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FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14


Well-known member
B4O2N0G said:
Trouble,you did not read what he said.He never said he saw or was abducted by aliens.He saw a UFO that did remarkable things in the air leaving streaks of light.

You really are not being open minded at all actually.Just trying to throw another joke in on a subject of reality.

I thought Beez had personally witnessed extra terrestrials visiting earth, not just remarkable streaks of light in the air. Hell, if thats the case I have personally witnessed thousands of UFO's and never realized it untill now!


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ZoSo said:
Burden of proof is on you, man. I'm not gonna believe anyone that makes a claim as outrageous and unlikely as this, no matter what they're credentials are. I'll believe it when I see it myself.
If you spend some, or a lot, of time watching the sky at evening for instance you will probably eventually see some stuff. There's going on a lot these days.
I used to think like you. Within the last half year I've seen some unexplainable things in the sky, I wasn''t even looking for it. So now that I've personally experienced that it made me think.

ZoSo said:
I'd love for aliens to come here. It would stop all the fighting over petty differences and unite us as the human race.
I think that's pretty much why they're here. Our consciousness and collective consciousness is evolving and gradually realizing some things, so it's the end of times for our old ways, thank God.


B4O2N0G said:
Yes...but now your making theories on how they think ZoSo.

Why are the chances ridiculously small?

Michio Kaku a very famous physicist has said that even the spaceships and timetravel we see in the movies is not physically impossible.

You are correct. Time travel to the future and to the past(faster than light space travel*) is physically possible. There are several possible ways, all requiring technology and power far beyond our grasp. According to the Copernican principle, we are not special. That is, we are average (it's kind of a stretch to use that in the context of civilizations, but I think it's a safe assumption regardless). Humans are roughly 250,000 years old. It would probably take ten times as long to develop the kind of technology needed for time travel. Now imagine all the civilizations in our galaxy (not that anyone knows how many). Most of them roughly the same age as us. Then think about how few of those would survive long enough to acquire technology like that. I could use numbers but they'd be useless because we know nothing of other civilizations, but you get the idea. The number of super-civilizations is most likely really small. What's the chance of them stumbling on our little planet? I'd call it ridiculously small.

Granted, this is all speculation because we have no data, but if you're claiming we've been visited by aliens the odds are stacked against you. Maybe I'm wrong, but chances are I'm not.

*Note: It is impossible to exceed the speed of light according to Einstein's theory of special relativity, but general relativity permits the curvature of spacetime allowing shortcuts.

P.S. Sorry for the hard to read post. I tried to clean it up a little. :rasta:


Stone Locust said:
If you spend some, or a lot, of time watching the sky at evening for instance you will probably eventually see some stuff. There's going on a lot these days.
I used to think like you. Within the last half year I've seen some unexplainable things in the sky, I wasn''t even looking for it. So now that I've personally experienced that it made me think....

The problem is people see something they can't explain and automatically think it's an extraterrestrial because of the ufo hype. I'm not trying to attack you, just saying there are surely classified aircraft in operation by the U.S. government. As there are surely natural phoenomenae yet undocumented or explained by us.

I want to believe, but the evidence just isn't there.


Active member
Our technology is advancing very fast but I dont think that were 2 million years away from this technology{based on your speculation}.Michio Kaku speculated that we are possibly 100 to 200 years away and ofcourse he also said that is if we dont destroy ourselves first.
ZoSo said:
The problem is people see something they can't explain and automatically think it's an extraterrestrial because of the ufo hype. I'm not trying to attack you, just saying there are surely classified aircraft in operation by the U.S. government. As there are surely natural phoenomenae yet undocumented or explained by us.

I want to believe, but the evidence just isn't there.
I think so to that there are classified aircraft operations by governments but I have a hard time believing the things I saw were of terrestrial origin. They weren't natural phenomanae either. It's been kind of crazy for me to grasp, but I have to be open to the possibility that they were probably extraterrestrials. If they were not, governments all around the world are playing a major scam together with unbelievable technology and that's even more far-fetched than extraterrestrials to me.
By the way I am from europe and these unexplainable things are seen in major numbers all over the world.

Peace out


Active member
trouble said:
Sorry, I thought Beez had personally witnessed extra terrestrials visiting earth, not just remarkable streaks of light in the air. Hell, if thats the case I have personally witnessed thousands of UFO's and never realized it untill now!



You didn't read a word I said... Typical of the dubunker... Oh, I just realized you believed something someone else said... isn't this "hearsay" like all you guys are focusing your weak arguments around?


Beez :jump:


Domesticator of Cannabis
I watched as much as I could bare of the testimonies. LoL I think it's very weak testimony. I had to laugh at the hippie long hair who worked at norad there's some UFO's on the screen & his boss says "it's just our regular friends" hehehe Lets be cryptic with the new guy. He's a trooper though he's even willing to testify to this in congress. Now there's testimony you can sink your teeth into. Take me to your leader(s).....Oh I didn't hear anyone say they've been threatened with death or their families would be killed if they spoke at this meeting?? Did I miss the good part?
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The Voice of Reason
trouble said:
Sorry, I thought Beez had personally witnessed extra terrestrials visiting earth, not just remarkable streaks of light in the air. Hell, if thats the case I have personally witnessed thousands of UFO's and never realized it untill now!


If there is a thing which is flying thru the air and cannot be identified, then it is an unidentified flying object. If you only just now realized that thousands of the things you've seen flying could not be identified, I'd like to hit the joint you're smoking.


I once saw many aliens grouped together and I was wondering what they were doing standing in front of home depot.


ZoSo said:
The number of super-civilizations is most likely really small. What's the chance of them stumbling on our little planet? I'd call it ridiculously small.

Im pretty sure these super civilizations could have technologies to locate other life forms in the galaxy. We will never know what they can or cannot do until we experience it first hand. One thing i cant see being possible is traveling into the future because how could you posses the technology to know what people are going to due 1 hour from now when they themselves may not. You would have to agree that our destiny's and the paths of our lives where set in stone. Which i see as impossible because i can shake my leg right now where as i wouldn't have done that if i was not writing this right now. You could go as far as to say that what i am doing right now is a part of my destiny so i am fulfilling my path to the future. Its really impossible to know in other words. I know there is life on other planets. The question is are we the super civilization we think could possibly exist out there. I one day hope to know. You have to wonder if these guys doing the UFO sighting are on LSD-25.


Well-known member
Babombeez said:
Also, you guys keep on with the argument of "hearsay", and therefore think that by citing this molecule of fact that it completely dismisses the truth of extraterrestrials visiting us and negates the importance of this information... Many things in this world are hearsay, just because it is hearsay does not mean that it is a lie or false... This is a major error in your logic!

Beez, hearsay doesn't become more credible just because an x-astronaut, government offical, or yourself, happens to repeat it. And yes, people have been talking about UFO's and Aliens for years, however, they have been talking about witches for even longer. Yet, neither ET or Harry Potter has left behind any solid evidence that they actually exist. Not hearsay, youtube videos, or supermarket tabloids but, solid evidence.

And how does a government keep something secret that's compeletly outside there control? Do the the aliens report directly to the President? Governments, especially the US Government cant keep a secret. If they can't even keep what's going on in the Oval Office secret or that there were no WMD in Iraq, how could they keep a lid on an interplanetary race for over a half century which, they have no control over?

I'm comfortable remaining skeptical untill there's solid evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, not just hearsay and youtube videos.




Active member
trouble said:
Beez, hearsay doesn't become more credible just because an x-astronaut, government offical, or yourself, happens to repeat it. And yes, people have been talking about UFO's and Aliens for years, however, they have been talking about witches for even longer. Yet, neither ET or Harry Potter has left behind any solid evidence that they actually exist. Not hearsay, youtube videos, or supermarket tabloids but, solid evidence.

And how does a government keep something secret that's compeletly outside there control? Do the the aliens report directly to the President? Governments, especially the US Government cant keep a secret. If they can't even keep what's going on in the Oval Office secret or that there were no WMD in Iraq, how could they keep a lid on an interplanetary race for over a half century which, they have no control over?

I'm comfortable remaining skeptical untill there's solid evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, not just hearsay and youtube videos.



You are right ... they can't keep it secret, that's what all these whistle-blowers are doing... letting the cat out of the bag! All these people are revealing what is really going on... The government themselves don't want to admit it because these aliens are coming here and disabling our national defense systems... Imagine what all the people would think if they came to the realization that their government really has no control and is powerless... What is the government good for anyways?

So you are basically saying every government employee, civilian, and whoever else may have seen an extraterrestrial craft is a big, fat liar?

You really believe ALL these people are lying, just making things up for attention?


You are basically calling me a liar too, downplaying the significance of my sighting with my OWN two eyes, so not hearsay, I know what I saw and it was real....

Keep hiding from the facts... You tube is a very valuable source... So basically what you are saying is that all videos on the site are not truthful, again with "everything is a fake, a lie, a hoax!"

This is such a critical thinking blunder on your part, my friend!!!!!!!




Well-known member
Babombeez said:
You are right ... they can't keep it secret, that's what all these whistle-blowers are doing... letting the cat out of the bag! All these people are revealing what is really going on... The government themselves don't want to admit it because these aliens are coming here and disabling our national defense systems... Imagine what all the people would think if they came to the realization that their government really has no control and is powerless... What is the government good for anyways?

So you are basically saying every government employee, civilian, and whoever else may have seen an extraterrestrial craft is a big, fat liar?

You really believe ALL these people are lying, just making things up for attention?


You are basically calling me a liar too, downplaying the significance of my sighting with my OWN two eyes, so not hearsay, I know what I saw and it was real....

Keep hiding from the facts... You tube is a very valuable source... So basically what you are saying is that all videos on the site are not truthful, again with "everything is a fake, a lie, a hoax!"

This is such a critical thinking blunder on your part, my friend!!!!!!!



Beez, first hand witnesses can be found for many experiences that rely on second hand person reportage and nothing eles.

I have witnessed people that talk to "God". They hear his voice and speak out loud and are quite convinced they are talking to "God". Does this prove that God really exist? Maybe it isn't so far-fetched to many people, especially the others that also keep a dialogue with their deity of choice. Me, I think it's complete delusional. We humans are good at that.

Ghosts, Sea Serpents, the Omnipresent All Powerful God who manages to never reveal himself/herself/itself to the vast majority of us, and of course, Space Aliens. I never called you a liar, however, just because Dr. Mitchell walked on the moon, someone works for the government, or because you have seen strange lights in the sky, doesn't make any of you more credible then me for flossing regularly. If someone makes a wild ass claim, they need more than verbal confirmations from people who've had their own verbal confirmations. And strange lights in the sky doesn't automatically= Alien Space Craft.

And why the hell would an Alien species capable of vast interplanetary space travel conspire to keep silent with the US government? What, because of they're pro-privatized health insurance? Come on! What advanced space alien society would hold their councel in support of the loony-tunes we have as political elites?

And as far as youtube videos is a very valuable source, I have seen monkeys flying out of a cows ass, flying elephants, and a women giving birth to a goat, they all looked real, does this make these strange things real because they were on youtube?

No Aliens! None! Never Happened! I Demand Hard Drugs! :abduct:

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Active member
There is tons of other sites besides youtube that have ufo videos and ofcourse there is hoaxed videos on youtube using cgi effects for ufos or puppets for aliens but there are serious videos too but you look past those trouble because you are arguing only for your pride now not the facts.

The bottom line is you have to have common sense which you have none of trouble.

You have to be able to tell when people are lying which there are some but there are very credible people weither you want to believe it or not.All these people are not delusional just because trouble says so.Why would these sucessfull people want to look like fools in front of their friends and family...I think not trouble..they are telling the truth.

Yes Aliens! Fact not Fiction! Trouble does meth so is as smart as a roach that wishes he had some weed :asskick:

:violin: oh..wont you watch me play this small violin for you

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"After calming me down with some orange slices and fetal spooning, ET revealed to me my singular purpose. You are the chosen one, the one to bring a message of faith and hope for those who choose to hear it, and a warning for those who do not. Me... The chosen one? And i dident even graduate the fuck outta high school..." :headbange


Active member
Damn you didnt graduate highschool..good luck at burger king because thats the only level of aliens you will have contact with..Delivering the message of "have it your way" :jump: :laughing:


Active member
trouble said:
Beez, first hand witnesses can be found for many experiences that rely on second hand person reportage and nothing eles.

I have witnessed people that talk to "God". They hear his voice and speak out loud and are quite convinced they are talking to "God". Does this prove that God really exist? Maybe it isn't so far-fetched to many people, especially the others that also keep a dialogue with their deity of choice. Me, I think it's complete delusional. We humans are good at that.

Ghosts, Sea Serpents, the Omnipresent All Powerful God who manages to never reveal himself/herself/itself to the vast majority of us, and of course, Space Aliens. I never called you a liar, however, just because Dr. Mitchell walked on the moon, someone works for the government, or because you have seen strange lights in the sky, doesn't make any of you more credible then me for flossing regularly. If someone makes a wild ass claim, they need more than verbal confirmations from people who've had their own verbal confirmations. And strange lights in the sky doesn't automatically= Alien Space Craft.

And why the hell would an Alien species capable of vast interplanetary space travel conspire to keep silent with the US government? What, because of they're pro-privatized health insurance? Come on! What advanced space alien society would hold their councel in support of the loony-tunes we have as political elites?

And as far as youtube videos is a very valuable source, I have seen monkeys flying out of a cows ass, flying elephants, and a women giving birth to a goat, they all looked real, does this make these strange things real because they were on youtube?

No Aliens! None! Never Happened! I Demand Hard Drugs! :abduct:


Perhaps these beings are abiding by a universal law in which they cannot directly violate our sense of "free will." Or perhaps they are waiting for a certain "time" to make contact and elevate the consciousness of the whole world all in one collective moment...

And as far as your youtube videos... I am glad you have enough common sense to be able to judge the authenticity of monkeys flying out of a cow's ass and a woman giving birth to a goat, coming to the conclusion that these are fake... You then have the audacity to compare these ridicules videos to actual video footage of flying discs-- do you not have any common sense to judge fact from fiction? There are tons of outlets for this material, the UFO phenomenon is everywhere and all types of people are speaking out about it....

All that really matters is that one believes the truth and knows it in their heart, still trying to teach without using force.

I know they exist, it's just that you aren't aware of this truth, yet.


Be well,



Active member
Also, you still never answered me Trouble... So you are saying that all people that have revealed information to the public about the flying disc phenomenon are big, fat liars? Just making it all up... Just for attention??? Every single one?
