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Food for thought.


you know what accessndx, i was just kiddin. I know the tooth fairy exists because she always left money under my pillow when i left my teeth there for her. Now that is amazing.


Cannabrex Formulator
Grat3fulh3ad said:
besides, dogboy... you never answered my original challenge...
Define human... without an established definition, there can be no proof...


This kind of philosophical discussion must begin with a precise definition of all terms to be discussed.

Until you do that, DogBoy, any further debate is moot.

Personally I think we are no more than clever monkeys with thumbs and a larynx.....language and tool using are what got us where we are today...................and if long term species survival is yer thing, where we are sucks rancid moose nads.

If you really want to look and see what separates us from the rest of the chordates on the globe, it would our incredible power to render our environment uninhabitable by our species coupled with our total lack of concern that we are in the midst of doing exactly that.

And I think in large part it is our arrogant "we are above the animals" attitude that got us here in the first place......


Active member
I can abstract. The ability of abstraction is a really powerful tool, and the human being is the only species that has it.

Try with whatever animal, point something with your finger. The animal AT BEST will look at the finger, no other animal has the ability to think that you're actually pointing something rather than moving the finger.

I think that this prove that we are human, and this ability evolved in a path open just to us: first we got the tumb, then we started masturbating. Masturbation help us understand that sexual heat and pleasure are not related, and this is a big thing for our small brains. In fact the human is the only being who fuck for pleasure rather than to make children.

Yes there could be also aliens, but we can't be sure about them, and they have no measurable effect on us, thus they are outside of our discussion.

G. Sensi

gramsci.antonio said:
I can abstract. The ability of abstraction is a really powerful tool, and the human being is the only species that has it.

Try with whatever animal, point something with your finger. The animal AT BEST will look at the finger, no other animal has the ability to think that you're actually pointing something rather than moving the finger.

I think that this prove that we are human, and this ability evolved in a path open just to us: first we got the tumb, then we started masturbating. Masturbation help us understand that sexual heat and pleasure are not related, and this is a big thing for our small brains. In fact the human is the only being who fuck for pleasure rather than to make children.

Yes there could be also aliens, but we can't be sure about them, and they have no measurable effect on us, thus they are outside of our discussion.
Very flawed argument.... You were taught that someone pointing with their index finger at something else means "look in the direction my finger is showing you".... Just like u learned that someone sticking their midle finger up in the air means... well u know what it means....

And as H3ad has discussed...Coco would probably be able to figure that out just like the rest of the signs and symbols she learned...

And we are not the only animals that fuck for pleasure... Matter of fact there are animals that masturbate too....

The initial question is too abstract...you need to give a proper definition of the term "human"... other than that its only DNA...

I think a more interesting question, as H3ad also mentioned would be to prove how you exist....

just some loose change I had in my pocket....




gramsci.antonio said:
I . In fact the human is the only being who fuck for pleasure rather than to make children.
Sorry have to pull you up on that one. Dolphins do.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Jungle fever...

Jungle fever...

It's an extremely disturbing commentary that you all know so much about animal sex... :nono:


Of course a baby does not know if it is going to die that is just stupid but as soon as he knows he thinks about it that is what makes us human

Also if you do not account examples learned past infant stage then what does the word human means nothing all we would is hunt and gather and grunt at each other

Every thing we have done is to improve our own self being men have traveled all over the world to find the fountain of youth

And every person has his own way of dealing with it

I would also like to put this out their opinions are like assholes every body has one never said i was a expert nor have i dissed any body

But just for the sake of a good argument i think most are pulling shit out of their asses just as i am so put that in your cup of coffee stir it up taste good dont it mmmmmm good :muahaha: :muahaha:



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Thar she blows!!!

Thar she blows!!!

gramsci.antonio said:
do you have any evidences?

If they didn't have sex, why do they need condoms?


Active member
G. Sensi said:
Very flawed argument.... You were taught that someone pointing with their index finger at something else means "look in the direction my finger is showing you".... Just like u learned that someone sticking their midle finger up in the air means... well u know what it means....

those are convention, that even a stupid computer could learn.

If i point something with my smallest finger, rather than the usual one, you'll still look where i'm pointing rather than looking at the finger. This is abstraction: the capability of using yet known things to solve new problems.

And this is the big leap forward that human being met: the neanderthalians had a bigger brain, but the sapiens had more capibility of abstraction, and thus (maybe) we won.

Anyhow there's been several tries is finding abstraction in animals, but no one suceed. You can teach the animal for sure, but there's no evidence of original behaviour.



gramsci.antonio said:
do you have any evidences?

Yes i spent seven years living on an island which had it's own friendly dolphin. I saw this chappy pretty much every week for the whole time i was there. Now he liked rubbing himself all over the boat i was a captain of and used to wrap the anchor line around his body and swim up and down it for long periods of time. After a while his ding a ling would pop out of its loading bay . Now this is quite easy to see while snorkelling coz dolphins have pretty big dingalings. Any way lets just say that i do not think he was practising creating children. Purely for pleasure. He was also well known for swimming into the shallows and trying to do the same with female humans. As i could not ask him if he committed actually sex with other dolphins for pleasure then you are probably correct. My statement is inconclusive. But if you search the internet i am sure you will be able to find scientists that have proved it. Anyway having been a scuba diver for almost 18 years and just under a thousand dives under my belt i have been completely indulged in the underwater worldn for years. Dived all over the planet and it is common knowledge that they do. So in answer to your question, I personally, do not have any solid evidence but the fact is that it is true.


I can validate that. In my time i've been bumped by a few beached whales and can safely say while sweaty they seemed to enjoy the sex!

G. Sensi

gramsci.antonio said:
those are convention, that even a stupid computer could learn.

If i point something with my smallest finger, rather than the usual one, you'll still look where i'm pointing rather than looking at the finger. This is abstraction: the capability of using yet known things to solve new problems.

And this is the big leap forward that human being met: the neanderthalians had a bigger brain, but the sapiens had more capibility of abstraction, and thus (maybe) we won.

Anyhow there's been several tries is finding abstraction in animals, but no one suceed. You can teach the animal for sure, but there's no evidence of original behaviour.

I get the point you're tryin to make GA... but the finger pointing example you're using isnt the best example to use to show that the Homo Sapiens has a very complex brain that can comprehend abstract information....

Like many people in this thread you seem to be trying to show that Humans are better and far superior than any other living creature on the Earth... Which I dont disagree with...

But the question is to prove I fit in a particular categorie...in this case its prove that I fit in the categorie "human"... but no one has defined the categorie "Human"...

If the question was prove that you're a "Man" or "woman"... one could whip out their genitilia and it would be a pretty easy debate

But we havent defined HUMAN...which needs to be done for this discussion to work...


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So first web site i went to. Did some copying and pasting,....for pleasure.

Reproduction and sexuality
Dolphin copulation happens belly to belly and though many species engage in lengthy foreplay, the actual act is usually only brief, but may be repeated several times within a short timespan. The gestation period varies per species; for the small Tucuxi dolphin, this period is around 11 to 12 months, while for the Orca the gestation period is around 17 months. They usually become sexually active at a young age, even before reaching sexual maturity. The age at which sexual maturity is reached varies per species and gender.

Dolphins are known to have sex for reasons other than reproduction, sometimes also engaging in acts of a homosexual nature.[22] Various dolphin species have been known to engage in sexual behaviour with other dolphin species,[22] this also having resulted in various hybrid dolphin species as mentioned earlier. Sexual encounters may be violent, with male dolphins sometimes showing aggressive behaviour towards both females and other male dolphins.[22][23] Occasionally, dolphins will also show sexual behaviour towards other animals, including humans.[24]


Cannabrex Formulator
gramsci.antonio said:
I can abstract. The ability of abstraction is a really powerful tool, and the human being is the only species that has it.

Try with whatever animal, point something with your finger. The animal AT BEST will look at the finger, no other animal has the ability to think that you're actually pointing something rather than moving the finger.

I think that this prove that we are human, and this ability evolved in a path open just to us: first we got the tumb, then we started masturbating. Masturbation help us understand that sexual heat and pleasure are not related, and this is a big thing for our small brains. In fact the human is the only being who fuck for pleasure rather than to make children.

Yes there could be also aliens, but we can't be sure about them, and they have no measurable effect on us, thus they are outside of our discussion.

Humans are not the only animals who fuck for pleasure by a long shot.

Dolphins, as previously mentioned. Here is a short quote from Wiki, the footnote numbers refer to the studies from which the info was taken:

Dolphins are known to have sex for reasons other than reproduction, sometimes also engaging in acts of a homosexual nature.[22] Various dolphin species have been known to engage in sexual behaviour with other dolphin species,[22] this also having resulted in various hybrid dolphin species as mentioned earlier. Sexual encounters may be violent, with male dolphins sometimes showing aggressive behaviour towards both females and other male dolphins.[22][23] Occasionally, dolphins will also show sexual behaviour towards other animals, including humans.[24]

Another very well known species that fuck fer fun are Bonobo chimps.

Bonobos screw face to face, engage in oral and anal sex, masturbate, have threesomes and gay sex and use sex for a hell of a lot more than just makin' babies. It plays a crucial role in their societal structure, and is used to create bonds and alliances as well as get the monkey off.

As well, homosexual behavior (from brief dalliances to same sex life partnering) has been observed in well over 400 different species including gorillas, chimps, many birds, dolphins etc......and that sure ain't fer makin' babies.

Please inform yourself about the things you comment on before you post...it just makes ya look silly.

And it is precisely this whole bullshit attitude of "we are superior to all other things on this planet "yada yada" that has gotten us teetering on the brink of extinction clutching out Big Macs.
Mebbe if we saw the rest of the world's inhabitants as fellow travellers on this funky wet mudball as opposed to inferior things put here for us to kill, displace and destroy, we would not be midst of destroying our only home....and bragging about it.
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My only problem with some peoples argument is if you have to be taught then that does not define being human

Ok good point but it is also the last point how can any other argument be made

Animals do not know of their own existence or death give me some proof other wise as far as i know we are the only animal that does and we are also the only species that goes way beyond others trying to avoid it

G. Sensi

maryj315 said:
My only problem with some peoples argument is if you have to be taught then that does not define being human
Well if I were to say Im human because I have hair or arms or legs... my argument would be flawed because lots of living creatures have all of those things... The point is that Learning and being taught something is not unique to the Homo Sapiens therefore doesnt prove that I or any of us are human...

