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Friend wants to smoke, but he's got the Herp

becareful not to spread WRONG information

becareful not to spread WRONG information

mouth herpes is not transmittable unless the person is having a breakout at the time... and IF he is having a breakout he can roll his own.. generally i think a blunt is a 1man thing anyway.


"Prodromal Symptoms" such as pain, itching, or tingling, often precedes the blisters by one to two days. Sexual contact (oral to oral, vaginal, or anal) is very risky during this time. The virus is spread from person to person by kissing or other close contact with sores or even from contact with apparently normal skin that is shedding the virus. You do not have to be symptomatic in order to be contagious. You could be shedding asymptomatically. Infected saliva is also a means of transmitting the virus. (See Transmission)
Herpes Whitlow, herpes occurring on the fingers, is often contracted from touching cold sores. Practice good hygiene and wash your hands as soon as possible after touching cold sores or sensitive areas in the prodromal stage to prevent spreading the virus. The herpes virus is easily killed with soap and water.

pack a bowl

you can always use separate glass doob holders... although i don't think i'd want to use the same j as someone with herps even with separate doob holders.... thats just me though, i'd rather stay away from disease.

and illperception... i think your name is pretty proper b.c i would think way more than twice about that scenario, lol.

note to self, never smoke with illpercetion and his herpes.


Registered Non-Conformist
TRAIN MAN, STOP you are killing me.... LOLOLOLL, YUK..>!!

For myself and any friends - we roll up two joints - one for each. I do this since I returned from the HTCC in 06 with god knows what..! haha..... I had been hugging everyone,and smoking with people from all over the world... Gotta be careful at the Cup, regarding germs.... Winter and all in AMS....

Should it be called in this case, HERBES...? Where do I get these jokes...?

pack a bowl

i wonder how much a lighter does when you hold it up to a mouth piece of a glass pipe if it actually burns/kills any germs...


Active member
Just flame the end of pipe before hitting it, if you are really paranoid you can use rubbing alcohol... it's not like he is making out with you or your open wounds, unless he is spitting in your mouth and you swallow... or you have tons of tiny cuts all over your face... I think you'll be fine... just be careful! don't be letting that fool rub your pipe all over his herpes... or jam you with any needles

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, but I would do the 2 joint thing anyways, and trash his roach. Just say thats how I roll if he asks


I like the fact you can stick the joint to your sores, it stops them falling out your mouth when playing Call of Duty. Nothing worse than a burnt crotch. Stick to the herpes baby, it's got handy side effects!

Snog anyone?


Hash, I once bathed in God's tears. I found it gave me psoriasis and took the shine off my giant cold sore so i vowed never to again. Bloody hippies!