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Feds reply to Cali Prop 19

Good Question

Good Question

What a fucking idiot! How can putting the drug trade in the hands of criminals help keep california safe? Make it legal, eliminate violence, theft and other crimes related to drugs.

It's a big game. They like to find big dealers, convince them that they are going to put them away forever, and turn them to work for LEO/DEA/ETC. If these guys don't give them what they want they don't need to prosecute them. Nobody will question a dealer with a bullet hole or two found lying in an alley.
I dont think there's much to worry about as long as your not a major grower or seller any amount of weed is illlegal under federal law you dont see the feds busting people for a oz or a doobie, hell even selling a pipe or a bong is illlegal under federal law you dont see them shuting down head shops do ya? they want those big grows and major trafficking.


New member
The feds sure have been pushing their luck lately...bailouts, mandatory health ins, now going after a state who's people have decided that they would like to enjoy one of natures bounty... I didn't see "banning Gods creatures" anywhere in the Constitution under responsibilities of the federal government.

In fact, it seems to me that they DON'T do what the Constitution charges them with...but they sure do a lot of what isn't their responsibility.

Fucking "general welfare" clause...as bad as "a corporation is an individual...a "person"...with all the legal rights thereof". The day I learned that...was the day of my epiphany! It's ALL fucking rigged. I guess that day SHOULD have been the day I realized they lied about Santa Claus. They're both about as hard to figure out. I guess I'm a little slow a some things.

This is the problem with government...they're always trying to tell you how to live.

What does give the feds the right to ban a plant? What's the constitutionality of that? I've never seen any reasoning giving the federal government the power to ban living things...non dangerous living things. Yes, I understand why I can't have a grizzly bear in my backyard...but a plant? I swear, I'll grow one that doesn't stink...like skunk.

I've asked before...where is the SCOTUS on this? Why can't a free person of sane mind enjoy a recreational buzz? You let me have beer and wine. You let me do shots! But I can't smoke a joint?

It should be argued as cruel and unusual punishment, not befitting the danger to society. Come on, growing a plant is worth 5 years? At $50,000 a year...$250,000 spent to "punish" someone for growing a harmless plant. If you don't smoke it, it won't do anything to anyone.

We've been sold out to the corporations. The corporations ARE the government. The players move freely between them. They're partners, friends, they're the same thing. Business uses government..."law"...to make money. Government is owned by business.

It's the way it is...the SCOTUS is owned by big business...that's why these draconian laws exist. There are many obscene laws. It's all fixed and you can't change it. It's a shame.

The government WILL get their way. Big operations will get shut down, but CA will turn a blind eye to the small guy. No changes from now. It will go to court like AZ with the border issues.

Maybe the govt will determine it's not worth the fight? But the drug war is such big business in itself. Look at the unemployed when 800,000 people are no longer being arrested. It's similar to the IRS and any tax overhaul...what are these millions of tax professionals supposed to do? Unemployment is already high... What are all these agents to do without Cannabis arrests?

I never understood the CA position...legalize for tax money? If everyone can...and most probably will, grow...how much did they plan on making? "Free", homegrown weed will be everywhere. Where is the money supposed to come from? Stores? Are they going to allow sale in stores?

Corrupt government? Welcome to earth!


Active member
This is just a fear mongering publicity stunt. It is as benign as saying that the sun will rise tomorrow morning.

A better way to look at this, what if they said the opposite? As in, what if they said they would completely leave cannabis alone in California? It would be like effectively legalizing it at the federal level. You KNOW they are not doing that right now. So like I said, this means nothing but business as usual.


The county sheriff should protect its residents from the feds. Growers in each county should get together and confront the sheriff about protecting them from the feds.

Sheriffs have the legal authority to arrest federal agents within their jurisdiction. The feds need the sheriffs consent to operate within their jurisdiction.

Tell your sheriffs to do their job and you shouldn't have to worry about the feds.

Exactly bro, you hit right on the nose, I remember hearing this first from Ron Paul's brother at a republican state convention.

And VERMI, you need to shut the FUCK UP, and get your head out of your ass, Sam the Caveman is speaking the truth, PERIOD. See, the Sheriff is suppose to uphold the Constitution, and STATES RIGHTS, by any means necessary, to ANYONE that goes against the constitution or states rights. And even thought Hydrosun put you in your place, I felt you need to stay there for a while, and be schooled after hours.

Who are you? Tell me why a sheriff can't arrest ANYONE in their jurisdiction? Who are you again?


Look buddy, you need to start researching, we have some really serious problems in America, we have our armed services help grow opium in Afghanistan, we have Illegal immagrants filling our jails(Hudspeth County, TX), Arizona has even blocked off land of our sovereign nation because it's becoming too dangerous to access. Juarez Mexico is more violent than Baghdad. Our government don't give a rats ass about us, and that means you too even if you are a mouse. We have an economic crises that's about to crash, we have the IRS who just pays the Federal Reserve for interst....but no, instead of saying thank you for this wonderful information that Sam was speaking of, and researching it you just question, you condescending nitwit. Learn to use google then research

Ron Paul
Alex Jones
Michael Badnarik
Secret of Oz

And Please start learning about the U.S. Constitution and doing your fellow citizens and you a favor, instead of just believing what the boobtube feeds you. And again have some respect.


the local sheriff does not have any jurisdiction over the Executive Branch of government. and show me proof that the sheriff can arrest a federal official in his jurisdiction. who am i? a person that likes to uncover bull sht


like i said in my first post show me proof. you can tell me you shit out of your mouth and talk out of your ass and i wont believe YOU until i see proof. proof is i all want to see. where is the proof?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
After 19 passes we will see allot more of your grows being jacked either by DEA or rippers. With all these new growers it wont be hard to find someones backyard grow. If we try to protect our grow then we get put away for what ever we did to the person you caught. I see this a very bad thing and we will see this.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Here is your proof Vermi

U.S. District Court (Wyoming) decision [Case No. 2:96-cv-099-J]

Case summary here


Or if you like you can look into Nye County Nevada Sheriff Tony Demeo, who threatened the federal BLM folks with an armed swat team if they tried to seize his constituents cattle.

The Sheriff is the top dog, he has more power than the president within his jurisdiction, he is our last hope from the encroaching power of the feds.


I'm just surprised it has taken them this long to say anything.



Active member
They dont even have the constitutional power to enforce federal drug laws in our state, regardless of what the supreme court ruled. (In the terms of what we're considering)


Well-known member
I'm just surprised it has taken them this long to say anything.


that is interesting, isn't it?
i suspect they have been doing a careful analysis of the polls, they were probably going to keep their mouths shut if it looked like Prop 19 was going down in flames
why comment if it's losing? just let it go quietly away until after the election, then say what a mandate it was by California voters
which does hint they are seeing disturbing trends(from their viewpoint)


Active member
They, being the state, isn't going to do SHIT. AS it is NOW CA produces better weed than MX and is already in the USA and DOES ship TONS of weed around the country.

CA will still be doing its thing with or without 19 and the PIGS will do what they do, but if TONS of this are smoked every month isn't it really like alcohol prohibition? Isn't the government more culpable than the grower, and won't the bowls continue to be filled despite or BECAUSE of the pigs?


hehe ofc... im hoping a majority of yes on prop 19 will FORCE them to make a global legalization cause they wont have a choice, with it being legal more people are gonna see these opportunities of making cash

legal>more growers>more export>impossible to stop>global us legalization > european countries will follow


Active member
I'm just surprised it has taken them this long to say anything.


yeah no shit :) I knew it was coming and now...I feel way better. Besides, he had to create extra drama by making this announcement right before the election, rather than 6 months ago when everyone forgets.

So...he is basically saying, business as usual for the Feds. No one expected them to say "Have fun Cali, smoke it up" so I figure this response is a little more positive then what most expected. That being an all out legal fight, like Arizona. They still might take it to court...who knows...they might not. It's going to get real interesting.


Active member
Prop. 19: Former Police Chief Strikes Back At U.S. Attorney General

Former San Jose Chief of Police Joseph McNamara said Friday that "Californians are not going to let politicians in Washington, DC tell them how to vote."

McNamara's statement, released by "Yes on 19," comes in response to Attorney General Eric Holder's comments that the DOJ will "vigorously enforce" federal drug laws even if Proposition 19 passes in California on November 2.

"As we saw with the repeal of alcohol prohibition, it takes action from the states to push the federal government to change its policies," said McNamara.

"Passing Proposition 19 in California will undoubtedly kick start a national conversation about changing our country's obviously failed marijuana prohibition policies," he added. "If the federal government wants to keep fighting the nation's failed 'war on marijuana' while we're in the midst of a sagging economic recovery and two wars, it just proves that the establishment politicians' priorities are wrongly focused on maintaining the status quo."

McNamara, now a research fellow in drug policy at Stanford University, has argued that the 60 percent of the cash that supports violent drug cartels comes from the sale of illegal marijuana.

A recent Field Poll of 599 likely voters found that 49 percent support the ballot measure while just 42 percent opposed it.


"Nearly all arrests for marijuana crimes are made at the state level. Of more than 847,000 marijuana-related arrests in 2008, for example, just over 6,300 suspects were booked by federal law enforcement, or fewer than 1 percent."

the feds just don't have the resources to back up all the shit they threaten us with... its how the "system" works, scare people into policing themselves. lots of books written on the subject. There just aren't enough eyes to watch us all, or hands to slap us back!

caveman... great info. makes sense, its like checks and balances. coroner is the only one who can arrest the sheriff, right?

states rights and local power! small communities all over the world thrive because of this, look at the Sinaloa Cartel... small farmer community, massive power!

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