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gardening downunder ....


i bet you love the tropics, lol. great update mate :yes:

it's great to see those plants growing in a tropical climate. interesting to see. how big are they? i assume quite small as there is no real veg time in the tropics? am i right? or did you pre veg them inside? are you using any ferts?

peace out


oh they are an ok size , remember in the tropics everything grows faster ,, so even with a fast maturing plant , we can still grow it to reasonable size and yeild , many of the plants will yeild ;up to half a pound ...



Joint Date: Today.
budshots are looking FROSTY my friend! gardens looking awsome all the way.. your little piece of planet seems very very green man :)

keep the good work up



ICMag Donor
Those are some great shots, wally. Just beautiful. There are plants of all shapes and sizes in the weeded lot. Looks very natural. Wish you luck this season.


only half..... dude id kill for yields like that indoors! jealous again! :wave:


damn impressive grow space you got there mate! Im growing a couple of ducksfoot now in late flowering im very very Impressed with the plants, and what a lovely fruity smell....

Good luck and stay safe i will definitely follow this thread.



all praises are due to the Most High
hey man, all good i hope.
beautiful garden, as usual.
those plants do seem to have vegged for so short, like what, 2 months max? and already flowering... uff, fast plants, all i am used to growing is colombian sativas in the tropic, so they take forever...

be well.


PazVerdeRadical said:
hey man, all good i hope.
beautiful garden, as usual.
those plants do seem to have vegged for so short, like what, 2 months max? and already flowering... uff, fast plants, all i am used to growing is colombian sativas in the tropic, so they take forever...

be well.
yes fast here , would be much the same for u if u are at a similar equatorial location to me ,, just gotta choose the right stuff for the right time of year ,, columbians are fine , bu t id rather put them in late so they dont grow as big and waste so much space ,, grow fast maturing strains in the meantime ...


all praises are due to the Most High
hello wally, how are the plants doing? hope all is well.
just checked this map:
and it seems i am at a more nothern latitude than you. not a lot, but noticeably.
i have begun to notice the plants i have been vegging for 2months have started to flower earlier than those vegged months before. so yeah, there's a similar effect here as well but not as intense i would say.

one love.


well this must be one of the slowest years ive seen so far ,,
play has been hampered by rain and cold , not typical for the time of year ..
but starting to see some results now ...



i see all is getting better for you wally! got the c99 in finally and about half have popped up after three days from start of soak.

how are my ladies doing?


hey johhny ,, yes i can see some of your ladies taking shape ,, is hard to keep track of plants in that space , but your ones stand out with the very fat indica type leaves , just beginning to flower now ,, get some nice bud shots in a few weeks , getting the odd shower here , but i think they will be ok as long as its just a shower ...


you got to love those leaves.... especially when they exceed 10" across! great shad to lay under my friend!!lmfao :wave:


lookin great! I know your busy but do you grow the seedlings in that little tent? and how do you get water there from a well/house or another way.. how deep/wide are the holes you dig too?



stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Shit, 2nd time I've been late for class this week. Sorry teach....... want me to weed the patch, irrigate, prune?.......... dream on boy......... you've got detention smurf ! :spank:

Busy as all hell I bet......good one wally
stay safe mate



krazay said:
lookin great! I know your busy but do you grow the seedlings in that little tent? and how do you get water there from a well/house or another way.. how deep/wide are the holes you dig too?


hey krazay , yes really busy just now , man the heat has come on ,, kinda expected it ,, but hard to adjust from the coolest wettest october to the hottest driest november ,, lol ... temps are up in the high 30s to low 40s in the patch right now ,, things have slowed a bit with the heat ..
hard to get enough water really , they are not liking the heat , and best i can do is water late in the after noon , that way they get a good drink overnight ..
cannabis is pretty tough , they will be fine , and the heat is also forcing the ones i want to flower to continue to do so , combined with the high p and k ferts they are getting ...

yes i do grow the seedlings in the tent/shadehouse initially , gets really hot out there and transplant shock can be a killer , but ive found some double handling out there necessary just to get things on the go , an open feild can take some filling and at first until growth begins , things seem to go so slowly ...
for watering , i use a 12 volt pump , its great , can do all i want and then some , just providing the power constantly can be a challange at times ..

the soil is very silty in the patches , so easy to dig ,, we turn over the ground , making depressions and digging over about 12 inches deep of soil , ferts , and then in goes a plant in about a 6 inch deep hole , directly from a 3 inch potting bag .. i find that s the best way to go to encourage deep root growth , watering twice a week deeply ....