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San Diego's Finest Cuts


Little light just went off. I used Giberillic Acids in the eighties, I too worked in a nursery, and remeber that the effect did produce male flowers (stress induced) and..... I remeber a varigated effect in the leaves....hmmm

I read about it in a Marijuana Cultivators Book published in the 70's.

BTW. i thought you cant patent natural compounds that occur in plants. Thats why pharma is pursuing synthetic analogs. ???????

The giberillic acid seem to induce plant auxins at the site of topical contact.
A bunch of cells would elongate and "bend" the plant in 90 deg angle away from the application site. I found it actually induced stretch but i was just a baby mad scientist then...

Also, the mosaic mutations appear to be reticulated blotches, not serpentine paterns, the squigly patterns are usually leafminers or thrip-a-pillars.

yeah bbing, if they infuse genetics from another plant spicies then it's no longer a natural occuring oganisim, and therefore can be coded and patented.... evil greedy fucks.

if its just a virus the heating may work if genetic it ain't going anywhere period.



I currently have J1 and angel tear kush in week 3 of flower. i was wondering if anyone had any reports/pictures of the SD versions of these strains.
There is only 1 version of J1 IMO and Sub has the real deal no ifs, ands or buts...period. I got a few cuts going but won't flower for a few more weeks so no pics. I posted a bunk of pics in a thread Sub started but they all disappeared when I zapped my old account.


This is going to be an expensive process not just for the collective members but for the city as well. It would be interesting to know what the resource cost is to conduct a raid. What a waste. Who is going to sleep better after this?

PNC take cover yall'


obama is going ban smoking, his goal is to be smoke free by 2011 or someshit, he dont think to highly of you internet people either, you gotta support everyones rights everywhere for everything, we havnt been doing that, thats why our level of freedom is at a all time low, cant be like ban this or that,a but only for obvious things like building new nuclear weapons or using dp on anything less that a full on alien attack


Haha I knew you guys would be all over it.
Im bummed about it though - for some reason I thought that once the courts ruled in favor of 420 the politicos & control freaks would finally leave us alone. Guess Im just a dreamer.

the politicos and nazis are getting scared so there going for a powergrab now.


Active member
hate to say it, but i told my gf it would happen next week, last week. :( its just a given, theres a couple of great shops, with great intentions, but then theres more than a few with just thoughts of striking it rich.

the club owning system has gotten way outta hand, every smoker an slanger thinks they could own one. we need legitimate clubs, with legit owners who really care about their clients. we need this moratorium to really get things in order...hopefully thats what will happen, an we wont get screwed as patients in the end.

there were 2 STAND UP clubs that really shoulda stayed.. hopefully they'll be back : )

on a brighter note ! anyone know what the cut mars is ? is it mars..or a cut they just call mars.. im really curious, cause i fell in love with her last night..


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
man, im gonna be at work during the press conference.....wish i had set my tivo! what time is the pc? 10?


PNC and i would think all collectives in SD are closed for now.
on a more positive note :p
heres the Larry Berry at i have no idea how many days flowering. Started her flowering inside, but ended up putting her out to finish

Moldy Dreads

Active member
PNC and i would think all collectives in SD are closed for now.
Great now all patients that can't grow can go back to dealing with thugs to get unsafe meds. and can stop paying taxes. Thanks San Diego! Bonnie Dumanis really cares!Does anyone have the Herojuana clone? I've never heard of it or seen it as a clone for sale or on here for that matter..



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
larryberry in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait to try sumadat!
---that hero is the stuff fosho! cant wait to get that cut going...might be a bit delayed now......

Moldy Dreads

Active member
The San Diego City Council has extended the ban on marijuana dispensaries and collectives for another 10 months while they decide how to regulate them. San Diego along with a small handful of other counties and cities in California have fought against allowing medical marijuana to be sold in their jurisdictions.
This was reported last week. Maybe this was their excuse? I wonder if the clubs that have permits are ok? I doubt it tho..

Blue Dot

Great now all patients that can't grow can go back to dealing with thugs to get unsafe meds. and can stop paying taxes.

"Unsafe meds" lol. You act like these clubs have some kind of quality control that makes their meds safer then the street when in reality they buy from street dealers.

Also, when the prices are just as much if not more at clubs then the only real service a club is providing over a street dealer is CONVENIENCE. And God knows californians like their convenience.
blue dot you simply dont get it by having many co-ops quality is easily observed and discussed by the consumer therefore bringing quality up as crap wont sell. by returning to street level bullshit quality and prices go in opposite directions something no one needs go live in a non medical state and you will see. your kind of vaguely thought out opinions are not needed whos side are you on? dont go to co-ops if you think there the issue and buy off the street. absurd view point to have i must say when were trying to make cannabis more readily accepted and mainstream.


yo Bonnie

yo Bonnie

'Tis would skool the City Council, Born and raised in San Diego, Black Cherry

PNC lives


Anonymously Humble

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