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Who could do such a thing


New member


that's some dirty shit. best of luck on your hash production, because if it was mason jars full of pollen, there isn't much else you can really do.

I used DM reverse once when a hashberry male snuck into my tent but it went the opposite what I hoped. got nanners all over my ladies, so my limited experience would recommend against.

As for the seeds, take them and make seed bombs. overgrow the local US attorney office, FBI, ATF, DEA, police stations, military recruiting offices, etc and the surrounding green spaces in the city.


The Dude
this happens, my mentor had it happen in CA in his backyard garden. They rented a place behind him a few houses down and planted a bunch of males an really did him a number since it was where he also had his moms an starts. And this was back in 96'.


ICMag Donor
i didn't even realize that this was my first post! I have been reading this forum for 2 years. I started this education process from overgrow in 2000, read those forums for a year before i got the courage to actualy grow something, now i have seen quite a lot but i have never witnessed this kind of malicious sabotage. We haven't pissed off anyone that's the funniest part, we have gone above and beyond on most levels. i can only think that this was a malicious act of jealousy or as JOJO guessed, maybe they are trying to hijack some seeds, then they wouldn't have to get pollen near their garden. I thought that too and many other scenarios... but what really can we do, most likely this hasn't gone longer than 36 hours, we are probably in our 5th week of flower with 4 more weeks to go. it seems likes many people on this forum are cautious of Dutch Master Reverse, stating that it totally ruined their stuff.... I am wringing my hands while ya'll are laughing at my predicament, shame on you.
this is Biological Warfare, i wanted my first post to be a side by side on Biocana vs H&G CoCo, as well as a side by side on Sea Green Vs No Sea Green. or a smoke report on the Dairy Queen or Peyote Purple I got cracking.

how long do seeds take to produce, will i have to harvest early

That sucks big time siso...and anyone that laughs is not a nice person, I bet you know who it was, doesnt sound very random to me. Hopefully it wont affect too many of your buds.
I think seeds take 20 or so days to mature...if Im wrong Im sure someone will correct me :D
Good luck


ICMag Donor
Worst case, let it go full season and then make hash or oil out it. At least then it isn't a total waste...

Who wants early, partially seeded outdoor aka good regs / low grade mids. May be more valuable as some properly matured trichomes made into dry sift, bubble, or BHO.

Truly a classless act. Sorry this happened. Best of luck!



Here it is......Sheriff rolled our neighbor. The bust carried into the evening. They came poking around our place near the end of the day. They didn't have the time to chop ours...so they gave us a nice 'fuck you' anyway. Found the jars of pollen in the neighbors shed...and dusted our gardens. That's right...the sheriffs pollinated our crop with pollen they took from the neighbor!

Buddy says the jars had a small amount on bottom and were not full. After much further detailed inspection....looks like they may have just dumped the pollen in a certain area and bounced.

What were the males...Trainwreck x Curley Q......Curley Q.....Bubbleberry. The Curley Q is a poly-hybrid buddy has been working on in the Mendo hills for 15 years...says it's pretty stellar. Plants that were pollinated...Sour D...Blue Dream...Deathstar..Grapefruit...Starbud

So...what will we do? Definitely keeping a close eye on things. Will most likely start to harvest within the week or at first sign of seed formation. I think we'll leave a branch of each variety to let them finish.. and see how the beans turn out. Trying to find the silver lining in this fiasco. Maybe come out with some amazing hybrids...created by our own Mendocino County Sheriffs.


Active member
i dont get cali... arent u worried they r going to come back? if they can destroy ur crop they prob think they can bring u to jail... and if a cop thinks he can arrest u, he def can..

good luck op... i hope it goes ok for ya..


Seeds take 6 weeks to mature. At minimum! If you have 4 weeks left, then the area they dumped those jars will have some immature seeds on the tops and middles of your plant. Dutch Master Reverse and Saturator should not be used after 3 weeks into flowering or it can screw with your buds.
Washing down the plants with water not only sets the pollin into the calyx's and ensures pollination on the pollin that landed on your pistils but also destroys the stray pollin that is on the ground around it or on your stalks or wherever it stuck to.

If you hade hundreds of pounds than I dont think that the sheriff 's 2 jars will destroy your whole crop. Im sure you will have more than plenty of high quality bud and maybe some new crosses to play with.

You said, "They didnt have time to chop our plants"......Does this mean they are coming back when they have the time?
Are you legal? If not... I would be pretty nervous right now. If you are legal, you can sue the town for biological terrorism through a consumer protection lawyer.


Active member
"That's right...the sheriffs pollinated our crop with pollen they took from the neighbor!"

Oh man, that sucks. In Cali you could probably sue, but they would screw with you forever.


If he was able to sue and win....hundreds of pounds of MJ is worth a pretty penny. Not as much in Cali as it would be on the East Coast,... but still a couple hundred grand plus time and materials spent. As long as your neighbor will testify to the facts, you might be able to move to another part of the state where its more tolerated with all the money that you get. Or invest in a couple big green house's. Im so sorry for you guys. Best of luck.


Active member
I smell a lawsuit.. If you guys are legit medical patients, then what the police did was unlawful.
If you guys were just growin', consider yourself lucky.
Seeing how most pigs don't know how to properly pollinate a MJ plant, I would hope for the best.
Best case scenario, the pollen was compromised.
If not, keep the seeded buds and grow the cross out.. Might be a blessing in disguise?

On another note , help me understand this
We have put hundreds of thousands of dollars into this project...
How has 40 plants cost you hundreds of thousands??? I mean, why grow at all. Take the hundreds of thousands it cost in the first place and do whatever it is you were gonna do with the money from this grow. I mean, how much money would you have made, hundreds of thousands??? Why even grow??
I'm not dissing you, just having a hard time making sense out of all this.


40 plants yielding 4 lbs apiece, which isnt too unreasonable seeing as OD plants can produce 5+ lbs apiece, comes to 160 lbs. And like he said, he invested alot of money into this project.
To get a 5+ lb plant you need atleast a 100 gallon hole or grow bag. 40 of those will take a ton of good soil which is the main part of the costs. At worst you will get your money back from hash or whatever. At best, if the cops could lawfully take it, they would have at the same time as your neighbor, and youll get a few good crosses and alot of seedless, harvestable nuggets.


Active member
I'm saying how da hell does it cost hundreds of thousands to grow 40 plants. I know how much soil costs,and ferts ect.. I think these guys overpaid.


40 - 100gallon grow bags. Thats $100 dollars of soil per 100g bag. If 1 bag is $20 for 20 gallons of soil per bag, Then it will take 5 bags to fill it up. X that by 40 bags and thats alot of money just for soil alone. Thats $4,000. If he dug 50 gallon holes than add another $1000.
Then the house payments that where used to purchase the home and land to do this on.
This was the first grow there, I presume, by reading the posts. Maybe they put up a new fence and on and on it goes. It can add up pretty quickly.


Alone, IME 4 weeks is plenty to end up with good, fat, healthy seeds that germinate readily.
Here it is......Sheriff rolled our neighbor. The bust carried into the evening. They came poking around our place near the end of the day. They didn't have the time to chop ours...so they gave us a nice 'fuck you' anyway. Found the jars of pollen in the neighbors shed...and dusted our gardens. That's right...the sheriffs pollinated our crop with pollen they took from the neighbor!

Buddy says the jars had a small amount on bottom and were not full. After much further detailed inspection....looks like they may have just dumped the pollen in a certain area and bounced.

What were the males...Trainwreck x Curley Q......Curley Q.....Bubbleberry. The Curley Q is a poly-hybrid buddy has been working on in the Mendo hills for 15 years...says it's pretty stellar. Plants that were pollinated...Sour D...Blue Dream...Deathstar..Grapefruit...Starbud

So...what will we do? Definitely keeping a close eye on things. Will most likely start to harvest within the week or at first sign of seed formation. I think we'll leave a branch of each variety to let them finish.. and see how the beans turn out. Trying to find the silver lining in this fiasco. Maybe come out with some amazing hybrids...created by our own Mendocino County Sheriffs.

Jesus Christ on a Crutch. Am I reading that right...?? I don't get why the sheriff would want to seed your crop, I'm just not getting it.

I say grow them out. Seeded weed is still perfectly good, it just needs to be cleaned. Like we did back in the olden days. Frisbee may see a resurgence in sales in your area! (There's another silver lining, eh?)

So, you know generally who the daddies were, seems pretty straightforward to me. It's not ruined as though mold or similar hit you. But damn, those deputies... WTF?


The Dude
seems fishy, and doesnt add up for leo to leave em an say its too much work and havent been back yet....lots of storys lately on IC.


What Rainmaker laid out for ya'll is all the info we have to work with, and when we say that the sheriff pollinated our weed, that is what the neighbor who got tagged told us, now does that mean that it's true, who fucking knows, those guys are a bit squirrelly but normally nice people and they are either telling the truth or are pretty good at lying. The pollen was theirs and it was on our property so again who knows...

to the question of money put into this project, I can attest to approx 60 grand going into infrastructure, plus the cost of land, ya'll getting negative saying we don't know what were talking about don't know us and wouldn't be so dismissive if you could see the beauty that is our garden.

I researched the dutch master reverse, my original intention of creating this post was to glean info about some kind of morning after pill, now i know, but i am skeptical about it, too many people said it killed thier buds and ours are looking really nice.

thanks for all the input

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