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From start of cloning to harvest 13 week scrog

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Chop day yet?

No it is day 69 tonight. Tomorrow the lights go out then in about two weeks they will be dry and I can chop them. I will only chop enough that I stay in my weight limit when dry. The rest will stay on the plant till the trimmed stuff is moved. Then I will chop and trim some more. When the last is jarred I will have a weight.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
The cops will take my door whether I do it like that or not. And steal all my shit with out proof I have done anything wrong. It is legalized theft. I cant fight that but by doing it this way I get to stay out of jail.

As for the long slow drying I wont do it any other way. People tend to like the taste and smoothness of my smoke.


The cops just dont want to admit defeat. They are hammering the fuck out of people in my county, back logged cases waiting to be heard back to 2010. nany people in our state have thrown in the towel they say the caregiver numbers are down and even the patients.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
They have raided three counties dispensaries around mine so far in the last couple months. We dont have a back log that far back where I am I dont think. We do have a bunch of rambos on the police force. They were rented out to the other counties and a few more counties besides the three for smash and grab raids.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Fuck tha police...


looking good in there, ich,
really will be interesting to see how it stacks up against your vert (yieldwise)
i've toyed with vert, gone back and forth a few times from horizontal canopy to vertical canopy.... feel my self swinging back to vert or doing some hybrid setup.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member

looking good in there, ich,
really will be interesting to see how it stacks up against your vert (yieldwise)
i've toyed with vert, gone back and forth a few times from horizontal canopy to vertical canopy.... feel my self swinging back to vert or doing some hybrid setup.

I dont think it will be as much as my vert. I did not get the canopy as full as I should have. Just could not get to the back right corner. Plus it being my first time. But we will see.

One things for sure and that is that vert puts out more weight per square foot. This is about one fifth to one quarter of the canopy of a vert in this same room. But then again I could run two runs flat verses vert in the same time.

They go into places that they are suspicious of either:

Lots of cash, drugs, or guns
Selling dope out the house
Stealing electricity
Stank outside
Pissed off neighbors
16k+ lighting
& people who fail to show where the $ came from..

Ive been raided twice, neither spot mine..same state as you, only to end with a handshake and have a nice night...
I have heard it both ways. Good and bad. Had people tell me that the police were saying this looks great you are a pretty good grower. And have heard others tell me the police tried to get their husband fighting with them.

One thing is true and that is they need to be tasked with getting rid of the heroin and meth which are problems not this.


Yup you will get hammered in bad area's where there not willing to give in to the fact that its almost legal. On one side the county you get hammered still but there are a few area's in the county they are townships in the county welcoming it. I know exactly where in one township the cops will shake your hand as your open your shop as your handed your permit and wish you well but across town in same county different township they will hammer fuck you.


One thing is true and that is they need to be tasked with getting rid of the heroin and meth which are problems not this.

I totally agree!!


I ran into a couple of those weirdo's when I was a youngster walking home from school through the woods come across two guys wacked out with a bag over his face the other says COME HERE BOY!!! I was gone grew wings on my feet. didnt know what they were doing till a few years later seen it on the news. LOL Ill sniff on some gorilla glue

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Today is the last day of flower. It has been 13 weeks since I started cloning. The oldest plant was cut from its mother 75 days ago. The youngest was cut from its mother 72 days ago. They all have now had 10 weeks of flower.

I believe I may have been able to cut the Bruce Banner #3 plants last week. They have not grown in bud size much at all. But I would rather get a little more kick with that last week. But for the people just out to turn as fast as possible a week more than likely could have been reduce out of flower to shove it out the door.

So I turned the lights out tonight. I added a box fan blowing on the left wall of the room set on number 2. I am leaving one of the small fans blowing on the other wall under the scrog. The over head fan is also on changing the air in the room over twice per minute.

There was no watering tonight. I ran flower for 6 hours. So hopefully the bucket has been dried out enough to get these to wilt in the next couple days.

Blah, blah, blah right? Where are the final scrog pictures?

Well here are some bud shots. First up is the Death star cola I have been following with a 16 ounce soda bottle next to it.

Next is a Bruce Banner #3 bud shot.

The next two are Deathstar buds.


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I know fuzzy pictures. Sorry best I can do on a tablet.

So next will be shots of the scrog screen looking straight down. The Bruce Banner #3 fans turned purple. But the buds didnt.

First is the front right side of the screen. The cord is just a light I used to get the pictures.

Next is the front left side of the screen.

Next is the back left of the screen.

This last picture is the back right side. It is the part of the screen I could not reach. It is also where I kept saying would hurt my yield numbers.


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I have two last pictures for you. The second to last is a picture of the scrog screen with my pop bottle placed into it for size. On the left side are Bruce Banner #3 and on the right side are Deathstar.

And the last picture is of some Bruce Banner #3 buds again with the pop bottle so you can judge bud size.


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