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From start of cloning to harvest 13 week scrog

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Thanks for that. My hope is that this thread helps people stay in their limits and still get what they need. Looks like it will help you do just that. So the thread is a win in my book.

As for my numbers I am still working on that. I will not trim over my limit so that is holding me back from a final number. I have sent out 5 so far with more going out tomorrow. So hopefully I can get the final weight in the next couple days. I had two rooms to get out before this one. They are now gone and this room is finally going out.

Sorry for the delay on the numbers but I like my bed better than the free one down town. And there is some thing about brushing your teeth in the toilet tank that puts me off. Cant quite nail down what it is.


Hey Itch I finally got some dip and grow wondering what you use for the delution rate for the airlayers and is it the same for doing regular cloning . I don't want to waste it cause I only need to get a few going right now.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Hey Itch I finally got some dip and grow wondering what you use for the delution rate for the airlayers and is it the same for doing regular cloning . I don't want to waste it cause I only need to get a few going right now.

I use the line at the bottom of the cup they send. The 1X mark for dip n grow and fill it to the 20X with water.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Dont know yet. Was suppose to send out 26 ounces this weekend. I only sent out 2 so I have not trimmed the rest yet. I will not go over my limit. Finally getting rid of 11 tomorrow and gave away 3.5 that was iffy. So soon I hope.

Till then I guess I will just keep you in the dark.


I'm pretty stoked on the whole air layering idea. I'm picking up the supplies today to try out the idea on a Haze I've got that I was going to toss anyways. Poor thing was never happy in the soil mix it was in (other plants were fine) and I wasn't going to keep it, but now I think it's the perfect candidate to give this cloning technique a try :D

As a nice side benefit, this will give me an easy way to move it from the soil mix it's in now to coco with Jacks/CalNit where I'm able to tweak things easier and see if I can make it happy that way.

Thanks again for the info!

I hope your final harvest numbers end up where you want them :)



Active member
So I just wanted to stop in and say thanks to ichabod ur tips on growing vert have really helped me dial in that style. Doing better every run anyway just wanted to say thanks for all the knowledge and experience u have shared so freely...much obliged
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Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
The trimming is taking longer than the growing:)

Yes it is. That is because the despensary that take all my overages had 6 or 7 more open up near by. And to make it better the police are pulling people over when they leave the despensaries. So I have slowed way down.

I'm pretty stoked on the whole air layering idea. I'm picking up the supplies today to try out the idea on a Haze I've got that I was going to toss anyways. Poor thing was never happy in the soil mix it was in (other plants were fine) and I wasn't going to keep it, but now I think it's the perfect candidate to give this cloning technique a try :D

As a nice side benefit, this will give me an easy way to move it from the soil mix it's in now to coco with Jacks/CalNit where I'm able to tweak things easier and see if I can make it happy that way.

Thanks again for the info!

I hope your final harvest numbers end up where you want them :)


I hope it works out well for you. Some people have a hard time with it. My guess is they are cloning to small of a branch that has little support left after debarking.

My numbers will end where they end. I had not idea as to what I was to get. So a harvest is a good harvest for me. Thinking around 20 ounces for this grow.

So I just wanted to stop in and say thanks to ichabod ur tips on growing vert have really helped me dial in that style. Doing better every run anyway just wanted to say thanks for all the knowledge and experience u have shared so freely...much obliged

I am glad to help by giving back to ICMAG.com. This site helped me pay the bills when I was told to take a year off of work. Because of the help I got here on this site in less than 5 months I had my first two harvests of 24 and 28 ounces. Just after Thanks Giving and in time to catch all my bills up and have a Christmas for the family.

I would just like to again thank all the older posters in the vert section that helped me out in my time of need. I do that by giving back to this site.

Now as for my current trimming I still am not done. But I am done with the Deathstar and those two plants came in at 8.4 ounces. A total of 238.3 grams of Deathstar. Still working on the Bruce Banner #3 plants. I have around 180 grams of that so far. Still have around a quarter of the screen left to trim. It is the thinner back corner so I am not sure how much is there yet. I figure a total of 18 to 20 ounces. But that is not a solid number.

My impressions right now is as follows.

I need the screen to be higher so that I can clean out the under sides better. I had way to much larf and small buds. The buds on top were good but could have been better if a good clean up of underneath was done.

I also could have gotten the light closer to the screen. It ended up to high above the final canopy.

But still trimming and hope to be done soon.

Budley Doright

Active member
My guess is they are cloning to small of a branch that has little support left after debarking.

I agree with you.... Im positive that smaller branches will be more difficult to do than larger branches.....

In a larger branch the room for error is much greater....

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
OK if you guys have not made it to retirement I have numbers for you.

For the two Deathstar plants I got 238.3 grams. That is about 8.4 ounces total or 4.2 ounces average for each.

For the Bruce Banner #3 plants I got 316.5 grams. And that works out to about 11.1 ounces or 3.75 each on average.

The grams per watt is about 0.925. This comes from a total of 554.8 total grams with a 600 watt light. This works out to about 19.5 ounces.

I think this is not to bad for only 2 to 5 days veg. Overall though I think there is lots of room for improvement on this style. But on a whole this is 75 days of growth outside of veg. That works out to 4.87 runs per year or about 95 ounces for a 600 watt light per year.

Here are some final pictures for you guys . First is pictures of the stems after trimming and removable of branch tips. first up are the Bruce Banner #3 branches.

The next two are the center Bruce Banner #3 center plant from the right side and left side.


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Here are the two Deathstar plant stems.

Finally some root pictures. Keep in mind these are bone dry so they are smaller and show less this way.

First up a Bruce Banner #3

And lastly the two Deathstar root balls.


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
So lets break down my electric cost for this run. To keep it simple it will just be veg and flower and not cloning.

So for 5 days of veg with a 600 watt light run 24 hour this run used 72 kilowatts. For 70 days of flower with a 600 watt light running 12 hours this run used 504 kilowatts. So the 600 watt light used a total of 576 kilowatts.

I also ran a exhaust fan 24 hours no stop for veg and flower. The fan consumes 170 watts. so that works out to 306 kilowatts.

I did also have the little fans on the floor. They are I think 25 watts each. So 50 watts per hour for 70 days. They were not used till the plants were on the screen. The total for these fans are 84 kilowatts.

So the total electric used 966 kilowatts for this run. I pay $0.155 per kilowatt. so for electric I have a total cost of veg and flower of $149.73.

For nutrients I can guess about $0.25 per day. For 75 days that is about $18.75.

I used a bag of NAPA floor dry that cost $7. I used less than a half block of coco coir which cost about $12. And finally a little perlite.it was just a couple gallons worth. I dont know what it cost but it was about a 1/8 of a 4 cuft bag. So guessing $40 per bag or $5 worth for this grow.

Final cost then comes out at roughly $192.48. That comes out at a cost of dang near $10 per ounce not including equipment and building cost.


The grams per watt is about 0.925.
I think this is not to bad for only 2 to 5 days veg.
I'd say that's pretty decent, yeah. Lots of folks put in much more veg time to hit that gpw. And your screen wasn't even fully filled :D

It's been an interesting cycle to follow along with, and there's definitely a few things you've done here that I'm incorporating into my next run :tiphat:

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
nice breakdown on the costs.how does the cost breakdown on your vert work out to per oz?

I could not do that with my vert. I kill plants all the time that are 6 or 7 feet tall. Just cant use them. Because it takes so long to get them to flowering size I have to grow extras.

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