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Friend wants to smoke, but he's got the Herp


weed fiend


Active member
herpes is for life bro lol i like the roll 2 spliffs idea. a buddy of mine gets cold sores all the time, i just load him a bowl in his pipe i load one in mine world keeps on spinnin no syphagonnaheralaids for me


Active member
i knew a really good looking girl in HS who had the herp, too bad too because i probably coulda gotten her during prom.

but god damn cock blocking herp


I guess I'm so used to smoking my own joint whether alone or with others the concern makes no sense to me.You're not going to kiss him after you get high right?
it's funny that as a man we'd make a big deal about smokin a joint with a buddy that has herpes, when you know you wouldn't think twice about putting your cock in some drunk hot slut's mouth in the bar bathroom.... would you ask her if she had all the possible STDs first? didn't think so

seriously, as long as its not an actively oozing sore i would just wipe the pipe and not slobber so much.


Wow bro I guess I'm just a tad pickier than you lol.Even 20 years ago I wasnt that bad damn.Maybe thats why I'm unmarried with a dog and a yard.Yay for me


Well-known member
Wait.....Your in college and your asking this.....! My advice is, YOU should'nt be smoking anything if you need to ask.....Don't mean to be harsh, but, this was too much....


Well-known member
Clarence, Too f****** funny.....Not sure why but it just struck me as hilarious.....lol


mouth herpes is not transmittable unless the person is having a breakout at the time... and IF he is having a breakout he can roll his own.. generally i think a blunt is a 1man thing anyway.

smoker groups have a tendency to behave like lemmings. i truely and sincerely loathe rooms like that where EVERY time 1 person tokes.. every clone in the room has to repeat even if they are fully baked allrdy.

.. herp or no herp, if he wants to smoke he can be responcible for his own habit... like who goes to a party and expects an open bar? or even worse .. to the bar and expect free drinks?

but i really dont see why you need to be avoiding him in any way,

dont he got a bag? .. cant u spot him a bag for a buck? .. does he allways have a breakout? .. cant you just tell him if he has a big fat open sore that he cant suck the community bong until he l2 mouth hygiene? (<--harsh i know but mouth herp breakouts is usually avoided quite easily by good hygiene)

dunno m8, dont seem like much of a puzzeling problem to me?!