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Feds reply to Cali Prop 19


Bong Smoking News Hound
over 100 FBI agents Raid Humboldt and Mendocino County

over 100 FBI agents Raid Humboldt and Mendocino County

we need to overgrow there asses!!! If everyone grows then what the fuck would they do?

send 200 FBI agents to your town and raid the whole town? but i doubt they have enough to raid all of California ;)


Local, state and federal law enforcement officers joined forces early Tuesday morning in the culmination of a two year investigation into a large-scale marijuana cultivation organization.

Officers executed 29 search warrants in Humboldt and Mendocino Counties and raided grow houses in Shelter Cove, Whitethorn, Redway, Ettersburg, Garberville, Miranda, Phillipsville, Arcata and McKinleyville.

Operation "Southern Sweep" targeted a large commercial cultivation and distribution organization.

"Californians voted for reasonable personal use of medicinal marijuana for qualified patients - not massive whole sale growing operations," Special Agent in Charge Sara Marie Simpson of the California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement said.
As a result of the raids, the officers located about 10,000 marijuana plants and seized 30 firearms. The marijuana plants had an estimated street value of between $25 and $60 million.

"It's a large-scale, for-profit, commercial business," FBI Special Agent in Charge Charlene Thornton said. "The targets of our investigation are reaping huge profits while contributing to the crime and violence oppressingcommunities around the state."

While one arrest was made during Tuesday's raids, no charges have been filed and none of the targets of the investigation have been arrested.

(Copyright ©2010 KGO-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)
Eric Holder is a Chief representative of the largest drug cartels in the nation and the whole world. He represents Big Pharma, the CIA, the Taliban, and Al-Qaeda all at the same time. He represents George Bush and Dan Quayle and Dick Cheney and the Mafia. Eric Holder is a criminal and makes the streets more dangerous for all citizens. The fact that he is still in office, means only that Americans love their bondage and enslavement to powerful criminal drug cartels who rule this country. Eric Holder should be jailed criminally and locked up for life!
Use it AGAINST Them!

Use it AGAINST Them!

The people who are running the campaign in favor of prop 19 need to frame the contest as a referendum on the federal Government. Right now even Obama's popularity is low. Saying that Voting Prop 19 sends a message to the White House that we're "mad as hell" will give fence sitters a chance to spit in the face of the Feds.

This strategy could give prop 19 a real leg-up.


The county sheriff should protect its residents from the feds. Growers in each county should get together and confront the sheriff about protecting them from the feds.

Sheriffs have the legal authority to arrest federal agents within their jurisdiction. The feds need the sheriffs consent to operate within their jurisdiction.

Tell your sheriffs to do their job and you shouldn't have to worry about the feds.

well the growers would need to pay homage to the sheriff in that case, haha.

FEDS give the sheriff new toys and equipment I believe if the sheriff cooperates?


Active member
Wall Street Journal said:
The former DEA officials said the Justice Department should take legal action to prevent Proposition 19 from becoming law, much as the department has sued to block Arizona's enforcement of a state law that seeks to crack down on illegal immigration. Mr. Holder, in his letter, shied away from that question, saying only that the Justice Department is "considering all available legal and policy options" if the measure passes.

There are some differences in the Arizona and California cases. According to the federal government's legal position-which Arizona is challenging-the Arizona law required state law enforcement to take action that infringed on federal immigration responsibilities. The California measure, by contrast, would merely result in the state withholding its assistance on federal marijuana drug enforcement.

Arizona's law deals with civil liberties. 19 doesn't..that's the difference. The authors thought of this and that is why there is no 'set' State regulations. 19 on it's own does not conflict with Fed law..once the state or cities setup regulation..then it will get crazy.

Carl Carlson

The county sheriff should protect its residents from the feds. Growers in each county should get together and confront the sheriff about protecting them from the feds.

Sheriffs have the legal authority to arrest federal agents within their jurisdiction. The feds need the sheriffs consent to operate within their jurisdiction.

Tell your sheriffs to do their job and you shouldn't have to worry about the feds.

Should is the operative word.

Those county sheriffs depend on the Feds for funding grants. Good lucky convincing them to drop that kitty.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
This shit is gonna cause a civil war, people are going to rise up and fight if they ignore our constitutional & sovereign rights as a State. We decide this motherfucker..motherfuckers, not them! :rtfo:


Freedom Fighter
This shit is gonna cause a civil war, people are going to rise up and fight if they ignore our constitutional & sovereign rights as a State. We decide this motherfucker..motherfuckers, not them! :rtfo:

I agree...
Prop 215 was greeted by most of us, with unbelief at first--
It took quit a while for things to get somewhat ironed out, and for the support it has now-- Altho it is still limited--
Prop 19, if it passes, will have a lot of ppl getting VERY angry, if the Feds start coming in like Gestapo...I think that this will be much bigger than 215, in lines of support-- Ppl are already used to the idea of MMJ...and to deny us Legalization, if passed...might turn out very different than they anticipate--
I don't expect a smooth transition--:dueling::smokeit:


Ima smoke regardless, as will most of you. The arguments can be made to suit your case, or which side of the issue you stand on. People just need to get real. Weed is here to stay, but whether or not it will be legal is another thing. I do believe however that a Fed Marshall has jurisdiction no matter where he is. Local Sheriff doesn't.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Basically the federal government just said their attitude will stay the same because they still make too much money, and gain to much control with fear propaganda, off illegality. The only difference is now they have less support, the same amount of resources and exponentially more growers/dealers/smokers to try to enforce the law on.



Freedom Fighter


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
They would need to have a local Fed office/jail and hire 5k more people to staff. Then the Local leo's will be pissed that there in there jurisdiction. Have a few sheriff's arresting some DEA agents ripping off some guys 5x5 that would send a load message and needs to be done

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
This shit is gonna cause a civil war, people are going to rise up and fight if they ignore our constitutional & sovereign rights as a State. We decide this motherfucker..motherfuckers, not them! :rtfo:

Time for California to succeed from the union and declare itself a neutral nation!!!!!!!


Time for California to succeed from the union and declare itself a neutral nation!!!!!!!

Texas would be first in line to do that...ain't going to happen, lol. Besides, too many liberals sucking the government teet in Cali...looooool! Slurp, slurp!


Freedom Fighter
Texas would be first in line to do that...ain't going to happen, lol. Besides, too many liberals sucking the government teet in Cali...looooool! Slurp, slurp!

Texas is not going to even go there--lol
Cali is the 8th largest Economy in the World-- But we still couldn't do it, because we would not have the Military Might, to protect our Borders afterwords-- I think the Patriot Act would then give the US the Power to take us back...by force if necessary...
However...if the whole Country was to get pissed off at once...and take on the Feds as a United Coup...then, who knows--:tiphat:

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