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Gas is gonna go through the roof.....



^ Tahoe is a sweeet ride, I love them, Im too much of a cheap fucker to fuel up a vehicle that large.


Active member
were in the same boat IL, yeah they are nice but 12 miles to the gallon is "ouch".....good thing for the backup(s);)


weed fiend
I bought a TC with a 2.4 Camry engine. Even with a stick it only gets 29 mpg highway. Tops out at 130 mph. A standard top gear would be closer to 140, not too shabby for a factory 160hp 4-cylinder.

I used to drive a Toyota Corona Mark IV in the 70s. Top speed was ~70 mph but it was the fastest 4-cyl I ever drove, lol. I'd get it full of high school buddies and look for suckers. I'd let the challengers drive solo, I always wanted to see the look on their face when a Toyota full of drunks passed by. But I was best off the line and rarely saw the chumps down the stretch. That little bastard only got 20 mpg and you had to keep your foot out of it.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I don't believe gas is going up at this moment because of increased demand in the BRIC's. Will that eventually drive the price up. Absolutely, it will. Buy a whole lot. However, we have seen, what, a $10+ jump per barrel in the last couple of months?

This is our first $3 a gallon Christmas ever. Although demand has increased because of holiday travel etc, I believe this is mostly speculator driven.

What has really changed in the past couple of months? Quantitative easing part 2 and the continued devaluation of the dollar. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The more we print the less confidence the market will have in our bonds, equities, and currency. More and more money will move into commodities. Thus, the drastic increase in the price of oil and food commodities (the bad weather has also been driving the price of food commodities up too). Just wait until QE3 and QE4 are in the pipeline. Speculator money will continue to pour into commodities driving the price up.

So for the CPI cheerleaders out there that constantly cite this meaningless stat as an indication that we should print more.....did you know that the price of oil, food, and clothes isn't included in the CPI? But, who cares about that right. No one buys oil, food, or clothes. :shucks:

I feel really bad for Europe. Gas prices will hit $4-$5 here, but y'alls is going to go up proportionally to ours. There is one thing for certain. High oil prices will wreak havoc on the economy at large. Inflation has arrived in earnest boys and girls.

Every $1 per barrel rise in oil decreases U.S. GDP by $100 billion per year and every 1 cent increase in gasoline decreases U.S. consumer disposable income by about $600 million per year.
Here is ZeroHedges take on the Ex-Shell CEO and $5 gallon gas. Video Included.
I’m predicting a worse outcome over the next two years, which takes us to 2012 with higher gasoline prices, uncertainty as to the future of hydrocarbons, more regulation on the hydrocarbon industry based upon who the administration is today…

And what I fear the most is that by 2012 prices are so high that we have a backlash from the electorate and we go into reverse and we go back to a hydrocarbon only type of a future, maybe with some nuclear, instead of moving on in the 21st century.

I’m predicting, based upon the moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico, up to a million barrels a day of US production gone because of the politics of freezing drilling in the Gulf.

The headline is the moratorium is lifted, the reality is you can’t get a permit… I’m expecting no new drilling for two more years at least.

If we stay on our current course, within a decade, within ten years, we’re into energy shortages in this country big time. Black outs, brown outs, gas lines, rationing - that’s my projection based upon the current inability to make decisions.

When the American consumers are short, or when prices are so high - $5 a gallon for gasoline by 2012 - I believe that’s going to happen - that’s going to set a new tone, it’s going to be panic time on the part of the politicians, they’re going to suddenly get some kind of a sense we better do something.
P.S.- Everyone is going to hate me for this, but I don't pay a penny for my gas. My company supplies the managers with a gas card. Unfortunately, what hurts y'all helps me. Until the price gets too much for the economy to handle and it takes a shit.
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weed fiend
Nah, we don't hate ya, gramps. I bet many of our managers have co cars and gas. I've got a bud in OK that says he doesn't pay for anything, lol. He's got a lonely job, sitting in his house trailer, watching the back yard oil pumps. All the appliances are hooked to generators that burn vapor off the wells.

But I don't care what the weather throws, that fucker is out there working if and when a pump breaks. I recon a twister is bad enough to take a break but not much else.


Actually the MAIN reason the price of oil is rising is because the DOLLAR the currency used to price oil is losing value mainly do to the $5-9 billion each day the fed has been pumping into the banks. Why? Because NOBODY else CAN or WILL buy OUR bonds either!!!

Sorry that's just not true. OPEC switched to the Euro a couple of years ago. That is not to say that the dollar does not still influence the price but oil prices are based on the Euro. :)

And people harping about hybrids and alternative fuel cars forget one important factor.


Those POS plastic deathtraps are not in any sort of condition to replace combustion engines. They do not generate nearly enough horsepower to be feasible (at least not in the US & Europe). That is why all those cars are small, compact, and made from shitty materials. You sure you want to be riding around in one of those things when a SUV slams into you? :)

Lastly, I want to say that the notion of peak production is crap. They have been saying that since 1970. We were supposed to hit peak production in 1976. Guess what? We found more oil and there is a shitload more to be harvested. The prices are inflated because the produces keep it that way. That is the entire purpose of OPEC. Control the level of global production. They could easily pump out 10x what they do now. But why would they? They profits would go in the crapper. The US (and a few other nations) has to periodically force OPEC to produce more when the citizens of aforementioned nations get uppity about gas prices (or during close election years).

The only thing dictating gas prices are taxes, subsidies, and greed (mostly greed). Supply has no relevance. Supply is an illusion based on the level of production decided on by OPEC every few years.


Active member
Spastic, You are no Village Idiot...You hit the nail squarely on the head. I'm old enough to remember the gas lines in the 70's and what is coming will be far worse I believe.

People, believe me when I say it has only started...Corn futures are at an all-time high-what do we feed ourselves and our cattle/hogs? Watch the price of corn flakes and Milk, too.

Cotton is at an all-time high as well...get your shorts, socks and jeans now before you cannot afford them next year.

The whole world is teetering on the brink of economic collapse and if Spain and Portugal default, the IMF will be out of money to bail out any other country.

I never thought the guy standing on the corner with a "The end is near" sign had a clue, but maybe he does. We have to get out of debt or it will be over...for ALL of us


The economy is dead but we still dance with the corpse. It is just another weekend at Bennie's. The moneychangers need as many to be in as much debt as possible, especially the nation-states. The moneychangers carry most of blame for our present state of affairs, yet we as individuals are to blame as well for not learning our history(in my case not soon enough). They've been doing this for hundreds of years; wash, rinse and repeat. While I welcome a high gas price to moderate the gluttony, the chain of causality is rough on the consciousness should reality take a turn for some of the worst case scenarios. Wonder how much oil will spike when bombs start dropping on Iran.....


Active member
i live in a good neighborhood and can walk to just about anything in 5 minutes. shitloads of bars,major supermarket, drugstore, and plenty of restaurants. everything i need within 5 minutes. i can leave the car in the driveway. god i love so cal. theres even a farmers market every few weeks
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so does anbody feel that gas/petrol rising is a good thing, for the planet? im no tree hugger but i think smaller more local dependent is the future. i mean fossil fuel pushes the globalization trend to a point. maybe if we have to deal with whats around it wont be so bad.


Active member
But here is the rub.... Big oil and Big corporations will squelch any real advancements in alternative fuel sources due to them losing their 'cash cow'...
And Big Gov't will allow it because of taxes collected from fuel and tire sales


ICMag Donor
Both my vehicles get 12 MPG. It keeps this up and I'm actually going to have to buy a more economical set of wheels.......


Active member
But here is the rub.... Big oil and Big corporations will squelch any real advancements in alternative fuel sources due to them losing their 'cash cow'...
And Big Gov't will allow it because of taxes collected from fuel and tire sales

It's why we still have alcohol and cigarettes...the government would fold without the tax money generated by "vices".

Wrap your heads around THIS...

Having oil priced in dollars...allows up to grow the money supply and "oilify" our debts.

Remember I posted how we burn through 85 million barrels per day? Well that costs $7,735,000,000...that money is "created" as that oil get's pumped. So, not only are we printing money...we're also pumping money out of the ground. Over $7 billion EVERY DAY is being created out of thin air and is eventually burned...but the money created stays in the system adding to inflation.

You suck a barrel of oil from the ground and it's suddenly "worth" $91. This "money" didn't exist before...it was created...and once created...doesn't go away. That's why we'll never get rid of inflation.

So much misinformation.

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