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Marijuana and Lung Cancer?


Blue Dot

why do you people continue to call me crazy without even spending 1 second to look anything up no you make me use more of my time to prove you ignorant.... none the less here is the proof smart ass http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoid_receptor

Well, at least you got the smart part right. lol

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoid_receptor said:
Endocannabinoids released from the depolarized neuron bind to CB1 receptors in the pre-synaptic neuron and cause a reduction in GABA release.

Endocannabinoids are endogenous cannabinoids already present in the human body, not exogenous cannabinoids "picked up" from exogenous sources like cannabis.
Wait, what?

If you believe that you're crazier than I thought.

If you think scientists know the "purpose" of most receptors you haven't been paying attention much.

They know "how" the receptors work. That's fairly easy to study. To speculate on their purpose in the human body is just plain fantasy.

No, no they don't...they don't know much about what goes on INSIDE of neurons...receptors are almost nothing, a neuron puts out MANY dendrite connections (they have a gap that is the receptor).

To get to the point of the thread, has the Government looked at the living conditions and the work conditions that many of us smokers are exposed to?

Some of the air pollution makes weed quite fresh! Maybe the Government needs to get out of their hypoallergenic office! I think I know some barrels they can get a real good sniff of what is going around.


Well, at least you got the smart part right. lol

Endocannabinois are endogenous cannabinoids already present in the human body, not exogenous cannabinoids "picked up" from exogenous sources like cannabis.

sorry will edit for misreading... CB1 and CB2 are both affected equally by exogenous cannabanoids but are also used by natural cannabanoids found in the body. Blue dot I owe you an apology I am willing to admit when I am wrong. :wallbash:


So your last hope to be right is arguing that the semantics the author of the news story about the study used are significant to the results of the study... lol....

Please explain to me why my neighbor, white male age 49, has NEVER SMOKED CIGARETTES and is a daily pot smoker developed COPD. He has to stop puffin every few weeks to let his lungs clear out. What will you blame this on? Please understand that although MJ has countless good uses, it's not with out long term consequences. Just look at whats in your bong water. Why even use bong water? Many in the local vegan community, which I am not, have gone strictly to eatables only due to the effects prolonged exposure. I defend the right of consumption for every one regardless of their methods. I understand that everything has its consequences. Great discussion fellas, glad we can have it here.


Patient Grower
You know people who have never smoked develop all manner of 'smoking related illnesses'. People that have never taken a drink die of cirrhotic livers. Then there's the possibilities of pesticides and paraquat being smoked at the same time if your friend didn't produce his own. 49 makes him the right age to have lived through the paraquat spraying years.

FYI I don't smoke anything anymore. Even presuming that there are beneficial substances in cannabis that mitigate the negatives of the smoke it's a net loss to me, because if I don't take in any smoke, I'll get the benefits of those compounds. I don't miss smoking at all, and would encourage everyone to put it away.


The Voice of Reason
Please explain to me why my neighbor, white male age 49, has NEVER SMOKED CIGARETTES and is a daily pot smoker developed COPD. He has to stop puffin every few weeks to let his lungs clear out. What will you blame this on? Please understand that although MJ has countless good uses, it's not with out long term consequences. Just look at whats in your bong water. Why even use bong water? Many in the local vegan community, which I am not, have gone strictly to eatables only due to the effects prolonged exposure. I defend the right of consumption for every one regardless of their methods. I understand that everything has its consequences. Great discussion fellas, glad we can have it here.
You know people who have never smoked develop all manner of 'smoking related illnesses'. People that have never taken a drink die of cirrhotic livers. Then there's the possibilities of pesticides and paraquat being smoked at the same time if your friend didn't produce his own. 49 makes him the right age to have lived through the paraquat spraying years.

FYI I don't smoke anything anymore. Even presuming that there are beneficial substances in cannabis that mitigate the negatives of the smoke it's a net loss to me, because if I don't take in any smoke, I'll get the benefits of those compounds. I don't miss smoking at all, and would encourage everyone to put it away.

Good answer pyth...

FYI I've tried vaping as an alternative to smoking and find it much less satisfying than taking a few bongrips or smoking a joint... I also wonder sometimes, how much mold spore do people inhale by vaping weed they did not grow? Mold spores in the lungs cause all manner of health problems...

As far as any harm from the MJ smoke...
A difference that makes no difference is no difference as far as I am concerned...


Patient Grower
Edibles kick the ass of every other delivery method IMO. Extract the oil, dissolve in fractionated coconut oil, cap 'em quick. No more worries about trimming, heck or even waiting for buds to finish, I can get baked on fan leaves. Pop a couple of pills and I'm done for the evening.
lowgrow, how do you post as a guest anyway? Is it a privelege or a punishment? :D
anyway, I agree. I hack and hack and hack now and haven't smoked more than once every few months for a few years now. When I smoked regularly, the "hacks" were more productive. I was able to "get under it" and have it be a productive cough, getting up what is stuck there and causing irritation, and could spit up phlem. now, I just have empty hacks. It is an expectorant and helps someone like me at least!
Edibles kick the ass of every other delivery method IMO. Extract the oil, dissolve in fractionated coconut oil, cap 'em quick. No more worries about trimming, heck or even waiting for buds to finish, I can get baked on fan leaves. Pop a couple of pills and I'm done for the evening.
ew coconut oil! spoken like a true blonde bimbo right? even though I am not female and... ok where were we? ah yes, I had coconut as a kid and love it and ate so much I got sick and had bad intestinal reaction all night, well since then I could swear I am allergic. since every time I take a bite of something with a mere trace of the stuff, I start getting nauseus! well not to bore you with my story but is there another way than coconut oil? I hear that is bad for you too, too much saturated fat or something, that and palm kernel are worse than most oils for you! OK I must be rainman or something, will quit while I am ahead or not further behind! Gotta watch wopner! :D

Blue Dot

ew coconut oil! spoken like a true blonde bimbo right? even though I am not female and... ok where were we? ah yes, I had coconut as a kid and love it and ate so much I got sick and had bad intestinal reaction all night, well since then I could swear I am allergic. since every time I take a bite of something with a mere trace of the stuff, I start getting nauseus! well not to bore you with my story....

Word, I'm highly allergic to coconut.

i'm convinced I can't even grow in coco.


Patient Grower
ew coconut oil! spoken like a true blonde bimbo right? even though I am not female and... ok where were we? ah yes, I had coconut as a kid and love it and ate so much I got sick and had bad intestinal reaction all night, well since then I could swear I am allergic. since every time I take a bite of something with a mere trace of the stuff, I start getting nauseus! well not to bore you with my story but is there another way than coconut oil? I hear that is bad for you too, too much saturated fat or something, that and palm kernel are worse than most oils for you! OK I must be rainman or something, will quit while I am ahead or not further behind! Gotta watch wopner! :D

I can't speak to your possible allergy, but this is fractionated coconut oil.

Fractionated coconut oil is a fraction of the whole oil, in which the long-chain fatty acids are removed so that only medium chain saturated fatty acids remain. Lauric acid, a 12 carbon chain fatty acid, is often removed as well because of its high value for industrial and medical purposes. Fractionated coconut oil may also be referred to as caprylic/capric triglyceride oil or medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil because it is primarily the medium chain caprylic (8 carbons) and capric (10 carbons) acids that make up the bulk of the oil.

MCT oil is most frequently used for medical applications and special diets.


The reason for using FCO is detailed on the same page, it's digested differently than other carriers resulting in a more efficient digestion:

Coconut oil is composed predominately of a special group of fat molecules known as medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). The majority of fats in the human diet are composed almost entirely of long chain fatty acids (LCFA).

The primary difference between MCFA and LCFA is the size of the molecule, or more precisely, the length of the carbon chain that makes up the backbone of the fatty acid. MCFA have a chain length of 6 to 12 carbons. LCFA contain 14 or more carbons.

The health effects are debatable, but I suppose you'd need to be careful if you have cholesterol level management issues. Then again we're talking about ingesting a few cc's at most. One problem it seems a lot of people have are going extreme when they find out something might be 'bad' for you. Really, how many people think cigarettes are deadly poison, yet in reality almost every human could smoke a few packs or even cartons in a lifetime with no ill effect. Again, from the same page:

Historically, many populations within the tropics have used coconut medicinally as a treatment for a wide variety of ailments.[8]

A study into the effects of a "diet rich in.." medium-chain fatty acids (such as in coconut oil and butter) concluded that "MCFAs in the form of MCTs significantly increased plasma triacylglycerol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations and the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol and thereby resulted in a less beneficial lipid profile overall."[9]

Further, research done by nutritionist Mary Enig has found that non-hydrogenated coconut oil (i.e. extra-virgin) consumed in moderate amounts "is at worst neutral with respect to atherogenicity of fats and oils and, in fact, is likely to be a beneficial oil for prevention and treatment of some heart disease."[10] The lack of negative effects of a diet rich in coconut oil on cardiovascular health is born out in studies of Polynesian populations who consume as much as 65% of their calories in the form of coconut oil and yet, have almost no incidence of heart disease and normal blood lipid profiles.[11]

If your still concerned almost every other kind of vegetable oil can be used as a carrier, it's just not as efficient. Someday I am going to get a seed press, grow some seeds and make hemp seed oil to use as a carrier. Somebody, please tell me again why I can't just buy non-psychoactive hemp seed oil at the grocery store?
that is interesting info, thanks
I do have cholesterol issues, so yeah I don't know why they just don't sell hemp oil either.
A PC thing probably, I hate that, someone needs to start an anti-PC movement and overthrow the thought police.


Active member
I can't speak to your possible allergy, but this is fractionated coconut oil.

The reason for using FCO is detailed on the same page, it's digested differently than other carriers resulting in a more efficient digestion:

The health effects are debatable, but I suppose you'd need to be careful if you have cholesterol level management issues. Then again we're talking about ingesting a few cc's at most. One problem it seems a lot of people have are going extreme when they find out something might be 'bad' for you. Really, how many people think cigarettes are deadly poison, yet in reality almost every human could smoke a few packs or even cartons in a lifetime with no ill effect. Again, from the same page:

If your still concerned almost every other kind of vegetable oil can be used as a carrier, it's just not as efficient. Someday I am going to get a seed press, grow some seeds and make hemp seed oil to use as a carrier. Somebody, please tell me again why I can't just buy non-psychoactive hemp seed oil at the grocery store?

They just don't carry it, its not illegal. Look at health food type stores, or online.


"Marijuana smoke has been found to contain more cancer-causing agents than is found in tobacco smoke. Examination of human lung tissue that had been exposed to marijuana smoke over a long period of time in a laboratory showed cellular changes called metaplasia that are considered precancerous. In laboratory test, the tars from marijuana smoke have produced tumors when applied to animal skin. These studies suggest that it is likely that marijuana may cause cancer if used for a number of years."

I was wondering if there is any truth in this.

outright lie.
tobacco even when not smoked causes cancer. tobacco is what is used for smoking studies that show cancer.

many people associate tobacco smoking information with any type of smoking. Obviously this is not a logical way of approaching things.

studies have been done to try to link marijuana use and cancer, but they found just the opposite: that marijuana users never got lung cancer more often than people who used nothing, tobacco users got cancer, and tobacco/marijuana users had cancer at a lesser rate then smoker who solely used tobacco. these studies have been replicated a number of times.

studies have also been dones with rats. they were given cancer in certain areas (brain or lung for example) and then injected with thc or another cannabinoid such as cbd. These studies all found that cannabinoids will stop or at least slow down the progress of cancer.

anyone who tries to link marijuana use and cancer is an idiot.

For the last hundred years the govnt has been trying to find something it actually does bad, but it keeps coming up with nothing but bullshit. How long do you think they test pills that actually kill people, before they are released to the market?

remember they used to say it would kill your brain and make you grow boobs, make you a raging murder,or make you a pacifist who wont fight the gooks in vietnam. Now they say it could lead to psychosis, because psychotics smoke weed.
Gee why would you think a psychotic would need drugs? Could it be depression?:fsu:


Yea i agree totally alpinestar, very good information, im gonna be looking into this further. Thank you all for taking the time to read my post and make comments :smokeit:

outright lie.
tobacco even when not smoked causes cancer. tobacco is what is used for smoking studies that show cancer.

many people associate tobacco smoking information with any type of smoking. Obviously this is not a logical way of approaching things.

studies have been done to try to link marijuana use and cancer, but they found just the opposite: that marijuana users never got lung cancer more often than people who used nothing, tobacco users got cancer, and tobacco/marijuana users had cancer at a lesser rate then smoker who solely used tobacco. these studies have been replicated a number of times.

studies have also been dones with rats. they were given cancer in certain areas (brain or lung for example) and then injected with thc or another cannabinoid such as cbd. These studies all found that cannabinoids will stop or at least slow down the progress of cancer.

anyone who tries to link marijuana use and cancer is an idiot.

For the last hundred years the govnt has been trying to find something it actually does bad, but it keeps coming up with nothing but bullshit. How long do you think they test pills that actually kill people, before they are released to the market?

remember they used to say it would kill your brain and make you grow boobs, make you a raging murder,or make you a pacifist who wont fight the gooks in vietnam. Now they say it could lead to psychosis, because psychotics smoke weed.
Gee why would you think a psychotic would need drugs? Could it be depression?:fsu:


Patient Grower
They just don't carry it, its not illegal. Look at health food type stores, or online.

OK, it seems it's been some time since I looked and hemp seed oil is readily available. Heck it's only about twice the price of FCO. But now I'm stuck with 6 1/2 gallons of FCO. Sometimes buying in bulk sucks.
online maybe, but what health food stores have it? At the Trader Joe's out this way, they used to carry it, I think it was them or maybe one of two other health stores. but that was like 10 years or more ago, I haven't seen it now in many years.