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Gas is gonna go through the roof.....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
one of the main reasons is the the worlds emerging economies, namely Brazil and China....their economies are growing at a HIGH speed...they are now where we were in the 1950's with a growing middle class that is thirsting for oil, oil to feed their new cars, and heat their bigger homes and fuel their larger manufacturing buildings and factories... the price of oil is climbing because of their consumption presently and will only climb higher and faster with time... so... by 2012, less than a year, we will be lucky if gas hovers around 5.00/gall...the year after may be worse....an ex shell ceo sees this 5.00/gall price by 2012....he doesnt say why but this seems most logical as to why....

Well if the 10% of the population that owns 90% of the wealth is smart they'll be investing heavily in alternative energy. Even without the emerging economies in various parts of the world, if everything stayed as it is right now consumption wise, the use of fossil fuels is not sustainable. An innovative new source of energy, preferably one that is renewable and eco-friendly could restore America to the days of greatness when the Big Three in Detroit ruled.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I wonder how popular the US govnt would be if they suddenly put up gas/petrol prices to nearly 8 bucks a gallon?

.....Wow! ....Venezuela.....19 cents a gallon.....because they produce their own gas/petrol I presume, same as the U.K. and USA......but probably don't tax it at all....

......I wonder what sort of revenue these gas/petrol taxing governments make per year from fuel?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
true about Brazil but who knows how long they can handle it.....yeah the water issue is gonna be unimaginable....they found chromium 6 in 31 out of 35 counties recently so....thats the chemical Erin Brokovich (sp) fought against on behalf of the town that was being poisoned....

As long as they can grow sugar cane as that is the source of the ethanol they fuel everything with.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Think yourselves lucky.....in the UK gas/petrol costs.... 5.087 GBP = 7.87233 USD per GALLON!!

.....It's about time the USA had to pay European prices don't ya think?......lol

If the USA were as compact then yeah, it would be about time. Alas it is more spread out and many folks have to drive much longer distances then the average European driver, to have a decent job.

What really is unfortunate is that Europe's voice alone is not enough to catch the attention of OPEC to force prices lower. In the USA when gas hit $4 per gallon a year or two ago everyone changed their habits enough to cut back enough on consumption to drive oil prices down.


It's about damn time, if you ask me. Seems like alternative energy sources will come to feasible fruition only when there's an urgent economic incentive. The idea that our world depends on fossil fuels to function is a totally ludicrous concept, outdated for more than 60 years.

Now is the time to invest HEAVILY in renewable energy tech, cross our fingers, and hope that we haven't completely missed the boat.

The low price at the pump these days reflects massive US government subsidies and huge externalized costs, both of which fall upon the taxpayer one way or another. It's a shame consumers don't understand what they're really paying. Perhaps if they did they'd pressure their elected officials to make some progress instead of bitching en masse whenever prices rise.

What reserves are left are increasingly difficult to access. The days of finding new vast shallow fields (think Texas or Saudi Arabia) are long gone. At this point I think we have to ask ourselves whether or not it's worth polluting our water tables, ravaging the boreal forest, or risking more BP-esque deep water spills in pursuit of a handful of years of the same antiquated gravy train.

In terms of what really remains, the reality seems to be that we've hit the plateau of peak production. Demand is only going to rise, and global production will soon begin to decline. When that happens you can be damn sure prices will top $200 a barrel. That's not to say big oil won't extract every last drop, no matter the environmental cost...


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
If the USA were as compact then yeah, it would be about time. Alas it is more spread out and many folks have to drive much longer distances then the average European driver, to have a decent job.

This argument is crap. Wife and I started out thinking this but we ended up saving so much in terms of both commute & time by a move that we paid off the house nearly 10 years early. This is with the new jobs earning quite a bit less than the old ones to start. When you don't have a commute you can easily work overtime, you're the guy/gal that's always available and that at least in both our cases translated into raises/promotions pretty easily.

You want a compact life? You can have it. It might require better education, a change in career, or a shift in lifestyle but you can absolutely do it. I live in a small town now, on a day when they decide to actually plow I can pretty much walk or bike anywhere I need to just about any day of the year. More importantly I dropped enough weight I came off BP meds and to starve off a fake knee for a few more years.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
it's about £5.55 per gallon here, which is like $8.60 , diesel is just as bad too :cry:

Luckily i barely have to drive anywhere these days..


Active member
one of the main reasons is the the worlds emerging economies, namely Brazil and China....their economies are growing at a HIGH speed...they are now where we were in the 1950's with a growing middle class that is thirsting for oil, oil to feed their new cars, and heat their bigger homes and fuel their larger manufacturing buildings and factories... the price of oil is climbing because of their consumption presently and will only climb higher and faster with time... so... by 2012, less than a year, we will be lucky if gas hovers around 5.00/gall...the year after may be worse....an ex shell ceo sees this 5.00/gall price by 2012....he doesnt say why but this seems most logical as to why....

China and India are having problems...don't be fooled. China couldn't sell a bunch of their 3 month treasury bonds last week...not a PEEP of that in the news! That's a TELLING sign! Hell...the US couldn't sell bonds either...that's why the Federal Reserve has been buying them.Don't be swayed by the lies coming from the MSM that everything is rosey!. The world...us included...is in a bad way!

Actually the MAIN reason the price of oil is rising is because the DOLLAR the currency used to price oil is losing value mainly do to the $5-9 billion each day the fed has been pumping into the banks. Why? Because NOBODY else CAN or WILL buy OUR bonds either!!!

Operation Date1

Settlement Date

Operation Type2


Expected Purchase Size

December 13, 2010

December 14, 2010

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

6/30/2016 – 11/30/2017

$7 – $9 billion

December 15, 2010

December 16, 2010

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

12/31/2014 – 5/31/2016

$6 – $8 billion

December 16, 2010

December 17, 2010

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

6/30/2013 – 11/30/2014

$6 – $8 billion

December 17, 2010

December 20, 2010

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

8/15/2028 – 11/15/2040

$1.5 – $2.5 billion

December 20, 2010

December 21, 2010

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

2/15/2018 – 11/15/2020

$7 – $9 billion

December 20, 20103

December 21, 2010

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

12/31/2014 – 5/31/2016

$6 – $8 billion

December 21, 2010

December 22, 2010

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

6/30/2016 – 11/30/2017

$7 – $9 billion

December 21, 20103

December 22, 2010

Outright TIPS Purchase

7/15/2012 – 2/15/2040

$1 – $2 billion

December 22, 2010

December 23, 2010

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

2/15/2021 – 11/15/2027

$1.5– $2.5 billion

December 28, 2010

December 29, 2010

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

6/30/2013 – 11/30/2014

$6 – $8 billion

December 29, 2010

December 30, 2010

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

6/30/2012 – 6/15/2013

$4 – $6 billion

January 3, 2011

January 4, 2011

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

2/15/2018 – 11/15/2020

$7 – $9 billion

January 4, 2011

January 5, 2011

Outright TIPS Purchase

7/15/2012 – 2/15/2040

$1 – $2 billion

January 5, 2011

January 6, 2011

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

8/15/2028 – 11/15/2040

$1.5 – $2.5 billion

January 6, 2011

January 7, 2011

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

1/31/2015 – 6/30/2016

$6 – $8 billion

January 7, 2011

January 10, 2011

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

7/15/2013 – 12/31/2014

$6 – $8 billion

January 10, 2011

January 11, 2011

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

2/15/2018 – 11/15/2020

$7 – $9 billion

January 11, 2011

January 12, 2011

Outright Treasury Coupon Purchase

7/31/2016 – 12/31/2017

$7 – $9 billion

You think I'm bullshitting???

Here is the link: http://www.ny.frb.org/markets/tot_operation_schedule.html

People who are arguing about inflation...just wait until January...when the price increases start! MANY commodities are double what they were last year...that means price increases...for everything.

The world is in a real mess right now...the problems are being ignored by the MSM as they put up stories about Lady Ga Ga and shit like that. EVERYONE is broke...EVERYONE. Who knows what will happen...I sure don't KNOW what the future will bring...I can only guess..and prepare accordingly. Luckily...I'm already retired and don't need a job. If my pension gets cut...I have enough wealth and land (and the means to protect it) to survive... So, like I said...I'm pretty much watching from the side, waiting to see how it all ends up.

I think we may see $4 gas...but anything higher than that...we all know what THAT will mean! It's (IMO) what started the recession/depression in the first place in 2008. People MUST spend the money on energy before spending it on other things.

I see a future with a LOT of unhappy, disillusioned young people. They have NO skills...beyond "speed texting". They can't take care of themselves. They have NO future. We ruined our childrens' future by coddling them too much...giving them too much...not expecting enough from them...making it TOO easy for them.

If oil does pass $100 a barrel...and gas goes over $5...it's been fun America! We'll have to do it again sometime.

It's TAXES that make gas cheap one place and expensive in another. Gas should be about $2.5 right now...$90 a barrel + .50 a gallon for refining. The rest is taxes. Places like Venezuela and Iran have .20 gas because they OWN the oilfields and therefore oil is basically free, They don't have to "buy" the oil at spot price. It's just the cost of extraction...which is cheap.

I really hope oil stays where it is...it really sucks for EVERYONE when energy costs rise. I don't know what the future holds...I just try to guess the best I can with all the information I can find.


Think yourselves lucky.....in the UK gas/petrol costs.... 5.087 GBP = 7.87233 USD per GALLON!!

.....It's about time the USA had to pay European prices don't ya think?......lol

Gypsy I would have no problem paying there gas prices if I got free healthcare.....


the tesla is a sick car but it still cost to charge it up I like the air car runs on compressed air... and from what Im seeing air is still free... lol...

more info here

And compresssing it requires energy. Maybe you can blow really hard?


Active member
seems like a perfect storm is brewing....ibjamming you make a good point and yes i agree, that is one of the main reasons also about the dollar.....hell saddam made it clear he didnt want to use the us dollar anymore so we went into iraq to insure it would be the currncy used to trade oil.....wow i didnt have a clue what the prices were in some areas.....i do believe that we should all pay alot more for oil....it does so much damage....from getting it to using it....wouldnt be takin no more "sunday drives" thats for sure....


Active member
And compresssing it requires energy. Maybe you can blow really hard?

People ALWAYS forget or just plain ignore that kind of shit...

How about MAKING the car? Took a whole lot of oil to do it. If you're SERIOUS about this whole oil thing...the only thing you're left with is a bicycle.

Alternate energy? How about a windmill...any idea how much oil it takes to build one? More than you "save". Then there's maintenance.

There is NO replacement for oil...not in "this world" anyway. No oil...think pre the industrial revolution. Back to agrarian society. Cheap energy is what got us here...expensive energy will cut us off. It's the reality of the situation. It's like wishing you don't have to breath when someone farts. you DO have to breathe and eventually you HAVE to smell that shit! We NEED oil...

The question is...IS it REALLY running out? Some of that oil is MIGHTY deep to be formed by "dinosaurs". It makes one question things...again...

From Wikipedia: Deepwater Horizon was an ultra-deepwater, dynamically positioned, semi-submersible offshore oil drilling rig[5] owned by Transocean. Built in 2001 in South Korea by Hyundai Heavy Industries,[2] the rig was commissioned by R&B Falcon, which later became part of Transocean,[7] registered in Majuro, Marshall Islands, and leased to BP plc until 2013.[8] In September 2009, the rig drilled the deepest oil well in history at a vertical depth of 35,050 ft (10,683 m) and measured depth of 35,055 ft (10,685 m)[9] in the Tiber field at Keathley Canyon block 102, approximately 250 miles (400 km) southeast of Houston, in 4,132 feet (1,259 m) of water.[10]

How did oil get 6 miles down? In the gulf? Not geologically active...no folding, no faults, no subduction...


Active member
seems like a perfect storm is brewing....ibjamming you make a good point and yes i agree, that is one of the main reasons also about the dollar.....hell saddam made it clear he didnt want to use the us dollar anymore so we went into iraq to insure it would be the currncy used to trade oil.....wow i didnt have a clue what the prices were in some areas.....i do believe that we should all pay alot more for oil....it does so much damage....from getting it to using it....wouldnt be takin no more "sunday drives" thats for sure....

The world WILL end if the dollar goes under. That will signal the day that "modern civilization" ended...like the fall of Rome before it... Things WILL get ugly. If you can make it in Somolia...you can make it anywhere...that's the kind of person that will survive.

But let's not think about that...MUCH too depressing. REAL work...in the heat and cold work...physical work. How many of you know what that is? Not pushing a button to do the laundry or dishes...WASHING them. Growing food...at least WE have a head start there...at least we CAN grow something...OK, "most" of us...look in the infirmary sometime...ouch!

Oil is with us to stay. You can generate electricity with something else...but for personal transportation...nothing beats good old oil! We can't go "electric" because the capacity isn't there. Imagine EVERY house in the country plugging in their car. Believe me...it's going to draw a LOT more than your typical "wall wart". How about doubling your electric bill? How about getting assigned a time you can charge your car...like I said, to get 100 miles worth of battery power to propel a 1000lb car...take a lot of juice! We can't all come home at 5pm and plug it in. Can you say brownout?

Nope...barring some NEW (like atomic was) energy source...we're stuck with oil...as long as it lasts...we last...in our present state of wealth/prosperity.


Active member
Fusion reactors within the next 40 years will solve a lot of problems and nuclear power until then would be the best way but it wont happen.


Active member
Fusion reactors within the next 40 years will solve a lot of problems and nuclear power until then would be the best way but it wont happen.

That's what I mean by "new technology". Right now fusion is FAR from being a source of power...does it break even yet? You need like 1000X more just to make it practical. Unless you can get it a "cold" temps...I'd say good luck with that. It's like trying to burn frozen wood...you may be able to get it going...but it's NOT worth the trouble if you've got a heater!

What makes you think it's so close? Heard something lately? AND...like I said...the electric grid can't handle everyones' car plugged in. Add electric cars would double the demand I'd imagine. So there's another problem getting off oil...doubling the electrical transmission capacity.

but you're right...we need to invent "Mr Fusion". For the car, the refrigerator, the lawn mower, A/C, heat...everything is powered for "free"...throw in some dirt or trash and go. It breaks ANY atoms! Shit in it and it will work.

But these things NEVER happen except as boutique industries. The big multinationals NEED a monthly payment. Unless they can get away with ONLY renting it...al la the phone company and cable TV in the early days (remember renting your phone? A cable box NEEDED to get the channels?)...they won't buy in...and if the big corporations don't buy in...government won't buy in...and it won't happen. Sorry...


As has been said, a big reason is thesociopathic pricks who control the dollar's printing press and their fucktard speculators who will assist with the hyperinflationary prices of commodities over the next 2-5 years. How else will these douchebags justify their bonuses and the stealth robbery of the world? This will once again bring our present paradigm to the tipping point. Humans have been in similar spots before, but just not on such a global scale.

The stage has been setting up for some time now and is being rigged for demolition in the not-so-distant future. Get the fuck off the stage and as far away as you possibly can. The poor 20-somethings just now graduating high school/college will be nothing more than collateral damage as they try to get on the stage. They will most likely be drafted into the great war to start in 2013-2015 time frame. Get out of debt. Get some good agricultural land, or friend someone who has some. Pray for all to wake up. Look beyond the physical and into the spiritual....

Another peak oil article: http://petrole.blog.lemonde.fr/2010/11/18/peak-oil-why-the-pentagon-is-pessimistic-exclusive/



People ALWAYS forget or just plain ignore that kind of shit...

How about MAKING the car? Took a whole lot of oil to do it. If you're SERIOUS about this whole oil thing...the only thing you're left with is a bicycle.

Alternate energy? How about a windmill...any idea how much oil it takes to build one? More than you "save". Then there's maintenance.

There is NO replacement for oil...not in "this world" anyway. No oil...think pre the industrial revolution. Back to agrarian society. Cheap energy is what got us here...expensive energy will cut us off. It's the reality of the situation. It's like wishing you don't have to breath when someone farts. you DO have to breathe and eventually you HAVE to smell that shit! We NEED oil...

The question is...IS it REALLY running out? Some of that oil is MIGHTY deep to be formed by "dinosaurs". It makes one question things...again...

From Wikipedia: Deepwater Horizon was an ultra-deepwater, dynamically positioned, semi-submersible offshore oil drilling rig[5] owned by Transocean. Built in 2001 in South Korea by Hyundai Heavy Industries,[2] the rig was commissioned by R&B Falcon, which later became part of Transocean,[7] registered in Majuro, Marshall Islands, and leased to BP plc until 2013.[8] In September 2009, the rig drilled the deepest oil well in history at a vertical depth of 35,050 ft (10,683 m) and measured depth of 35,055 ft (10,685 m)[9] in the Tiber field at Keathley Canyon block 102, approximately 250 miles (400 km) southeast of Houston, in 4,132 feet (1,259 m) of water.[10]

How did oil get 6 miles down? In the gulf? Not geologically active...no folding, no faults, no subduction...

I watched a show on if the worlds oil would run out, we already have shit made and working. They talked about using algae. They have huge pools of water and it just grows algae and they said they are getting ready for when it runs out. It can be refined into something i forgot, this was a few months ago. But im just saying what i watched.

It was on the Discovery channel.


I hold El Roacho's
This is the solution and you can find wood any place and tires, plus if you run out of wood for your fireplace you can use bike. this has many uses and no pollution!

Just splinters in your ass crack!!!



This is the solution and you can find wood any place and tires, plus if you run out of wood for your fireplace you can use bike. this has many uses and no pollution!

Just splinters in your ass crack!!!


Isn't the rubber for those bike wheels made of oil? :eek:

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