really their support for anyone that will screw us over in favor of them)... rather it's just something that got thrown in with the overall deal by the ideologues.

Like you said that is a whole other topic though.

The argument for QE increasing inflation may make more sense and be more clear once QE2 dries up and QE3 has to be injected by mid this year. Devaluing a currency drives inflation. You can only have so much QE until you loose fiscal and monetary credibility. Eventually through devaluation, value reaches 0. That's part of the point Ferguson is making.

To answer your question about China. They will eventually have to depeg from the dollar. No one wants to be tied to a sinking ship.

The incredible shrinking dollar MarketWatch

When was this program originally? I really didn't hear him speaking about quantitative easing at all. It sounded more like they were referring to the housing bubble and the fed... Oh... I found it 7/8/10.

I wasn't aware anyone was saying we should do this forever... nobody is pushing that idea that I'm aware of. I would think that would go without saying.

I would definitely say we need to audit the fed and find out what's been going on. That video brought up many other things we need to do as well but that's beyond the scope of this thread.

I do think dismantling the fed is throwing the baby out with the bath water at this point.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I think the key is to get Medical Marijuana legalized on a federal level, then the excuses go out the window. Take it off the DEA's schedule 1.

Either we are a government of the people, by the people or not. The people in 15 states plus DC have spoken and they want Med MJ. Plus polls show support for legalizing it medicinally. We need a national ballot initiative system so people can vote on issues like these. A sort of "veto" power for the people. We need to demand that the mainstream media makes Med MJ an issue in the next presidential election. It will get ugly with lies and rumors, but what else is new? At least we can see how many Americans fall for that crap.

If we are not a government of the people by the people, they need to just say so and stop with the charades. They have the nerve to call for a global gov't when our national system of checks and balances is highly flawed.

We are a government of the people, unfortunately 15 states and a district is not a majority. Now if 26+ states wanted and had established Medical Marijuana then you would have the strength in numbers to say this is the majority will of the people.

I'm not sure how this ties into gas prices though. I guess because hemp can be used to make bio fuels but hemp is a whole different thing then Medical Marijuana. They could start using hemp for fuel and still have medical marijuana illegal because medical marijuana strains are not the ideal strains to use for bio fuels. The strains that would give the best returns on bio fuel are strains with little to no THC content.


Well-known member
from what i can see, there are 2 big winners in the biofuel arena - palm nut oil and sugar cane ethanol
those are the only 2 real biofuel crops that have a large deployment
as had been previously noted, the palm nut oil plantations are ecological disasters
brazil's sugar cane doesn't seem to get as bad a rap, but seem to be other issues