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FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14


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Haha hoosierdaddy! :muahaha:

"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." Einstein

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." Einstein
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greenhead said:
I call it like I see it, and I have looked into the scam artist/healer and the astronaut, and I have concluded that they are nutjobs, liars, frauds and dishonest people. Anybody else is free to do their own research and reach their own conclusion.

:joint: :wave:

Hey, your forgot to answer my question.... what about ALL the other people out there who worked for the government/military who saw these things happen... in person...

Are they all liars?

You keep AVOIDING my question... :spank:




Active member
hoosierdaddy said:
Basically it's like this, B4O2N0G. Fuck you and your negative rep.
You and your foil hat boyfriends need to find a nice dumbass forum so you can rub each others nuts.
Most people that are sharp enough to grow top shelf herb have enough sense to see that you and your boyfriends are seriously fuckin whacked.

Man what a bunch of fuckin idiots. All bent over something that means less than a damn to any of us. And then go around throwin your negative rep...well, that doesn't bother me, your little blip of red in my sea of green...it's the idea of the thing.

I tried to add some levity to this thread, and if I do say so myself my foil hat collage was FAR more interesting than anything that has come out of you.
Get a grip goofy. You are making us look bad.

LOL sheesh....

You seem like you are sharp enough to grow some top shelf herb, so what is wrong? I went to your gallery to find some pics of this so called top shelf but I couldn't find any... Maybe you were just talking about yourself...

And if doesn't mean anything to you... why in the hell are you in here flapping your gums??? Shouldn't you being doing something better with your time, something that means something to you?




Active member
Damn beez,I can smell that dank from here.

Here is the latest news story on a ufo.

New UFO Mystery Surfaces

A large object with a turquoise hue plummeted out of the sky earlier this summer and plowed into the earth south of Las Vegas near Needles, California.

Eyewitnesses say this was no meteorite, especially since a bunch of helicopters came looking for it and then hauled it away.

The object was seen in the early morning hours of May 14. It appeared to crash into the ground just west of the Colorado River. And that's when things got interesting for residents of the area.
Somewhere in the rough terrain just west of the Colorado River and south of Needles is a point of impact, maybe some burn marks, created by something that fell from the sky. Frank Costigan saw it because he got up at 3 a.m. to let his cat out -- a fiery object that flashed across the sky, but it wasn't a meteor he says.

"It was bright, bright enough that it illuminated the ground," he said.

For seven years, Costigan worked as the chief of airport security at L.A.X. He says the mystery object flew out of the north east, heading southwest, traveling very fast, but at one point it slowed down, then sped up again.

"It went behind a hill, and I waited to see if I could hear it crash because as big as it was, it was bound to make noise," he said.
But he didn't hear a crash. Hours later, David Hayes, the owner of KTOX Radio in Needles, was coming to work when he spotted an odd formation of dark vehicles getting off the highway. He drew a picture of the lead vehicle, a large truck with a dome on top and a black structure that reminded him of a stealth fighter.

"It seemed like it was some kind of surveillance vehicle -- four-wheel drive. It had government plates, U.S. government plates and behind it were a couple of vans that looked like support vehicles," said Hayes.

The men inside had a military bearing, Hayes said, but weren't in uniform. He made eye contact with one of the drivers and the guy followed him. Later in the day, one of the vehicles was parked outside the station, seemingly conducting a surveillance of the place.

"These guys staring you down had a 'Men in Black' feel to it?" asks Knapp.
"Absolutely. Very serious, serious as a heart attack," said Hayes.
Coincidentally, Costigan, the ex-cop, works on investigations for Hayes. When he came in to the radio station, he told Hayes about the thing he had seen in the sky, and Hayes told him about the Men in Black.

Then they got another piece of the puzzle -- a call from a man who lives in a houseboat on the river, who said he saw the fiery object -- that it had crashed about 100 yards west of the river, that it landed with a thump. Hayes says he's known the witness for years by the name Bob on the river. Bob thought a plane had crashed and tried to call 911 but his cell wouldn't work, so he moved his boat out into the river, and then heard the helicopters.

In an interview with journalist Linda Howe, Bob says he saw at least five helicopters flying in formation, including a large sky crane. The crane picked up the oval shaped object, still glowing, and flew away, heading in the direction of Las Vegas. One odd detail, the choppers arrived only 17 minutes after the object crashed. He described it to Hayes.

"It was about the size of a semi-trailer, he says, oblong shaped thing," said Hayes.
Out of the blue, the station got a call from a friend in Laughlin who said the Laughlin Airport had been inundated on the night of the crash with so-called Janet planes. That's the airline that flies workers to top secret Area 51. Costigan says the airport could not confirm this because no one is on duty after 6 p.m. at night, not even in the tower.

The black vehicles have left Needles. Bob the houseboat guy can't be found either.
"The fact that there were people here the next day, it was almost like they were doing some sort of cleanup or whatever. The point is, something definitely happened.

The I-Team phoned nearly every agency we could think of to see if they had received any report or knew anything. We were not surprised to learn that no one knew anything.

Here's the list -- police agencies in three states, the Laughlin Airport, the weather service, the FAA and several military bases.
A military watchdog group found a public record showing there was at least one army helicopter in the air in that area at that time. The helicopter, oddly enough, is listed as being attached to a U.S. base in Europe.

We are filing freedom of information requests and will report back when we get responses.

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Domesticator of Cannabis
B4O2N0G said:
Damn beez,I can smell that dank from here.

Here is the latest news story on a ufo.


LMAO these stories do not help your case. It slowed down, sped up, there was a crash, there wasn't, they needed the crane, they didn't. No one had a camera thank gawd one of them is an artist LoL. He's my buddy & always lets his cat out on demand. There may be a burn trail. How about looking?? This is so funny, thanx.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
B4O2N0G said:
What...english please.Please think before you type. :bashhead:

I added some commas, me bad I thought you might have the ability to figure it out. I was wrong. That story is as funny as fuck thanx for the laugh just to clarify it for you. LMAO :asskick: :laughing:

Definitely save that one for Yuk Yuks.
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Active member
Haha almost as funny as your No ph grow show.By the way,your plants look like shit dude.We have a cannabis infirmary for a reason.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
B4O2N0G said:
Haha almost as funny as your No pm grow show.By the way,your plants look like shit dude.We have a cannabis infirmary for a reason.
A little off topic aren't we. Isn't there a ufo approaching LMAO silly, the infirmary that's a joke like your little green men. :asskick: :laughing:


Active member
Well you shoudnt make jokes when your not even taking your grow seriously.I never said aiens were green.If you go back you will see that hollywood created the green alien stereotype.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
B4O2N0G said:
Well you shoudnt make jokes when your not even taking your grow seriously.I never said aiens were green.If you go back you will see how hollywood created the green alien stereotype.

I do what the fuck I likE. You're getting personal I suggest you do that with a real person mano to alieno LoL That will keep you honest & probably your mouth shut.
:asskick: :bashhead: :asskick:


cant stop wont stop
man this thread has taken a turn for the worst in the last few pages.
B402n0G i respect your opinion and i agree that there is definately a great possibility that there is infact life out there beyond our planet. infact i believe its ignorant to think other wise. the fact is, is that there is NO SOLID PROOF whether or not these life forms HAVE OR HAVE NOT visited our planet. that is except for the picture of Frank Costigan on that web page link you posted... hahaha look at that mofucker!!!
if that isnt an alien then what is!!!!??


Active member
LOL well that guy is defiitely an alien.

Yes I personally have no solid proof that aliens have visited but there is proof of shape shifting,extremely fast UFOs that are as is..Unidentified Flying Objects..fact
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ICMag Donor
Babombeez said:
You seem like you are sharp enough to grow some top shelf herb, so what is wrong? I went to your gallery to find some pics of this so called top shelf but I couldn't find any... Maybe you were just talking about yourself...
I would venture to bet that I was growing herb before you were born.
You couldn't carry my clubs, jr.


Domesticator of Cannabis
B4O2N0G said:
LOL well that guy is defiitely an alien.

Yes there is no solid proof that aliens have visited but there is proof of shape shifting,extremely fast UFOs that are as is..Unidentified Flying Objects..fact
Hahaha now you got it, glad you're back to earth. There's no Proof of Alien Craft or Alien beings. The factoid of the week bingobongo. I think we all agreed there's ufo's. :spank:


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Well theres proof but you just cant comprehend it

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.... Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do."

Ben Rich, former Head of the Lockheed Skunk Works, in a lecture shortly before he died
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cant stop wont stop
governments of our people maybe hiding some facts about our own universe but i for one, believe human kind is not that far advanced. if we actually had the capability to travel from star to star there would be no need to hide this technology.

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