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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
let me start off by saying, i am in no means stingy with my buds, i have no problems smoking up guests and whatnot and giving some away at times. rencently my girlfriend has cut back in smoking a bit. this decision is fine with me, but now i kind of feel like she looks down on me for wanting to do it whenever i want to. every once and a while shell throw a "your such a stoner" or something to that effect, now if it was meant to be funny thats fine, more often than not it comes off as condosending. thats part 1

part 2 now when it comes to buds around the house, im the one that does all the work, ie gardening harvesting transplaning watering so on so forth, 100 percent. or in the rare occasion that i purchased weed, i would always do all the leg work as far as selling a part of it to pay for what i bought, effectivly not paying for any of it. i think you get the picture.

so i call her up just now to see how class was, and i know something is wrong, so i asked her whats up and what not and shes like "oh 2 of the girls are over and we are smoking." i was like oh, ok well have fun." and that was it.

now im sitting here and something is not sitting right with me, i dont know if its that i feel left out that theres people at my house smoking without me or the reason im leaning to is " how does one invite people over to smoke weed that is not yours, you did not pay for and did nothing to contribute to getting, and on top of that you condosend me for being a stoner.?"
this is not the first time either, she came in last week with one of her friends and was like do we have any weed? i was like well I have some. and she asked me if she could have some, but at first she assumed it was community weed.

dont get me wrong i love this girl to death and we have been together almost 4 years now so its not like its a new relationship, and i dont mind if she smokes a bowl or something when im not there.
am i being totally off base and selfish here or do i have somewhat of a valid point? like i said i have no problem smoking out friends that come over and stuff but i almost feel like theres something wrong with it when im not around. anyone got any opinions?

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When a woman f*cks you it automatically entitles them to what ever is yours that they want, and that just seems to escalate if you get them pregnant or marry them, but hey maybe Im just jaded. :confused:


ICMag Donor
Here's my opinion, but I'm married.

If my wife is home alone, and a friend comes over I don't care if she gets them stoned. I sure as hell wouldn't want three or four people coming over everyday though. Before you know it these people are yapping and everyone knows what's going on. Also, how do you know she isn't bragging that you're growing it? It will turn out real bad if she is.

If I were buying it I probably would have a problem with her smoking it all the time with people. There comes a point where people come over just because they know that you have weed. I think everyone has seen this. They don't ever bring any and it becomes where you feel used.

I would have to wonder if these people were her friends before and is it an everyday occurance? If you tell her they are her friends because you're getting them stoned then you're going to be the asshole.

Good luck with this one.......


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
JJScorpio said:
Here's my opinion, but I'm married.

If my wife is home alone, and a friend comes over I don't care if she gets them stoned. I sure as hell wouldn't want three or four people coming over everyday though. Before you know it these people are yapping and everyone knows what's going on. Also, how do you know she isn't bragging that you're growing it? It will turn out real bad if she is.

If I were buying it I probably would have a problem with her smoking it all the time with people. There comes a point where people come over just because they know that you have weed. I think everyone has seen this. They don't ever bring any and it becomes where you feel used.

I would have to wonder if these people were her friends before and is it an everyday occurance? If you tell her they are her friends because you're getting them stoned then you're going to be the asshole.

Good luck with this one.......

I know its not an everyday thing, which is good, and i know they were her friends b4 which is good and i do have enough faith that she doesnt tell anyone where it came from, that would have bat reprocussions on its own for her because of school activities shes involved in.
i hate being the asshole and telling her no you cant have any but i guess it would be nice to be recognized for the work i put into it. she even had the nerve to say to me the other day that the stuff i grew is subpar, not as good as the stuff i grew b4, bitch, these are premium genetics. and i know for a fact its good cause it gets me freakin blazed. i think she only said this cause i mixed a "sample" with some stuff i bought cause it was a little dryer and would burn better. so she didnt really get to taste the strawberry diesel. anyhow. why not just say hey.."thanks"

guess ill just have to get her an allowance or ration, and keep the rest out of the way, that way i dont have to worry about it. now that im sitting here thinking, now im even more ticked off cause she rarely smokes with me anymore, but will go blaze with her friends.. hmmm...just doesnt sit right with me.
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Stop stuffing meat into her hole, and she'll stop sharing your weed with her friends...

We all pay - one way or another.

Your fee is weed for her and friends.

But I'd convince her to drop the condescending shit, or get another coochie


Active member
Also, how do you know she isn't bragging that you're growing it? It will turn out real bad if she is.
Exactly. I would make sure she isn't talking. I've heard to many people come on ICmag and start threads with "I was busted because my girlfriend..."

Everyones right if you're banging her she going to feel entitled to whatever is yours.

I say pick one girl and stick to her... I picked mary.
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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
nah im 100 percent positive she knows better than that. like i said it would be actually really bad for her if certain people found out. i know this doesnt happen all the time with her friends but its the principle of the matter.
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Active member
And if shes bitching about the quality of bud you produce ask if her she can find/grow better or else shut it because it sounds like you smoke her out for free. I hate when I smoke someone up and they start bitching about the weed. If its so crappy why did you just smoke it?


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
RudolfTheRed said:
And if shes bitching about the quality of bud you produce ask if her she can find/grow better or else shut it because it sounds like you smoke her out for free. I hate when I smoke someone up and they start bitching about the weed. If its so crappy why did you just smoke it?

i think it was more cause i mixed it with the stuff i bought, but damn right if i hear that shit again.. guess whos getting cut off... oh well.. more for me!!!!! i mean look at my gallery, i dont grow shwag!


I have a situation sort of like yours.... I just started smoking again i had to quit about almost 2 yrs ago because i got caught with one plant, a long story, anyways got put on probation blah blah blah... So she found out i smoked again and took it pretty good and was like "i dont care if you start smoking again, as long as its not everyday." So i started smoking and again i havent smoked in almost 2 yrs so i get really fucking stoned so i smoked everyday for about 1 1/2 weeks maybe a joint a day. Oh yea i forgot, she has only smoked 1 time in her life and she told me she wanted to smoke to see how it made me feel. She liked it and smoked a couple times after that with me all within this week, then her mom got put in the hospital for neumonia and she said she wasnt smoking anymore because she didnt want to die! LOL anyways we have our arguments and its been alot more here lately and she now is blaming it on the pot. We had a big blowout last night and almost split up but she was gonna tell everybody we split up because of the pot... so i told her i would quit smoking everyday and if things dont get better then were going to have to split up... what do you guys think about this one???? GOD that was alot of blabbering lol and im not even stoned.


right on about being angry at "Do WE have any weed?"
LOL I'd check her on that shit......like you said,that's all your work and time put into that herb.
I'd tell her a joke........"what did the hand say to the face?.................slap!!!!!!!!"

Peace and good luck on that endo


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
xXPoThEaDXx said:
I have a situation sort of like yours.... I just started smoking again i had to quit about almost 2 yrs ago because i got caught with one plant, a long story, anyways got put on probation blah blah blah... So she found out i smoked again and took it pretty good and was like "i dont care if you start smoking again, as long as its not everyday." So i started smoking and again i havent smoked in almost 2 yrs so i get really fucking stoned so i smoked everyday for about 1 1/2 weeks maybe a joint a day. Oh yea i forgot, she has only smoked 1 time in her life and she told me she wanted to smoke to see how it made me feel. She liked it and smoked a couple times after that with me all within this week, then her mom got put in the hospital for neumonia and she said she wasnt smoking anymore because she didnt want to die! LOL anyways we have our arguments and its been alot more here lately and she now is blaming it on the pot. We had a big blowout last night and almost split up but she was gonna tell everybody we split up because of the pot... so i told her i would quit smoking everyday and if things dont get better then were going to have to split up... what do you guys think about this one???? GOD that was alot of blabbering lol and im not even stoned.

i know all about the pot arguments.. we get into it constantly, she talks about how its changed me and made me a bad person, (mostly cause its changed the way i think and i stand up for myself now and i open my mouth if i think something isnt right). but im the bad person for it, she also talks about how i cant be growing it forever if im going to be with her cause she wants to have kids and doesnt want to subject them to that. which im totally fine with but leave me alone cause it aint got shit to do with anything now. very strange situation. im glad im not the only one though. its just like we are on 2 separate pages sometimes, she wants marrige and kids and a house and shit, but she says all i want to do is smoke pot and play video games.

i work 55-60 hours a week whats wrong with coming home and smoking a bowl and playing some video games?????? i dont see anythign wrong with that, and secondly, i work my ass off and am starting to get my head above water as far as my debt and my bills and stuff go, i made some mistakes when i was younger and now i have to pay for them. im not thinking about getting married or a house or kids, i just wanna live my life and see how it goes, i mean i do want some of that stuff eventually but not now, and i dont even want to think about it. when the time is right, it will happen. she seems like shes forcing the future and im just trying to enjoy the ride of life. does that make me a loser? i didnt go to college, i choose to work ive been at the same job for almost 7 years and i make decent money. i think im in an ok spot in my life. just cause someone thinks i should be further along and im not makes me less of a person? anyways now im rambling, anyone got a room for rent????? :fsu:


Wow bro we pretty much have the same situation... I work about the same hours as you a week and fixing to be more. I pay the rent and utilities because she only makes $7 an hour. I do the same thing i play Halo 3 sometimes online and she gets mad about that if i play everyday for a long period of time and she told me last night she was jealous that she wanted attention. I was stoned and i let her have it i called her bluff. She was just playing like she was going to leave expecting me to beg her not too you know how it goes, but now when i get stone im just like you i speak up i let her know how it is. Unfortunately i live in an apartment and family come over all the time so i cant grow, so she doesnt get to bitch about that. She says the same shit that she wants to have kids and she doesnt want them around me smoking everyday. Im like pot isnt fucking heroin, it doesnt manipulate(sp?) your mind, its not a drug its more like a medicine. It helps me relax and helps my body rejuvenate after a long hard day at work. Then she says something about it impairing your vision, i laughed and simply told her no it does not. Anyways then she says when we went to bed, "if your just smoke every now and then ill probably smoke with you".. ?!?!!? WHAT?!?!


Registered Cannabis User
it's probably nothing bro...she probably had some friends over and they got to talkin about pot or something, and your girl was like "oh well we got some" and got them stoned...

plus, at least it's her girlfriends that are over and not a few guys...that might me make me jealous/angry...but you should be in good shape.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
girls are fucking whack man.. i definitly relate to your situation... sounds like we both need more mature women. i used to be very anti pot till she introduced me to it, now i would much rather smoke a bowl then down a sixpack. other than getting into alot of trouble with it, i see nothing wrong with growing or smoking when you have kids as long as you never subject them to it. daddy coming home and slugging down a sixpack and sitting on the couch belching the alphabet is still legal though, but daddy coming home smoking a bowl and sitting down and relaxing for a while is not. i get along with kids better when im a little high. i know how it feels too pay the bills and still get shit for everything you do, man it sucks..
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spreadin da love
hey umm girls are confusing :) you'll never figure them out. :rasta: just get stoned sit back and watch the fireworks.


Active member
hen her mom got put in the hospital for neumonia and she said she wasnt smoking anymore because she didnt want to die!
Tell her to make some edibles and to stop telling you how to live.

Man you guys make me happy I am single again. I plan on keeping it this way.


Exactly dude this world is so fucked up... beer alcohol is legal, and it impairs your vision, it fucks you up if you drink enough and i dont really know many people that just drink to have a beer. But yet pot is illegal, it does not impair the vision, and does not fuck you up like beer and other drugs, it simply makes me happy, makes my body relax and sometimes very hungry ;). Whats wrong with this picture? Oh yea and she told me she knows when im high because i laugh and smile alot more and i play with her dog.... OK so WTF is wrong with getting stoned???? WTF!!? Oh yea how old are you if you dont mind me asking you can pm if ya want

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