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Friend wants to smoke, but he's got the Herp

Big D

Its something you need to point out to him...

Its something you need to point out to him...



thats your health at stake. if you're gonna smoke with him, his only option is a separate joint

danny karey

LOl.....THis is hilarious, thanx for the laugh guys. Well I know it's serious, but all the responses are funny as hell. Keep'm comm'n.



The germophobe idea is what I'd do...that way he thinks you're just paranoid about germs and doesn't get offended

.....smoke two joints in the mornin'.....

buy him some herpecine and shmear it on his FAICE!

You could do what Jonny Depp does with his cigarettes in Fear & Loathing...use a wooden peice or whatnot to hold the joint so it doesn't touch your mouth...then take it out and hand it to him.

I'd personally just roll 2...


Active member
...or get a chillum



sunshine in a bag
Man I'd just straight up ask, "Do you have herpes?"

And if he said no, I'd just say I didn't believe him and make him smoke from his own shit.


weed fiend
herbies - good

herpes - bad

two joints is the easiest way to pull it off. if you've only got one, break that mudda in half!


Registered Med User
your hella gay for asking this. Fuck that fool, havent you seen how high? FUCK THAT.


People get cold sores all the time so it's nothing to be ashamed of. Simply say to him you've noticed some cold sores before and would he mind not sharing for obvious reasons. No need to be an ass or take the piss. One day you might kiss someone and catch it. Then you can feel the embarrassment of having a cold sore. It's not something to take the piss about. Figures show up to 40% of people have the simplex virus so it's not exactly uncommon. I'm sure many of you have had them in the past too but are too embarrassed to say after reading this thread.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I would roll a separate doobie for the other person...or they could hit my smaller, shittier bowl.....clean that shit with alcohol before you touch it again too! :yeahthats


I guess I'm the only one here that thinks passing joints around is high school lol.Do you share your cigarettes too?
Blow hits in his face.

You could make him feel non-human because he has herpes. See if he is willing to sit in the corner while everyone blows hits at him.

Herpes must suck.


LOL Stoner4Life, I just gotta post that here..

Rule #1: Leave your radioactive ass HOME!

We're passing around a spliff one night and it's about 3/4 fried when
Tom starts telling us how horny he is because he can't kiss or even
touch his old lady, curious we all want to know why. "Well I went to
the doctors office and he gave me some radioactive medicines and told
me I had to stay away from my wife for at least 10 days." We all had
that shocked look on our faces realizing first the risk of radiation & then
secondly that Tom drools on all joints/spliffs etc.......

No lie four of us started pounding Tom with punches and then kicks when
he finally fell to the ground, everyone wiping their lips and spitting their mouths
dry, fuck Tom, asshole, even stoners have a limit & it was reached that night.

This thread is comedy. Definitely not what I expected when I made the thread ha.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Tell him you aren't smoking because you have schoolwork to do?Just don't smoke with him dude. No reason to, is he gay? I mean really, what's the urge to go smoke with some random dude, again just my opinion.