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California does NOT need any more GROWERS!

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Invertebrata Inebriata
HAHAha fucking indiana

hahaha fucking wherever-you're-from.

I want some weed, I call my guy. No asking the government or the medical profession for a card or permission.

It's a good system, we been doing it for decades. :santa1:

p/s/- this thread has me humming, "Moving to Montana soon. Gonna be a dental floss tycoon."


Overkill is under-rated.
How is it not easy to live in CA??? There are bums and crank fiends making $20 an hour hitting up grocery store parking lots.

CA will provide for you- money(welfare), food(stamps), a home(u just need a tent), and plenty of sunshine.

Weed should be free, and You shouldn't be making a killing off it. You said it yourself, "God gave me this green herb."

Yes, we need more of a burden on our overworked public systems. If you're not an illegal immigrant with at least 4 kids, you're not getting on any of those programs btw. You also need a car, insurance, and food to live in this state.

California unemployment is between 12-17%, depending on who you ask. If McDonalds puts an opening on their window they will get 500 applications a day until they take it down, just about anywhere in the state. California is broke as fuck, and in my opinion it's because we spend a fortune providing healthcare, welfare, education and food for folks who aren't supposed to be here in the first place.

You're not supposed to live on welfare indefinitely, it's supposed to be for helping working people get through a brief bad patch.
How is it not easy to live in CA??? There are bums and crank fiends making $20 an hour hitting up grocery store parking lots.

CA will provide for you- money(welfare), food(stamps), a home(u just need a tent), and plenty of sunshine.

Weed should be free, and You shouldn't be making a killing off it. You said it yourself, "God gave me this green herb."
Fuckin' A, man.

Life is easy in the big picture anywhere in the United States unless ya have a car full of kids or AIDS or somethin.

Yeah you might have to wait a month to get a fucking PS3 supermax high def fucking 90 gold edition if your rent is a little higher than Iowa. Maybe with your 200 dollar a month food stamp allowance you might have to get off-brand cola instead of pepsi. The carnage! How could we let this happen in our own country?


Please. Most of the people in true poverty in the United States are heroin/crack addicts or severely mentally disabled and haven't found a social worker to give a shit yet. If you come out here and wind up on the streets you are one retarded mother fucker, or you're sick.

We act like it's fuckin' Baghdad..



Overkill is under-rated.
Anyone that aspires to go on public assistance and to be a freeloading burden on hardworking people who pay taxes, ought to have their head examined.

You ought to be very fucking ashamed of yourself, at the very least.


Throbbing Member
I know several peeps who have made the migration down there.....and they are prospering :) They all planned according and had enough seed money to get them by until the gold started coming in.

Have a good plan and execute and you can do it.

Cali needs more growers!!!!


I know several peeps who have made the migration down there.....and they are prospering :) They all planned according and had enough seed money to get them by until the gold started coming in.

Have a good plan and execute and you can do it.

Cali needs more growers!!!!
NO WAY, Can't Be, Prove It?!

It's not that big a deal, it's easier to grow then get a job here.


Active member
California is broke as fuck, and in my opinion it's because we spend a fortune providing healthcare, welfare, education and food for folks who aren't supposed to be here in the first place.

Or because property taxes in cali are a fucking joke and they system doesn't work?
It's not what it's cracked out to be guys. I have friends I sell too, friends that buy my weed I grow, but I've lived here and I have connections.

Believe me, if you just POP UP and grow even the best weed in the world, if you don't know anyone and you think to yourself "there are some cool ass people in Cali, I'm sure I can find some peeps that need some fire weed" you are going to get jacked. 100%, you are going to get jacked by telling people you have weed for sale.

Someone might buy it off of you, tell their friends, see your place, see your from out of town, plot on you, then JACK your ass. It does happen everywhere (I know it's not just here) but it's not a joke.

Like the previous posts mentioned, have a business plan - business plan meaning you have capital AND a means of getting the product off your hands - and you won't have to worry about telling everyone what you have because you don't know anyone. Even if you don't get jacked, someone might snitch on you. Jealousy is everywhere, the streets are cold man!


Damn cuzz, you can get Jackd any where and those expenses are anywhere you go too. You act like cali's the only place where these risks are, but in fact they are everywhere, especially when we do what we do. California is a beautiful place, people, weather, laws....i could go on...but to tell people not to come here is retarded. you're doing to much homie, stay to your own. Grow better weed. The streets are cold everywhere pimp, act accordingly.
It's not what it's cracked out to be guys. I have friends I sell too, friends that buy my weed I grow, but I've lived here and I have connections.

Believe me, if you just POP UP and grow even the best weed in the world, if you don't know anyone and you think to yourself "there are some cool ass people in Cali, I'm sure I can find some peeps that need some fire weed" you are going to get jacked. 100%, you are going to get jacked by telling people you have weed for sale.

Man no disrespect but I'm really sorry you feel that way or have experienced that. It's easy as pie to get rid of low to middle weight product in this environment. You just have to be reasonably intelligent about it. It's nobodies business whether or not you grew it, or where you live, or how much you've got beyond the transaction. If you're that scared about getting jacked meet in a public place, scope it out, and make sure it's somewhat safe.

This thread is weird to me because I respect a lot of you guys and some of you have badass grows..I hope nobody takes any of this personally...It's just my experience has just been the polar opposite. I've got a friend who is dumb as a sack of shit living a damn good life out West right now. Never had a 9-5 in years, and he's from out of state.

I mean yeah, if you walk up to a dude in a FUBU hat tilted sideways with 8XL "2pac lives" shirt on and ask him if you would like to purchase some marijuana, and he said yes please meet me at my house in East Oakland at midnight...don't worry it's legit...ya you're gonna get robbed...but all kinds of legit people have a hand in the cannabis cookie jar out West. It's not hard to find an honest buyer..


Active member
^^hahahah yea dont sell to project niggas is the number #1 rule

if you grow some fire just sack it all up into 1.5 bags and hit height st, USF, SF state, and get them all off for 20 bucks. thats what we used to do back in high school, hippy hill was big business for a while until all the hood mother fuckers started to flood in and used violence to kick all of us white boys out....


I get what your trying to say man but what you point out is obvious. I think its a great revelation for the new high school grad with pipe dreams but anyone in there mid 20's and up should have that much common sense.


New member
Just look at growing as a $10 an hour job and you will do fine. You just have to undercut the established growers by a good portion to get your foot in the door. Use miracle grow or similar fertilizer buy it in bulk, setup a small RO system and mix your own soil or use coco coir. Its all about cost cutting measures and you should have a day job to supplement income. Electricity can be a big issue so I would look into using 400w digital ballast HPS (since there more efficient per watt) and LEDs for veg. When it all comes down to it money talks so if your selling a pound of pretty good weed for $1500, and the established grower is trying to sell his for $2400. You are going to move it and he is not.

There is a lot of hostility toward newcomers from vets, because they are use to getting more for growing. The low prices are here to stay and when full legalization comes into California the prices should drop even more to about $1000 a pound. Once the large outdoor farms ramp up to maybe below $1000 a pound.


Just look at growing as a $10 an hour job and you will do fine. You just have to undercut the established growers by a good portion to get your foot in the door. Use miracle grow or similar fertilizer buy it in bulk, setup a small RO system and mix your own soil or use coco coir. Its all about cost cutting measures and you should have a day job to supplement income. Electricity can be a big issue so I would look into using 400w digital ballast HPS (since there more efficient per watt) and LEDs for veg. When it all comes down to it money talks so if your selling a pound of pretty good weed for $1500, and the established grower is trying to sell his for $2400. You are going to move it and he is not.

There is a lot of hostility toward newcomers from vets, because they are use to getting more for growing. The low prices are here to stay and when full legalization comes into California the prices should drop even more to about $1000 a pound. Once the large outdoor farms ramp up to maybe below $1000 a pound.
HUH?! Where are you getting your numbers?! And what does this have to do with anything? was this a grow for less thread?:off2:


shut the fuck up Donny
Thanks for proving the point on one point. You put $2,000 a month for electricity (I was figuring a minimum $1,000 but I put $600 to for smaller grows) so I'm glad you second that. It actuall is more than I estimated.

And yes, the OG Kush (all Kush family, Bubba Kush, Headband, O.G) is selling like hot cakes right now. But, you remember when we could have at least 10 or 15 different kinds that sold for 5K. I just wanted to say that the market is not like how it used to be. Maybe you'll find that killer dank, but the economy and the flood of outdoor (its December) has hurt the market.

Come spring-summer, Indoor will be in higher demand again.

Ya, the damn outdoor influx def brings down prices like 10-15% for a solid three months for me which sucks, even though my indoor is better quality.

I actually heard that Florida is having an explosion of Grow houses out there. Is that true?

Yes, but you don't wanna grow there. Florida is all about catching growers, and lots of violence down there

5K...forget even 4k.

yea back in 2003-4 i heard stories all the time of people getting Ps here in oakland/SF for 3600 and driving down to LA and offing them for 5k

now that socal has rapidly caught up in terms of grows, clubs, prices down there have tanked. if you got someone who pays 4500 consider yourself lucky.

Eh, depends who you know. I get no less then 4k per on anything I grow regardless of strain.

Is it ok to move to Cali if you and your family need it for medicinal reasons? I don't want to make a profit I just don't want to go to jail.

Lazy, you read it right, and he got his patients by putting an ad on CL. Within just a few hours he had 30 people email him wanting good weed at his price. He personally meets all of them and limits it to 12-13 people and he will even deliver it to them. Yes some of the people were very sketchy but he has good clients and grows good weed. But in SC he is not getting rich by any means, but he is doing just fine and he enjoys what he is doing. I say grow weed and sell it if thats what you want to do. One other thing he lost an entire crop with that heat wave so some of those profits got spent getting back on track plus that fucked up his harvest schedule. Its a business and to do good you will have to work hard weather its in CA or any other state. At least in CA you can enjoy the place when you have some free time.
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