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GH General Organics


Has anyone tried this stuff out?

I was given a few sample cases and was planning on trying it all outdoors next year. Little too messy for an indoor reservoir


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I have not, but all bottles are basically the same short answer

long answer... to tired to type..


looks cool, good graphic design and marketing. slightly more pricey than FF i think, but i think i mite give it a try next grow.

CT Guy

If it's free I'd use it, but like previously mentioned on other threads, there's cheaper ways of sourcing these nutrients.


habeeb what you said makes no sense, come to think of it all 3 of you made no sense.

fox farm is NOT organic, its grow bottle contents crystalize, big bloom is the only one out of the lineup that is organic.

general organics isnt omri listed but its all organic, and unless you have the machinery and untold time and resources (which wont be cheaper) to get all the exact nutrient values of your own sourced nutrients just right, then i doubt youll be running your own sourced nutrients in any effective way.

does anyone have anything valueable to say on ghs general organics line?

PS im no organic freak i run GH flora all day, im just looking for some other worthwhile feedback on the organic stuff i got from the general


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ ok, let me explain

all bottled nutes ( canna, GH , botanicare.................) are basically the same, meaning if you use one and then use another you will virtually see no difference as they all have a veg and flower bottle... the all have formulas that look like this, veg has more N, and flower has more P and K. a basic grower will know no difference and all will achieve the same result of growing phat budz..

then I went on to say in long answer. there a little different if that matters so much to you if you are a perfectionist. if so look at all the ingredients and run tests on all the bottles and then make a decision, but 99% will fall into the short answer category as there mission is to grow budz and smoke them, not caring at all what's in the bottle as long as it grows phat budz

let me know if you need me to go more in depth on these ^

the worthwhile feedback should be enclosed in the above , and if not, let me know if you have another question.


Active member
Omerta - I got two sample bottles, the BioThrive Grow and a BioThrive Bloom. I am seriously considering switching over to that line, it's very nice stuff IMO. Plants seem happy with it. A word of caution though, the stuff is DEFINITELY organic - I left some mixed up nute solution for a few days of the Grow, it had gone bad and smelled like absolute SHIT, really horrible. It does seem very much alive when it is still in the bottle with a very interesting, sweet yet very funky smell to it; it honestly reminds me of soiled baby diapers, hahaha. You'll like the smell in a weird way, trust me.
I'm using the cal-mag+ and bio root. I have most of the line (free samples), and am using it alongside biocanna for supplemental nutrients. There is at least one bottle in the line that smells like hell, BioMarine.


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
I just got a quart of the entire line minus the diamond black which they said was currently unavailable for now in a sample pack and will give them a try as it was pretty much free....get back to u later on what i think about it...ingredients look good. What do they retail for?? I havnt checked the shop around here inna while


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ they called GH saying if they could get samples of the new organic line they have, you pay shipping and voila

well not sure if that's how they got there's, but there is an option


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
^ they called GH saying if they could get samples of the new organic line they have, you pay shipping and voila

well not sure if that's how they got there's, but there is an option

:yeahthatsgive it a shot....almost certain you'd get one too if u call'em up and ask.


habeeb what you said is 100% inaccurate.

norkali your definitely right about it being organic, open up the bottles and smell that shit. if your running it in reservoirs which i wouldnt (this stuff is mix and feed) your gunna have to make sure that stuff is aerated real well.

lion the boxes i got at the show came with all except the diamond black and marine. I'll be using all this stuff outdoors with florablend and floranectar. should work great


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
yea mine came without the Diamond Black...they told me it was currently unavailable right now but the marine came with it. I will be using them on soil too indoor though


Active member
We need consumer reports to take up this market.

Lots of misinformation and ridiculous assumptions in this thread. Please, try to educate yourselves on gardening in general, you will never see these mj nutes the same way again.

Let's fight the voodoo.

Edit: apologies for the condescending tone. I am no wiser than anyone. I just come from a different set of experiences and this seems obvious to me. I want it to be obvious to everyone in this community.

1)organic things sometimes produce crystals, like tartrates in wine or gout in your big toe
2)you can't tell if it is free of harmful chemicals with your nose. ie organic milk vs milk with hormones
3)a precise blend of nutrients is not necessary or even desirable. Soil biology need not be micromanaged. Think horseshoes not darts.
4)you can't make the plant produce beyond it's potential, all you can do is eliminate or reduce limiting factors, like soil. Additives won't give you super powers. Only mycorrhizae can do that. Products like biotone give you that and more for cheap, and in an easy package
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Clackamas Coot

Active member
I looked at their 'grow' product a few weeks ago and the first ingredient was 'alfalfa extract'

Hmmmm.........put 1 cup of organic alfalfa meal in 1 gallon of water. Let it stand for 24 -36 hours stirring as often as you think of it.

No cool graphics though.


Clackamas Coot

Active member
general organics isnt omri listed but its all organic, and unless you have the machinery and untold time and resources (which wont be cheaper) to get all the exact nutrient values of your own sourced nutrients just right, then i doubt youll be running your own sourced nutrients in any effective way.
Yeah - that was my first thought too!!



ive yet to see any organic product crystalize like that fox farm stuff which is NOT organic (other then maybe molasses)

i doubt they put any harmful chemicals in this shit

a precise mix is actually what you want, you dont want to be running something that you dont know how to dose because it comes different everytime.

your actually right a plant wont produce beyond its potential but you can push it to that potential with different products, organics arent gunna push them to the limit in terms of yield but outdoors or anywhere your trying to build soil for the long run its always ideal to use organics. you were doing good up until the mycos give em superpowers part. they are just like any other additive theyll only push them so far as well, and with salts, or chlorinated water your not doing anything by adding the mycos or beneficials cause that shit just kills them

seriously where are you guys coming up with this shit? oaksterdam needs to get some quality teachers