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I want to make sure I understand this thread properly... so, the OP applied to a job at Fox Farm, but they drug tested him, so now they hate ME?

I don't get it.
Don't like testing...? Cheat. Can't get hired anyway...? Tough.
Insurance companies that insure workers will never relent on testing, as it is a good deterrent to the company hiring drunks and tweakwers for obvious health and safety reasons. Many are testing for smoking tobacco now a days, too. (health insurance reasons)

Your both right. Try calling fox farms and asking them any kind of medical marijuana related questions. I haven't done it personally, but i was told to expect to get a nasty response and get hung up on. Pretty lame considering they must know what most of there products are used for.

Nice try, but I wholeheartedly disagree. Either the source of your information is wrong, or the customer service tech was in a great mood when I shot Fox Farms an e-mail asking why it is necessary to use the Big Bloom alongside the Grow Big and Tiger Bloom in my indoor cannabis garden, and if the organics in the Big Bloom would have a lingering effect in flowering...this was her (rather polite and helpful) reply:

Good Day,

Thank you for your e mail.

Big Bloom does not have enough phosphorus in it to use as a stand alone fertilizer when your plant is flowering.

You can use Big Bloom in combination with Tiger Bloom.

Big Bloom can be thought of as a catalyst. Big Bloom can be used the entire plants cycle, on new plants, and on plants that are not doing well.

Thank you,

Misty Redner
Customer Service Representative
Fox Farm Soil Fertilizer Company
P.O. Box 787
Arcata, CA. 95518
[email protected]


Active member
Insurance companies that insure workers will never relent on testing, as it is a good deterrent to the company hiring drunks and tweakwers for obvious health and safety reasons.

If and when people have had enough and start to demand change with their dollars I think something will change. Unfortunately people don't really give a shit till it happens to them. The rate it seems to be going that shouldn't be too long though.
Sorry...I'm not of the opinion that every tweaker (or addicts in general) deserve a job. If you can't refrain long enough to test clean, then I doubt I'd want you teaching my children, driving the forklift at Home Depot, delivering flowers to my wife or daughter, doing my taxes, flying the airplane, fixing my car...
Doubtful unless cannabis is re-classified as an aspirin, that testing will stop.

ps...In case anyone is interested...I did shoot FF another e-mail, but just can't find the copy. Anyway, I inquired about micronutes, and asked if the micro's were in the Big Bloom. Was told the Grow Big and the Tiger Bloom each have the necessary micro's for their respective phases. The only addition I've made to their schedule is a little Humic acid (leonardite) in veg, molasses in flower.

Yes, I will continue to use, and enjoy the benefits from, Fox Farms.
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Active member
i've never smoked Cannabis at work, and i don't use Foxfarms gear. but ...

just because you can cheat (or stop briefly) to beat the test today doesn't mean you'll be able to beat the test next month. testing will become cheaper and more sophisticated. maybe one day they'll just screen your blood once a month.

and what about prescription drugs? many are far worse than Cannabis. should they test for those as well? what if i'm a boozer? i'd always pass my test. and i'd always be drunk by lunch.

the point is, once again we've given up our rights/freedom for the illusion of safety. sure. there's a public safety issue with some types of work. but testing has become ubiquitous these days.

Bud Bug

I don't see a big deal with drug testing if a company does it especially if they tell you they do it. Its your decision if you want to work there and if working there would mean I would have a nice, secure and well paid career I'm sure I could stop taking certain drugs if it meant I could take the job. This isn't the police going door to door tasking for drug usage, this is a private company, don't like it don't get a job there.

As for bitching about companies not wanting to talk to you about weed, well its common sense. Weed is still an illegal drug/plant and with conspiracy charges no one in their right mind, except for AN would put their company into legal jeopardy Even then look at AN they only state Medical Marijuana and only when its convenient. Non of their "official" print/web ads/magazine mention weed..

Bud Bug

Now the only thing I would bitch about Fox Farm is their lack of interest in the Canadian market. I'm pretty sure most distributors have stopped bringing in their products as Fox Farm refuses to get proper certification for their products in Canada.

Several years back when Ocean Forest/Planting Mix was introduced here it sold by the skid loads then you couldn't get it anymore as it was classified as organic and needed certification. Its been about 5 years now and still can't get it here I guess Fox Farm couldn't be bothered.


Active member
I don't see a big deal with drug testing if a company does it especially if they tell you they do it. Its your decision if you want to work there and if working there would mean I would have a nice, secure and well paid career I'm sure I could stop taking certain drugs if it meant I could take the job.

"choice?" right now they drug test before you can stock shelves at the local supermarket. and that's a shit job. so if all, or even the majority of businesses drug test for insurance reasons, and they develop a test that can't be beat so easily, then you really have little choice if you need the work. you have to stop smoking weed. sure, it's easy to stop. and feeding your family is more important. but this is a Hobson's choice for most folks.

and ya, you can avoid this problem by starting a biz. but not everyone can be self-employed.

Bud Bug

"choice?" right now they drug test before you can stock shelves at the local supermarket. and that's a shit job. so if all, or even the majority of businesses drug test for insurance reasons, and they develop a test that can't be beat so easily, then you really have little choice if you need the work. you have to stop smoking weed. sure, it's easy to stop. and feeding your family is more important. but this is a Hobson's choice for most folks.

and ya, you can avoid this problem by starting a biz. but not everyone can be self-employed.

No one is holding a gun to your head making you apply there. 10000's of other businesses out there that will not do it or are you gonna feel sorry for you own ass all the time and always just apply to the lowest common denominator job that you find.

A company will do what it has to do to survive if it means drug testing to have insurance then so be it.
I say, who cares fox farms sucks balls anyways. Use roots organic, or royal gold, both kick the shit out of fox farm garbage.

Ya I don't know about the medical marijuana fox farms thing first hand. Just what I was told from what I consider a reliable source. Maybe things have changed as medical marijuana has become more prominent. Thats good to hear though, that they answered your question about cannabis, thanks for pointing that out. Still doesn't make there soil suck any less though lol.


I say, who cares fox farms sucks balls anyways. Use roots organic, or royal gold, both kick the shit out of fox farm garbage.

. Still doesn't make there soil suck any less though lol.

4 sure MH,
ocean forrest used to be good soil but now its garbage just like the stuff at the hardware store. a bunch of bark, wood chips and twigs. not lush organic rich soil like it was and should be.



Active member
No one is holding a gun to your head making you apply there. 10000's of other businesses out there that will not do it or are you gonna feel sorry for you own ass all the time and always just apply to the lowest common denominator job that you find.

sorry - you missed the point. if every company adopts drug testing for insurance purposes then there is NO choice.

as for me "feeling sorry" about myself and taking crap jobs ... not sure what that's all about. i ran my own biz for years.

Bud Bug

sorry - you missed the point. if every company adopts drug testing for insurance purposes then there is NO choice.

as for me "feeling sorry" about myself and taking crap jobs ... not sure what that's all about. i ran my own biz for years.

Well then you stop doing drugs. Really not very complicated and since its illegal in the first place whats the problem?


Active member
Well then you stop doing drugs. Really not very complicated and since its illegal in the first place whats the problem?

lol are you sure you're on the right site?

if you're ok with the illegality of cannabis and not having any choice - cool. but the "problem" is that i (and most denizens on Icmag) enjoy cannabis, and i'm guessing that most of us still need to work.

Bud Bug

lol are you sure you're on the right site?

if you're ok with the illegality of cannabis and not having any choice - cool. but the "problem" is that i (and most denizens on Icmag) enjoy cannabis, and i'm guessing that most of us still need to work.

I grow it plenty and smoke it sometimes but would make very little difference in my life if it mean that I couldn't smoke it if it mean I could get a job that would let me and my family enjoy other things in life much easier.

Same goes with alcohol. If it meant I could do more things with my life because of a new job but I had to give up drinking alcohol I'd give up the alcohol in a second.

You need to prioritize things in life and for me drugs and other things are not a priority over my well being.


AND THEY DONT WANT YOUR BUSINESS every dollar is a vote and i am no longer voting for fox farm.

Honestly who fuckin cares, most fertilizer/garden companies want nothing to do with MJ growers. MJ growers are like the red headed bastard children of the gardening community, and this is probly just for legal reasons. They dont want to get shut down for the actions of others.


Active member
Well then you stop doing drugs. Really not very complicated and since its illegal in the first place whats the problem?

The problem is that for many people it's not illegal and is not a choice. It's a very complicated issue, even I know that and unlike you, I'm high.


"choice?" right now they drug test before you can stock shelves at the local supermarket. and that's a shit job. so if all, or even the majority of businesses drug test for insurance reasons, and they develop a test that can't be beat so easily, then you really have little choice if you need the work. you have to stop smoking weed. sure, it's easy to stop. and feeding your family is more important. but this is a Hobson's choice for most folks.

and ya, you can avoid this problem by starting a biz. but not everyone can be self-employed.

I don't know exactly where you are, but if you're in the States, then you are simply looking for employment in the wrong industries if you don't want to be drug tested. Here is a list of industries and/or positions that I know of, that I've worked in, that do not drug test:

1) Anything music related, like working at your local Guitar Center or equivalent
2) Hospitality (at least, the restaurant/night club side of things, as opposed to the hotel side... this can mean as a server, a barback, a bartender, a bouncer, etc.)
3) Hydro shops, or even just some boutique-style garden centers
4) Many valet-parking jobs (I know, figure that one out!)
5) Many technical support type jobs, like help desk or call center jobs
6) I don't know, the list goes on and on

So, my thoughts are to just change up your search tactics a bit, and stop looking for work in industries that are guaranteed to piss test you. But that brings me to my next point: I fart in the general direction of piss tests. They've never stopped me from getting important jobs in the past. It's called "urine substitution kits." Look them up. I always got baked right before going in for my piss tests, because, why worry when I know I'm giving them what they want: clean urine at the proper temperature?

Bud Bug

The problem is that for many people it's not illegal and is not a choice. It's a very complicated issue, even I know that and unlike you, I'm high.

If you have a license to grow/posses/use then thats a non issue. In Canada medical rights trump other laws so again a non issue unless your cannabis usage will cause safety issues with equipment usage, but if you live where this different then again don't apply at places that do drug testing or be forward and ask them about medical cannabis usage.