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Freedom 35


lol. lots of work this weekend and tonight. AJ, Corey, OG Chem and DSD all in the party now, rooting/vegging as we speak. wwk finally went into cups, roots were coiled on the bottom of the cloner and some were on their third node of vertical growth in there... think it was only 14 days... anyway, glue/mystery cut get transplanded and flipped tonight. pics soon. big things friends...

also, much love to those looking out. you know who you are - many thanks.
Il b mixing up a batch of your scrumpdlly organico soil mix in April. Il keep u posted on the show. Thanks man for all the inspiration!


hey man i need to update that mix... i switched to malibu compost because its awesome. hands down the most biologically active bag of anything ive ever bought. Bu's blend. ill post pics soon of how amazing it is

done!!!! updated recipe in the organico thread

but yeah thats exciting! you are going to be quite pleased. i dont know what your current style of growing is but im sure you will be very happy with how the mix performs.
Im a no till guy, i used the revs tru living organic recipe for a few years and it worked great but i moved and gifted my dirt to a friend who used it for his backyard vegetables. Been working on a farm in Colorado for the past year and we amended natural soil with a few suggestions from Jeremy from Bila A Soil(great company) with great results. Now im back on to my own projects and really excited to give your mix a try i like it even more now that your using malibu. Few more months now and il be back in the game il keep you posted brother. Much thanks ttys


awesome!!! i will be looking forward to your opinion of how it does compared to other mixes you have tried. everyone i know thats switched to the organico mix had never done no till before so i could use the feedback.
Il definitely keep you in on whats up and probably bounce some questions your way too. Won't be for a few months tho iv got a few things going on at the moment but il definitely let you know bro!


so the glue and mystery cut were transplanted and flipped the 22nd, right on time. glue was about 24-26" and mystery was about 22-24". i know the mystery doesn't stretch much so im weaving and tucking the glue for the first week in an effort to keep the canopy more even. im sure ill have a foot of height difference, which i can deal with, but not much more.
sorry i haven't got any pics yet this week i have been busy helping a friend start his own bed of organico mix. things are going well here, on schedule for the time being. about to get my photo updates back to weekly at the least. have a lot of stuff to document. its going to be a great year.


Active member
cheers for 2918

cheers for 2918



wowl lots of work getting done here guys. very tired. got the breeding tent set up and ducted, managing my moms and orgy participants. sub walls built, corey and aj rooted (barely, got them too hot they look terrible rn) and dsd and og chem vegging in quarantine. doing the bull dance. feeling the flow... working it.

first up is the glue/mystery bed. ive got a pretty good idea what the mystery is but im not gonna say.

these were taken at 7 days, sry i didnt get any day 0 shots. flipped around 24" weaving the glue for the first 10 days the mystery dosent stretch much.


still gotta clean lowers when they ready


glue side


mystery side



heres what i think is a fresca i just flipped


and a single chem sis


veg tent stuff

white walker kush clones vegging to replace the blue dream bed


phil dubb and sis waiting to be pruned and banged.


mom mess



and heres a few shots of blue dream at 6 weeks




you can just barely see a bit of tip burn, pushed the seabird guano a bit harder than usual, showed up within a week of top dressing at 36 days